Custom Query (424 matches)


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Results (76 - 78 of 424)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#537 nobody kjdon fixed collections with same name in collectgroup

Its now possible to have two collections with the same base name, if they are in different collectgroups.

Need to check GLI and runtime to see if it all works ok.

#539 kjdon kjdon fixed collectgroup indicator

In GLI open collection or base this collection on, indicate next to the collection name which collect group it comes from, if any.

#541 oranfry kjdon fixed test incremental building

Someone other than david needs to test this.

  • on linux, windows and mac.
  • using lucene, mg and mgpp.
  • adding new docs, changing existing docs and deleting docs.

Command line forst, then in GLI. Have the minimal/full rebuild buttons been changed to use new incremental build?

DOes the old keepold still work? eg import some docs, delete them, and import some new ones with keepold, so as to do a manual incremental add.

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