source: gs2-extensions/parallel-building/trunk/src/src/mpibuildcol-src/mpibuildcol.cpp@ 24589

Last change on this file since 24589 was 24589, checked in by jmt12, 13 years ago

Initial checkin

File size: 22.9 KB
1// Uses OpenMPI to allow several Greenstone build passes to be run in parallel.
2// Author: John Thompson, 2010NOV18
3// Adapted from code by: Hussein Suleman, 2010JUL01
5// 0. Initialization
6// Uncomment to display debug information
7#define DEBUG 1
8// Comment out to disable XML reading
9#define TINYXML 1
10// Fixed buffer size - needs to be fixed size to pass between processes
11#define BUFFERSIZE 256
12// Special message tags
13#define EXITTAG 0
14#define SUCCESSTAG 1
16#include <cstdio>
17#include <cstdlib>
18#include <cstring>
19#include <iostream>
20#include <queue>
21#include <sstream>
22#include <stack>
23#include <string>
24#include <vector>
26#include <mpi.h>
28#ifdef TINYXML
29#include "tinyxml.h"
32using namespace std;
34struct task_t
36 int id;
37 int prerequisite; /* -1 for no prerequisite */
38 string command;
40// Lets call an order group of tasks a recipe, shall we?
41typedef vector<task_t> recipe_t;
43/* Function Prototypes */
44static void debugPrint(int,string);
45static void masterProcess(const char*);
46static void parseRecipe(const char*, recipe_t*);
47static void workerProcess(int);
48#ifdef TINYXML
49static int recurseRecipeXML(recipe_t*, TiXmlNode*, int, int);
52 */
54main(int argc, char **argv)
56 if (argc != 2)
57 {
58 cerr << "usage: mpibuild.cpp <recipe xml>" << endl;
59 return 0;
60 }
61 // 1. Initialize MPI
62 MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
63 // 2. Find out my identity in the 'world'
64 int myrank;
65 MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myrank);
66 if (myrank == 0)
67 {
68 debugPrint(-1,"===== MPIBuild =====");
69 }
70 // - and dispatch to the appropriate chunk of code
71 if (myrank == 0)
72 {
73 masterProcess(argv[1]);
74 }
75 else
76 {
77 workerProcess(myrank);
78 }
79 // Shut down MPI
80 MPI_Finalize();
81 if (myrank == 0)
82 {
83 debugPrint(-1,"===== Complete! =====");
84 }
85 return 0;
87/** main(int argc, char **argv) **/
90 */
91static void
92debugPrint(int source, string message)
94#ifdef DEBUG
95 time_t seconds = time (NULL);
96 cout << "[" << seconds << "]";
97 if (source == 0)
98 {
99 cout << "[Master] ";
100 }
101 else if (source > 0)
102 {
103 cout << "[Worker" << source << "] ";
104 }
105 cout << message << endl;
108/** debugPrint(int,string) **/
110/** The activity undertaken by the master 'thread'
111 */
112static void
113masterProcess(const char* recipe_xml_path)
115 debugPrint(0, "starting");
116 // 0. Initialize
117 debugPrint(0, "initializing");
118 // - find out how many processes there are in the default communicator
119 int number_of_processes;
120 MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &number_of_processes);
121 // - sanity check
122 if (number_of_processes < 2)
123 {
124 cerr << "Error! Minimum number of processes is 2" << endl;
125 }
126 // - remember that '0' is the master processor
127 int number_of_workers = number_of_processes - 1;
128 // - initialize the pool of idle worker processes...
129 stack<int> idle_workers;
130 for (int i = 1; i <= number_of_workers; i++)
131 {
132 idle_workers.push(i);
133 }
134 // - we also need a queue of tasks ready to be undertaken. We use a queue as
135 // the recipe should be if preferred order of execution - and so might be
136 // slightly more efficient if run in that order
137 queue<task_t> ready_tasks;
139 // 1. Parse in the 'recipe' that controls what configurations of Greenstone
140 // build can be called and when. We end up with a 'queue' of tasks, each
141 // with a unique id (int), a prequisite (int) if required, and a shell
142 // command (string).
