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Installing Fedora (2.2.1/3.0) and Fedora-related information

Here, we're following the official Fedora instructions for installing Fedora 2.2.1

Installation instructions for other versions of Fedora are similar and can be found at:

We've now tested Fedora 2.2.1 and Fedora 3.0 with the GS3 web services demo-client application, where Fedora 2.2.1 was installed on Linux and Fedora 3.0 on Windows.


A Preliminary Steps

  1. You need Greenstone 3.
    Since we will be working with Greenstone 3 documents stored in Fedora's repository as "Fedora Digital Objects", Greenstone 3 is needed for its functionality to convert GS3 documents into FedoraMETS format and put them into the Fedora repository.
    (If you only want a walkthrough on installing Fedora, then you don't need Greenstone 3 of course and can skip the parts of this document relating to that.)
  2. Fedora 2.2.1 requires Java 5 (I used jdk1.5.0_10).
    If you wish to compile it yourself, you will need Apache Ant 1.6.5 and put it on your PATH.
  3. Defining environment variables. See the official instructions for further details on this.

    Let's assume that when you have downloaded Fedora 2.2.1 and extracted it (as you will in Section B below), the Fedora executable stuff will go into a folder called "fedora" whose location is /full/path/to/fedora. With that in mind, we need to set the following environment variables:

    If you're on Linux, you can set the environment variables by editing your ~/.profile file and then, after saving the edits, logging out or doing a "source ~/.profile" in the x-term.
    For example:

    export JAVA_HOME=/opt/jdk1.5.0_10/
    export FEDORA_HOME=/my/path/to/fedora
    export CATALINA_HOME=$FEDORA_HOME/tomcat

    On Windows, adjustments to your PATH variable, and creation of new variables (like FEDORA_HOME, CATALINA_HOME, JAVA_HOME) are made by going to:

    Start > Control Panel > (Performance and Maintenance icon OR click on Switch to Classic View on the left >) System > Advanced tab. Press the Environment Variables button. Add new System Variables and edit the existing Path variable.
    Note that on Windows, you use the ; sign to append new items to your path, and when referring to previously declared environment variables you have to surround them with % signs: E.g.

B Installing Fedora 2.2.1

  1. Download Fedora 2.2.1 from
    (You could also try Fedora 2.2.2 and Fedora 3 which are available from the Fedora Commons main page.)
  2. Extract it.
  3. Make sure you have the environment variables set as described in Preliminary Steps above.
If using Linux, then do the following from an x-term. If you're on Windows, do the same from a DOS prompt:
  1. Move into the extracted directory (e.g. fedora-2.2.1-src/) and type:
    ant installer
    Then go into the dist folder of the extraction directory (e.g. fedora-2.2.1-src/dist/) and type:
    java -jar fedora-2.2.1-installer.jar
  2. This will run the command-line installer. Choose "quick" installation.
  3. Accept everything as given and set a password for your Fedora Administrator account whose default username is "fedoraAdmin". By accepting the defaults, the server will be set to run on localhost, port 8080 (with shutdown port 8005).
    Note: if you have Greenstone 3 installed at port 8080 as well, then you should not be running both at the same time (they will conflict and probably neither will work). You will need to stop Greenstone 3 in order to run Fedora on the same port, and stop Fedora to run Greenstone 3 again on the same port. Alternatively, you can choose to change the port on which Greenstone 3 runs.
You will need to remember the following details of your installation:

C How to run Fedora (and how to stop it)

  1. First start up fedora server by typing the following in xterm:
    or if you're on Windows:
  2. Point your browser to
    with whatever host and port you chose to install it on).
  3. An authorization dialogue will pop up, asking you to enter the username and password you chose upon installation.
If you ever want to stop the Fedora server, you will need to type in the X-term
or if you're on Windows:

D Creating the custom Greenstone 3 pid prefix

In order to work with the Greenstone3 client application, you will need to create a custom pid prefix for Greenstone 3 in fedora, and call it "greenstone".
To do this, you will need to:
  1. Shutdown the fedora server
  2. Open up fedora's configuration file in a text editor
  3. Go down to where it says:
    <param name="retainPIDs" value="demo test changeme fedora-bdef fedora-bmech tutorial">
    And append greenstone to the list of values, so you get something like:
    <param name="retainPIDs" value="demo test changeme fedora-bdef fedora-bmech tutorial greenstone">
  4. Restart the fedora server

Having made the change in the fedora config file, it will now recognise "greenstone" as a valid PID and allow you to create/ingest digital data objects with a pid where the prefix is "greenstone".
For more information, you may want to look at the Fedora Release Notes:

"PID generation has been activated. Upon ingestion, Fedora objects that pass validation are automatically assigned a unique persistent identifer or PID. The namespace prefix on the PID is determined by the namespace parameter in the fedora.cfg configuration file."

E Exporting Greenstone documents into Fedora's repository

There is nothing in our Fedora repository yet. We want to have Greenstone 3 documents exported into Fedora format stored here. This is what we need Greenstone 3 for. We will be using its functionality for converting Greenstone 3 docs into FedoraMETS and exporting them into Fedora.

Use the FLI—Fedora Librarian Interface—application to do this. Refer to the document Running FLI for information on how to do this.
Greenstone to Fedora scripts. Similar to and, first converts documents into FedoraMETS and then ingests them into a Fedora repository. Needs to have FEDORA_HOME set.

F Further Information