

17:28 Changeset [9456] by kjdon
Makefile.in for gs2build module
17:22 Changeset [9455] by kjdon
17:04 Changeset [9454] by kjdon
16:54 Changeset [9453] by kjdon
configure scripts and Makefile for gs2build module
16:45 Changeset [9452] by kjdon
a packages configure script for the gs2build module
16:41 Changeset [9451] by kjdon
16:40 Changeset [9450] by kjdon
16:39 Changeset [9449] by kjdon
16:31 Changeset [9448] by kjdon
trying to get only part of gsdl for the gs2build module
15:02 Changeset [9447] by mdewsnip
*Sigh*, another case of the Windows makefiles being ignored…
13:35 Changeset [9446] by kjdon
trying to add a new gs2build module - to see if I have permission
13:23 Changeset [9445] by kjdon
small changes
12:04 Changeset [9444] by nzdl
More tidy ups.
10:56 Changeset [9443] by mdewsnip
Removed unused WordPlug, changed naff HList format statement, and made …
10:53 Changeset [9442] by nzdl
changed the cvs download link
10:39 Changeset [9441] by mdewsnip
Small fix for dealing with strings containing "\n" characters.
09:39 Changeset [9440] by mdewsnip
Changed non-sensical default HList format (only [Title] makes sense).


16:46 Changeset [9439] by nzdl
The Collector is now disabled by default.
16:42 Changeset [9438] by nzdl
Removed -cover_image flag
16:25 Changeset [9437] by mdewsnip
Updated version numbers in preparation for the 2.60 release.
16:22 Changeset [9436] by mdewsnip
Guessed the 2.60 release date.
16:20 Changeset [9435] by kjdon
if we have found some format in the info element, don't look for it in …
16:19 Changeset [9434] by kjdon
added replaceFirstLInk funciton
16:18 Changeset [9433] by kjdon
added in code to cope when we have more than one service with the same …
16:14 Changeset [9432] by mdewsnip
Make executable, and commented out a line of code that isn't currently …
16:11 Changeset [9431] by mdewsnip
Changed version for VERSION file to 2.60, in preparation for the …
15:29 Changeset [9430] by mdewsnip
The Collector is dead... long live the Collector!
15:21 Changeset [9429] by mdewsnip
Renamed UnknownPlug.file_type to UnknownPlug.file_format.
15:19 Changeset [9428] by mdewsnip
Added string for new UnknownPlug "-process_extension" option.
15:19 Changeset [9427] by mdewsnip
Added the "-process_extension" option: a simpler alternative to …
14:44 Changeset [9426] by kjdon
changed the collection specific stuff slightly - instead of the single …
13:50 Changeset [9425] by kjdon
added getResourceDir methods to provide the path to the collection …
13:50 Changeset [9424] by kjdon
added a new constructor that takes a specified classloader which is …
13:49 Changeset [9423] by kjdon
modified getTextSTring: if no dictionary is specified, now tries a …
13:47 Changeset [9422] by kjdon
a new class loader class that knows about the resources directory in a …
13:35 Changeset [9421] by mdewsnip
Was adding "Source" metadata twice.
13:27 Changeset [9420] by mdewsnip
Now adds a complete path for gsdlsourcefilename instead of just the …
11:59 Changeset [9419] by mdewsnip
Forgot to import DebugStream.
11:26 Changeset [9418] by mdewsnip
Added check so the GLI doesn't crash when parsing a format statement …


15:15 Changeset [9417] by mdewsnip
Changed Kea models, for a better trade-off between performance and …
14:42 Changeset [9416] by mdewsnip
Updated French strings, many thanks to Vincent Dubuc.
14:29 Changeset [9415] by mdewsnip
Updated French strings, many thanks to Vincent Dubuc.
14:06 Changeset [9414] by jrm21
oops, removed a testing/debugging statement
14:05 Changeset [9413] by jrm21
if we are trying to automatically determine the encoding, look for a …
14:01 Changeset [9412] by mdewsnip
Updates to French interface, many thanks to Vincent Dubuc.
13:38 Changeset [9411] by jrm21
updated comment at top to reflect changed functionality
13:35 Changeset [9410] by jrm21
do unicode endian detection if the encoding is 'unicode', rather than …
11:20 Changeset [9409] by jrm21
use unlink() instead of rm
11:19 Changeset [9408] by davidb
Subtle mistake related to testing for C-preprocessor defined …
11:07 Changeset [9407] by mdewsnip
More updates to Polish interface, many thanks to Lech Borkowski.
10:47 Changeset [9406] by davidb
Added include statement for stdio.h. Caused compile error on Puka …
10:45 Changeset [9405] by kjdon
replaced a couple of strings with constants, and made teh …
10:42 Changeset [9404] by davidb
include statement for <ostream> not needed, and in fact caused …
10:17 Changeset [9403] by jrm21
need to 'bless' an object before you can call functions in it (for …
10:14 Changeset [9402] by davidb
Trailing <space> after \ caused XML-Parser to fail to generate …
09:49 Changeset [9401] by davidb
formattoools.cpp extended to supoorts 'child' request, within …
09:48 Changeset [9400] by davidb
gdbmsource.h .cpp .o added to filename list in Makefile.in
09:47 Changeset [9399] by davidb
gdbmsoure.o added to makefile.in
09:44 Changeset [9398] by davidb
Introduction of GISBasPlug for Geographic Informatoin System support. …
09:40 Changeset [9397] by davidb
Addition of GISBasPlug.* descriptions for pluginfo.
09:23 Changeset [9396] by davidb
Added text message to describe new "on-the-side" GISBasPlug


14:26 Changeset [9395] by davidb
Text message for new MetadataPass plugin.


