@echo off echo. echo Greenstone 3 (GSDL3) echo Copyright (C) 2004 New Zealand Digital Libraries, University Of Waikato echo Greenstone 3 comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details see LICENSE.txt echo This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it echo. :: -------- Launch the Greenstone 3 Digital Library Software -------- if exist gs3-setup.bat goto begin echo This script must be run from within the Greenstone 3 home directory pause goto exit :begin :: ---- Run setup.bat to set the necessary environment variables ---- call gs3-setup.bat echo. :: Set up java options for catalina set CATALINA_HOME=%GSDL3HOME%\comms\jakarta\tomcat set CATALINA_OPTS="-Djava.util.prefs.syncInterval=2000000 -DGSDL3HOME=%GSDL3HOME% -DGSDLOS=%GSDLOS% -DPATH=%PATH%" if ""%1"" == ""-shutdown"" goto shutdown :: -------- Run MySQL -------- echo Starting MySQL server... echo. cd %GSDL3HOME%\packages\mysql start bin\mysqld cd %GSDL3HOME% echo Done. :: -------- Run Tomcat -------- echo Starting Tomcat Webserver... echo. call "%GSDL3HOME%\comms\jakarta\tomcat\bin\startup.bat" echo Done. :: ---- Launch a web browser ---- start http://localhost:8080/gsdl3 goto exit :shutdown :: -------- Stop Tomcat -------- echo Shutting down Tomcat Webserver... echo. call "%GSDL3HOME%\comms\jakarta\tomcat\bin\shutdown.bat" echo Done. :: -------- Stop MySQL -------- echo Stopping MySQL server... echo. cd %GSDL3HOME%\packages\mysql bin\mysqladmin --user=root shutdown cd %GSDL3HOME% echo Done. echo **************************************************************** echo Greenstone 3 has been shutdown. Run gs3-launch.bat to restart. echo **************************************************************** :exit