source: gs3-extensions/maori-lang-detection/src/org/greenstone/atea/ 33604

Last change on this file since 33604 was 33604, checked in by ak19, 5 years ago
  1. Better output into possible-product-sites.txt including the overseas country code prefix to help decide whether the site is worth keeping or not. 2. Updated whitelisting and top-sites filters to grab the /mi/ subsections of sites that don't appear to be autotranslated. This is done in preparation for blocking out product sites hereafter
File size: 39.1 KB
1package org.greenstone.atea;
5import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
6import java.util.Properties;
8import java.util.Iterator;
9import java.util.HashMap;
10import java.util.Map;
11import java.util.Set;
12import java.util.TreeMap;
13import java.util.TreeSet;
15import org.apache.commons.csv.*; //
16import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
20 * The main() method of this class takes a folder of warc.wet(.gz) files and goes through
21 * the WET records in each, putting each WET record into a file. Each file is put into a
22 * keep or discard or greyListed folder, and its url listed written into a keep, discard
23 * or greylisted text file, based on based on
24 *
25 * 1. whether it's whitelisted, else greylisted else blacklisted
26 * 2. and if explicitly whitelisted or else not greylisted or blacklisted and there's
27 * enough content. Formerly, content-length and number of lines were used to determine if
28 * the content was sufficient. Now it's just word count and number of MAX characters
29 * (not MINIMUM characters) that determine a string is a word. These settings can be adjusted
30 * in conf/
31 *
32 * Put a url-blacklist-filter.txt and/or url-greylist-filter.txt and/or url-whitelist-filter.txt
33 * into the conf folder to control any url patterns that are explicitly included or excluded or
34 * set aside for inspecting later. These filter text files don't use regexes, instead their
35 * format is:
36 * - precede URL by ^ to blacklist urls that match the given prefix
37 * - succeed URL by $ to blacklist urls that match the given suffix
38 * - ^url$ will blacklist urls that match the given url completely
39 * - Without either ^ or $ symbol, urls containing the given url will get blacklisted
40 *
41 *'s current implementation is that explicit whitelisting has precedence
42 * over greylisting and which takes precedence over blacklisting in turn. However, even
43 * explicitly whitelisted urls still need to have sufficient content to end up in keepURLs.txt
44 * and in the seedURLs.txt file used for nutch, along with its domain in regex-urlfilter.txt
45 * also for nutch.
46 *
47 * A CCWETProcessor instance can be configured to process all the .warc.wet(.gz) files
48 * in the given input folder. Then use a single instance of the WETProcessor class to process
49 * each single unzipped warc.wet file.
50 *
51 * To compile, including the jars in lib/ for compiling.
52 * maori-lang-detection/src$ javac -cp ".:../lib/*" org/greenstone/atea/
53 *
54 * To run, passing the log4j and other properties files in conf/ folder:
55 * maori-lang-detection/src$ java -cp ".:../conf:../lib/*" org.greenstone.atea.CCWETProcessor <folder containing commoncrawls subfolders containing warc.wet(.gz) files> <outputFolder>
56 *
57 * e.g. (from maori-lang-detection/src)
58 *
59 * - java -cp ".:../conf:../lib/*" org.greenstone.atea.CCWETProcessor ../ccrawl-data /Scratch/ak19/gs3-extensions/maori-lang-detection/to_crawl
60 * - java -cp ".:../conf:../lib/*" org.greenstone.atea.CCWETProcessor ../ccrawl-data /Scratch/ak19/gs3-extensions/maori-lang-detection/to_crawl 2>&1 | less
61 *
64public class CCWETProcessor {
65 private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(org.greenstone.atea.CCWETProcessor.class.getName());
67 // Properties shared across WETProcessor instances
68 public final int MAX_WORD_LENGTH;
69 public final int MIN_NUM_WORDS;
70 public final int MAX_WORDS_CAMELCASE;
72 // constants for the possible fixed values in sites-too-big-to-exhaustively-crawl.txt file
73 public final String SUBDOMAIN_COPY = "SUBDOMAIN-COPY";
74 public final String SINGLEPAGE = "SINGLEPAGE";
77 /**
78 * Characters that need escaping if used as a string literal in a regex
79 *
80 *