16:56 Changeset [9394] by mdewsnip
Updated Polish interface, many thanks to Lech Borkowski.
14:19 Changeset [9393] by mdewsnip
Improved the regular expression for parsing CVS annotate dates.
11:26 Changeset [9392] by mdewsnip
Removed an untranslated string.
11:12 Changeset [9391] by mdewsnip
Updated in response to my changes yesterday.
10:33 Changeset [9390] by mdewsnip
Added translations, many thanks to Olena Medelyan.
10:25 Changeset [9389] by mdewsnip
Added translations, many thanks to Jesus Tramullas.


17:03 Changeset [9388] by mdewsnip
Improvements to upload, by Matthew Whyte.
16:27 Changeset [9387] by mdewsnip
Updated greenstone.org strings, many thanks to Doug Carter & friends …
16:15 Changeset [9386] by mdewsnip
Minor change.
16:13 Changeset [9385] by mdewsnip
Actually, the previous log message should have given credit to Jesus …
16:12 Changeset [9384] by mdewsnip
Updates to greenstone.org, many thanks to Doug Carter & friends.
15:43 Changeset [9383] by kjdon
now uses gs2build instead of gs2extra
15:40 Changeset [9382] by kjdon
now uses gs2build instead of gs2extra, and added in the classpath fix …
14:42 Changeset [9381] by kjdon
A modified Makefile for the (still to be created) gs2build module. We …
14:37 Changeset [9380] by mdewsnip
Oops.. an English string slipped in here somehow.
14:36 Changeset [9379] by mdewsnip
Updated GLI help, many thanks to Olena Medelyan for the translation.
14:35 Changeset [9378] by mdewsnip
Updated GLI help, many thanks to Jesus Tramullas for the translation.
14:22 Changeset [9377] by kjdon
minor configuration change in Makefile.PL and Expat/Makefile.PL - set …
14:12 Changeset [9376] by davidb
Fault in "combining" saved_metadata and metadata.xml when …
14:09 Changeset [9375] by jrm21
minor fix for getting encoding from LC_ALL environment variable
13:49 Changeset [9374] by mdewsnip
Now uses the dictionary to resolve workflow strings.
13:49 Changeset [9373] by mdewsnip
Removed unused variable.
13:48 Changeset [9372] by mdewsnip
Added workflows strings.
13:44 Changeset [9371] by mdewsnip
No longer used.
13:41 Changeset [9370] by mdewsnip
Removed dead stuff from configRemote.xml also.
13:39 Changeset [9369] by mdewsnip
No longer used.
13:37 Changeset [9368] by mdewsnip
The strings for this file are now stored in the dictionary, so they …
13:31 Changeset [9367] by mdewsnip
Changed some strings to have the full dictionary key value, so they …
13:30 Changeset [9366] by mdewsnip
Updated CURRENT_CONFIGURATION_VERSION to match changes to config.xml.
13:24 Changeset [9365] by mdewsnip
Updated GLI dictionary, many thanks to Doug Carter & friends for the …
13:18 Changeset [9364] by mdewsnip
Updated GLI dictionary, many thanks to Jesus Tramullas for the translation.
13:03 Changeset [9363] by jrm21
put Language.name in utf-8 instead of iso-8859-1
12:39 Changeset [9362] by mdewsnip
Added a check to prevent errors when three conditions are met: a) no …
12:17 Changeset [9361] by davidb
Tidied up code, removed commented out lines etc.
12:16 Changeset [9360] by davidb
A new (abstract) plugin module that lexically scopes useful functions …
12:15 Changeset [9359] by mdewsnip
Big tidy up, removed a lot of unused entries and stuff that should …
12:14 Changeset [9358] by mdewsnip
Small typo in previous change.
12:14 Changeset [9357] by davidb
SplitPlug enhanced to support the two pass: metadata_read, read …
12:13 Changeset [9356] by mdewsnip
Removed a number of unused settings.
12:09 Changeset [9355] by mdewsnip
Added some comments to show that some dictionary entries are used, …
12:03 Changeset [9354] by mdewsnip
Added a couple of missing tooltips.
11:59 Changeset [9353] by davidb
Combination of metadata passed on through the 'saved_metadata' …
11:57 Changeset [9352] by davidb
Processing lines for OAIPlug were not appearing in GLI (librarian …
11:55 Changeset [9351] by davidb
Two changes: 1. Fusing files with the same root filename is meant …
11:54 Changeset [9350] by mdewsnip
Changed WarningDialog to take the dialog title and message as …
10:57 Changeset [9349] by mdewsnip
Removed the formatting args stuff.
10:57 Changeset [9348] by mdewsnip
Moved some strings out of the resource bundle into here.
10:17 Changeset [9347] by mdewsnip
Specifies "." for classpath when running CheckJavaVersion, for messed …
10:00 Changeset [9346] by davidb
Restructuring of lucenegdbmsource and mggdbmsource to put common code …
09:57 Changeset [9345] by davidb
Restructuring of lucenegdbmsource and mggdbmsource to inherit from new …


