Custom Query (424 matches)


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Results (136 - 138 of 424)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#402 nobody kjdon fixed mgpp default level

In GLI, you can choose which level is the default, and its set in collect.cfg as defaultlevel, but I don't think this is used anywhere by the runtime.

#405 aminhjz aminhjz fixed persian translation GLI dictionary file

the traslation of all the and build of currecting source code of the gui for the ComponentOrieantation so it would suport right to left languages

#407 nobody kjdon duplicate search result sorting-ccs

Cross collection search. If the two collections have sortmeta used to return search results eg in Date order, can we keep using this when cross collection searching? ie turn off the sorting by rank.

I guess it would be hard to merge the two lists of documents as we don't have access to the metadata used when sorting, but maybe we can just turn off the ranking and return the top 20 from each collection?

Or they results could be grouped by collection, then sorted inside the group?

If you use Lucene is it possible to do something better?

Can you do cross coll search with Lucene?

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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.