Custom Query (424 matches)


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Results (52 - 54 of 424)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#414 nobody ak19 fixed GS3 Standard Servlet does not show any content for Title Classifier docs

The following is the case when using the STANDARD Library servlet in GS3. Things are fine when using the DEFAULT Library servlet to view collections in the browser.

When viewing a new GS3 collection in the browser (normal database file or txtgz database file), and going straight to the Titles classifier and trying to access an document item in this, nothing displays.

However, if we now went to the Filenames classifier, the document items can be viewed. Going back to the Titles classifier, the docs are viewable too.

If the first classifier we viewed after building the collection had been Filenames, the docs *were* visible.

Following combinations (and order of classifiers when designing in GLI) fail, where T is the Titles classifier, F is the filenames classifier and HT is a hierarchical classifier on Titles (AZCompactList). An X in front means that classifier failed:

  1. X T AZList

F AZList

  1. F


  1. T



  1. F



  1. F



  1. X T



#422 nobody kjdon fixed CJK option not visible for lucene

There is a new cjk segmentation option for indexing. It's currently only shown in GLI for mg/mgpp. Needs to be added for lucene

#430 max dmn fixed check wvWare version - can we ship newer version (1.2.4)

in the mailing list:

"An issue that has bugged me for a while is now resolved - simply enough, I must add, but I wonder if people in the GS Team could take a note of this please, if they have not already done so for 2.81. It concerns the version of wvWare that comes with 2.80, and which handles conversion of MS files, particularly Word. It is an older version, and while wvWare has remained somewhat static for a few years, there is a newer version 1.2.4 which works better than the one shipped with GS 2.80. Could this newer version be included, please, in upgrades of GS? I realise that the issue is less important for Windows users, who can overcome problems by using Windows scripting, but in my case, using Ubuntu 8.10 and GS 2.80, MSWord files were simply not being converted to html as they should be, and I was left with hieroglyphics instead of readable text. By replacing the wvWare file in the gsdl/bin/linux folder (that was sufficient, nothing else needed) with the 1.2.4 version I resolved the problem. It also seems to have resolved a similar problem I was having with ppt files. I might add, for anyone using Linux, that I had to download a few lib file dependencies to compile wvWare, and that kept me a bit preoccupied for a while until I succeeded, but that's by the way."

see also #667

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