Custom Query (424 matches)


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Results (91 - 93 of 424)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#670 kjdon kjdon fixed PDF repeatable metadata

From John Rose:

The institutions cooperating with IRD in French-speaking Africa are all it seems putting metadata in their pdf files and then extracting it with PDFPlugin. Luigi badly needs to extract repeatable keywords from the pdf heading information by specifying a separator as is done for ISISPlugin. For example the attached file from the IRD collection has several keywords in the pdf field KEYWORDS, separated by "; ".

Luz has also asked for this.

Need to add an option to HTMLPlugin (and then PDF etc) to use a separator for metadata.

#671 nobody kjdon fixed windows 7 testing

John Rose has reported that greenstone doesn't work properly on windows 7.

From the mailing list, (different users)

  • I was able to install 2.83 in Win7 Home Premium without issue, no requests for privilege escalation
  • Gli from start menu didn't work, but from command line it did. windows 7, 2.83. java 1.6
  • In our case, we had some Win 7 machines work, but 1 didn't. The one that didn't was Win 7 Ultimate, not sure what the other were, or the version is related or not.
#673 ak19 kjdon fixed test gs3 oaiserver

We should test gs3 oaiserver at a validator site, the following were the ones we used for gs2.

* *

Make sure resumption token is set low enough to make it use them (eg 5 for demo collection).

Will need to set it up on puka so it's visible to outside world.

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