

17:38 Changeset [4591] by kjdon
added iconcollectionsmall stuff, and changed the text for teh two icon …
17:37 Changeset [4590] by kjdon
added stuff for iconcollectionsmall collectionmeta
17:29 Changeset [4589] by kjdon
added stuff for iconcollectionsmall collectionmeta
16:51 Changeset [4588] by jmt12
New 'hide' attribute which, when true, should cause the marked …
16:49 Changeset [4587] by jmt12
Now the audit view does show the selected node from the currently …
16:48 Changeset [4586] by jmt12
Shouldn't have been in CVS in the first place.
16:42 Changeset [4585] by mdewsnip
Fixed problem where sometimes the "view assigned metadata" menu item …
16:40 Changeset [4584] by mdewsnip
Changed saving a collection so it doesn't happen in its own thread - …
16:38 Changeset [4583] by kjdon
properly indented the comments
16:36 Changeset [4582] by mdewsnip
Removed a debug statement that was universally unloved.
16:35 Changeset [4581] by jmt12
2030124: Argument parsing now doesn't begin until the '<?xml' is …
16:35 Changeset [4580] by jmt12
2030124: Argument parsing now doesn't begin until the '<?xml' is …
16:32 Changeset [4579] by kjdon
fixed a stupid bug (that I did)
16:31 Changeset [4578] by kjdon
made the classifier selection box non-editable
16:31 Changeset [4577] by kjdon
made the format bits selection boxes non-editable
16:29 Changeset [4576] by jmt12
New phrases used when classifier or plugin argument xml's can't be …
16:29 Changeset [4575] by jmt12
Added test to see if GSDLHOME is set, and gave an even better …
15:55 Changeset [4574] by kjdon
added a warning to teh super collection instructions
15:52 Changeset [4573] by kjdon
super collections: dont show the current coll in the list cos it is …
15:50 Changeset [4572] by kjdon
checklist is now a single click list
15:21 Changeset [4571] by mdewsnip
Removed ProgressMonitor, which for some reason was locking up when …
14:47 Changeset [4570] by jmt12
Shouldn't be in CVS as it is generated as necessary (such as when …
14:41 Changeset [4569] by jmt12
This shouldn't be in CVS as it is generated as necessary (for instance …
14:14 Changeset [4568] by kjdon
fixed a bug
13:56 Changeset [4567] by kjdon
for parsing and writing classifier args: use toStringCOnfig for …
13:55 Changeset [4566] by jmt12
Changed Gatherer.jar to GLI.jar
13:53 Changeset [4565] by jmt12
2030118, 2030119: MetaAudit view now has columns sorted by natural …
13:50 Changeset [4564] by jmt12
2030118: Extended the MetadataComparator to allow it to correctly sort …
13:49 Changeset [4563] by jmt12
2030114: Added an extra static method which when called on a …
13:48 Changeset [4562] by kjdon
when naming a new subcollection filter, the name is not allowed …
13:48 Changeset [4561] by jmt12
Was needlessly clearing the TreeSynchronizer listeners. It used to be …
13:46 Changeset [4560] by jmt12
2030123: Have now (successfully) told CalPane not to cache pages. …
13:44 Changeset [4559] by kjdon
properly indented some comments
13:43 Changeset [4558] by kjdon
have a new toStringConfig method that returns the config file format - …
13:43 Changeset [4557] by jmt12
2030114: Hadn't actually implemented importing from collections other …
13:41 Changeset [4556] by jmt12
Directed several debug comments so I can later have them only written …
13:39 Changeset [4555] by jmt12
2030119: Had removed all TreeSelectionListeners when I only really …
13:38 Changeset [4554] by jmt12
Changed two phrases to grammar better make them.
13:37 Changeset [4553] by kjdon
have a new toStringConfig method that returns the config file format - …
13:35 Changeset [4552] by kjdon
removed hardcoded strings and lengths for ex.
12:15 Changeset [4551] by mdewsnip
Fixed a bug where a new OptionsPane was being created whenever a …
11:24 Changeset [4550] by sjboddie
* empty log message *
11:22 Changeset [4549] by sjboddie
Removed the old HelpBookDocs option
10:45 Changeset [4548] by mdewsnip
Changed all instances of "directory"/"directories" to "folder"/"folders".
10:32 Changeset [4547] by mdewsnip
Changed the MagicMenuItem to be a bit more magical (ie. work :-). When …
10:24 Changeset [4546] by mdewsnip
Added gainFocus() method so the pane could update the "view assigned …
09:37 Changeset [4545] by mdewsnip
Removed caching of the "x files and y directories selected" details. …