81 * Put the \\ (escape char) at start so we don't double-escape chars already escaped,
82 * as would happen for any chars appearing earlier in this list than \\
83 */
84 public final String ESCAPE_CHARS_FOR_RE = "\\.^$*+?()[{|";
85 //public final String[] ESCAPE_CHARS_FOR_RE = ["\\", ".", "^", "$", "*", "+", "?", "(", ")", "[", "{", "|"];
87 private Properties configProperties = new Properties();
89 // File paths shared across WETProcessor instances
90 public final File commoncrawlDir;
91 public final File outputFolder;
92 public final File discardFolder;
93 public final File keepFolder;
94 public final File greyListedFolder;
95 public final File keepURLsFile;
96 public final File discardURLsFile;
97 public final File greyListedFile;
99 /** Possible values stored in the blackList/whiteList/greyList Maps */
100 private final Integer LIST_ENTRY_CONTAINS = new Integer(0);
101 private final Integer LIST_ENTRY_STARTSWITH = new Integer(1);
102 private final Integer LIST_ENTRY_ENDSWITH = new Integer(2);
103 private final Integer LIST_ENTRY_MATCHES = new Integer(3);
105 /**
106 * Store url patterns as keys and values indicated whether a url should
107 * match it exactly, start/end with it, or contain it
108 */
109 private HashMap<String, Integer> blackList;
110 private HashMap<String, Integer> greyList;
111 private HashMap<String, Integer> whiteList;
113 /** map of topsites with allowable regexes: sites too big to exhaustively crawl
114 * with optional regex defining allowed exceptions, like subdomains or url suffixes
115 * off that top site. For example, is a topsite, but
116 * is relevant. Or is a top site, but someone's pages in Maori off blogspot
117 * would be relevant.
118 * The map would store top site domain suffix and an optional regex string for allowable
119 * url patterns.
120 */
121 private HashMap<String, String> topSitesMap;
123 /** Map of domains we keep and the full urls we're keeping that are of that domain.
124 * No need to use a TreeMap which preserves natural (alphabetical) ordering of keys,
125 * while a HashMap has no notion of ordering, because we just need to store urls with
126 * their domains. Whether the domains are sorted or the urls per domain are sorted becomes
127 * irrelevant. (Does it really? What if we have urls followed vs preceded by urls with the
128 * same prefix, e.g. and
129 * Is there any benefit to nutch when crawling if these seedURLs are ordered or not?)
130 */
131 private Map<String, Set<String>> domainsToURLsMap;
133 // Keep a count of all the records that all WETProcessors instantiated
134 // by our main method combined have processed
135 private int totalRecordCount = 0;
137 private int wetFileCount = 0;
139 private static ClassLoader MY_CLASSLOADER = org.greenstone.atea.CCWETProcessor.class.getClassLoader();
141 public CCWETProcessor(File inFolder, File outFolder) throws Exception {
142 this.commoncrawlDir = inFolder;
143 this.outputFolder = outFolder;
145 // load up the properties from the config file
146 try (InputStream infile = MY_CLASSLOADER.getResourceAsStream("")) {
147 configProperties = new Properties();
148 configProperties.load(infile);
149 //infile.close(); // not explicitly called in examples of try-with-resources
151 } catch(Exception e) {
152 error("Exception attempting to read properties from", e);
153 }
155 if(configProperties.size() == 0) {
156 warn("*** Warning: no values read into config properties. Using defaults.");
157 }
159 MAX_WORD_LENGTH = Integer.parseInt(configProperties.getProperty("WETprocessor.max.word.length", "15"));
160 MIN_NUM_WORDS = Integer.parseInt(configProperties.getProperty("WETprocessor.min.num.words", "20"));
161 MAX_WORDS_CAMELCASE = Integer.parseInt(configProperties.getProperty("WETprocessor.max.words.camelcase", "10"));
164 this.discardFolder = new File(outFolder, "discard");
165 if(!discardFolder.exists()) {
166 discardFolder.mkdir();
167 }
168 this.keepFolder = new File(outFolder, "keep");
169 if(!keepFolder.exists()) {
170 keepFolder.mkdir();
171 }
173 this.greyListedFolder = new File(outFolder, "greylisted");
174 if(!greyListedFolder.exists()) {
175 greyListedFolder.mkdir();
176 }
178 this.keepURLsFile = new File(outFolder, "keepURLs.txt");
179 if(keepURLsFile.exists() && !keepURLsFile.delete()) {
