

18:05 Changeset [12960] by mdewsnip
Made the search box on the states page a little bit smaller.
17:35 Changeset [12959] by mdewsnip
Updated the place reference format statement to show the place name …
17:21 Changeset [12958] by mdewsnip
Place references are now separate document objects, so they can be …
17:10 Changeset [12957] by mdewsnip
Updated search format statement to account for the new place reference …
16:43 Changeset [12956] by mdewsnip
Incorporated Catalone design CSS and all sorts of changes over the …
16:35 Changeset [12955] by mdewsnip
Photos for the home page.
16:34 Changeset [12954] by mdewsnip
Fixed some Javascript errors with the menu stuff.
16:29 Changeset [12953] by mdewsnip
Change to iframe stuff to only activate on IE, since it buggers up Firefox.
16:25 Changeset [12952] by mdewsnip
Fixed up some IE formatting issues.
16:09 Changeset [12951] by kjdon
changed \! to == 0 cos someone complained that it didn't work
15:44 Changeset [12950] by kjdon
a new metadtaa set for special elements used by greenstone source code
15:43 Changeset [12949] by kjdon
removed an unnecessary 'my'
15:43 Changeset [12948] by mdewsnip
Now sets the home page caption also.
15:38 Changeset [12947] by kjdon
added new -extract_style option to HTMLPlug. looks for style, script …
15:37 Changeset [12946] by mdewsnip
Added Javascript from Catalone for random image on the home page.
15:36 Changeset [12945] by mdewsnip
More HTML 4 compliance fixes.
15:34 Changeset [12944] by kjdon
we now include _document:documentheader_ macro in the html head. This …
15:32 Changeset [12943] by kjdon
look for gs.DocumentHeader and DocumentHeader metadata, and if found, …
15:26 Changeset [12942] by mdewsnip
Removed some dead code.
15:10 Changeset [12941] by mdewsnip
Now removes extra <br /> tags from end of place narrative, and removes …
14:46 Changeset [12940] by mdewsnip
New _cicblankline_ macro.
14:25 Changeset [12939] by mdewsnip
Fixed up & escaping for HTML 4 compliance, and lots of institution, …
14:21 Changeset [12938] by mdewsnip
Tidied up the place display page.
12:06 Changeset [12937] by mdewsnip
Added a hack into the document display for HTML 4 compliance.
11:59 Changeset [12936] by mdewsnip
Removed old home page images.
11:57 Changeset [12935] by mdewsnip
Home page headline image.
11:50 Changeset [12934] by mdewsnip
Made next/previous search links HTML 4 compliant.
11:40 Changeset [12933] by mdewsnip
Made search results page a lot more HTML 4 compliant.
11:28 Changeset [12932] by mdewsnip
Made advanced search page HTML 4 compliant.
11:13 Changeset [12931] by mdewsnip
More HTML 4 compliance fixes, for the bibliography search page this time.
11:09 Changeset [12930] by kjdon
changed set_query_type_args to make plain the default if no search …
11:05 Changeset [12929] by mdewsnip
Now uses the Javascript safe versions of the state static browser …
11:05 Changeset [12928] by mdewsnip
Now writes a Javascript safe version of the state static browser …
10:53 Changeset [12927] by kjdon
added in accentfold option
10:50 Changeset [12926] by kjdon
added in accentfolding stuff
10:25 Changeset [12925] by mdewsnip
Some more HTML 4 compliance fixes.
09:59 Changeset [12924] by mdewsnip
No longer puts the focus into the simple search box when loading the page.
09:41 Changeset [12923] by mdewsnip
Changed the size and positioning of the state list on the search …


