

17:25 Changeset [9091] by mdewsnip
Added a "-show_complete_translations" option to see just the …
17:13 Changeset [9090] by kjdon
changed a print statement and removed an unnecesary variable
17:12 Changeset [9089] by kjdon
the index name is actually hte first char of the level (d, s, p) plus …
16:47 Changeset [9088] by mdewsnip
No longer used -- the installers now have this hard-wired into them.
16:44 Changeset [9087] by mdewsnip
Removed the demouser.txt file and replaced it with hard-wired text …
16:25 Changeset [9086] by mdewsnip
No longer used (I checked with Stefan and he said it could be deleted).
16:21 Changeset [9085] by mdewsnip
Replaced all hard-wired Unix-style path separators with …
16:05 Changeset [9084] by mdewsnip
Updated version number for 2.53 release, and removed the old XML …
15:59 Changeset [9083] by mdewsnip
Changed some stuff for the new installer.
15:39 Changeset [9082] by mdewsnip
Whole lot of changes, mostly changing "local" to "my".
15:25 Changeset [9081] by mdewsnip
Updated scripts as a consequence of removing the gui/border directory.
15:17 Changeset [9080] by mdewsnip
Removed unused TitledBorder class.
15:13 Changeset [9079] by mdewsnip
Moved TransformCharacterTextField out of gui and into gems, since it …
15:05 Changeset [9078] by mdewsnip
Removed unused BorderFactory class.
14:53 Changeset [9077] by mdewsnip
Removed unused Coloring class.
14:46 Changeset [9076] by mdewsnip
Changed "you need to restart GLI" message since it is now necessary …
14:45 Changeset [9075] by mdewsnip
Added font selection field (for users that need a non-standard font …
13:33 Changeset [9074] by kjdon
added in lucene objects and expat library
12:21 Changeset [9073] by mdewsnip
Added a couple of strings for the new font selection option in Preferences.
11:42 Changeset [9072] by mdewsnip
Removed a couple of debug statements.
10:58 Changeset [9071] by kjdon
removed a leftover #include sax_resultset.h
10:52 Changeset [9070] by davidb
See expat_resultset.h
10:31 Changeset [9069] by kjdon
removed the rename commands added last time - they were already there …
10:09 Changeset [9068] by kjdon
added .in file renaming to install script and moved compiling code to …


16:26 Changeset [9067] by kjdon
moved smart blocking stuff in htmlplug metadata_read into basplug …
13:52 Changeset [9066] by kjdon
changed removesuffix/removeprefix type to regexp, and added modegli=3
13:51 Changeset [9065] by kjdon
moved the removeprefix and removesuffix descriptions to BasClas, and …
13:51 Changeset [9064] by kjdon
moved the removeprefix and removesuffix descriptions to BasClas
13:50 Changeset [9063] by kjdon
initialised in reclassify to get rid of warnings
13:34 Changeset [9062] by mdewsnip
Fixed up one place where a non-standard collect directory wasn't being …
13:23 Changeset [9061] by mdewsnip
Now ensures that a non-standard collect directory specification ends …
13:10 Changeset [9060] by kjdon
added ImagePLug to plugin list, also -smart_block option to htmlplug, …
12:14 Changeset [9059] by kjdon
added strings for new HTMLPlug.no_strip_metadata_html and NULPlug.desc …
12:08 Changeset [9058] by mdewsnip
Removed splash screen. It is no longer needed because the GLI now …
12:03 Changeset [9057] by kjdon
tidied up previous commit
11:59 Changeset [9056] by kjdon
added an option to not strip html tags from metadata in description …
11:58 Changeset [9055] by mdewsnip
First stab at adding a -collectdir option to the GLI. This is designed …
11:35 Changeset [9054] by mdewsnip
Removed the unused CTRLCHandler class.
11:34 Changeset [9053] by kjdon
changed the description tags metadata handling again. now uses an …
10:12 Changeset [9052] by mdewsnip
For some reason the lock file written when a collection is just …
09:52 Changeset [9051] by mdewsnip
Added check that XML file exists before attempting to parse it.
09:13 Changeset [9050] by kjdon
modified the get method to convert to utf-8, so other languages should …


