Tipple-bridge is a Gradle based project revolving connecting the databases of Tipple and Greenstone. To compile: ./gradlew compileJava To produce a self-contained jar file: ./gradlew jar To run and see usage: java -jar build/libs/Tipple-Bridge-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar --help To progress any further, you need to setup a MariaDb database and populate is Tipple content. Instructions on how to do that, can be found: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1byKTzy30Yv8dLU-MyVwwnfz5eHdL1ItjBX9XpcV8Ucw/edit#heading=h.yj2lo2ttrpa With this all done, to start the server: mariadbd-safe --port=3306 --datadir=$PWD/data --socket=/tmp/mysqld-$USER.sock Assuming you have followed those instructions, have a database called 'koicarp_test', and a database username called 'foo', then an example use of it is as follows: java -jar build/libs/Tipple-Bridge-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \ --user=foo -p --projectID=3 You will be challenged for the password you set when working through the MariaDB setup (e.g., 'changeme'). Trouble-shooting ================ If you are experiencing issues with the Java program trying to connect to the database, see if you can connect to the database server form the command-line with: mariadb --host=localhost --port=3306 --user=$USER --socket=/tmp/mysqld-$USER.sock koicarp_test