-- Collection Preferences -- /** true if Greenstone type metadata should be automatically extracted, false otherwise. */ public boolean auto = true; /** Specifies whether Gatherer should overwrite existing files (true to overwrite, false otherwise). */ public boolean clobber = false; /** true to indicate that during mirroring no file from higher in the file hierarchy should be downloaded (i.e. download this url or files in the directories below this url), false if mirroring should be complete. */ public boolean no_parents = true; /** true to remove failed mirroring jobs from the queue, false to leave them where they are (but mark them as failed). */ public boolean remove_failed = false; /** true to allow the mirroring to bridge hosts, false to make it stay on the initial host. */ public boolean other_hosts = false; /** true to ensure that all files needs to correctly render a page are downloaded, and/or added when adding files, false if only selected files are added. */ public boolean page_requisites = true; /** The depth a site should be mirrored to (how many links should be followed). */ public int depth = 0; -- General Preferences -- /** Specifies what levels should visible messages be from. */ public boolean level[] = new boolean[4]; /** Specifies what sources should visible messages be from. */ public boolean source[] = new boolean[6]; /** Does Gatherer need to access the net via a proxy? */ public boolean use_proxy = false; /** The size of the main Gatherer window. */ public Dimension size = null; /** The default font used when building controls with text in them. */ public FontUIResource font = null; /** The font used for the tool tip gets it own little setting, as we need to use some set character width font if we wish the tips to appear justified properly. */ public FontUIResource tooltip_font = null; /** The current Locale of Gatherer. Initialized to default if no other provided. */ public Locale locale = null; /** The current Gatherer homepage. */ public GURL home = new GURL("http://www.greenstone.org/"); /** The file name of the currently open, or open at end of last session, collection. */ public String open_collection = null; /** The host address of a proxy server, if necessary. */ public String proxy_host = null; /** The port number of a proxy server, if necessary. */ public String proxy_port = null; -- Transient Preferences (not written to xml) -- /** Should debug features be turned on (true to enable debug, false otherwise). */ public boolean debug = true; /** The password for the proxy server indicated above. */ transient public String proxy_pass = null; /** The username for the proxy server indicated above. */ transient public String proxy_user = null;