180 throw new Exception("Warning: Unable to delete " + this.keepURLsFile + ". Unable to proceed.");
181 }
182 this.discardURLsFile = new File(outFolder, "discardURLs.txt");
183 if(discardURLsFile.exists() && !discardURLsFile.delete()) {
184 throw new Exception ("Warning Unable to delete " + discardURLsFile + ". Unable to proceed.");
185 }
186 this.greyListedFile = new File(outFolder, "greyListed.txt");
187 if(greyListedFile.exists() && !greyListedFile.delete()) {
188 throw new Exception ("Warning Unable to delete " + greyListedFile + ". Unable to proceed.");
189 }
191 // prepare our blacklist, greylist (for inspection) and whitelist
192 info("Loading blacklist.");
193 blackList = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
194 initURLFilterList(blackList, "url-blacklist-filter.txt");
196 info("Loading greylist.");
197 greyList = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
198 initURLFilterList(greyList, "url-greylist-filter.txt");
200 info("Loading whitelist.");
201 whiteList = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
202 initURLFilterList(whiteList, "url-whitelist-filter.txt");
204 // Create the map of topSites
205 info("Loading map of topsites with regex of allowable url patterns for each topsite.");
206 topSitesMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
208 // Read in our csv file of topsites and what to do when one hits a match with a seedURL
209 // and put these in our topSitesMap
210 //
211 //
212 //
213 CSVFormat customisedCSVFormat = CSVFormat.DEFAULT
214 .withCommentMarker('#')
215 .withSkipHeaderRecord()
216 .withIgnoreSurroundingSpaces();
218 File topSitesCSVData = new File(MY_CLASSLOADER.getResource("sites-too-big-to-exhaustively-crawl.txt").getFile());
219 // CSVParser is AutoCloseable and throws exceptions, so putting it in a try-with-resources
220 try (
221 CSVParser parser = CSVParser.parse(topSitesCSVData, StandardCharsets.UTF_8, customisedCSVFormat);
222 ) {
223 for (CSVRecord csvRecord : parser) {
224 String topsite = csvRecord.get(0);
225 String allowed_url_pattern = (csvRecord.size() >= 2) ? csvRecord.get(1) : "";
226 topSitesMap.put(topsite, allowed_url_pattern);
228 //debug("@@@@ topsite: " + topsite + " - " + allowed_url_pattern);
230 }
231 } catch(Exception e) {
232 error("@@@@@@@@@ Error attempting to parse CSV format of text file " + topSitesCSVData, e);
233 }
235 //debug("Prematurely terminating for testing purposes.");
236 //System.exit(-1);
237 }
239 /** Work out the 'domain' for a given url.
240 * This retains any www. or subdomain prefix.
241 */
242 public static String getDomainForURL(String url, boolean withProtocol) {
243 int startIndex = startIndex = url.indexOf("//"); // for http:// or https:// prefix
244 startIndex = (startIndex == -1) ? 0 : (startIndex+2); // skip past the protocol's // portion
245 // the keep the URL around in case param withProtocol=true
246 String protocol = (startIndex == -1) ? "" : url.substring(0, startIndex);
248 String domain = url.substring(startIndex);
249 int endIndex = domain.indexOf("/");
250 if(endIndex == -1) endIndex = domain.length();
251 domain = domain.substring(0, endIndex);
253 if(withProtocol) {
254 // now that we have the domain (everything to the first / when there is no protocol)
255 // can glue the protocol back on
256 domain = protocol + domain;
257 }
259 return domain;
260 }
262 /** Utility function to help escape regex characters in URL to go into regex-urlfilter.txt */
263 private String escapeStringForRegex(String str) {
264 for(int i = 0; i < ESCAPE_CHARS_FOR_RE.length(); i++) {
265 char c = ESCAPE_CHARS_FOR_RE.charAt(i);
266 str = str.replace(Character.toString(c), "\\"+c);
267 }
268 return str;
269 }
271 /**
272 * Using the keepURLs.txt file generated by running WETProcessor instances, this produces
273 * as output the URL seed list and regex-urlfilter text files required by nutch, see
274 *
275 */
276 public void createSeedURLsFiles(File seedURLsFile, File urlFilterFile,
277 File domainURLsFile, File topSiteMatchesFile,
278 File possibleProductSitesFile) {
279 // Maintain a Map of unique domains mapped to seed urls at that domain
280 // TreeSet: by default, "the elements are ordered using their natural ordering"
281 // (or by a Comparator provided at set creation time).