143 debugPrint(0, "parsing recipe");
144 recipe_t recipe;
145 parseRecipe(recipe_xml_path, &recipe);
146 // - go ahead and define some iterators
147 recipe_t::iterator recipe_begin_itr = recipe.begin();
148 recipe_t::iterator recipe_end_itr = recipe.end();
149 recipe_t::iterator recipe_current_itr;
151 // - now look through recipe for tasks that are ready to go immediate (i.e.
152 // have no prerequisite tasks) and add them to the queue of ready tasks
153 debugPrint(0, "queueing ready tasks");
154 recipe_current_itr = recipe_begin_itr;
155 while (recipe_current_itr != recipe_end_itr)
156 {
157 task_t a_task = *recipe_current_itr;
158 if (a_task.prerequisite == -1)
159 {
160 ready_tasks.push(a_task);
161 }
162 ++recipe_current_itr;
163 }
165 // 2. We have a 'pool' of idle workers and a list of ready tasks. Start by
166 // iterating through the tasks assigning them to workers until we have
167 // either run out of actionable tasks (although some tasks may become
168 // actionable once others finish) or have exhausted the pool of workers.
169 debugPrint(0, "initial task assignment");
170 while (ready_tasks.size() > 0 && idle_workers.size() > 0)
171 {
172 task_t a_task = ready_tasks.front();
173 ready_tasks.pop();
174 // - grab an idle worker
175 int worker_id =;
176 idle_workers.pop();
177 // - create a fixed size buffer to store the command string in
178 char buffer[BUFFERSIZE];
179 sprintf(buffer, "%s", a_task.command.c_str());
180 // - seed the slaves; send one unit of work to each slave.
181 stringstream strstr;
182 strstr << " - assigning task " << << " to worker " << worker_id;
183 debugPrint(0, strstr.str());
184 MPI_Send(&buffer, // message buffer containing command
185 strlen(buffer)+1, // command string length
186 MPI_CHAR, // data item is a character array
187 worker_id, // destination process rank
188, // we use the task id as the worktag!
189 MPI_COMM_WORLD); // default communicator
190 }
191 // - by now we have either a) assigned all the ready jobs to workers
192 // or, b) we've run out of idle workers.
193 stringstream str1;
194 str1 << ready_tasks.size();
195 debugPrint(0, str1.str() + " ready tasks remaining");
196 stringstream str2;
197 str2 << idle_workers.size();
198 debugPrint(0, str2.str() + " idle workers remaining");
200 // 3. Assuming we have at least one worker that is busy (so the not all the
201 // workers are sitting in the idle pool), we wait/block until we receive
202 // feedback from a worker process (feedback that includes the identifier
203 // of the task just completed). We go through the recipe and queue any
204 // dependant tasks as ready to go, while returning the worker to the idle
205 // pool. We then essentially repeat the process of matching task to
206 // working trying to exhaust either the queue of ready tasks or of will
207 // slaves. (note: maybe optimize this later)
208 while (idle_workers.size() < number_of_workers)
209 {
210 // - wait until a worker completes and replies
211 debugPrint(0, "waiting until some worker process responds");
212 int task_id;
213 MPI_Status status;
214 MPI_Recv(&task_id, // the identifier of the task completed
215 1, // a single interger expected
216 MPI_INT, // data item is an int
217 MPI_ANY_SOURCE, // receive from any sender
218 MPI_ANY_TAG, // any type of message tag
219 MPI_COMM_WORLD, // default communicator
220 &status); // info about the received message
221 // - loop through the tasks, looking for any that were waiting for
222 // this task to be completed, and add them to the ready queue.
223 debugPrint(0, "queuing any tasks that are now ready");
224 recipe_current_itr = recipe_begin_itr;
225 while (recipe_current_itr < recipe_end_itr)
226 {
227 task_t a_task = *recipe_current_itr;
228 if (a_task.prerequisite == task_id)
229 {
230 ready_tasks.push(a_task);
231 }
232 ++recipe_current_itr;
233 }
234 // - status contains the identifier of the worker process...