17:37 Changeset [12922] by kjdon
added --disable-accentfold option to main configure, which is used to …
17:28 Changeset [12921] by mdewsnip
Couple more HTML 4 compliance fixes.
17:24 Changeset [12920] by mdewsnip
Minor formatting improvements.
17:16 Changeset [12919] by mdewsnip
More changes for HTML compliance and to improve the formatting of the …
17:06 Changeset [12918] by mdewsnip
Another HTML 4 compliance fix.
17:05 Changeset [12917] by mdewsnip
Another couple of HTML 4 compliance fixes.
17:00 Changeset [12916] by kjdon
changed the comment to say MGPP instead of GNU tar
16:58 Changeset [12915] by kjdon
the compilation of the accent folding stuff (which needs unac package …
16:55 Changeset [12914] by kjdon
allow IndexData to be constructed even if stem indexes are missing - …
16:54 Changeset [12913] by kjdon
we now check for existence of stem index for our stem method in …
16:52 Changeset [12912] by kjdon
turned off accent folding if partial matching is being done - can't do …
16:49 Changeset [12911] by kjdon
I have removed a line I think I committed by mistake back in 2005. …
16:45 Changeset [12910] by kjdon
new indexoptions field in collect.cfg specifies which stem indexes …
16:42 Changeset [12909] by kjdon
now uses colcfg to write out the build file rather than reimplementing …
16:34 Changeset [12908] by mdewsnip
More HTML 4 compliance fixes.
16:27 Changeset [12907] by mdewsnip
Fixed up the header and footer so search results are displayed in the …
16:22 Changeset [12906] by kjdon
in useWget, strReadIn may not be defined, so initialise it to empty string
16:17 Changeset [12905] by mdewsnip
Split off the static browser quick links into a new macro, for easier …
16:15 Changeset [12904] by mdewsnip
Tidied up the browse pages.
16:02 Changeset [12903] by kjdon
remove the trailing slash from cache_dir -on windows this stuff things up
16:01 Changeset [12902] by kjdon
tidied up saveRecords a bit. SRWDownload now uses filename_cat instead …
15:46 Changeset [12901] by mdewsnip
Added an "alt" tag to the itext.gif icon, for HTML 4 compliance.
15:41 Changeset [12900] by mdewsnip
Fixed up the simple search query box.
15:14 Changeset [12899] by mdewsnip
Fixed up the search institutions by state page javascript.
15:12 Changeset [12898] by mdewsnip
The US state maps are now clickable... at last.
14:57 Changeset [12897] by kjdon
added indexoptions into collect.cfg fields, and stemindexes into …
13:40 Changeset [12896] by mdewsnip
More tidying up of the code.
13:05 Changeset [12895] by mdewsnip
More minor changes.
12:07 Changeset [12894] by mdewsnip
Tidied up the new() function some more.
11:29 Changeset [12893] by mdewsnip
More variable name improvements.
11:26 Changeset [12892] by mdewsnip
Changed the ".use_hlist" entries to ".list_type", for simplicity.
11:21 Changeset [12891] by mdewsnip
Tidied up that horrible long line in the new() function of every …
11:20 Changeset [12890] by kjdon
initial stab at a simple version of unac library. used for Accent …
11:14 Changeset [12889] by mdewsnip
Tidied up lots of variable names.
11:05 Changeset [12888] by kjdon
Accent folding patch thanks to Juan Grigera. added unac includes and lib
11:03 Changeset [12887] by kjdon
Accent folding patch thanks to Juan Grigera. addedd in support for …
10:59 Changeset [12886] by kjdon
Accent folding patch thanks to Juan Grigera. Added in all the extra …
10:56 Changeset [12885] by kjdon
Accent folding patch thanks to Juan Grigera. now has more options for …
10:44 Changeset [12884] by kjdon
Accent folding patch thanks to Juan Grigera. parsing of …
10:43 Changeset [12883] by mdewsnip
Removed a pointless comparison.
10:32 Changeset [12882] by kjdon
added accentfolding option. setting up default stem method now uses …
10:28 Changeset [12881] by kjdon
Accent folding patch thanks to Juan Grigera. file suffixes with …
10:27 Changeset [12880] by kjdon
Accent folding patch thanks to Juan Grigera. Added a make_suffix function
10:23 Changeset [12879] by kjdon
Accent Folding patch thanks to Juan Grigera. mgpp_stemmer now does …
09:40 Changeset [12878] by mdewsnip
Fixed a bug where '&' characters in filenames aren't made XML safe.


