Custom Query (424 matches)


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Results (139 - 141 of 424)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#416 aminhjz aminhjz fixed GreenStone Online Interface translation for Persian(Farsi) Language

traslation of .property files for the online interface to Persian (Farsi) Language

#417 aminhjz aminhjz fixed GLI component orientation for the gui package

in order to display right to left languages appropiatly the gli interface file shoulde be edited so the components orientation coulde atoumaticaly change when changing from one rtl language to a ltr one .

#424 kjdon kjdon fixed depositor metadata in GLI

When you go to the depositor metadata pane in GLI, then it seems to add in the dublin core metadata set to the collection.

eg in demo collection.

This is annoying as we don't want the dc metadata set here, just dls. and all the fields now show up in enrich pane.

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