17:29 Changeset [4544] by mdewsnip
Removed some redundant code and corrected some comments.
16:07 Changeset [4543] by mdewsnip
Changed to use a JTextArea instead of a SmarterTextArea.
16:06 Changeset [4542] by mdewsnip
Value tree now sets root to invisible itself.
15:43 Changeset [4541] by mdewsnip
Some more improvements and optimizations. Had to add a special case …
15:32 Changeset [4540] by kjdon
have changed teh way indexes are written to and read from the config …
15:16 Changeset [4539] by jmt12
2030113: Dialogs opened during dnd operations cause the JVM to stagger …
15:15 Changeset [4538] by jmt12
2030116: Metadata was not being imported from metadata.xml with …
14:04 Changeset [4537] by mdewsnip
Added a new addElement which takes a language as well as a name. This …
13:59 Changeset [4536] by mdewsnip
Three fixes to the metadata editor manager. 1) The identifier …
13:54 Changeset [4535] by mdewsnip
Modified add method so it returns the row index of the attribute just …
13:52 Changeset [4534] by mdewsnip
Changed "To" label on MetadataEditorManager dialog to "Element".
13:45 Changeset [4533] by kjdon
made the default subcoll field non-editable, and added a …
13:44 Changeset [4532] by kjdon
made the default subcoll field non-editable
13:43 Changeset [4531] by kjdon
changed some of the subcollectioon filter stuff to subcollection partition
12:02 Changeset [4530] by jmt12
2030111: X11R6 crash was caused by MetadataEditorManager not collectly …
12:00 Changeset [4529] by jmt12
Removed a comment I accidently left in.
11:59 Changeset [4528] by jmt12
My installation is complete message is better than yours.
11:58 Changeset [4527] by jmt12
2030115: Importing Metadata didn't work under windows because I had …


16:13 Changeset [4526] by mdewsnip
Moved the functionality of the "replace" and "remove" buttons into …
15:19 Changeset [4525] by kjdon
drop now checks that the model is appropriate - ie that htere is a …
14:18 Changeset [4524] by mdewsnip
Fixed problem under Windows where file paths were not escaped …
13:51 Changeset [4523] by mdewsnip
Added an "Installation successful" message.
13:15 Changeset [4522] by kjdon
added another card to teh metadata card layout - now switch between …
13:03 Changeset [4521] by mdewsnip
Changed away from using SynchronizedTreeModelTools, for the moment.
13:01 Changeset [4520] by kjdon
some 'no metadata sets' messages
13:00 Changeset [4519] by mdewsnip
Moved the functionality of the "Append" button into a new thread, to …
13:00 Changeset [4518] by kjdon
added the no metadata set warning dialog thing to the config file
12:59 Changeset [4517] by mdewsnip
Moved some table selection update code into its own thread, to …
12:39 Changeset [4516] by kjdon
at teh start of addMetadata, we display a warning dialog if there are …
12:38 Changeset [4515] by kjdon
now doesn't try to add metadata if there are no metadata sets
11:52 Changeset [4514] by jmt12
Hopefully the 'view assigned metadata for... now works properly.
11:50 Changeset [4513] by jmt12
* empty log message *
11:48 Changeset [4512] by jmt12
2030108: Fixed collectionmeta disappearing.
11:47 Changeset [4511] by jmt12
2030109: FormatManager will now try to parse more lines from the …
11:46 Changeset [4510] by jmt12
2030109: If can now read in some crazily (but not poorly) formed …
10:44 Changeset [4509] by kjdon
fixed another bug where John had set somethign to null and then tried …
10:24 Changeset [4508] by kjdon
fixed up the 'select element to merge with' dialog - used when adding …
09:45 Changeset [4507] by sjboddie
Put back in BBC specific code that was mistakenly removed.


