Custom Query (424 matches)


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Results (43 - 45 of 424)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#343 kjdon kjdon fixed OID type option for plugins

Add OIDtype and OIDmetadata options to BasePlugin (replace use_as_doc_identifier).

Binary files that don't want hashing on file contents - change the default option?

Change hash option to be two - hash on original and hash on doc xml?

#345 kjdon kjdon wontfix adding files to GLI now shows can't process popup

With the new global block pass, some plugins no longer use a block exp but work out which files should be blocked by examining the content of a file.

eg HTMLplug has .html in its process exp and no block exp. images dragged into gli with no imageplug get complaints now about no plugin can process this file.

need to fix this.

Michael's suggestion - add all plugins to default collect.cfg and get rid of this functionality from gli. this would solve ticket #336.

#361 nobody kjdon fixed plugin options for exploding

In the exploding script, there are two options, collection and plugin_options, which are not shown in gli. Make gli pass the appropriate values to these options, in secret :-)

collection should be the colleciton name, and plugin_options should be a space separated list of all options that the user has configured in the plugin in the plugin list. Option names need to start with -, eg "-optionA value -optionB value"

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