235 int worker_id = status.MPI_SOURCE;
236 // - ...which we add to the pool of idle workers
237 idle_workers.push(worker_id);
238 // - now we try, once again, to match tasks to workers until we run out of
239 // one or the other
240 debugPrint(0, "task assignment");
241 while (ready_tasks.size() > 0 && idle_workers.size() > 0)
242 {
243 task_t a_task = ready_tasks.front();
244 ready_tasks.pop();
245 // - grab an idle worker
246 int worker_id =;
247 idle_workers.pop();
248 // - create a fixed size buffer to store the command string in
249 char buffer[BUFFERSIZE];
250 if (sprintf(buffer, "%s", a_task.command.c_str()) < 0)
251 {
252 cerr << "Error! Failed to write command string into transport buffer." << endl;
253 }
254 // - send the task to the worker
255 stringstream strstr;
256 strstr << " - assigning task " << << " to worker " << worker_id;
257 debugPrint(0, strstr.str());
258 MPI_Send(&buffer, // message buffer containing command
259 strlen(buffer)+1, // command string length
260 MPI_CHAR, // data item is a character array
261 worker_id, // destination process rank
262, // we use the task id as the worktag!
263 MPI_COMM_WORLD); // default communicator
264 }
265 stringstream str3;
266 str3 << ready_tasks.size();
267 debugPrint(0, str3.str() + " ready tasks remaining");
268 stringstream str4;
269 str4 << idle_workers.size();
270 debugPrint(0, str4.str() + " idle workers remaining");
271 }
272 // - we can do some sanity checking here. For instance, there should be no
273 // tasks left in the ready queue at this point and all workers should be
274 // sitting in the idle pool
275 if (ready_tasks.size() > 0)
276 {
277 cerr << "Error! Processing supposedly complete but tasks are still pending!" << endl;
278 }
279 if (idle_workers.size() != number_of_workers)
280 {
281 cerr << "Error! Processing supposedly complete but workers are still busy!" << endl;
282 }
284 // 4. By now all workers have returned, and should we waiting idle in the
285 // pool. Iterate over all workers telling them to exit by using the
286 // special EXITTAG.
287 for (int worker_id = 1; worker_id <= number_of_workers; worker_id++)
288 {
289 MPI_Send(0, // we don't intend to do any processing
290 0, // zero data items
291 MPI_INT, // data item is an integer
292 worker_id, // destination process identifier
293 EXITTAG, // message flag indicating workers must exit
294 MPI_COMM_WORLD); // default communicator
295 }
297 // 5. At this point all the slaves have expired and the master process is
298 // complete
299 debugPrint(0, "exiting");
301/** masterProcess(const char *) **/
303/** Reads in an XML file, and builds an (ordered) list of tasks which I've
304 * termed a recipe.
305 * - note: when parsing, code should verify that no command exceeds BUFFERSIZE
306 * characters in length
307 */
308static void
309parseRecipe(const char* recipe_xml_path, recipe_t* recipe)
311#ifdef TINYXML
312 TiXmlDocument recipe_xml_doc(recipe_xml_path);
313 bool is_loaded = recipe_xml_doc.LoadFile();
314 if (is_loaded)
315 {
316 // - top node is always the document (in this case <Recipe>) so we loop
317 // through it's child elements (which should be the no-prequisite tasks)
318 TiXmlElement *root = recipe_xml_doc.RootElement();
319 int task_count = 0;
320 TiXmlNode* element;
321 for ( element = root->FirstChild(); element != 0; element = element->NextSibling())
322 {
323 task_count++;
324 task_count = recurseRecipeXML(recipe, element, -1, task_count);
325 }
326 }
327 else
328 {
329 cerr << "Error! Failed to open/parse XML file: " << recipe_xml_path << endl;
330 }
333 // - dummy data for a start. We'll emulate a (complex) MG build with four
334 // indexes
335 task_t task1;
336 = 1;
337 task1.prerequisite = -1;
338 task1.command = " -keepold -verbosity 3 -mode compress_text tdb0005000 >> build.log 2>&1";
339 recipe->push_back(task1);
340 task_t task2;
341 = 2;