17:27 Changeset [12877] by kjdon
some changes thanks to suggestions made by John Rose. Also, changed …
17:26 Changeset [12876] by kjdon
some changes to help. some thanks to suggestions made by John Rose. …
17:24 Changeset [12875] by kjdon
added in accentfolding preferences. Also, made stem, case, accent …
17:07 Changeset [12874] by mdewsnip
No longer sets the plugin's input encoding back to auto, to prevent it …
16:38 Changeset [12873] by mdewsnip
Can now obtain multiple documents for a record (and assign the …
15:33 Changeset [12872] by mdewsnip
More HTML 4 compliance fixes.
15:24 Changeset [12871] by kjdon
Accent Folding patch, thanks to Juan Grigera. Added AccentFold filteroption
15:21 Changeset [12870] by kjdon
Accent Folding patch, thanks to Juan Grigera. Added AccentFold option …
15:20 Changeset [12869] by kjdon
Accent Folding patch, thanks to Juan Grigera. defaultStemMethod uses …
15:17 Changeset [12868] by kjdon
AccentFolding patch, thanks to Juan Grigera. added accentfolding to …
15:15 Changeset [12867] by kjdon
use stemindexes from build.cfg to set colinfo stemIndexes value
15:13 Changeset [12866] by kjdon
added af (accent folding) arg, and ks, ss and afs which state whether …
15:12 Changeset [12865] by kjdon
need to call set_stem_index_args to set up the ss, ks and afs args
15:10 Changeset [12864] by kjdon
set_stem_index_args sets ks, ss, and afs args depending on the value …
15:08 Changeset [12863] by kjdon
added in stemIndexes to colinfo_t, plus some #defines. stemIndexes …
15:02 Changeset [12862] by mdewsnip
More HTML compliance fixes.
15:02 Changeset [12861] by mdewsnip
Now produces anchors without spaces in the names, for HTML compliance.
14:46 Changeset [12860] by mdewsnip
The final state map images... finally.
14:18 Changeset [12859] by mdewsnip
Some more HTML compliance fixes.
13:55 Changeset [12858] by mdewsnip
Tidied up links page.
13:49 Changeset [12857] by mdewsnip
Tidied up glossary page and used divs instead of tables.
13:19 Changeset [12856] by mdewsnip
Tidied up some of the "about" pages.
13:06 Changeset [12855] by mdewsnip
Cropped a bit more whitespace from the top and bottom.
12:56 Changeset [12854] by mdewsnip
Collection logo from Catalone Design with some of the whitespace at …
12:51 Changeset [12853] by mdewsnip
Tidied up the page layout a bit more, and replaced the old home page …
12:04 Changeset [12852] by mdewsnip
Now uses the new navigation bar.
10:39 Changeset [12851] by mdewsnip
More HTML compliance fixes, and changed the page banner to use the new …
10:15 Changeset [12850] by mdewsnip
Various HTML compliance fixes.
10:00 Changeset [12849] by kjdon
removed some unused macros, and made improvements to some of the text …


14:22 Changeset [12848] by nzdl
try the JAVA_HOME variable first to find java, otherwise just use …
10:43 Changeset [12847] by kjdon
removed center for study of digital libraries link from example page - …
10:09 Changeset [12846] by mdewsnip
Minor changes.


15:26 Changeset [12845] by mdewsnip
Commented out "use IncrementalBuildUtils", as this doesn't seem to be …
14:17 Changeset [12844] by mdewsnip
Incremental building and dynamic GDBM updating code, many thanks to …
12:07 Changeset [12843] by kjdon
added a couple of strings for gems newmetadataelementanmeprompt errors
12:06 Changeset [12842] by kjdon
Ian hated having a blank format list, so have added back in the …
12:05 Changeset [12841] by kjdon
added a method to see if we have a datelist assigned. used by format …
12:04 Changeset [12840] by kjdon
added a DateList classifier string
11:28 Changeset [12839] by kjdon
changed the last mongolian mod to only include letters, and added in a …
10:15 Changeset [12838] by kjdon
now checks for empty name and name that has already been used
10:14 Changeset [12837] by kjdon
added a doesChildWithThisNameExist method
10:13 Changeset [12836] by kjdon
addElement now passes the model to the new name prompt, so that the …