16:51 Changeset [9344] by mdewsnip
I don't know why those strings were ever in the dictionary.
16:18 Changeset [9343] by mdewsnip
Fixed a couple of little errors.
15:45 Changeset [9342] by mdewsnip
Removed unnecessary leading and trailing whitespace in button strings.
14:16 Changeset [9341] by mdewsnip
Changed to use the new ModalProgressPopup to prevent race conditions …
14:14 Changeset [9340] by mdewsnip
Changed to use Gatherer.g_man.wait() instead of setModal() to …
13:28 Changeset [9339] by mdewsnip
Removed code for skinning -- not used, and hardly the most important …
13:23 Changeset [9338] by mdewsnip
Added some "\n" characters for multi-line button strings.
13:20 Changeset [9337] by mdewsnip
Tidied up some button images.
12:20 Changeset [9336] by mdewsnip
Removed the specific compilation of the feedback directory, since the …
12:19 Changeset [9335] by mdewsnip
Added a comment to these five files indicating that they are not used.
12:05 Changeset [9334] by mdewsnip
Improved previous change so the GLI won't completely crap out if an …
11:39 Changeset [9333] by davidb
spacewidth macro introduced to be able to control left-hand margin …
11:39 Changeset [9332] by davidb
Introduction of web icon (like the document icon but with a picture of …
11:20 Changeset [9331] by mdewsnip
Changed the adding/replacing/removing of metadata so it all happens on …
10:06 Changeset [9330] by mdewsnip
Added some "\n" characters for multi-line button strings.
09:59 Changeset [9329] by mdewsnip
Added some "\n" characters for multi-line button strings.
09:38 Changeset [9328] by mdewsnip
Added some "\n" characters for multi-line button strings.


17:16 Changeset [9327] by mdewsnip
Updates for the UNESCO CD-ROM, many thanks to Doug Carter & friends.
17:09 Changeset [9326] by mdewsnip
Added some "\n" characters for multi-line button strings.
16:44 Changeset [9325] by mdewsnip
Added translations for the UNESCO CD-ROM, many thanks to Doug Carter & …
16:27 Changeset [9324] by mdewsnip
Removed a comment.
16:27 Changeset [9323] by mdewsnip
Added a couple of translations for the UNESCO CD-ROM by Jesus Tramullas.
16:24 Changeset [9322] by davidb
Typo detected in code: mistakenly sets childtype of Vlist not VList. …
16:17 Changeset [9321] by mdewsnip
Updates to Spanish strings for the UNESCO CD-ROM, many thanks to Jesus …
16:00 Changeset [9320] by mdewsnip
Added a translation from Vincent Dubuc.
14:46 Changeset [9319] by mdewsnip
Added some "\n" characters for multi-line classifier button strings.
14:30 Changeset [9318] by nzdl
updated download links from 2.53 to 2.53a
13:51 Changeset [9317] by mdewsnip
"-cover_image" is now on by default.
13:00 Changeset [9316] by mdewsnip
Some tidy ups.
12:02 Changeset [9315] by mdewsnip
Changed so it should only compile each class once -- this should speed …
11:48 Changeset [9314] by mdewsnip
Minor changes.
11:47 Changeset [9313] by mdewsnip
Removed main function, and changed to have Unix line endings.
11:46 Changeset [9312] by mdewsnip
Removed main function.
11:45 Changeset [9311] by mdewsnip
Doesn't seem to be used anymore.
11:20 Changeset [9310] by mdewsnip
Removed all the non-translated English/German image strings.
11:00 Changeset [9309] by mdewsnip
Added some "\n" characters for multi-line button images.
10:27 Changeset [9308] by mdewsnip
Added Polish language interface, many thanks to Lech Borkowski.
10:26 Changeset [9307] by mdewsnip
Why does that extra newline pop up in every macrofile?
10:12 Changeset [9306] by mdewsnip
Removed some English strings.
10:06 Changeset [9305] by davidb
Code used to that GAPlug can never be removed. This has been relaxed …
09:34 Changeset [9304] by kjdon
renamed to xxx.tmp so its not compiled - need to sort out whether we …


16:36 Changeset [9303]
This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create tag …
16:36 Changeset [9302] by mdewsnip
Fix to the nasty bug where plugin options are not remembered.
16:35 Changeset [9301] by mdewsnip
Removed a dead function.
15:12 Changeset [9300] by nzdl
Added French translation of Greenstone v2.53 release notice (thanks to …
14:38 Changeset [9299] by mdewsnip
Polish interface, many thanks to Lech Borkowski.
14:07 Changeset [9298] by mdewsnip
Tidied up some whitespace, and added "\n" characters for multi-line …
13:59 Changeset [9297] by mdewsnip
Converted entities into proper UTF-8. This is required for classifier …
13:01 Changeset [9296] by davidb
Addition of gdbsource.o to list of col server objects to link against.
11:45 Changeset [9295] by mdewsnip
Added "\n" characters for multi-line button strings.
11:34 Changeset [9294] by mdewsnip
Added "\n" characters for multi-line button image strings.
11:30 Changeset [9293] by mdewsnip
Tidied up some whitespace, and added "\n" characters for multi-line …
11:26 Changeset [9292] by mdewsnip
Tidied up some whitespace.
11:23 Changeset [9291] by mdewsnip
Tidied up some whitespace and added "\n" characters into button strings.
11:20 Changeset [9290] by mdewsnip
Tidied up some whitespace.


