

14:27 Changeset [250] by sjboddie
just changed a comment to stop confusing myself
14:00 Changeset [249] by sjboddie
lots of stuff to do with getting documentaction working
13:59 Changeset [248] by sjboddie
lots of stuff - getting documentaction working (documentaction …


15:58 Changeset [247] by sjboddie
added is_number function
11:56 Changeset [246] by sjboddie
Now checks collect.cfg for a 'doctype' field and if it finds it it's …
11:54 Changeset [245] by sjboddie
Small changes to allow metadata to be passed to plugins from …


11:11 Changeset [244] by sjboddie
fixed a couple of bugs


10:40 Changeset [243] by sjboddie
made another change to the one I just committed. if requested metadata …


17:23 Changeset [242] by sjboddie
changed the way metadata is returned
17:23 Changeset [241] by sjboddie
Changed the way metadata is returned
16:01 Changeset [240] by sjboddie
minor changes to all the classifiers to work with new browseaction


12:11 Changeset [239] by sjboddie
removed dummy functions
11:56 Changeset [238] by rjmcnab
Finished the gdbm metadata stuff


22:30 Changeset [237] by rjmcnab
Made a little more progress.
17:21 Changeset [236] by rjmcnab
Started on a mg and gdbm source.
15:45 Changeset [235] by rjmcnab
Finished the query filter.
15:40 Changeset [234] by rjmcnab
Initial revision.


09:52 Changeset [233] by sjboddie
Altered TOCPlug to work with new gdbm building code. It now reads a …
09:50 Changeset [232] by sjboddie
Minor changes to get classify.pm to pass options to each classifier …
09:46 Changeset [231] by sjboddie
Added new Hierarchy classifier, minor modifications to AZClassify


15:41 Changeset [230] by sjboddie
fixed typo I introduced last time
15:38 Changeset [229] by sjboddie
Removed old sorting function


16:34 Changeset [228] by sjboddie
new classification plugin
10:22 Changeset [227] by rjmcnab
Initial revision.
10:20 Changeset [226] by rjmcnab
Got browsefilter working.
10:17 Changeset [225] by rjmcnab
Added splits and joins using text_tset.
10:16 Changeset [224] by rjmcnab
Added more options for filename_cat.
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.