Code based on the MIT-licensed github project: Updated to work with openai v4.x Nodejs API Then changed to work with a custom assistant that has been 'taught' about a collection based on exporting the collection: -save_as OpenAIGPTs ... Further changed so the ChatGPT GUI can be embedded in a Greenstone page. To setup and run the code: 1. Make sure you have created a '.env' field in the top-level of this NodeJS project, and set the following lines accordingly with the relevant values from your OpenAI account: ---- OPENAI_API_KEY=sk-???????????????????????????????????????????????? ORGANIZATION_ID=org-???????????????????????? ASSISTANT_ID=asst_???????????????????????? ---- 2. Start the development server (defaults to port 3000) with: npm run dev Now access: http://localhost:3000/ 3. To run as a production server ./ ./