16:15 Changeset [12835] by kjdon
add a default value for label when create a new element
16:03 Changeset [12834] by kjdon
these convertto plugins were all setting extract_language=1 to their …
16:01 Changeset [12833] by kjdon
we don't want textcat to be run for isis files. we assume ascii …
15:43 Changeset [12832] by kjdon
added in ascii casee in read_file - if not done specially, will be …
14:07 Changeset [12831] by mdewsnip
Slovak demo collection strings, many thanks to Tomas Fiala.
10:52 Changeset [12830] by mdewsnip
Switched off debugging in the GLI applet.
10:23 Changeset [12829] by kjdon
if trying to preselect a value in a metadata list, then we need to use …
10:05 Changeset [12828] by kjdon
add search types format into default format map
09:54 Changeset [12827] by kjdon
changed the layout slightly - now uses a splitpane, so user can resize …
09:48 Changeset [12826] by kjdon
removed an unnecessary comment
09:47 Changeset [12825] by kjdon
ListOption changed to Argument.ArgumentOption, options now comes from …
09:40 Changeset [12824] by kjdon
changed option list form HashMap to ArrayList so they stay in order, …


17:23 Changeset [12823] by kjdon
added a sort_options flag - if set to false, won't sort the options in …
17:22 Changeset [12822] by kjdon
changed from a BoxLayout to a GridLayout for build and import options …
17:16 Changeset [12821] by kjdon
changed the gli modes for some options
17:06 Changeset [12820] by kjdon
made index option glimode 4
17:06 Changeset [12819] by kjdon
moved some options around
17:05 Changeset [12818] by mdewsnip
Removed all the default format statements, since they aren't actually …
17:05 Changeset [12817] by kjdon
changed the descriptions of a few import options
17:02 Changeset [12816] by mdewsnip
Changed format_map to default_format_map to be a bit more obvious, and …
16:55 Changeset [12815] by mdewsnip
No idea why the static DEFAULT strings weren't being used.
16:35 Changeset [12814] by mdewsnip
CollectionConfiguration no longer inherits from StaticStrings.
16:11 Changeset [12813] by mdewsnip
Fixed a problem where the GLI would add extra spaces at the end of …
16:09 Changeset [12812] by mdewsnip
Updated to include buildtype line.
16:01 Changeset [12811] by mdewsnip
No longer writes out empty languagemetadata lines.
15:35 Changeset [12810] by mdewsnip
Removed the "UPDATE_COLLECT_CFG" rebuild type, as it is no longer required.
15:28 Changeset [12809] by mdewsnip
Removed all usage of collect_cfg_change_listener, as this is no longer …
15:24 Changeset [12808] by mdewsnip
Removed CollectionManager.configurationChanged() and all 50 calls to …
15:05 Changeset [12807] by mdewsnip
The CollectionConfiguration class now determines whether the …
14:44 Changeset [12806] by mdewsnip
Changed a couple of function names.
14:42 Changeset [12805] by mdewsnip
All instances of saving the collection now go through …
14:22 Changeset [12804] by mdewsnip
Removed an unused function.
14:17 Changeset [12803] by mdewsnip
Moved dealing with the Local Library out of CollectionDesignManager
11:57 Changeset [12802] by mdewsnip
Removed an unused variable.
11:56 Changeset [12801] by mdewsnip
Removed more unnecessary stuff.
11:30 Changeset [12800] by mdewsnip
Tidied up CollectionConfiguration more.
11:19 Changeset [12799] by mdewsnip
Removed an unused array.
11:16 Changeset [12798] by mdewsnip
Started tidying up the CollectionConfiguration class so we can …
11:14 Changeset [12797] by mdewsnip
Removed a lot of unused code.
10:36 Changeset [12796] by davidb
Minor fix to error statement (compiled under Windows, but not Linux).