15:57 Changeset [4506] by kjdon
if nothing in the tree is selected, need to make the selection label …
15:45 Changeset [4505] by kjdon
when adding a new element to a metadata set, we now need to pass in …
15:44 Changeset [4504] by kjdon
fixed up adding and removing elements from teh set - need to …
15:42 Changeset [4503] by kjdon
getFullName and getFullIdentifier now take a namespace string as a …
15:41 Changeset [4502] by kjdon
ElementWrapper now stores the namespace that its element had when it …
15:40 Changeset [4501] by kjdon
indented some comments
11:06 Changeset [4500] by jmt12
2030105: I'm sure I've fixed this before, but lets try again.
10:11 Changeset [4499] by mdewsnip
Updated version with correct image sizes.
09:57 Changeset [4498] by jmt12
2030098: Modified some phrases for Translation and Subcollection …
09:55 Changeset [4497] by jmt12
Umm. Realigned some comments I think.
09:55 Changeset [4496] by jmt12
2030104: Modified to support SuperCollections needs.
09:54 Changeset [4495] by jmt12
2030104: Bug fix for when viewing the SuperCollection pane for the …
09:52 Changeset [4494] by jmt12
2030098: Fixed translation manager and separated the Languages from …
09:46 Changeset [4493] by jmt12
Tried to change button colours
09:46 Changeset [4492] by jmt12
Tried to change button colours.


14:54 Changeset [4491] by jmt12
Changed the GLI's title bar name.
13:55 Changeset [4490] by kjdon
fixed a bug - you cant set something to null and then expect to be …
13:32 Changeset [4489] by kjdon
changed a lot of stuff to do with importing metadata sets and merging …
13:30 Changeset [4488] by kjdon
properly indented some comments
13:29 Changeset [4487] by kjdon
now passes the metadata set as well to getStructuralDetails, so we can …
13:28 Changeset [4486] by kjdon
some new keys for metadata element merging
12:47 Changeset [4485] by mdewsnip
"Metadata Sets" is like, SO, much more descriptive.
12:43 Changeset [4484] by mdewsnip
Improved the window positioning code. With some window managers, …
11:09 Changeset [4483] by mdewsnip
getBounds() now returns null instead of a arbitrary default value - …
11:08 Changeset [4482] by mdewsnip
Now chooses a sensible default location and size if none can be found …
10:49 Changeset [4481] by mdewsnip
Saving collections no longer causes the metadata tables to be rebuilt …


16:18 Changeset [4480] by mdewsnip
Added facilities for reading and writing Rectangles (for storing the …
16:17 Changeset [4479] by mdewsnip
Now remembers window location as well as size (storing in …
16:16 Changeset [4478] by mdewsnip
Removed general.size and replaced it with general.bounds - now stores …
15:30 Changeset [4477] by jmt12
2030105: Once again I was blodging the AWTEvent Dispatch Thread so …
13:10 Changeset [4476] by kjdon
enabled removal of multiple plugins at once from the users plugin list
12:34 Changeset [4475] by kjdon
added new entry
12:30 Changeset [4474] by kjdon
put the new entries from teh bottom into their correct places in the file
12:09 Changeset [4473] by kjdon
changed a text string
12:07 Changeset [4472] by jmt12
Changed several dictionary phrases while fixing Language problems.
11:44 Changeset [4471] by kjdon
fixed up the key events for some items in the metadata set menu
10:54 Changeset [4470] by jmt12
2030104: A new class for handling the SuperCollection configuration …
10:13 Changeset [4469] by kjdon
commented out job_status stuff - not used by anything, changed …


