7.1 The 'Design' View

This section introduces you to the design view, and explains how to navigate between the various sub-views within this pane.

Simple instructions
  Choosing a design section
Simple Instructions:

In Greenstone every collection has a collection configuration file, called collect.cfg, which controls most aspects of how the collection appears to the user. The Librarian Interface provides a graphical user interface to this file. It divides the kinds of commands that are available into different sections, each associated with a particular stage of the collection building or presentation.

The design view is split into two halves. On the left is a list of different sub-views, and on the right are the controls associated with the current sub-view. To change to a different sub-view, click its name in the list. The right pane updates to reflect the change.

When you change panes, the state of the previous pane is retained so that you can return to it later.