15:55 Changeset [9289] by kjdon
removed some unnecessary stuff from configure - call the super class …
15:53 Changeset [9288] by kjdon
added fields does_structure|metadata|content - if these are false, …
15:41 Changeset [9287] by kjdon
MapQuery renamed to MapSearch
15:40 Changeset [9286] by kjdon
renamed MapQuery to MapSearch, and it now inherits from AbstractSearch
15:33 Changeset [9285] by kjdon
IViaProxy not used any more, no use IViaSearch and IViaRetrieve
15:31 Changeset [9284] by kjdon
renamed ClassifierBrowse.properties to AbstractBrowse.properties - …
15:30 Changeset [9283] by kjdon
renamed MGSearch.properties to AbstractMGSearch.properties - have gone …
15:29 Changeset [9282] by kjdon
renamed MGPPSearch.properties to AbstractMGPPSearch.properties - have …
15:27 Changeset [9281] by kjdon
tidying up, removed dictionary name from getTextString calls
15:24 Changeset [9280] by kjdon
no longer need the dictionary_name field
15:22 Changeset [9279] by kjdon
changed again how you get text strings. have gone back to using the …
14:58 Changeset [9278] by mdewsnip
Many of the macros were either English or German?
14:56 Changeset [9277] by mdewsnip
These are all crap.
13:26 Changeset [9276] by kjdon
can now send the same message to several modules - use a comma …


17:22 Changeset [9275] by kjdon
uses IViaSearch and IViaREtrieve instead of IViaProxy
17:21 Changeset [9274] by kjdon
added a bit to print out any error nodes
17:19 Changeset [9273] by kjdon
removed some unnecessary stuff that AbstractSearch already does
17:18 Changeset [9272] by kjdon
made this inherit from AbstractSearch
17:17 Changeset [9271] by kjdon
set does_chunking to true
17:16 Changeset [9270] by kjdon
made does_chunking false by default, added ina new flag, …
17:12 Changeset [9269] by mdewsnip
Removed an extra newline.
16:27 Changeset [9268] by kjdon
removed the abstract declarations for methods that are now defined in …
16:25 Changeset [9267] by kjdon
Chi's new search service that just talks to the Google web service …
16:25 Changeset [9266] by kjdon
added a does chunking flag - whether or not the service provides …
16:23 Changeset [9265] by kjdon
instead of returning null if something goes wrong, which then calls a …
16:16 Changeset [9264] by kjdon
now looks for an error element after the query
14:18 Changeset [9263] by mdewsnip
Added name for the Kyrgyz language in Kyrgyz.
14:04 Changeset [9262] by mdewsnip
A tab at the end of a macrofiles line caused everything after it to be …
14:00 Changeset [9261] by kjdon
fixed a bug in addError
13:56 Changeset [9260] by mdewsnip
Updated Kyrgyz images, many thanks to Fedor Bakalov for the translations.
13:55 Changeset [9259] by mdewsnip
Updated Kyrgyz interface, many thanks to Fedor Bakalov.
13:21 Changeset [9258] by kjdon
added the 'new' item about 2.53 release, removed the 2.52 one and the …
13:11 Changeset [9257] by nzdl
changed the windows, linux and src download urls to 2.53
11:34 Changeset [9256] by mdewsnip
Updates to Install.sh for installing PDFs (CD-ROM installations).
11:12 Changeset [9255] by mdewsnip
Moved from here into the new "for-distributions" package (eg. …
11:11 Changeset [9254] by nzdl
Moved into here from the main Greenstone source (it is only used for …
10:26 Changeset [9253] by kjdon
added 2.53 distribution


14:24 Changeset [9252] by kjdon
fixed a bug in the source list updating
14:03 Changeset [9251] by mdewsnip
Now sets a whole lot of permissions (for the Installshield X installer).
10:42 Changeset [9250] by kjdon
removed an erroneous backslash
10:30 Changeset [9249] by mdewsnip
Fixed up CheckList selection (again), and changed WriteCDImagePrompt …
09:39 Changeset [9248] by kjdon
macro files were reordered
09:35 Changeset [9247] by kjdon
reordered the macro file list so that language ones are at the end and …
09:32 Changeset [9246] by mdewsnip
Changed to use the renamed CheckList::getTicked() instead of …
09:04 Changeset [9245] by kjdon
changed date for AboutDialog