17:23 Changeset [4468] by mdewsnip
Can now add/edit/remove element attributes properly.
17:19 Changeset [4467] by mdewsnip
Changed removeAttribute method so it takes the language of the …
16:27 Changeset [4466] by jmt12
2030093: CustomAZList now has valueIsAdjusting() to stop inifinite …
16:25 Changeset [4465] by jmt12
2030093: Now a custom classifier is called on its own thread, so the …
16:22 Changeset [4464] by jmt12
2030093: Added a method getCount() which returns the count of both …
16:21 Changeset [4463] by jmt12
2030093: Adding a method valueIsAdjusting() to prevent a CustomAZList …
16:07 Changeset [4462] by sjboddie
html error
15:53 Changeset [4461] by kjdon
added some space between items on the menu bar so that they look more …
14:06 Changeset [4460] by jmt12
2030102: The reason metadata importing was dying was that the …
14:05 Changeset [4459] by jmt12
2030100: With the bug in ModalDialog fixed I can revert this back.
14:04 Changeset [4458] by jmt12
2030102: If the modal dialog was opened by any thread other than the …
13:49 Changeset [4457] by mdewsnip
Removed call to deprecated function URLDecoder::decode(String).
13:43 Changeset [4456] by mdewsnip
Changed the "edit text..." button to just "...".
13:42 Changeset [4455] by mdewsnip
Rearranged components in pane: "append"/"replace"/"remove" buttons are …
13:35 Changeset [4454] by mdewsnip
Changed buttons from portrait to landscape, to match rearranged …
13:34 Changeset [4453] by mdewsnip
Reduced size of expand button, as part of MetaEditPane rearrange.
13:31 Changeset [4452] by kjdon
changed this so it matches what was previously in MSMProfiler.java
12:41 Changeset [4451] by kjdon
now uses DOM model to read and write profile.xml files, the DTD now …
12:39 Changeset [4450] by kjdon
added static string for profile template (protemp.xml) and fixed some …
12:17 Changeset [4449] by jmt12
Moved the 'does the file we are processing match the fileset in the …
12:16 Changeset [4448] by jmt12
2030100: Since the LockFileDialog has no parent during GLI startup, …
12:14 Changeset [4447] by jmt12
2030101: The 'should this file recieve non-absolute folder level …
12:11 Changeset [4446] by jmt12
Made such LockFileDialog was being dismissed properly. It wasn't but …
12:09 Changeset [4445] by jmt12
Change the value of Menu.Metadata to 'Metadata Sets' rather than the …
11:19 Changeset [4444] by jmt12
Bug fix to prevent the model builder attempting to build a model …
10:32 Changeset [4443] by mdewsnip
Added Japanese and Thai interface descriptions.
10:28 Changeset [4442] by mdewsnip
Initial version of Thai interface, thanks to the Thai Computational …
10:28 Changeset [4441] by mdewsnip
Initial version of Japanese interface, thanks to the Thai …


15:48 Changeset [4440] by mdewsnip
When importing a metadata set, user is asked to choose between "all …
15:10 Changeset [4439] by jmt12
Fixed incorrect use of File.separator in the path of something that …
14:55 Changeset [4438] by kjdon
fixed a typo
14:55 Changeset [4437] by jmt12
Removed some no longer necessary code used to load images from the …
14:53 Changeset [4436] by jmt12
2030094 & 2030095: Fixed two places where NPEs were being thrown, …
14:52 Changeset [4435] by jmt12
2030094: Part of the bug fix allow the editing of element attributes …
14:48 Changeset [4434] by jmt12
2030075: Made this icon look more like the standard java tree folder.
14:47 Changeset [4433] by mdewsnip
Added value for "Import Metadata Set" dialog.
14:37 Changeset [4432] by kjdon
the modal dialogs now are one of our special ModalDialogs which only …
14:36 Changeset [4431] by kjdon
added a comment
14:28 Changeset [4430] by mdewsnip
Now uses radio buttons instead of toggle buttons, to make the …
14:23 Changeset [4429] by jrm21
new plugin for importing data from perl's DBI database interface - eg …
14:16 Changeset [4428] by kjdon
the modal dialog now is one of our special ModalDialogs which only …
14:06 Changeset [4427] by kjdon
the modal dialog now is one of our special ModalDialogs which only …
13:53 Changeset [4426] by mdewsnip
Removed debug statement.
13:50 Changeset [4425] by mdewsnip
Some changes as a result of tidying up GValueTree. Now includes some …
13:49 Changeset [4424] by mdewsnip
Cleaned a lot of dead code out of here, moved some code into …
13:43 Changeset [4423] by mdewsnip
Moved otherwise-unused formatPath function from GValueTree to here. …
13:41 Changeset [4422] by mdewsnip
Changed to use Metadata constructor with explicit element argument …
13:40 Changeset [4421] by kjdon
the modal dialog now is one of our special ModalDialogs which only …
12:49 Changeset [4420] by kjdon
the modal dialog now is one of our special ModalDialogs which only …
12:43 Changeset [4419] by jmt12
2030092: Furthermore it doesn't throw an NPE during GLI exit due to it …
12:25 Changeset [4418] by kjdon
the modal dialog now is one of our special ModalDialogs which only …
12:11 Changeset [4417] by jmt12
2030092: The ordering of values in the GTableModel and the GValueTree …
12:09 Changeset [4416] by kjdon
the modal dialog now is one of our special ModalDialogs which only …
12:05 Changeset [4415] by kjdon
the modal dialog now is one of our special ModalDialogs which only …
12:01 Changeset [4414] by kjdon
added in the other constructors
11:39 Changeset [4413] by sjboddie
* empty log message *
11:20 Changeset [4412] by jmt12
Adding file permanently.
10:39 Changeset [4411] by kjdon
fixed a typo
10:38 Changeset [4410] by kjdon
made the MEtaEditPane an MSMListener, so that it will update itself …
10:20 Changeset [4409] by kjdon
fix to be able to add new text to a SmarterTextArea
10:19 Changeset [4408] by kjdon
fix to add new text to a SmarterTextArea for auto_message


