Custom Query (424 matches)


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Results (100 - 102 of 424)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#792 sjm84 sjm84 fixed Fix highlighting in Greenstone 3

Make sure words are not found inside tags

#811 nobody kjdon fixed PDFBox and GLI

For some people, adding PDFBox extension stops GLI working. When running, PDFBox plugin can't run java and you get invalid messages in the XML output, so the XML can't be parsed.

Luigi had this and fixed it be removing java 1.7 and using java 1.6. But when he runs gli its using the java bundled with greenstone.

my theory is that java is not on the path and the environment is not being set up properly when running

#848 nobody kjdon fixed mgpp crash: bit buffer overrun

Diego had some very messy PDFs containing strings like

fffffffff (x500ish) - which triggered word splitting at max_stem_len which is 255.

Building an mgpp index would crash the build, with a bit buffer overrun.

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