342 task2.prerequisite = -1;
343 task2.command = " -keepold -verbosity 3 -mode infodb tdb0005000 >> build.log 2>&1";
344 recipe->push_back(task2);
345 task_t task3;
346 = 3;
347 task3.prerequisite = 1;
348 task3.command = " -keepold -verbosity 3 -mode build_index -indexname document:text tdb0005000 >> build.log 2>&1";
349 recipe->push_back(task3);
350 task_t task4;
351 = 4;
352 task4.prerequisite = 1;
353 task4.command = " -keepold -verbosity 3 -mode build_index -indexname document:Title tdb0005000 >> build.log 2>&1";
354 recipe->push_back(task4);
355 task_t task5;
356 = 5;
357 task5.prerequisite = 1;
358 task5.command = " -keepold -verbosity 3 -mode build_index -indexname document:Source tdb0005000 >> build.log 2>&1";
359 recipe->push_back(task5);
360 task_t task6;
361 = 6;
362 task6.prerequisite = 1;
363 task6.command = " -keepold -verbosity 3 -mode build_index -indexname document:Title,Source tdb0005000 >> build.log 2>&1";
364 recipe->push_back(task6);
365 task_t task7;
366 = 7;
367 task7.prerequisite = 1;
368 task7.command = " -keepold -verbosity 3 -mode build_index -indexname document:text,Title,Source tdb0005000 >> build.log 2>&1";
369 recipe->push_back(task7);
372#ifdef DEBUG
373 debugPrint(0, " * The Recipe!");
374 // If we are debugging, lets print out the recipe
375 recipe_t::iterator recipe_begin_itr = (*recipe).begin();
376 recipe_t::iterator recipe_end_itr = (*recipe).end();
377 recipe_t::iterator recipe_current_itr;
378 for(recipe_current_itr = recipe_begin_itr; recipe_current_itr < recipe_end_itr; ++recipe_current_itr)
379 {
380 task_t a_task = (task_t)(*recipe_current_itr);
381 stringstream recipestrstr;
382 recipestrstr << " Task " << << ": " << a_task.command << " [Prequisite: " << a_task.prerequisite << "]";
383 debugPrint(0, recipestrstr.str());
384 }
387/** parseRecipe(const char*, recipe_t*) **/
390 */
391#ifdef TINYXML
392static int recurseRecipeXML(recipe_t* recipe, TiXmlNode* element, int parent_id, int task_count)
394 // A. Loop through this task elements children. At least one subelement
395 // should be the command, while all other subelements should be
396 // tasks that need to be further recursed.
397 TiXmlNode* child;
398 int task_id = task_count;
399 bool found_command = false; // We can only have one command per task id
400 for (child = element->FirstChild(); child != 0; child = child->NextSibling())
401 {
402 // - we are only interested in element nodes
403 if (child->Type() == TiXmlNode::TINYXML_ELEMENT)
404 {
405 stringstream element_name_stream;
406 element_name_stream << child->Value();
407 string element_name = element_name_stream.str();
408 if (element_name == "Command" && !found_command)
409 {
410 // - retrieve the text child node
411 for ( TiXmlNode *text_grandchild = child->FirstChild(); text_grandchild != 0; text_grandchild = text_grandchild->NextSibling())
412 {
413 if (text_grandchild->Type() == TiXmlNode::TINYXML_TEXT)
414 {
415 TiXmlText* text_command = text_grandchild->ToText();
416 stringstream commandstrstr;
417 commandstrstr << text_command->Value();
418 // - and create the new task given the command string and
419 // accounting for any preqrequisites via the the parent task id
420 // (begin non-zero)
421 task_t a_task;
422 = task_id;
423 a_task.prerequisite = parent_id;
424 a_task.command = commandstrstr.str();
425 recipe->push_back(a_task);
426 // - and prevent any further commands being associated with this
427 // task id
428 found_command = true;
429 }
430 }
431 }
432 else if (element_name == "Task")
433 {
434 task_count++;
435 recurseRecipeXML(recipe, child, task_id, task_count);
436 }
437 }
438 }
439 return task_count;
442/** recurseRecipeXML(recipe_t*, TiXmlNode*, int, int) **/
444/** Each worker is responsible for executing a particular command in a shell,
445 * waiting until the command is complete, and then relaying to the master that
446 * work is complete.