22:42 Changeset [9244] by davidb
ExportCollectionPrompt.java renamed to WriteCDImagePrompt. This was …
22:38 Changeset [9243] by davidb
Renaming of ExportPrompt class the WriteCDImagePrompt and introduction …
22:36 Changeset [9242] by davidb
Renaming of Export to CDImage, introduction of ExportAs.
22:34 Changeset [9241] by davidb
Incorrect parsing of gsdlassocfile in METS code. Can have a directory …
17:29 Changeset [9240] by mdewsnip
Make some more things executable.
17:10 Changeset [9239] by mdewsnip
Changed "unshift" to "push", so an existing XML::Parser on the system …
16:30 Changeset [9238] by davidb
Title to AGLS now spells out what AGLS stands for.
15:43 Changeset [9237] by davidb
Improvements to checking or applet parameters.
15:39 Changeset [9236] by davidb
Revisions to help exportcol.pl work more smoothly with Applet version …
15:38 Changeset [9235] by davidb
Don't want to -removeold if working with an explicit export directory …
15:38 Changeset [9234] by chi
Search and Retrieve Informine Service. Based on the new AbstractSearch
15:32 Changeset [9233] by davidb
Revised command-line arguments. Can also now be run with more than …
15:29 Changeset [9232] by davidb
Text for DSpacePlug related option. Modification to text for generic …
15:28 Changeset [9231] by davidb
Revision to associated files for handling METS saveas case.
15:25 Changeset [9230] by kjdon
added in some statistics about a collection done by diego. it appears …
15:22 Changeset [9229] by davidb
Added default_process_exp to ZIPPlug, so GLI can "see" that it likes …
15:21 Changeset [9228] by davidb
Changed setting URL metadata back to always being done (regardless of …
15:20 Changeset [9227] by mdewsnip
A few more tidy ups for Greenstone 2.53 and Installshield X.
15:18 Changeset [9226] by mdewsnip
Added a string for cancelling building, by Matthew Whyte. Also removed …
15:10 Changeset [9225] by mdewsnip
Removed zip-cdrom.sh and zip-web.sh, since these are no longer used …
14:31 Changeset [9224] by mdewsnip
Demo collection configuration file with only core language strings.
13:56 Changeset [9223] by mdewsnip
Tar file containing prebuilt perl-5.6 and perl-5.8 directories for …
13:39 Changeset [9222] by mdewsnip
GLI languages.xml file with only core languages enabled (English, …
13:37 Changeset [9221] by mdewsnip
Greenstone etc/main.cfg file with only core language interfaces …
13:14 Changeset [9220] by mdewsnip
Changed to use Hierarchy instead of AutoHierarchy.
12:12 Changeset [9219] by kjdon
added a third arg - a filename to output the result of the java …
12:10 Changeset [9218] by kjdon
made this work under windows without black screens. had to use …
10:39 Changeset [9217] by mdewsnip
Fixed up a few problems with setting the wget path manually from the …


16:32 Changeset [9216] by kjdon
a few changes to make it compile on windows - changed the text_t …
16:00 Changeset [9215] by kjdon
changed from using global vars to passing in the user data
15:47 Changeset [9214] by kjdon
now set a gdbm_level in buildproc, so can tell whether to number …
15:24 Changeset [9213] by kjdon
added in the new expat_document.o
15:05 Changeset [9212] by mdewsnip
More updates for Greenstone 2.53 release. The hfiles no longer exist …
14:57 Changeset [9211] by mdewsnip
A couple of minor changes.
14:52 Changeset [9210] by kjdon
made some mods to get querying workign on windows. couldn't open a …
14:50 Changeset [9209] by mdewsnip
Some tidy ups to the applet code.
13:37 Changeset [9208] by mdewsnip
Changed to be executable.
12:23 Changeset [9207] by mdewsnip
Changed the AutoHierarchy classifiers back to Hierarchy, now that …
12:09 Changeset [9206] by davidb
Reworking of AutoHierarchy and Hierarchy so they are merged as one …
12:07 Changeset [9205] by mdewsnip
Not used, but the GLI will recreate it if it isn't there, so easiest …
12:04 Changeset [9204] by davidb
Fixed typo (@ should have been $) in access to perl array.
11:45 Changeset [9203] by mdewsnip
More changes to GLI applet, by Matthew Whyte.
10:29 Changeset [9202] by mdewsnip
More GLI applet improvements, by Matthew Whyte. Now uploads only …


17:29 Changeset [9201] by mdewsnip
Changed NewCollectionMetadataPrompt to use CheckList rather than a lot …
17:22 Changeset [9200] by mdewsnip
Changed some function names in CheckList to be more obvious (well, to …
17:14 Changeset [9199] by kjdon
added expat_document.*
17:13 Changeset [9198] by kjdon
changed the dirsep to be escaped so it works on windows
16:57 Changeset [9197] by kjdon
a few changes to make it work on windows
15:33 Changeset [9196] by mdewsnip
Now disables the "Export" button when no collections are ticked.
15:16 Changeset [9195] by mdewsnip
Now rips everything except the metadata out of doc.xml files before …
15:02 Changeset [9194] by mdewsnip
No longer used.
15:02 Changeset [9193] by mdewsnip
Unnecessary import of Gatherer class.
14:57 Changeset [9192] by mdewsnip
Was using a Troolean unnecessarily.
14:43 Changeset [9191] by mdewsnip
Removed some dead code.
14:30 Changeset [9190] by kjdon
need to pass the level tag to expat_document
14:29 Changeset [9189] by kjdon
made gdbm_level public instead of protected, so the lucenegdbmsource …
14:29 Changeset [9188] by kjdon
now pass in the section level tag name when getting a document
14:28 Changeset [9187] by mdewsnip
No longer used.
14:27 Changeset [9186] by kjdon
changed the doc id numbers if no sections to be doc numbers not …
14:24 Changeset [9185] by mdewsnip
Fix to the bug with Java 1.5.0 where the checkbox would not repaint if …
10:41 Changeset [9184] by mdewsnip
Fixes for Java 1.5.0.
09:52 Changeset [9183] by mdewsnip
No longer used (bugs? there aren't any bugs!)
09:50 Changeset [9182] by mdewsnip
Removed this from the main source since it is only used by us to …