15:30 Changeset [12795] by davidb
setup.bash infers GSDLHOME from current working directory, but in …
15:26 Changeset [12794] by davidb
Changes to make depositor action work under Windows. Main change is …
13:31 Changeset [12793] by kjdon
gcc-4 compilation patch, thanks to Juan Grigera
12:13 Changeset [12792] by kjdon
added parentheses for saving in addstemcase
11:04 Changeset [12791] by kjdon
fixed up a non-compiling mistake
10:39 Changeset [12790] by kjdon
added a comment about search results sorting to the lucene description
10:16 Changeset [12789] by kjdon
added some form search help
10:02 Changeset [12788] by kjdon
removed feedback link cos we don't monitor the address anymore
10:02 Changeset [12787] by kjdon
removed mailaddr macro
09:55 Changeset [12786] by kjdon
added sort field macro for use in query form with lucene, query …
09:54 Changeset [12785] by kjdon
added new set_sfselection_macro method
09:53 Changeset [12784] by kjdon
modified query parsing for mgpp and lucene. hopefully it will work …
09:51 Changeset [12783] by kjdon
removed declarations which are not used outside this file, changed the …
09:34 Changeset [12782] by kjdon
added some more search help
09:33 Changeset [12781] by kjdon
added sort field to query form for lucene, a little bit of help text
09:31 Changeset [12780] by kjdon
query form rejigging. mainly for lucene, removed t option for advanced …
09:29 Changeset [12779] by kjdon
hide stem adn casefolding prefs for lucene collections
09:27 Changeset [12778] by kjdon
added _sfselection_ macro to list of those set by server (sort field …
09:27 Changeset [12777] by kjdon
removed the centering for the query form


16:09 Changeset [12776] by mdewsnip
Fixed a bug where misspelled words could be marked as stop words with …
12:55 Changeset [12775] by mdewsnip
Fixed bug where some terms have zero frequency (because they don't …


16:06 Changeset [12774] by kjdon
new jar file after xmlSafe change, see log of GS2LuceneQuery.java
16:02 Changeset [12773] by kjdon
added xmlSafe around the query_string in the XML output - can't have & …
15:56 Changeset [12772] by kjdon
put the { of an if or while or else statement on the same line as the …
15:25 Changeset [12771] by mdewsnip
Changed the new "fuzziness" argument to take an integer instead of a …
14:32 Changeset [12770] by mdewsnip
Changed the Lucene "-fuzzy" argument to "-fuzziness <value>", for more …
12:11 Changeset [12769] by kjdon
removed left over qf refs
12:10 Changeset [12768] by kjdon
no longer use arg qf for simple/advanced form. Use the b arg, so that …
10:42 Changeset [12767] by kjdon
removed the two alerts which were committed by mistake
10:25 Changeset [12766] by kjdon
some changes to help text, in particular, modification of search type help
10:24 Changeset [12765] by kjdon
added a selector macro for searchtypeprefs text base on coll type and …


16:42 Changeset [12764] by kjdon
changed preferences page, in particular search type and query box and …
15:03 Changeset [12763] by mdewsnip
Now updates the metadata sets and metadata table when GEMS is closed …
14:37 Changeset [12762] by mdewsnip
Fixed up some formatting.
13:11 Changeset [12761] by mdewsnip
Fixed problem accessing non-ASCII files.
12:09 Changeset [12760] by kjdon
added quotes in chooseadvancedsearch to make it work properly
12:08 Changeset [12759] by kjdon
added a space at the end of textadvancedlucenesearch
11:43 Changeset [12758] by kjdon
when run from GLI, we disable most of the menu so hat we have control …
11:42 Changeset [12757] by kjdon
got rid of TitleClashes warning, cos its no longer used
11:37 Changeset [12756] by kjdon
made File->Exit work when run from GLI
11:19 Changeset [12755] by mdewsnip
Updated version of IsisGdl.exe, that now ignores logically deleted …
11:15 Changeset [12754] by kjdon
makefile for windows
10:52 Changeset [12753] by kjdon
changed last mod from prepare-for-dist-5 to prepare-for-dist-4
10:44 Changeset [12752] by kjdon
moved some of the prepare-for-dist-4 target into prepare-for-dist-5 so …
10:36 Changeset [12751] by mdewsnip
Changed "Incremental Build" to "Minimal Build", which still isn't …
10:12 Changeset [12750] by mdewsnip
Now sets rebuild type required correctly.
10:06 Changeset [12749] by mdewsnip
Fixed some bugs in noticing what type of rebuild is required. This is …