17:23 Changeset [9049] by mdewsnip
(Applet) Now only downloads build.cfg file rather than entire building …
17:04 Changeset [9048] by kjdon
added explode metadata strings, CDM.PluginManager.Ignore* and changed …
17:01 Changeset [9047] by kjdon
added NULPlug to default plugins list
16:51 Changeset [9046] by kjdon
added an empty block exp so that we don't block images - any cases …
15:39 Changeset [9045] by mdewsnip
Made major rearrangements to the way path variables are calculated. …
15:31 Changeset [9044] by kjdon
changed some of the comments
15:30 Changeset [9043] by kjdon
new plugin for processing the .nul files produced by exploding …
12:27 Changeset [9042] by kjdon
added in first draft exploding strings
12:27 Changeset [9041] by kjdon
made it use the args and proper print usage, added metadata_set and …
12:22 Changeset [9040] by mdewsnip
New string for loading collection prompt.
12:11 Changeset [9039] by mdewsnip
Added a progress bar for loading collections. This involved changing …
11:49 Changeset [9038] by kjdon
when doing hash ids, don't hash on the file if it has zero size
11:26 Changeset [9037] by mdewsnip
Now preserves whitespace in XML files.
11:25 Changeset [9036] by mdewsnip
Removed all XML functions from XMLTools, and changed occurrences to …
11:05 Changeset [9035] by mdewsnip
Renamed CreationTask to be more accurate.
11:01 Changeset [9034] by mdewsnip
Debug files are now written to the user GLI folder, rather than the …


17:24 Changeset [9033] by davidb
XML parsing support for Lucene used to be done with sax. This has now …
17:23 Changeset [9032] by davidb
Modification to calling collectset to be compatable with Stefan's …
17:21 Changeset [9031] by davidb
Query to lucene incorrectly constructed (missing double quote). Now …
17:20 Changeset [9030] by davidb
Update of collectset API argument to fit in with Stefan's apache …
17:18 Changeset [9029] by davidb
Used to use sax parsing for lucene support. This is now changed to …
17:18 Changeset [9028] by davidb
Adjustment of collectset API arguments to be compatible with Stefan's …
17:15 Changeset [9027] by davidb
Used to support searching with lucene. Overlooked in original batch …
17:04 Changeset [9026] by mdewsnip
Minor variable rename.
16:45 Changeset [9025] by davidb
indentation tidy up
15:47 Changeset [9024] by mdewsnip
Added toString() function to MetadataSet so multiple renderers are not …
14:25 Changeset [9023] by mdewsnip
Fixed a bug in my recent new code.
13:16 Changeset [9022] by mdewsnip
Added missing output message, by Matthew Whyte.
13:15 Changeset [9021] by mdewsnip
Some applet bug fixes, by Matthew Whyte.
11:54 Changeset [9020] by mdewsnip
Changed the plugin suggestion code to only look at the process_exp, …
11:34 Changeset [9019] by mdewsnip
Fixed bug where CollectionContentsChangedListener isn't removed from …
11:17 Changeset [9018] by mdewsnip
Moved DeleteCollectionPrompt and ExportCollectionPrompt out of …
11:07 Changeset [9017] by mdewsnip
Moved some GUI stuff out of CollectionManager and into GUIManager.


16:02 Changeset [9016] by mdewsnip
Removed a bit of unused stuff and some hard-wired arosmain paths.
15:55 Changeset [9015] by mdewsnip
Updated my recent changes to getDisplayName() to be more robust with …
14:40 Changeset [9014] by kjdon
adding a new element to plugins list not in the first collection …
13:58 Changeset [9013] by kjdon
need around % in the sql command otherwise it craps out and the …
13:46 Changeset [9012] by kjdon
one of the getTextStrings needed AbstractSearch dictionary name param
13:42 Changeset [9011] by kjdon
added highlightquery terms option to config


17:25 Changeset [9010] by kjdon
changed extlink2OID to externalId2OID
17:02 Changeset [9009] by kjdon
added param collName to resultNavigation template - can't necessarily …
16:53 Changeset [9008] by kjdon
link to previous search/browse page now looks for p.c, in case come …
16:50 Changeset [9007] by kjdon
added a check for null term element in search term highlighting code. …
16:48 Changeset [9006] by kjdon
now outputs an indexStem element in buildCOnfig
16:47 Changeset [9005] by kjdon
added insertIntoOrderedList and createParameterDescription2 (takes …
16:46 Changeset [9004] by mdewsnip
Changed all "Mirror" to "Download".
16:45 Changeset [9003] by kjdon
reordered for new search classes
16:44 Changeset [9002] by kjdon
reworked the search classes, now have a base AbstractSearch class, …
16:42 Changeset [9001] by kjdon
use index_stem instead of assuming 'index' when creating paths for mg
16:41 Changeset [9000] by kjdon
added indexStem info into configure
16:39 Changeset [8999] by kjdon
removed a couple of unnecessary lines
16:36 Changeset [8998] by kjdon
added in indexStem info
16:34 Changeset [8997] by mdewsnip
Uncommented some fairly vital code that I have no idea why I commented …
14:24 Changeset [8996] by mdewsnip
Added code for dealing with hierarchical metadata sets. Merely reduces …
14:00 Changeset [8995] by mdewsnip
Changed to use metadata_element.getDisplayName() rather than getting …
12:04 Changeset [8994] by mdewsnip
Changed all "MetaEdit" to "Enrich".
11:53 Changeset [8993] by mdewsnip
Changed all "Mirror" to "Download".
11:31 Changeset [8992] by mdewsnip
Changed "Mirror" pane to "Download".
11:29 Changeset [8991] by mdewsnip
Removed a lot of unused stuff out of the config files and changed all …


