

15:03 Changeset [3514] by kjdon
removed these - dont know why they were even in the repository to …
14:59 Changeset [3513] by kjdon
new service and action for coll building gsdl2 style
09:33 Changeset [3512] by kjdon
all modules now talk the same messages; all xml elems and atts have …
09:26 Changeset [3511] by kjdon
param options changed name


18:05 Changeset [3510] by jrm21
need to check that remove_prefix is defined before checking its length
10:37 Changeset [3509] by kjdon
made all the xml elem names etc constants
10:13 Changeset [3508] by jrm21
modified copyright statement


17:50 Changeset [3507] by jrm21
updated to also allow '..."foo" ...' as the enclosing quotes (for …
17:23 Changeset [3506] by jrm21
need to allow escaped \" inside a multiline "...". Eg …
16:21 Changeset [3505] by kjdon
Communicator more general now, Communicators are configured using the …
15:44 Changeset [3504] by kjdon
the SOAP communication now uses literal XML rather than Strings - much …
15:33 Changeset [3503] by kjdon
changed prompt
15:31 Changeset [3502] by kjdon
process now uses Elements instead of Nodes
15:25 Changeset [3501] by kjdon
small change
15:15 Changeset [3500] by kjdon
fixed a typo
15:06 Changeset [3499] by kjdon
ModuleInterface process changed from Node to Element
13:12 Changeset [3498] by kjdon
fixed a bug with metadataList
13:00 Changeset [3497] by kjdon
renamed collection, so had to rename the files
12:09 Changeset [3496] by kjdon
added java stuff to PATH - need a better way of doing this
08:33 Changeset [3495] by kjdon


10:42 Changeset [3494] by kjdon
library2 changed to library1
10:41 Changeset [3493] by kjdon
changed library2 to library1 - makes more sense cos its serving site1


16:35 Changeset [3492] by kjdon
ServiceModule renamed to ServicesImpl, each class renamed to …
16:33 Changeset [3491] by kjdon
actions all use cgi arg long names now, not short names
16:30 Changeset [3490] by kjdon
ServiceModule now called ServicesImpl
16:28 Changeset [3489] by kjdon
config file names changed
16:28 Changeset [3488] by kjdon
small changes
16:27 Changeset [3487] by kjdon
all cgi args now have long names
16:26 Changeset [3486] by kjdon
if action requested that not known about, tries to load it dynamically
16:25 Changeset [3485] by kjdon
ServiceModules changed to ServicesImpl, activate and deactivate module …
16:11 Changeset [3484] by kjdon
fixed a typo
15:29 Changeset [3483] by kjdon
gsdl3home param replaces both siteshome and interfaceshome
15:21 Changeset [3482] by kjdon
now connects to localsite, not site2
15:19 Changeset [3481] by kjdon
renamed sitecfg.xml to siteConfig.xml
15:19 Changeset [3480] by kjdon
added new collection, chinesedemo, renamed sitecfg.xml to …
15:15 Changeset [3479] by kjdon
site2 no longer in use. cant remove directories though.
15:13 Changeset [3478] by kjdon
sitecfg.xml renamed siteConfig.xml, buildcfg.xml renamed buildConfig.xml
11:49 Changeset [3477] by kjdon
now uses gsdl3_home rather than sites_home and interfaces_home some …
11:48 Changeset [3476] by kjdon
now uses gsdl3_home rather than sites_home and interfaces_home
10:13 Changeset [3475] by kjdon
new stylesheet for build cluster
10:13 Changeset [3474] by kjdon
added support for service clusters
10:12 Changeset [3473] by kjdon
use full arg names instead of short - eg collection instead of c.


16:37 Changeset [3472] by kjdon
renamed phind.pm to Phind.pm in keeping with the names of the other …


09:38 Changeset [3471] by kjdon
service modules now belong to a serviceCluster or colleciton - …
09:32 Changeset [3470] by kjdon
now looks for service clusters in its config file, and loads them up too.
09:31 Changeset [3469] by kjdon
the xml representation of cgi args now has two attributes 'action' and …
09:30 Changeset [3468] by kjdon
new class - ServiceCluster - a group of related services. Collection …
09:27 Changeset [3467] by kjdon
the xml representation of cgi args now has two attributes 'action' and …
09:22 Changeset [3466] by kjdon
add new method


16:21 Changeset [3465] by kjdon
minor changes
16:18 Changeset [3464] by kjdon
using the from attribute in the response rather than the name …
16:12 Changeset [3463] by kjdon
a better mgpp collection
16:01 Changeset [3462] by kjdon
prepend site name to from field in response
16:00 Changeset [3461] by kjdon
hack for SOAP stuff - need to look into message format more
15:59 Changeset [3460] by kjdon
changed applet html collection name to use the absolute name (eg …


13:59 Changeset [3459] by kjdon
fixed a bug
13:44 Changeset [3458] by kjdon
added translateOID method - this is related to greenstone - should it …
13:44 Changeset [3457] by kjdon
added in system classpath to the one used
13:40 Changeset [3456] by kjdon
changed some stuff
13:37 Changeset [3455] by kjdon
dynamically determined stylesheet inclusions
13:36 Changeset [3454] by kjdon
now handles GSDL2 style classifications
13:34 Changeset [3453] by kjdon
new class for handling old greenstone gdbm classifications
13:32 Changeset [3452] by kjdon
fixed a typo
13:31 Changeset [3451] by kjdon
new version of transform, with stylesheet already parsed into a Document
13:31 Changeset [3450] by kjdon
utility class for manipulating greenstones xslt files
13:27 Changeset [3449] by kjdon
changed some comments
13:14 Changeset [3448] by kjdon
fixed a bug


13:50 Changeset [3447] by kjdon
changed some comments
13:49 Changeset [3446] by kjdon
small change
13:48 Changeset [3445] by kjdon
changed default levels to Document rather than Section
13:46 Changeset [3444] by kjdon
tried to get the applet working on Mozilla, Netscape, and IE. It works …
13:21 Changeset [3443] by kjdon
library names are now done dynamically, not specified in the applet …
13:20 Changeset [3442] by kjdon
index and level info now dynamic
11:37 Changeset [3441] by kjdon
uses new GSFile methods
11:30 Changeset [3440] by kjdon
tidied this up a bit
11:29 Changeset [3439] by kjdon
fixed a typo
11:24 Changeset [3438] by kjdon
added library name to the config class - dont assume that its always …
11:22 Changeset [3437] by kjdon
added library name to the init params - may not always be 'library'
11:21 Changeset [3436] by kjdon
now library name is read from config variables
11:21 Changeset [3435] by kjdon
xsl for browsing old gsdl-type classifiers
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.