15:29 Changeset [4407] by jmt12
2030090: Adding previous values is no longer case sensitive.
15:26 Changeset [4406] by jmt12
2030089: While it later turned out the problem was due to the root …
15:23 Changeset [4405] by jmt12
2030088: Changed add and remove method to used …
15:20 Changeset [4404] by jmt12
Removed an annoying error message about a mdv being missing, when it …
15:19 Changeset [4403] by jmt12
2030082: Rewrote the text field enabler class to use a …
15:17 Changeset [4402] by jmt12
Removed some debug statements
14:42 Changeset [4401] by sjboddie
* empty log message *
11:09 Changeset [4400] by jmt12
2030084: Fixed problem where preview pane was incorrectly attempting …
11:08 Changeset [4399] by jmt12
2030087: Fixed both the problem with adding metadata where an existing …
11:04 Changeset [4398] by jmt12
2030085: Revised FileNodes symbolic link detection so it only checks …
11:02 Changeset [4397] by jmt12
Forgot to increment attempt counter for server.exe close down so …
11:00 Changeset [4396] by jmt12
New phrase Browser.TimedOut


14:58 Changeset [4395] by jmt12
FileNode now check, when mapping their children, for symbolic links so …
14:56 Changeset [4394] by jmt12
Added the ability to show 'greyfolder.gif' for non-real and file …
14:47 Changeset [4393] by kjdon
now test if path is null before seeing if the path is valid, when …
13:46 Changeset [4392] by jmt12
Now close collection actually closes collection (after yesterdays save …
13:45 Changeset [4391] by jmt12
Prevent a user from browsing the current open collection from the file …
13:44 Changeset [4390] by jmt12
Changed getWorkspace a tiny bit.
13:44 Changeset [4389] by jmt12
Slight fix to filters, which I then didn't use.
13:43 Changeset [4388] by jmt12
A new method remove(File[] files, int index)
13:41 Changeset [4387] by kjdon
new grey folder for the dummy nodes that cant be dragged into a collection
12:37 Changeset [4386] by jmt12
It turns out FileSystemView.getSystemIcon() crashes some platforms, so …
12:14 Changeset [4385] by jmt12
Added method getIcon() which returns the ImageIcon the file system …
11:51 Changeset [4384] by jmt12
bug fix 2030080: Now running local library doesn't automatically start …
11:49 Changeset [4383] by jmt12
bug fix 2030073: progress bar now becomes indeterminate and message …
11:25 Changeset [4382] by jmt12
bug fix 2030076: now server commands have a '?' in them between host …
11:24 Changeset [4381] by jmt12
Disabled all menu bar menus after File->Quit selected - John
11:23 Changeset [4380] by jmt12
Implemented local library close command, and added some more message …
11:21 Changeset [4379] by jmt12
Added new Server phrases - John
11:19 Changeset [4378] by kjdon
disabled dragging of dummy nodes (Greenstone Collections) and file …
11:14 Changeset [4377] by jmt12
Added isFileSystemRoot() method - John
10:24 Changeset [4376] by kjdon
when copying a file. use the filenode.toString() instead of …
10:11 Changeset [4375] by kjdon
and now if a file is selected, it tries to create a folder as a child …
09:49 Changeset [4374] by kjdon
if you try to create a new folder with no folder selected, or more …