17:22 Changeset [8990] by mdewsnip
Now caches the metadata mapping so subsequent reads don't require …
14:22 Changeset [8989] by mdewsnip
Updated from first set of translations for the UNESCO 2005 CD-ROM.
14:10 Changeset [8988] by mdewsnip
Fixed a couple of spelling mistakes.
13:50 Changeset [8987] by mdewsnip
Updated from the first set of translations for the UNESCO 2005 CD-ROM.
13:36 Changeset [8986] by mdewsnip
Couple more minor fixes.
13:22 Changeset [8985] by mdewsnip
Fixed a couple of bugs.
11:37 Changeset [8984] by mdewsnip
Updated GLI help files from the first set of translations for the …
10:42 Changeset [8983] by mdewsnip
Updated from the first set of translations for the UNESCO 2005 CD-ROM.
10:23 Changeset [8982] by mdewsnip
Fixed a couple of messed up strings.
10:21 Changeset [8981] by mdewsnip
Updated after first set of translations for the UNESCO 2005 CD-ROM.


14:58 Changeset [8980] by mdewsnip
Rearranged the intn page a bit.
14:46 Changeset [8979] by nzdl
Added Elke Duncker-Gassen as the Dutch language maintainer.
14:29 Changeset [8978] by mdewsnip
Replaced all "dependant" with "dependent" (mgw5).


15:43 Changeset [8977] by jrm21
added compare function to multimap for old VC 4.2 compiler
14:40 Changeset [8976] by mdewsnip
Added missing return value for one path of execution.
13:50 Changeset [8975] by mdewsnip
Changed the configuration version for the intermediate UNESCO CD release.
13:48 Changeset [8974] by mdewsnip
Updated GLI version for the intermediate UNESCO CD release.
13:46 Changeset [8973] by mdewsnip
Updated Date for intermediate UNESCO CD release.
10:42 Changeset [8972] by mdewsnip
Qualified Dublin Core -- same as regular Dublin Core v1.1, but with …
10:36 Changeset [8971] by mdewsnip
More GEMS fixes, by Matthew Whyte. Can now create subelements of …
09:35 Changeset [8970] by kjdon
added 2.52 info for xml parser stuff


13:56 Changeset [8969] by kjdon
don't add in GS3Retrieve to service rack list anymore
13:54 Changeset [8968] by kjdon
classifier service is now GS3Browse, not GS3Retrieve
13:43 Changeset [8967] by kjdon
browse service separated from retrieval, so changed the buildCOnfig output
12:11 Changeset [8966] by kjdon
got it sort of going for doc text. need to make it look at the index …
12:02 Changeset [8965] by kjdon
browsing now done by a separate service rack
11:54 Changeset [8964] by kjdon
interior renamed to internal
11:53 Changeset [8963] by kjdon
interior changed to internal, added in word and pdf images
11:51 Changeset [8962] by kjdon
made a base class which GS2MAcroREsolver inherits
11:50 Changeset [8961] by kjdon
interior node renamed to internal, added in the doc types
11:49 Changeset [8960] by kjdon
replaced by new classes
11:48 Changeset [8959] by kjdon
restructured the retrieval classes. split apart browsing and doc …