447 * @param worker_id An integer containing the unique identifier (rank) of the
448 * worker process.
449 * @return void
450 */
451static void
452workerProcess(int worker_id)
454 debugPrint(worker_id, "starting");
455 // 0. Worker loops tirelessly until asked to exit (note that the mpi_recv
456 // command below is blocking - so no tight-loop thrashing)
457 while (1)
458 {
459 // 1. Receive a message from the master process
460 char command[BUFFERSIZE];
461 MPI_Status status;
462 MPI_Recv(&command, // buffer in which to store the command string
463 BUFFERSIZE, // we expect (at most) BUFFERSIZE characters
464 MPI_CHAR, // we expect a char array
465 0, // recieve from the master process only
466 MPI_ANY_TAG, // accept any incoming tag
467 MPI_COMM_WORLD, // default communicator
468 &status);
469 // - watch for the special exit tag, and end the worker process if detected
470 if (status.MPI_TAG == EXITTAG)
471 {
472 debugPrint(worker_id, "exiting");
473 return;
474 }
475 // - otherwise the tag actually tells us the task id - which we need to
476 // reply back with later
477 int task_id = status.MPI_TAG;
478 // - action the command in the buffer
479 string message = "processing: ";
480 message += command;
481 debugPrint(worker_id, message);
482 system(command); // asynchronous
483 // 2. Send a reply back containing the id of the task just completed
484 debugPrint(worker_id, "complete");
485 MPI_Send(&task_id,
486 1,
487 MPI_INT,
488 0,
491 }
493/** workerProcess(int) **/
498#include "mpi.h"
500#include <stdio.h>
501#include <stdlib.h>
503#include <fstream>
504#include <iostream>
505#include <string>
506#include <vector>
508using namespace std;
510#define KILOBUF 512
511#define MEGABUF 10240
514main( int argc, char *argv [] )
516 // MPI variables
517 int num_tasks;
518 int rank;
520 if (argc != 3 )
521 {
522 cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " gsdlhome collection" << endl;
523 exit(-1);
524 }
526 // Greenstone home directory
527 char *gsdl_home_dir = argv[1];
528 // Short collection name
529 char *collection = argv[2];
531 // start MPI environment
532 int mpi_status = MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
533 if (mpi_status != MPI_SUCCESS)
534 {
535 printf ("Error starting MPI program. Terminating.\n");
536 MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, mpi_status);
537 }
539 // get MPI variables: number of processors and processor number
540 MPI_Status stat;
541 MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &num_tasks);
542 MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
544 // The Master node (dispatcher) has a rank of zero. All child processes have
545 // higher ranks.
546 if (rank == 0)
547 {
548 cout << "===== MPI Build =====" << endl;
549 cout << "Uses OpenMPI to allow several Greenstone build passes to be run in parallel." << endl;
550 cout << endl;
551 cout << "Number of Processors: " << num_tasks << endl;
552 cout << "Rank of current process: " << rank << endl;
553 cout << endl;
555 cout << "[0] Dispatcher" << endl;
556 // buffer for acknowledgments
557 // - Is there some reason this buffer isn't actually set to be numtasks in
558 // size?
559 char incoming[KILOBUF];
560 // Buffer to send tasks
561 char buffer[KILOBUF];
562 // Request monitor for all tasks
563 MPI_Request request[KILOBUF];
564 // Status monitor for all tasks
565 MPI_Status status[KILOBUF];
566 // Number of processors running
567 int actual_tasks = 0;
569 // Set initial status of all processors to idle
570 cout << " - initializing child tasks to idle" << endl;
571 for ( int i = 0; i < KILOBUF; i++ )
572 {
573 incoming[i] = ' ';
574 }
576 // In the future this would be where the process reads in settings from the
577 // collect.cfg to determine how many passes are needed and thus what tasks
578 // there are available for children to process. For the moment I'll just
579 // hardcode the short three task list that essentially invokes each of the
580 // three standard Greenstone build modes - compress_text, build_indexes and
581 // make_infodb.