17:16 Changeset [12748] by mdewsnip
These panels are on the Format pane, so no rebuild is required when …
17:13 Changeset [12747] by kjdon
added the description text here so that it doesn't need to go in …
16:57 Changeset [12746] by mdewsnip
A bug fix to the dodgy "incremental rebuild" code -- it would only …
16:51 Changeset [12745] by kjdon
commented out the workflow stuff. it doesn't work properly, and its a …
16:15 Changeset [12744] by kjdon
added the license info and description
16:15 Changeset [12743] by kjdon
updated the descriptions of classifiers
13:33 Changeset [12742] by kjdon
plugin description mods. Some changed, some added, some removed
13:32 Changeset [12741] by kjdon
changed the descriptions
12:49 Changeset [12740] by mdewsnip
Added 2 strings and removed 3 strings as a result of the "creating …
12:46 Changeset [12739] by mdewsnip
Changed the "creating collection" progress dialog to be consistent …
11:04 Changeset [12738] by kjdon
added Reference template
11:03 Changeset [12737] by kjdon
final changes from Ian's read through
09:13 Changeset [12736] by kjdon
added in unicode range for Mongolian


16:16 Changeset [12735] by mdewsnip
The GLI now correctly loads metadata from exploded metadata databases …
16:14 Changeset [12734] by kjdon
changed the add element popup to say subelement if appropriate
16:13 Changeset [12733] by kjdon
added a couple of gems strings for subelements
16:05 Changeset [12732] by kjdon
MetadataSetTree now knows what its parent frame is, so the new element …
15:32 Changeset [12731] by kjdon
the first of Ian's text corrections
15:22 Changeset [12730] by kjdon
added menu bar of changed where help text is opened at
15:21 Changeset [12729] by kjdon
added a menu bar for New index prompt
14:04 Changeset [12728] by kjdon
changed the language_metadata object from a Language (which it wasn't) …
13:22 Changeset [12727] by kjdon
need to update cardlayout when called from GLI
12:04 Changeset [12726] by kjdon
removed a couple of strings that weren't being used
11:57 Changeset [12725] by kjdon
removed commented out strings
11:52 Changeset [12724] by kjdon
added AutoText stuff
11:36 Changeset [12723] by kjdon
revision of GLI help text for version 2.71
10:58 Changeset [12722] by kjdon
added subelement strings for gems right click popup
10:57 Changeset [12721] by kjdon
changed the right click popup menu to say subelement instead of …


12:33 Changeset [12720] by mdewsnip
Some HTML 4 compliance fixes to the search history stuff.


16:09 Changeset [12719] by nzdl
Updated Arabic interface, many thanks to Usama Salama.
15:57 Changeset [12718] by mdewsnip
After being put through the GTI.
15:54 Changeset [12717] by mdewsnip
Updates to GLI Arabic dictionary, many thanks to Kamal Salih Mustafa …
15:44 Changeset [12716] by mdewsnip
Changed the icon for search results to always be the "page" icon.
14:56 Changeset [12715] by mdewsnip
Now supports MST and XRF files with uppercase extensions on Linux, …
14:32 Changeset [12714] by mdewsnip
Can now handle uppercase extensions on Linux.
13:45 Changeset [12713] by mdewsnip
Fix for null pointer exception in some cases when editing metadata …
12:00 Changeset [12712] by mdewsnip
Added a bit of whitespace below the regions and before the states in …
10:41 Changeset [12711] by kjdon
got rid of 'currently' and 'current' in a few strings
10:40 Changeset [12710] by kjdon
removed existing associations label
09:42 Changeset [12709] by kjdon
cdm.formatmanager.variable strings changed
09:41 Changeset [12708] by kjdon
changed the variable list slightly - moved the label to be the first …