282 // Whereas HashSet doesn't guarantee ordering.
283 // So we get alphabetic sorting for free. And guaranteed log(n) for basic operations.
284 // Would be a similar distinction for Maps.
285 domainsToURLsMap = new TreeMap<String, Set<String>>();
287 final String PROTOCOL_REGEX_PREFIX = "+^https?://";
288 final String FILTER_REGEX_PREFIX = PROTOCOL_REGEX_PREFIX + "([a-z0-9-]+\\.)*"; // https?://([a-z0-9-]+\.)* for nutch's regex-urlfilter.txt
290 // keep an eye out on URLs we need to inspect later
291 Set<String> possibleProductDomains = new TreeSet<String>();
292 File geoLiteCityDatFile = new File(MY_CLASSLOADER.getResource("GeoLiteCity.dat").getFile());
294 try (
295 BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(this.keepURLsFile));
296 BufferedWriter possibleProductSitesWriter = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(possibleProductSitesFile));
297 ) {
299 // read a URL at a time from urlsFile
300 String url = null;
301 String domainWithProtocol = null;
302 while((url = reader.readLine()) != null) { // readLine removes newline separator
304 // work out domain. This retains any www. or subdomain prefix
305 // passing true to further also retain the http(s) protocol
306 domainWithProtocol = getDomainForURL(url, true);
308 Set<String> urlsSet;
309 if(!domainsToURLsMap.containsKey(domainWithProtocol)) {
310 urlsSet = new TreeSet<String>();
311 urlsSet.add(url);
312 domainsToURLsMap.put(domainWithProtocol, urlsSet);
313 } else {
314 urlsSet = domainsToURLsMap.get(domainWithProtocol);
315 urlsSet.add(url);
316 }
318 // Dr Nichols said that a url that was located outside the country and
319 // which had /mi/ URLs was more likely to be an autotranslated (product) site.
320 // Following Dr Nichols' idea, let's keep a look out for more product sites:
321 // if any URL contains /mi AND the tld of its domain is outside of New Zealand
322 // then add that domain (if not already added) and that url into a file
323 // for later manual inspection
324 if(!domainWithProtocol.endsWith(".nz") && (url.contains("/mi/") || url.endsWith("/mi"))) {
325 if(!possibleProductDomains.contains(domainWithProtocol)) {
327 String countryCode = "";
328 try {
329 // more expensive test, so do this only if above conditions are true:
330 countryCode = Utility.getCountryCodeOfDomain(domainWithProtocol, geoLiteCityDatFile);
331 System.err.println("@@@@ Got country code: " + countryCode);
332 } catch(Exception exceptObj) {
333 countryCode = ""; // forces domain to be included for inspection
335 error("Could not check if domain " + domainWithProtocol
336 + " was in country: " + countryCode,
337 exceptObj);
338 }
340 boolean isInNZ = countryCode.toLowerCase().equals("nz");
343 //if(!Utility.isDomainInCountry(domainWithProtocol, "nz", geoLiteCityDatFile)) {
344 if(!isInNZ) {
345 possibleProductDomains.add(domainWithProtocol);
346 // write both domain and a sample URL on that site out to file
347 possibleProductSitesWriter.write(countryCode + " : " + domainWithProtocol + "\n");
348 possibleProductSitesWriter.write("\t" + url + "\n");
349 }
350 } /*else {
351 // already wrote out domain to file at some point, write just the URL out to file
352 possibleProductSitesWriter.write("\t" + url + "\n");
353 }*/
354 }
355 }
356 } catch (IOException ioe) {
357 error("@@@@@@@@@ Error reading in urls from file " + this.keepURLsFile, ioe);
358 }
360 // We'd have pruned out duplicates by now and have a sorted list of domains,
361 // each of which maps to seed URLs in the commoncrawl for that domain
363 int domainCount = 0;
364 File sitesFolder = new File(outputFolder, "sites");
365 if(!sitesFolder.exists()) {
366 sitesFolder.mkdir();
367 }
368 final String FORMATSTR = "%05d";
370 // write out each domain followed in sequence by all urls we found in that domain
371 // (urls with tab up front)
372 try (
373 // global lists of all domains, seedURLs and regex-urlfilters across all wet files of all commoncrawls
374 // Also a global file listing any urls that matched top sites that didn't specify
375 // allowed regex patterns
376 BufferedWriter domainURLsWriter = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(domainURLsFile));
377 BufferedWriter seedURLsWriter = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(seedURLsFile));
378 BufferedWriter urlFilterWriter = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(urlFilterFile));
379 BufferedWriter topSiteMatchesWriter = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(topSiteMatchesFile));
380 ) {
382 // initialise topSiteMatchesFile with some instructional text.