582 cout << " - populating task list... ";
583 // List of pending tasks to undertake
584 vector<string> tasks;
585 tasks.push_back("infodb");
586 tasks.push_back("compress_text");
587 tasks.push_back("build_index");
588 cout << "found " << tasks.size() << " tasks" << endl;
590 // For each pending task
591 for(int j = 0; j < tasks.size(); j++)
592 {
593 // Search for idle processor
594 cout << " - searching for idle processor" << endl;
595 int dest=0;
596 int found = 0;
597 while ( (dest < ( num_tasks - 1 ) ) && ( found == 0 ) )
598 {
599 if (incoming[dest] == ' ')
600 {
601 found = 1;
602 }
603 else
604 {
605 dest++;
606 }
607 }
609 // If no idle processor, wait for one to become idle
610 if (found == 0)
611 {
612 MPI_Waitany(num_tasks-1, request, &dest, status);
613 }
615 // Write the tasks mode flag as the instruction to the child
616 sprintf(buffer, "%s", tasks[j].c_str());
618 // Mark processors as busy
619 incoming[dest] = 'B';
621 cout << " - asking child process to execute: " << tasks[j] << endl;
623 // Send out the job to the processor
624 MPI_Send(&buffer, strlen (buffer)+1, MPI_CHAR, dest+1, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
626 // I'm guess there is some kind of 'fork' either here or above. Somehow
627 // this command 'waits' for a response from the child thread. In the
628 // usual case the response is a single space (' ') that overwrites the
629 // 'B' in the incoming string at the position that matches the child
630 // thread number. (Presumably you could count the B's in the incoming
631 // string to determine running threads... but we don't).
632 MPI_Irecv(&incoming[dest], 1, MPI_CHAR, dest+1, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request[dest]);
633 cout << "[DEBUG] When does this code actually execute? [cmd: " << buffer << "]" << endl;
635 // Update counter of actual tasks
636 if (dest > actual_tasks)
637 {
638 actual_tasks = dest;
639 }
640 }
642 // Wait until all outstanding tasks are completed
643 cout << " - waiting for outstanding tasks" << endl;
644 int dest;
645 for ( int k = 0; k < actual_tasks; k++ )
646 {
647 MPI_Waitany(actual_tasks, request, &dest, status);
648 }
650 // Send message to end all processing engines
651 cout << " - ask all child processes to terminate" << endl;
652 char endstr[5] = "end";
653 for ( int l = 1; l < num_tasks; l++ )
654 {
655 MPI_Send(endstr, 4, MPI_CHAR, l, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
656 }
657 }
658 // Slave node processing
659 else
660 {
661 cout << "[" << rank << "] Child Process" << endl;
662 char incoming[KILOBUF];
664 do
665 {
666 // wait for instruction from master
667 MPI_Recv(&incoming, KILOBUF, MPI_CHAR, 0, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &stat);
668 if (strcmp(incoming, "end") != 0)
669 {
670 // Process a received job
671 cout << " + processing command: " << incoming << endl;
673 // Create Greenstone import command
674 char command[2048];
675 sprintf(command, "%s/bin/script/ -keepold -verbosity 3 -mode %s %s", gsdl_home_dir, incoming, collection);
676 cout << " + Greenstone buildcol command: " << command << endl;
678 // Invoke Greenstone import with manifest file
679 system (command);
681 char line = ' ';
682 // send completed message
683 MPI_Send(&line, 1, MPI_CHAR, 0, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
684 cout << " + done [cmd: " << command << "]" << endl;
685 }
686 }
687 // stop when "end" instruction is received
688 while (strcmp(incoming, "end") != 0);
690 cout << " + child process terminating" << endl;
691 }
693 // clean up MPI environment
694 MPI_Finalize();
695 if (0 == rank)
696 {
697 cout << "Complete!" << endl << endl;
698 }
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