8.4 The 'Progress' View

This section explains the building progress view.

Simple instructions
  Measuring progress
Simple Instructions:

When you click the [B]uild Collection button, the view immediately changes. The controls described in the first section of this chapter are replaced by two progress bars and a text area. The progress bars indicate how much of the import phase, then build phase are complete. The current implementation shows only that work is progressing by offering an indeterminate progress bar (where a coloured band moves from left to right). Immediately below the progress bars in a scrollable text area which has the same general appearance as the Message Log explained in the previous section. However this log shows the messages for this build attempt. All of this display is for interest sake only.

Whether the build process succeeds, fails or is cancelled, when it has completed the view returns to the original 'Create' view. If the attempt has failed, the Message Log will automatically be opened to the appropriate line.