383 topSiteMatchesWriter.write("The following domain with seedURLs are on a major/top 500 site\n");
384 topSiteMatchesWriter.write("for which no allowed URL pattern regex has been specified.\n");
385 topSiteMatchesWriter.write("Specify one for this domain in the tab-spaced sites-too-big-to-exhaustively-crawl.txt file\n");
387 //Set<Map.Entry<String, Set<String>>> domainsSet = domainsToURLsMap.keySet();
388 Set<String> domainsSet = domainsToURLsMap.keySet();
389 Iterator<String> domainIterator = domainsSet.iterator();
391 /*
392 // DEBUG
393 String value = topSitesMap.get("");
394 if(value == null) {
395 debug("### had null value");
396 } else {
397 debug("### had value: " + value);
398 } // DEBUG
399 */
401 while(domainIterator.hasNext()) {
402 String domainWithProtocol =;
403 // Also get domain without protocol prefix
404 int startIndex = domainWithProtocol.indexOf("//"); // http:// or https:// prefix
405 startIndex = (startIndex == -1) ? 0 : (startIndex+2); // skip past the protocol's // portion
406 String domain = domainWithProtocol.substring(startIndex);
408 /*if(domain.contains("")) {
409 debug("domain with protocol: " + domainWithProtocol);
410 debug("domain: " + domain);
411 }*/
413 String allowedURLPatternRegex = isURLinTopSitesMap(domain);
414 // If the domain is of a topsite for which no allowed URL pattern has been provided
415 // in sites-too-big-to-exhaustively-crawl.txt,
416 // then we don't know how to crawl the site. Warn the user by writing the affected
417 // domain and seedURLs to the topSiteMatchesFile.
418 if(allowedURLPatternRegex != null && allowedURLPatternRegex.equals("")) {
420 // topsite, but we don't (yet) know what portion can be crawled
421 // Append the top site and url to a global/toplevel file that
422 // the user needs to check later and we're done with this domain as it
423 // won't go into any other file hereafter
425 Set<String> urlsForDomainSet = domainsToURLsMap.get(domainWithProtocol);
426 for(String url : urlsForDomainSet) {
427 topSiteMatchesWriter.write("\t" + url + "\n");
428 }
430 continue; // done with this domain
431 }
433 // start counting the domains we're actually going to process
434 domainCount++;
436 String siteID = String.format(FORMATSTR, domainCount);
437 File domainFolder = new File(sitesFolder, siteID);
438 domainFolder.mkdir();
440 // write out the domain
441 //seedURLsWriter.write(domainWithProtocol + "\n");
444 // for every domain, we need a sites/0000x/ folder, where x is domain#, containing
445 // its own INDIVIDUAL seedURLs.txt and regex-urlfilter.txt
446 // We still have a global seedURLs.txt and regex-urlfilter.txt too.
447 File siteSeedsFile = new File(domainFolder, "seedURLs.txt"); // e.g. sites/00001/seedURLs.txt
448 File siteRegexFile = new File(domainFolder, "regex-urlfilter.txt"); // e.g. sites/00001/regex-urlfilter.txt
449 try (
450 BufferedWriter siteURLsWriter = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(siteSeedsFile));
451 BufferedWriter siteRegexWriter = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(siteRegexFile));
452 ) {
454 // write all sorted unique domains into global domains file
455 // Using the domain withuot protocol since the global domains file is for
456 // informational purposes
457 domainURLsWriter.write(domain + "\n");
459 // Only write urls and no domain into single global seedurls file
460 // But write domain and tabbed urls into individual sites/0000#/seedURLs.txt
461 // files (and write regexed domain into each sites/0000#/regex-urlfilter.txt)
462 // If we ever run nutch on a single seedURLs listing containing
463 // all seed pages to crawl sites from, the above two files will work for that.
465 // first write out the urls for the domain into the sites/0000x/seedURLs.txt file
466 // also write into the global seeds file (with a tab prefixed to each?)