17:20 Changeset [12707] by mdewsnip
On Windows the perl "bin" path has to be added to the PATH for …
16:38 Changeset [12706] by mdewsnip
Added a "-records_per_folder" option to explode_metadata_database.pl, …
14:39 Changeset [12705] by mdewsnip
Now escapes backslash characters in metadata values so these appear …
13:50 Changeset [12704] by davidb
convert RTF upgraded so it can also use windows scripting option.
13:20 Changeset [12703] by mdewsnip
Added new "*" values for each field, which contain the first subfield …
11:40 Changeset [12702] by mdewsnip
Fixed null-pointer exceptions when creating a new collection.
11:26 Changeset [12701] by kjdon
when creating a new set based on an old one, we want to delete all …
11:25 Changeset [12700] by kjdon
setLangDependAttributes changed to setLanguageDependentAttributes
11:24 Changeset [12699] by kjdon
when setting name, namespace, description, add a new attribute if one …
11:24 Changeset [12698] by kjdon
clear the old attributes arrayList before setting the new one
11:03 Changeset [12697] by mdewsnip
Changed IsisGdl to ignore logically deleted records, unless the new …
10:53 Changeset [12696] by kjdon
added some help macros kindly provided by Galina Bachmanova
10:23 Changeset [12695] by mdewsnip
Small improvement to restarting change.


17:05 Changeset [12694] by kjdon
fixed a typo
16:38 Changeset [12693] by kjdon
removed extraneous - from option descriptions
16:38 Changeset [12692] by kjdon
changed a few strings. removed some export ones, and added others
16:36 Changeset [12691] by kjdon
added OIDtype and OIDmetadata to the option list. it was using OIDtype …
14:40 Changeset [12690] by kjdon
changed the restart message back because in some cases, GLI cannot be …
14:35 Changeset [12689] by kjdon
if error level from gli is 2, restart it (i.e. we have changed …
14:24 Changeset [12688] by kjdon
make sure the output filename to use in the conversion is in utf-8, …
14:21 Changeset [12687] by kjdon
moved 'use DBI' from the start to 'require DBI' in the read function - …
14:13 Changeset [12686] by kjdon
small changes to hopefully make it clearer
11:31 Changeset [12685] by mdewsnip
Commented out or removed Lucene debugging comments.
10:47 Changeset [12684] by kjdon
added hashfile, txt2db and db2txt to the make clean command
09:25 Changeset [12683] by kjdon
check for a byte order marker and strip it


16:40 Changeset [12682] by kjdon
fixed a coupld of typos in GEMS strings, and added a couple more strings
16:40 Changeset [12681] by kjdon
added in a no_set_loaded pane, and a card layout to switch between it …
16:39 Changeset [12680] by kjdon
added in a cancelled variable, and a method isCancelled, so we know if …
16:38 Changeset [12679] by kjdon
removed some double spaces
15:38 Changeset [12678] by kjdon
added stuff to strip new lines and escaped quotes from collection meta
14:50 Changeset [12677] by kjdon
Element attribute identifier is now called label, cos identifier was a …
14:48 Changeset [12676] by kjdon
language_dedpendent attribute is now optional. now use label instead …
14:21 Changeset [12675] by kjdon
fixed up indentation, changed the way the confirmation check box is …
14:20 Changeset [12674] by kjdon
removed some unused strings
14:20 Changeset [12673] by kjdon
commented out the bit that displays the comment - we only want the …
14:19 Changeset [12672] by kjdon
the default attribute with an elements display name is now label, used …
12:02 Changeset [12671] by kjdon
modified some GEMS strings
11:58 Changeset [12670] by kjdon
for metadata arguments, need to make sure we set the lang independent …
11:56 Changeset [12669] by kjdon
now inherit from AttributeContainer. for now, no add/delete attribute. …
11:49 Changeset [12668] by kjdon
indented the file properly
11:48 Changeset [12667] by kjdon
prompt for name when creating new element. don't prompt for …
11:44 Changeset [12666] by kjdon
changed confirm save dialog, added a default file name to save file …
11:41 Changeset [12665] by kjdon
right hand side now in a split pane. attribute tables now both use …
11:35 Changeset [12664] by kjdon
added some new constants, commented out others
11:34 Changeset [12663] by kjdon
some coding style changes; languagedependent stuff no longer used
11:33 Changeset [12662] by kjdon
close button changed to cancel button; names of some components …
11:27 Changeset [12661] by kjdon
changed the close button to a cancel button
11:26 Changeset [12660] by kjdon
new prompt for getting an element name when adding a new element
11:26 Changeset [12659] by kjdon
a new base class for MetadataSetInfo and MetadataElementModel as they …
11:25 Changeset [12658] by kjdon
LangDependElementTable and MetadataElementTable have been merged into …