17:13 Changeset [9181] by mdewsnip
Code for zipping up stuff on the server to send back to the applet.
17:11 Changeset [9180] by mdewsnip
Removed the gsdl3 and gdbm class files (!) out of here.
16:57 Changeset [9179] by kjdon
added a text pass to store the documents - we want all the html in it …
16:56 Changeset [9178] by kjdon
tried to tidy up the paragraph tagging stuff, but its still not …
16:55 Changeset [9177] by kjdon
separated doc storage and lucene indexing into two modes, mode passed …
16:54 Changeset [9176] by kjdon
added in expat_document.o, needed by lucene stuff
16:53 Changeset [9175] by kjdon
added in doc content retrieval
16:51 Changeset [9174] by kjdon
put char* get_attribute(const char attr, char* att_name) in the …
16:44 Changeset [9173] by kjdon
added expat_document for parsing the source docs to get the content
15:12 Changeset [9172] by mdewsnip
Changed missing string to use an existing string that is better anyway.
14:53 Changeset [9171] by mdewsnip
A couple of tidy ups.
14:44 Changeset [9170] by mdewsnip
Removed a whole lot of dead code.
14:13 Changeset [9169] by davidb
HTMLPlug was always setting URL metadata. This only makes sense if …
14:12 Changeset [9168] by davidb
Fixed typo in argument list: was 'first_inoder_ext' when it should …
14:11 Changeset [9167] by davidb
'process_exp' added to list of arguments MP3Plug uses. This is the …
13:57 Changeset [9166] by mdewsnip
More improvements to the GLI applet, by Matthew Whyte. Now only …
13:25 Changeset [9165] by mdewsnip
Now takes accept and reject regular expressions when zipping files, by …
13:20 Changeset [9164] by nzdl
Added Polish language maintainer.
12:30 Changeset [9163] by mdewsnip
Removed old version of Kea (new version is in packages/kea).
12:23 Changeset [9162] by mdewsnip
Now just installs the library (we don't care about the xmlwf binary).


17:02 Changeset [9161] by mdewsnip
Made the "assign partitions" tab in the "Partition Indexes" section …
15:22 Changeset [9160] by mdewsnip
Removed use of a deprecated class.
15:20 Changeset [9159] by kjdon
now sort the options in a drop down box
15:06 Changeset [9158] by mdewsnip
Changed some "proceeding"s to "preceeding"s... John, John, John.
14:34 Changeset [9157] by kjdon
changed the my declarations of the global variables to our - so lucene …
14:33 Changeset [9156] by kjdon
ISISPlug doc field/suffix/prefix options moved to be exploding options
14:21 Changeset [9155] by kjdon
renamed ExportCollectionPrompt.Output to General.Review_Output
14:21 Changeset [9154] by kjdon
removed some unnecessary Explode strings, and added some new ones. …
14:17 Changeset [9153] by kjdon
now uses ScriptOPtions to get the options from teh script, and runs …
14:08 Changeset [9152] by kjdon
some of the functionality in the MyArgumentControl class is now in the …
14:07 Changeset [9151] by kjdon
added some more methods to get name, enabled and value, and changed …
14:06 Changeset [9150] by kjdon
moved internal class ResultDialog out form ExportCOllectionPrompt into …
14:04 Changeset [9149] by kjdon
one line not tabbed correctly
14:03 Changeset [9148] by kjdon
added static string GSHELL_OTHER
14:01 Changeset [9147] by kjdon
added in lots more options, mainly to do with downloading files
10:22 Changeset [9146] by davidb
blank.gif changed to be 100% transparent, rather than opaque white.
10:11 Changeset [9145] by davidb
Removal of some debugging print statements, plus rewording of comment.
10:09 Changeset [9144] by davidb
"Source" metadata now set to be consistent with other plugins.
10:08 Changeset [9143] by davidb
Added handling of <embed> tag in a similar fashion to <img> Also, …
10:04 Changeset [9142] by davidb
Revision to Collaging so only documents with associated files that …
09:44 Changeset [9141] by mdewsnip
Now with different line endings, so opening it in the GLI won't show …


17:01 Changeset [9140] by kjdon
added a checdk for metadata in a search result - if its there, we …
16:14 Changeset [9139] by kjdon
moved the ArgumentControl class out of OptionsPane. OptionsPane now …
16:03 Changeset [9138] by mdewsnip
Ooooops... the "I'm Feeling Lucky" functionality didn't work at all …
15:40 Changeset [9137] by kjdon
a colleciton now has build_options and import_options instead of just one
15:39 Changeset [9136] by kjdon
changed to use SCriptOptions instead of BuildOptions
15:38 Changeset [9135] by kjdon
BuildOptions renamed to ScriptOptions. now theres no build/import …
14:59 Changeset [9134] by mdewsnip
Made some debug statements go to DebugStream now.
14:35 Changeset [9133] by mdewsnip
Added the "-hlist_at_top" option from Hierarchy.
14:33 Changeset [9132] by mdewsnip
Changed to use the new AutoHierarchy classifier instead of the …
13:51 Changeset [9131] by mdewsnip
Removed all hfile writing from the GLI -- users should now be using …
13:40 Changeset [9130] by mdewsnip
Allowed the use of "|" characters as well as "\" for separating …
11:40 Changeset [9129] by mdewsnip
Fixed up Windows makefiles so Expat is compiled into all the binaries …
11:35 Changeset [9128] by mdewsnip
Zip file containing pre-built (using Microsoft Visual C++ 4) static …
11:01 Changeset [9127] by kjdon
PluginManager.getExploderPlugin now returns a Plugin rather than the …
10:58 Changeset [9126] by kjdon
moved the argument details xml parsing code to Argument.parseXML - the …
10:21 Changeset [9125] by mdewsnip
Added a substr function to unicode.pm that should work correctly on …
09:49 Changeset [9124] by mdewsnip
Set the preserveSpace option back to false, because it makes a mess of …
09:41 Changeset [9123] by mdewsnip
Fixed up bad e-mail address -- how did it get like that?


