******* * gnome-lib (a key library from wvWare) ******* For Greenstone2, for most Unix distributions it is also necessary to manually check out the 'gnome-lib' extension and compile this up *first* before compiling the main source code. For Greenstone3 (svn co), the default settings for compilation (set in ints top-level build.properties) means this is done automatically for you. Starting in this 'ext' folder the manual sequence is: svn co https://svn.greenstone.org/gs2-extensions/gnome-lib/trunk/src gnome-lib cd gnome-lib source devel.sh ./CASCADE-MAKE.sh Assuming this completes successfully, now return to your top-level Greenstone2 directory and follow the instructions for compiling that. ALTERNATIVELY ... you could try the pre-bundled binary version. On MacOS: curl https://svn.greenstone.org/gs2-extensions/gnome-lib/trunk/gnome-lib-darwin-intel.tar.gz \ > gnome-lib-darwin-intel.tar.gz tar xvzf gnome-lib-darwin-intel.tar.gz ******* * open-office ******* A good optional extra to put in is the OpenOffice extension, with which you can build higher quality DL collections sourced from MS Office docs. http://trac.greenstone.org/export/27101/gs2-extensions/open-office/trunk/open-office-java.tar.gz http://trac.greenstone.org/export/27101/gs2-extensions/open-office/trunk/open-office-java.zip