21:53 Changeset [4373] by sjboddie
Added a kill option to the configaction to allow the GLI to kill off a …
17:25 Changeset [4372] by sjboddie
bug fix for GLI
17:08 Changeset [4371] by jmt12
Modified so that an open collection isn't closed if a user selects …
17:00 Changeset [4370] by jmt12
Fixes to removeMetadata to prevent it removing folder level metadata …
16:58 Changeset [4369] by jmt12
Bug fix to prevent the absence of the extracted metadata set causing …
16:12 Changeset [4368] by mdewsnip
Undeprecated msm variable to prevent compile warnings.
15:58 Changeset [4367] by mdewsnip
Fixed tabbing.
15:57 Changeset [4366] by kjdon
re-tabbed the code for java
15:49 Changeset [4365] by mdewsnip
Fixed tabbing.
15:40 Changeset [4364] by mdewsnip
Fixed tabbing.
15:34 Changeset [4363] by kjdon
re-tabbed the code for java
15:28 Changeset [4362] by jmt12
Modified updateMetadata() to actually add metadata when dealing with …
15:27 Changeset [4361] by jmt12
Added a pretty toString() method - John
15:26 Changeset [4360] by jmt12
Added extra argument to msm.updateMetadata() so we can determine if …
15:25 Changeset [4359] by jmt12
Um, I think I added an inane comment. Possibly a lot like this one. - John
15:24 Changeset [4358] by jmt12
Bug fix to prevent accumulating metadata at file level accidently …
15:23 Changeset [4357] by jmt12
Added some static string for server configuration and implemented …
15:22 Changeset [4356] by jmt12
Tidied up the configure server.exe methods into one handy method. How …
15:21 Changeset [4355] by jmt12
Fixed hardcoded change for dls - John
15:20 Changeset [4354] by jmt12
Ensure replace is correctly enabled - John
15:19 Changeset [4353] by jmt12
Now the append prompt does not have replace or replace all enabled - John
15:18 Changeset [4352] by jmt12
Now replace is correctly enabled - John
15:17 Changeset [4351] by jmt12
Added new local library server command to release collection before …
15:17 Changeset [4350] by mdewsnip
Added check for null builder in setSelectedMetadata().
15:16 Changeset [4349] by jmt12
Bug fix to prevent GLI exit leaving GSDLSite.cfg in an inconsistant …
15:15 Changeset [4348] by jmt12
Further attempts to make GLI handle the local library - John
14:54 Changeset [4347] by kjdon
added some stuff for the new log directory
14:53 Changeset [4346] by kjdon
added in a log history list for build messages
14:47 Changeset [4345] by kjdon
made my additions alphabetical :-)
14:40 Changeset [4344] by kjdon
added some methods for the new log directory
14:39 Changeset [4343] by kjdon
added some text strings to do with build log history
12:41 Changeset [4342] by jmt12
Added resetServer method to fire configure action off to local library …
11:44 Changeset [4341] by jmt12
New static strings used during new collection based on existing …
11:39 Changeset [4340] by sjboddie
Tidied up configaction slightly. Running 'a=config&cmd=add-collection' …
10:58 Changeset [4339] by sjboddie
Added "start_browser" option to server.exe's gsdlsite.cfg file. …
09:41 Changeset [4338] by jmt12
Fixed selection description field above metadata table - John
09:40 Changeset [4337] by jmt12
Removed save confirmation dialog so save is automatic and compulsory - John


16:26 Changeset [4336] by jmt12
when using a base collection dumps collection icon, and has special …
16:25 Changeset [4335] by jmt12
GLI now recognizes local library - John
16:24 Changeset [4334] by jmt12
new standard ordering per Ian's instructions - John
16:23 Changeset [4333] by jmt12
new phrase 'Browser.CannotConnect'
16:22 Changeset [4332] by jmt12
bug fix - John
16:00 Changeset [4331] by jmt12
Method to compare two metadata elements for their ordering within the …
16:00 Changeset [4330] by jmt12
Added a new comparator to sort metadata by standard order before …
15:50 Changeset [4329] by jmt12
Metadata changes update appropriately - John
14:59 Changeset [4328] by mdewsnip
Modified a couple of metadata edit pane strings.
14:59 Changeset [4327] by mdewsnip
Bottom pane in metaedit pane is now only available when a metadata …
14:21 Changeset [4326] by mdewsnip
Modified GValueTree slightly so selecting tree items keep the tree …
12:09 Changeset [4325] by mdewsnip
Changed value tree so tree values are displayed without scrolling to …