467 Set<String> urlsForDomainSet = domainsToURLsMap.get(domainWithProtocol);
468 for(String url : urlsForDomainSet) {
469 seedURLsWriter.write(url + "\n"); // global seedURLs file
470 siteURLsWriter.write(url + "\n");
471 }
473 if(allowedURLPatternRegex == null) { // entire site can be crawled
474 siteURLsWriter.write(domainWithProtocol + "\n");
476 // Write out filter in the following form for a site, e.g. for
477 // => +^https?://([a-z0-9-]+\.)*nutch\.apache\.org/
478 String regexed_domain = FILTER_REGEX_PREFIX + escapeStringForRegex(domain) + "/";
479 //String regexed_domain = FILTER_REGEX_PREFIX + domain.replace(".", "\\.") + "/";
480 urlFilterWriter.write(regexed_domain + "\n"); //global file
481 siteRegexWriter.write(regexed_domain + "\n"); // site file
482 }
483 else { // domain belongs to a top site where only portion of site can be crawled
485 if(allowedURLPatternRegex.equals(SUBDOMAIN_COPY)) { // COPY existing domain as url-filter
486 siteURLsWriter.write(domainWithProtocol + "\n");
487 // e.g. will add a filter for
488 // and not for all of
490 String regexed_domain = PROTOCOL_REGEX_PREFIX+escapeStringForRegex(domain) + "/";
491 //String regexed_domain = PROTOCOL_REGEX_PREFIX+domain.replace(".", "\\.") + "/";
492 urlFilterWriter.write(regexed_domain + "\n");
493 siteRegexWriter.write(regexed_domain + "\n");
495 } else if(allowedURLPatternRegex.equals(SINGLEPAGE)) {
496 // don't write out domain. We want individual pages
497 //DON'T DO THIS HERE: siteURLsWriter.write(domainWithProtocol + "\n");
499 // don't write out domain as a regex expression url filter either,
500 // write out the individual seed urls for the domain instead
501 // since we will only be downloading the single page
503 urlsForDomainSet = domainsToURLsMap.get(domainWithProtocol);
504 for(String urlInDomain : urlsForDomainSet) {
505 // don't append slash to end this time
506 String regexed_url = "+^"+escapeStringForRegex(urlInDomain);
507 //String regexed_url = "+^"+urlInDomain.replace(".", "\\.");
508 urlFilterWriter.write(regexed_url + "\n");
509 siteRegexWriter.write(regexed_url + "\n");
510 }
511 } else if(allowedURLPatternRegex.equals(FOLLOW_LINKS_WITHIN_TOPSITE)) {
513 // DON'T write out domain into siteURLs file,
514 // BUT DO write it into urlFilter file
515 String regexed_domain = PROTOCOL_REGEX_PREFIX + escapeStringForRegex(domain) + "/";
517 urlFilterWriter.write(regexed_domain + "\n");
518 siteRegexWriter.write(regexed_domain + "\n");
519 } else { // allowedURLPatternRegex is a url-form - convert to regex
520 if(!allowedURLPatternRegex.endsWith("/")) {
521 allowedURLPatternRegex += "/";
522 }
523 String regexed_pattern = PROTOCOL_REGEX_PREFIX+escapeStringForRegex(allowedURLPatternRegex);
524 //String regexed_pattern = PROTOCOL_REGEX_PREFIX+allowedURLPatternRegex.replace(".", "\\.");
525 siteURLsWriter.write(domainWithProtocol + "\n");
526 urlFilterWriter.write(regexed_pattern + "\n");
527 siteRegexWriter.write(regexed_pattern + "\n");
529 }
530 }
532 } catch (IOException ioe) {
533 error("@@@@@@@@@ Error writing to one of:" + siteSeedsFile + " or " + siteRegexFile, ioe);
534 }
536 }
538 } catch (IOException ioe) {
539 error("\n@@@@@@@@@ Error writing to one of:\n\t" + seedURLsFile
540 + "\n\t" + urlFilterFile
541 + "\n\t" + domainURLsFile
542 + "\n\t" + topSiteMatchesFile, ioe);
543 }
545 /*
547 debug("@@@@ TopSitesMap contains: ");
548 for(Map.Entry<String, String> entry : topSitesMap.entrySet()) {
549 String topSite = entry.getKey();
550 String urlPattern = entry.getValue();
551 debug(topSite + " - " + urlPattern);
552 } // END DEBUG
553 */
554 }
556 private String stripSubDomain(String url) {
557 int index = url.indexOf(".");
558 if(index != -1) {
559 url = url.substring(index+1);
560 }
561 return url;
562 }
565 /**
566 * @return true when a seedURL's domain exactly matches a topsite such as,
567 * with or without www. prefix. This method tests for such as case as it would be dangerous
568 * to do a SUBDOMAIN-COPY on such a site and thereby crawl that entire domain.