17:18 Changeset [8958] by nzdl
Minor changes to new FAQ entry and internationalization page.
16:57 Changeset [8957] by mdewsnip
Added Kyrgyz and Bengali interfaces.
16:55 Changeset [8956] by mdewsnip
Bengali interface, many thanks to Prasenjit Majumder.
14:47 Changeset [8955] by kjdon
now we specify a dictionary name. also some calls to getTextString, …
14:46 Changeset [8954] by kjdon
if no field specified, use the default field (the first one in the …
14:43 Changeset [8953] by kjdon
removed a comment
14:42 Changeset [8952] by kjdon
we now have a dictionary name specified for each class, rather than …
14:40 Changeset [8951] by kjdon
merged some of these files so that classes can share files
12:17 Changeset [8950] by kjdon
first stab at Java/JNI wrapper around mgpp_passes
12:16 Changeset [8949] by kjdon
added in some stuff for java/jni wrapper around mgpp_passes
12:13 Changeset [8948] by kjdon
first stab at jni version of mgpp_passes
12:12 Changeset [8947] by kjdon
added in some stuff for jni version of mgpp_passes
12:11 Changeset [8946] by kjdon
added a couple of functions that read in text from a buffer rather …
12:09 Changeset [8945] by kjdon
close the file handle fp
11:22 Changeset [8944] by kjdon
rebuilt this to make images work
09:50 Changeset [8943] by nzdl
Updated sourceforge logo URL.
09:41 Changeset [8942] by kjdon
titles does not have an A-Z list


17:06 Changeset [8941] by mdewsnip
Kyrgyz language interface, many thanks to Fedor Bakalov.
15:37 Changeset [8940] by mdewsnip
Added Catalan name for the Catalan language.
15:22 Changeset [8939] by nzdl
Changes to home page regarding user survey, and new site on examples page.
15:21 Changeset [8938] by mdewsnip
Tidied up the new FAQ entry slightly.
14:33 Changeset [8937] by kjdon
added in a command for compiling the test servlet
14:26 Changeset [8936] by kjdon
first draft of hyperlinking metadata elements faq entry. Michael has …
12:08 Changeset [8935] by kjdon
changed symlinks from ln -s to ln -sf
12:07 Changeset [8934] by kjdon
changed strstream to stringstream, cos strstream is deprecated


11:29 Changeset [8933] by mdewsnip
Translated catalan2.dm macrofile and images, many thanks to the …
10:13 Changeset [8932] by mdewsnip
More improvements to GEMS, by Matthew Whyte. Subelements now work …


16:50 Changeset [8931] by mdewsnip
New JAR file containing Stefan's fix for https connections.
16:32 Changeset [8930] by mdewsnip
More GEMS improvements, by Matthew Whyte. Now has subfield support.


16:14 Changeset [8929] by kjdon
fixed a bug I introduced last commit
16:13 Changeset [8928] by sjboddie
Altered phind so it works correctly over an https connection …
15:38 Changeset [8927] by kjdon
changed formatting in preparation for my work on this class


15:17 Changeset [8926] by kjdon
a bit of a hack to get images workign. when loading in an HTML …
15:12 Changeset [8925] by kjdon
html now may have _httpcollection_ in img links - we resolve this to …
15:10 Changeset [8924] by kjdon
with a search we now return a metadata item with the actual query …
14:55 Changeset [8923] by kjdon
added in printing of comments
09:42 Changeset [8922] by mdewsnip
Initial version of the Greenstone Translator's Interface. Still needs …


16:43 Changeset [8921] by kjdon
fixed up the receptionist option handling stuff
16:17 Changeset [8920] by nzdl
had to move the float doc_weight up so that it compiled on other machines
16:06 Changeset [8919] by kjdon
added some bits (copied from mgquery) to make paragraph searching work …
10:55 Changeset [8918] by chi
Adding a text message for showing MP3 type of file.
10:55 Changeset [8917] by chi
Adding a equivlink icon for showing MP3 type of file.
10:45 Changeset [8916] by chi
Add a text message for showing MP3 type of file.
10:17 Changeset [8915] by chi
Add an option-smart_block_BN for BN Portugal Collection.
10:13 Changeset [8914] by chi
Add a smart_block option to deal with associated files of HTML document.
10:10 Changeset [8913] by chi
program layout change


12:05 Changeset [8912] by nzdl
Missed a couple of table rows.
12:00 Changeset [8911] by nzdl
Added Sergey Karpov (UNESCO Almaty) as the Kazakh language maintainer.
01:16 Changeset [8910] by davidb
Introduction of macro _httpcimages_ as convenient handle to where the …
01:14 Changeset [8909] by davidb
PageImgPlug updated so read function follows more consistently the …
01:14 Changeset [8908] by davidb
BasPlug now sets a piece of metadata [hascover] if document has a …


14:52 Changeset [8907] by schweer
method should not be exposed
14:49 Changeset [8906] by chi
Modifications of dublin_core element value into the DSpace's format. …
14:46 Changeset [8905] by schweer
added George's code for the Greenstone Directory Service
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.