17:03 Changeset [4324] by jmt12
Accidently has 'String url = ...' twice
17:02 Changeset [4323] by mdewsnip
Minor change to fix bug with folder icon.
16:53 Changeset [4322] by mdewsnip
New mouse listener for metadata edit pane table so that selected rows …
16:42 Changeset [4321] by jmt12
A JLabel that looks like a JTextField (borderwise anyhow)
16:41 Changeset [4320] by jmt12
complete redesign
16:40 Changeset [4319] by jmt12
bug fix
16:40 Changeset [4318] by jmt12
New static strings
16:39 Changeset [4317] by jmt12
tried to fix import/build process not stopping error. Don't think I …
16:39 Changeset [4316] by jmt12
modified to handle dummy runs over base collections
16:38 Changeset [4315] by jmt12
updated so it could call the redesigned MetaEditPrompt
16:36 Changeset [4314] by jmt12
new element attribute method isHierarchy()
16:36 Changeset [4313] by jmt12
allow for drop anywhere on collection tree to mean a copy to the root node
16:35 Changeset [4312] by jmt12
temporarily disabled the idea of different model views
16:34 Changeset [4311] by jmt12
modified for new local library stuff
16:33 Changeset [4310] by jmt12
16:33 Changeset [4309] by jmt12
lots of changes and bug fixes
16:32 Changeset [4308] by jmt12
moved textfieldlabel to seperate class
16:28 Changeset [4307] by jmt12
bug fix
16:20 Changeset [4306] by jmt12
allow for the cancel button to 'unlock' the collection
16:15 Changeset [4305] by jmt12
hide gimport folder
16:14 Changeset [4304] by jmt12
hardcoded understanding that dls=demo and doesn't mung format and …
16:13 Changeset [4303] by jmt12
local library plus bug fix
16:12 Changeset [4302] by jmt12
bug fix
16:11 Changeset [4301] by jmt12
New 'hierarchy' flag for metadata sets
16:10 Changeset [4300] by jmt12
New configuration property
16:09 Changeset [4299] by jmt12
New dictionary keys
16:09 Changeset [4298] by jmt12
New class for handling the manipulation of GSDLSite.cfg files on windows.


17:11 Changeset [4297] by jmt12
Fixed bug where dialog always believes it was cancelled.
15:14 Changeset [4296] by kjdon
commented out nanoxml stuff - it wasn't used anyway
13:23 Changeset [4295] by jmt12
The Greenstone Librarian Interface
13:23 Changeset [4294]
This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create branch 'gli'.
13:23 Changeset [4293] by jmt12
Initial revision


14:00 Changeset [4292] by sjboddie
server.exe now writes a "url" entry to its configuration file when it …


14:19 Changeset [4291] by sjboddie
* empty log message *
14:17 Changeset [4290] by sjboddie
Added a "configaction" to allow new collection servers to be added to …
13:42 Changeset [4289] by sjboddie
Expanded on error message produced by local library server.


16:01 Changeset [4288] by kjdon
added in a css rule for span.query_term - used for query term highlighting
16:00 Changeset [4287] by kjdon
added some code for highlighting search terms in the document. this …
15:59 Changeset [4286] by kjdon
commented out some unnecessary print statements
15:58 Changeset [4285] by kjdon
changed slightly the pretty printing stuff - any nodes that are …


16:18 Changeset [4284] by jrm21
the sysfuncs.h header file confuses our gcc, and we don't really need …
16:17 Changeset [4283] by jrm21
main() must return int.
16:17 Changeset [4282] by jrm21
not much point storing a binary executable here, especially since it …
16:16 Changeset [4281] by jrm21
1) use Getopts::Std instead of getopts.pl 2) Only print informative …


11:28 Changeset [4280] by kjdon
fixed a bug
11:09 Changeset [4279] by kjdon
config file for nzdl site
10:55 Changeset [4278] by kjdon
removed width att from coll image in coll page banner
10:54 Changeset [4277] by kjdon
home page now uses colIconSmall for coll image if present
10:45 Changeset [4276] by kjdon
fixed a bug
10:28 Changeset [4275] by kjdon
images with text on are now in appropriate lang directory
10:21 Changeset [4274] by kjdon
lots of pref stuff added
10:21 Changeset [4273] by kjdon
now has large or small query box selection
10:20 Changeset [4272] by kjdon
tidied up nav bar stuff
10:18 Changeset [4271] by kjdon
new method to tidy up whitespace in a string


16:31 Changeset [4270] by kjdon
fixed a bug where no docs would be displayed if all docs are supposed …
16:30 Changeset [4269] by kjdon
changed to use archivedir instead of assocfilepath for image location
15:54 Changeset [4268] by kjdon
changed to use archivedir instead of assocfilepath for image location
15:53 Changeset [4267] by kjdon
coll description now returns lang specific metadata
09:20 Changeset [4266] by kjdon
removed the a-z from title and author buttons
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.