======================================= | Eurovision -- Let it Sparkle/Sparql | ======================================= | Preparing and Building ESC content | --------------------------------------- -- 1. Follow Steps 1-4 in BUILDING-FROM-IMPORT.txt -- You do not need to do the last step which involves using 'wget' to download import.tar.gz, unpack it, and then fully build the collection. Following these instructions you will populate the import directory directly through running the prepare scripts. -- 2. Take a look at the PREPARE.sh script -- If not already done so, ensure you have source Greenstone3's gs3-setup.sh and changed to the 'eurovision' collection's directory cd source ./gs3-setup.sh cd web/sites/eurovision-lod/collect/eurovision Now take a look at the PREPARE.sh script: cat PREPARE.sh This is a convenience script that strings together a set of of scripts in the 'prepare' directory for downloading and unzipping primary soure data, which is then processed and turned into a format the Greenstone can use. Each script can be run on its own from the command-line, just make sure you are in the 'prepare' folder when you run them. The names of the scripts seek to be informative over what operation they do. For the most part they come in pairs: the first generates the data within the 'prepare' area, and then the second script transforms and copies it into the 'import' directory. ./01-DOWNLOAD-ESC-LOD-DATA.sh ./02-EXPLODE-SPARQLRESULTS-TO-IMPORT.sh ./03-GEN-VOTING-METADATA.sh ./04-COPY-VOTING-METADATA-TO-IMPORT.sh ./05-PARSE-ADDITIONAL-METADATA-FROM-WIKIPEDIA.sh ./06-COPY-PARSED-ADDITIONAL-METADATA-TO-IMPORT.sh ./07-DOWNLOAD-SPOTIFY-LOD-DATA.sh ./08-EXPLODE-SPOTIFY-SPARQLRESULTS-TO-IMPORT.sh ./09-GEN-PROBLEM-LOD-LISTS.sh -- 4. Run PREPARE.sh followed by FULL-REBUILD.sh -- export FULL_GREENSTONE_URL_PREFIX=http://mydomain.org/greenstone3/library cd prepare && ./PREPARE.sh && cd .. ./FULL-REBUILD.sh