17:23 Changeset [9122] by mdewsnip
Grrr... why doesn't anyone think about Windows when writing code?
15:45 Changeset [9121] by kjdon
changed encoding option to input_encoding so it gets the list of …
15:42 Changeset [9120] by kjdon
BibTex plug can do exploding - set 'explodes' to yes in xml description
13:43 Changeset [9119] by kjdon
convert & to &amp; in metadata before writing it out to metadata.xml, …
13:42 Changeset [9118] by kjdon
MARC plug can do exploding - set 'explodes' to yes in xml description
11:50 Changeset [9117] by mdewsnip
In response to David's (Stefan's?) changes to collectset.cpp.


17:16 Changeset [9116] by mdewsnip
Now a bit happier if it is run before the GLI is run (ie. no …
17:06 Changeset [9115] by mdewsnip
Added #ifdefs for slightly different popen and pclose on Windows.
16:09 Changeset [9114] by kjdon
added new dummy doc creation functionality
16:08 Changeset [9113] by kjdon
added right click option to create a new dummy doc in colleciton tree
16:07 Changeset [9112] by kjdon
renamed NewFolderPrompt to NewFolderOrFilePrompt, now handles file …
16:06 Changeset [9111] by kjdon
NewFolderPrompt renamed to NewFileOrFolderPrompt and some file …
15:54 Changeset [9110] by mdewsnip
Fixed minor typo.
15:02 Changeset [9109] by kjdon
added the right click handling from GatherPane into the tree in this pane
14:54 Changeset [9108] by kjdon
fixed up the right click selection on the colleciton tree
14:31 Changeset [9107] by mdewsnip
Demo collection configuration file with English, French, Spanish, and …
14:27 Changeset [9106] by mdewsnip
Updated for new Installshield X creation process.
14:23 Changeset [9105] by kjdon
added getExploderPlugin method - hacked for isis files, need to …
14:22 Changeset [9104] by kjdon
first stab at exploding metadata
14:21 Changeset [9103] by kjdon
changed names of lots of Dictionary strings
14:19 Changeset [9102] by kjdon
changed one of the MetadataImportMappingPrompt strings
14:19 Changeset [9101] by kjdon
made the strings come from the dictionary, changed replace to merge
14:15 Changeset [9100] by mdewsnip
Updated AboutDialog.Date for the upcoming Greenstone v2.53 release.
14:06 Changeset [9099] by mdewsnip
Added two strings for the "Loading collection" progress popup.
14:03 Changeset [9098] by kjdon
deleted MetaEditPrompt and MSMPrompt strings, added MIMP strings, and …
13:52 Changeset [9097] by mdewsnip
Added title to progress popup.
13:34 Changeset [9096] by mdewsnip
Updated dialog to look nice on Windows and be more similar to …
12:31 Changeset [9095] by mdewsnip
GLI applet: collection building is now much happier about being …
11:31 Changeset [9094] by mdewsnip
Removed classes/metadata.zip file and now recreate it in the …
11:23 Changeset [9093] by mdewsnip
Now deletes the plugins.dat and classifiers.dat files when a new …
10:49 Changeset [9092] by mdewsnip
Now ensures that the GLI user directory exists for both main program …


17:25 Changeset [9091] by mdewsnip
Added a "-show_complete_translations" option to see just the …
17:13 Changeset [9090] by kjdon
changed a print statement and removed an unnecesary variable
17:12 Changeset [9089] by kjdon
the index name is actually hte first char of the level (d, s, p) plus …
16:47 Changeset [9088] by mdewsnip
No longer used -- the installers now have this hard-wired into them.
16:44 Changeset [9087] by mdewsnip
Removed the demouser.txt file and replaced it with hard-wired text …
16:25 Changeset [9086] by mdewsnip
No longer used (I checked with Stefan and he said it could be deleted).
16:21 Changeset [9085] by mdewsnip
Replaced all hard-wired Unix-style path separators with …
16:05 Changeset [9084] by mdewsnip
Updated version number for 2.53 release, and removed the old XML …
15:59 Changeset [9083] by mdewsnip
Changed some stuff for the new installer.
15:39 Changeset [9082] by mdewsnip
Whole lot of changes, mostly changing "local" to "my".
15:25 Changeset [9081] by mdewsnip
Updated scripts as a consequence of removing the gui/border directory.
15:17 Changeset [9080] by mdewsnip
Removed unused TitledBorder class.
15:13 Changeset [9079] by mdewsnip
Moved TransformCharacterTextField out of gui and into gems, since it …
15:05 Changeset [9078] by mdewsnip
Removed unused BorderFactory class.
14:53 Changeset [9077] by mdewsnip
Removed unused Coloring class.
14:46 Changeset [9076] by mdewsnip
Changed "you need to restart GLI" message since it is now necessary …
14:45 Changeset [9075] by mdewsnip
Added font selection field (for users that need a non-standard font …
13:33 Changeset [9074] by kjdon
added in lucene objects and expat library
12:21 Changeset [9073] by mdewsnip
Added a couple of strings for the new font selection option in Preferences.
11:42 Changeset [9072] by mdewsnip
Removed a couple of debug statements.
10:58 Changeset [9071] by kjdon
removed a leftover #include sax_resultset.h
10:52 Changeset [9070] by davidb
See expat_resultset.h
10:31 Changeset [9069] by kjdon
removed the rename commands added last time - they were already there …
10:09 Changeset [9068] by kjdon
added .in file renaming to install script and moved compiling code to …