11:40 Changeset [12657] by kjdon
pressing Enter in the text field now closes the prompt
10:57 Changeset [12656] by mdewsnip
Put old range filter stuff back, and added "-startresults" and …
09:56 Changeset [12655] by mdewsnip
Lucene now returns just the results we're interested in (ie. those for …


15:13 Changeset [12654] by mdewsnip
Added the Slovak language definition and macrofile.
14:51 Changeset [12653] by mdewsnip
Made it a little bit easier to use a custom set of stop words with Lucene.
14:40 Changeset [12652] by mdewsnip
Added support for editing the collection macros/extra.dm file using …
14:38 Changeset [12651] by mdewsnip
Minor formatting and code changes.
14:24 Changeset [12650] by mdewsnip
Now resets the progress bar when the queue is empty, rather than after …
14:23 Changeset [12649] by mdewsnip
Now includes the macros/extra.dm file.
14:11 Changeset [12648] by mdewsnip
Added the format pane workflow into configRemote.xml.
13:56 Changeset [12647] by mdewsnip
The last of the new plugins and classifiers code: collection-specific …
13:51 Changeset [12646] by mdewsnip
Support for collection-specific plugins and classifiers with the new code.
13:32 Changeset [12645] by mdewsnip
Minor variable name change.
12:13 Changeset [12644] by mdewsnip
Moved the new classifiers stuff out into a new static class …
12:03 Changeset [12643] by mdewsnip
Removed these because they're a pain to maintain... and we don't do …
11:55 Changeset [12642] by mdewsnip
Moved the new plugins stuff out into a new static class …
11:38 Changeset [12641] by mdewsnip
Changed all access to the static strings through …
11:05 Changeset [12640] by mdewsnip
Now returns valid XML instead of an error when -listall and …
10:52 Changeset [12639] by mdewsnip
Changed the "-collect" option to "-collection", because it's a million …
09:57 Changeset [12638] by mdewsnip
Changed debug statements in new code to go to DebugStream.
09:52 Changeset [12637] by mdewsnip
The remainder of the code needed for the new plugins/classifiers stuff …


17:21 Changeset [12636] by mdewsnip
More static changes, this time to prevent the list of plugins and …
17:03 Changeset [12635] by mdewsnip
Made some of the new plugins/classifiers code static in preparation …
16:52 Changeset [12634] by mdewsnip
Added a couple of bits for the new plugins/classifiers stuff when …
15:16 Changeset [12633] by mdewsnip
Kissed the horrible old plugins.dat and classifiers.dat files goodbye…
15:05 Changeset [12632] by mdewsnip
A couple of new strings for the dynamic plugins/classifiers information.
15:05 Changeset [12631] by mdewsnip
Most of the functionality for obtaining plugin and classifier argument …
14:57 Changeset [12630] by mdewsnip
Plugins now output a <Processes> and <Blocks> information field, so …
14:08 Changeset [12629] by mdewsnip
Merged the "-listall" and "-describeall" code, and made both always …
14:03 Changeset [12628] by mdewsnip
Added an extra argument to print_xml_usage for specifying whether to …
13:46 Changeset [12627] by mdewsnip
Extended to allow quoted names in the first line.
13:35 Changeset [12626] by mdewsnip
Removed all the DTD stuff from XML output... it's just one more …
13:32 Changeset [12625] by mdewsnip
Removed the DTD stuff from the top of the XML output... it's just one …
13:10 Changeset [12624] by mdewsnip
Added an extra argument to print_xml_usage for specifying whether to …
10:35 Changeset [12623] by kjdon
what was this .java.java file??
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.