16:26 Changeset [9067] by kjdon
moved smart blocking stuff in htmlplug metadata_read into basplug …
13:52 Changeset [9066] by kjdon
changed removesuffix/removeprefix type to regexp, and added modegli=3
13:51 Changeset [9065] by kjdon
moved the removeprefix and removesuffix descriptions to BasClas, and …
13:51 Changeset [9064] by kjdon
moved the removeprefix and removesuffix descriptions to BasClas
13:50 Changeset [9063] by kjdon
initialised in reclassify to get rid of warnings
13:34 Changeset [9062] by mdewsnip
Fixed up one place where a non-standard collect directory wasn't being …
13:23 Changeset [9061] by mdewsnip
Now ensures that a non-standard collect directory specification ends …
13:10 Changeset [9060] by kjdon
added ImagePLug to plugin list, also -smart_block option to htmlplug, …
12:14 Changeset [9059] by kjdon
added strings for new HTMLPlug.no_strip_metadata_html and NULPlug.desc …
12:08 Changeset [9058] by mdewsnip
Removed splash screen. It is no longer needed because the GLI now …
12:03 Changeset [9057] by kjdon
tidied up previous commit
11:59 Changeset [9056] by kjdon
added an option to not strip html tags from metadata in description …
11:58 Changeset [9055] by mdewsnip
First stab at adding a -collectdir option to the GLI. This is designed …
11:35 Changeset [9054] by mdewsnip
Removed the unused CTRLCHandler class.
11:34 Changeset [9053] by kjdon
changed the description tags metadata handling again. now uses an …
10:12 Changeset [9052] by mdewsnip
For some reason the lock file written when a collection is just …
09:52 Changeset [9051] by mdewsnip
Added check that XML file exists before attempting to parse it.
09:13 Changeset [9050] by kjdon
modified the get method to convert to utf-8, so other languages should …


17:23 Changeset [9049] by mdewsnip
(Applet) Now only downloads build.cfg file rather than entire building …
17:04 Changeset [9048] by kjdon
added explode metadata strings, CDM.PluginManager.Ignore* and changed …
17:01 Changeset [9047] by kjdon
added NULPlug to default plugins list
16:51 Changeset [9046] by kjdon
added an empty block exp so that we don't block images - any cases …
15:39 Changeset [9045] by mdewsnip
Made major rearrangements to the way path variables are calculated. …
15:31 Changeset [9044] by kjdon
changed some of the comments
15:30 Changeset [9043] by kjdon
new plugin for processing the .nul files produced by exploding …
12:27 Changeset [9042] by kjdon
added in first draft exploding strings
12:27 Changeset [9041] by kjdon
made it use the args and proper print usage, added metadata_set and …
12:22 Changeset [9040] by mdewsnip
New string for loading collection prompt.
12:11 Changeset [9039] by mdewsnip
Added a progress bar for loading collections. This involved changing …
11:49 Changeset [9038] by kjdon
when doing hash ids, don't hash on the file if it has zero size
11:26 Changeset [9037] by mdewsnip
Now preserves whitespace in XML files.
11:25 Changeset [9036] by mdewsnip
Removed all XML functions from XMLTools, and changed occurrences to …
11:05 Changeset [9035] by mdewsnip
Renamed CreationTask to be more accurate.
11:01 Changeset [9034] by mdewsnip
Debug files are now written to the user GLI folder, rather than the …


17:24 Changeset [9033] by davidb
XML parsing support for Lucene used to be done with sax. This has now …
17:23 Changeset [9032] by davidb
Modification to calling collectset to be compatable with Stefan's …
17:21 Changeset [9031] by davidb
Query to lucene incorrectly constructed (missing double quote). Now …
17:20 Changeset [9030] by davidb
Update of collectset API argument to fit in with Stefan's apache …
17:18 Changeset [9029] by davidb
Used to use sax parsing for lucene support. This is now changed to …
17:18 Changeset [9028] by davidb
Adjustment of collectset API arguments to be compatible with Stefan's …
17:15 Changeset [9027] by davidb
Used to support searching with lucene. Overlooked in original batch …
17:04 Changeset [9026] by mdewsnip
Minor variable rename.
16:45 Changeset [9025] by davidb
indentation tidy up
15:47 Changeset [9024] by mdewsnip
Added toString() function to MetadataSet so multiple renderers are not …
14:25 Changeset [9023] by mdewsnip
Fixed a bug in my recent new code.
13:16 Changeset [9022] by mdewsnip
Added missing output message, by Matthew Whyte.
13:15 Changeset [9021] by mdewsnip
Some applet bug fixes, by Matthew Whyte.
11:54 Changeset [9020] by mdewsnip
Changed the plugin suggestion code to only look at the process_exp, …
11:34 Changeset [9019] by mdewsnip
Fixed bug where CollectionContentsChangedListener isn't removed from …
11:17 Changeset [9018] by mdewsnip
Moved DeleteCollectionPrompt and ExportCollectionPrompt out of …
11:07 Changeset [9017] by mdewsnip
Moved some GUI stuff out of CollectionManager and into GUIManager.
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.