569 */
570 private boolean isExactDomainMatch(String seedURLDomain, String domain) {
571 // check for an exact match as-is
572 if(seedURLDomain.equals(domain)) {
573 return true;
574 }
576 // else check if with or without a www. prefix we have an exact match with domain
577 if(seedURLDomain.startsWith("www.")) {
578 if(seedURLDomain.substring(4).equals(domain)) {
579 return true;
580 }
581 } else {
582 if(domain.equals("www."+seedURLDomain)) {
583 return true;
584 }
585 }
587 return false;
588 }
591 /**
592 * Check if the domain of the seedurl, either in its entirety or when stripped of
593 * www/subdomains, is in the list of top sites.
594 * If it is, and the given url matches the regex for that topsite, then add the url to the
595 * whitelist and a regex disallowing the rest of the topsite to the url regex filter file.
596 * @param fullSeedDomain: domain of seedURL without the protocol. May include www. prefix.
597 * @return one of the following values:
598 * - This function returns null if the seedURL's domain does not match any of the topsites.
599 * - The empty String is returned if the seedURL's domain matched a topsite but no (allowed-
600 * url-pattern) value was defined for it. The empty String is also returned if the seedURL's
601 * domain exactly matched a topsite and had a value of SUBDOMAIN-COPY, because we still don't
602 * want to blindly crawl a topsite (as would happen with SUBDOMAIN-COPY).
603 * - A non-emptry String is returned if the seedURL's domain matched a topsite and a value
604 * was defined for it. (The value will be one of "SUBDOMAIN-COPY", "SINGLEPAGE" or an allowed
605 * URL pattern.
606 */
607 private String isURLinTopSitesMap(String fullSeedDomain) {
608 boolean keepLooping = true;
610 String domain = fullSeedDomain;
612 // domain aprameter will have retained www or subdomains, but is stripped of protocol
614 // keep looping, stripping subdomains from url and checking if it matches a topsite domain
615 // if it does, return the value for that topsite domain in the topSitesMap
616 // If no match at all, return null.
617 do {
619 String allowed_url_pattern = topSitesMap.get(domain);
620 if(allowed_url_pattern != null) { // if topSitesMap.containsKey(domain);
621 // there's an entry for the URL in the topSitesMap
622 debug("##### A top site matches URL domain " + domain);
624 // if we're dealing with SUBDOMAIN-COPY, then the fullSeedDomain, with or without
625 // www prefix, should not exactly match the topSitesMap domain
626 // e.g. we don't want to crawl a seed URL with domain
627 // despite it matching topsite with a value of SUBDOMAIN-COPY.
629 if(allowed_url_pattern.equals(SUBDOMAIN_COPY) && isExactDomainMatch(fullSeedDomain, domain)) {
630 return ""; // means don't crawl site, write url into unprocessed-topsite-matches file
631 }
632 return allowed_url_pattern;
633 }
634 // else, no entry for the URL in the topSitesMap
635 // We're not done yet: strip subDomain from URL and check it against topSitesMap again
637 String newDomain = stripSubDomain(domain);
638 if(domain.equals(newDomain)) {
639 keepLooping = false;
640 } else {
641 domain = newDomain;
642 }
643 } while(keepLooping);
645 // url in entirety or stripped of subdomains did not match any of the topsites
646 return null;
647 }
649 private boolean isListedInFilterList(Map<String, Integer> filterListMap, String url) {
650 //Set<Map.Entry<String,Integer>> entries = filterListMap.entrySet();
651 //Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Integer>> i = entries.iterator();
652 //while(i.hasNext()) {
653 // Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry =;
654 for(Map.Entry<String,Integer> entry : filterListMap.entrySet()) {
655 String urlPattern = entry.getKey();
656 Integer matchRule = entry.getValue();
658 if(matchRule == LIST_ENTRY_CONTAINS && url.contains(urlPattern)) {
659 return true;
660 }
661 else if(matchRule == LIST_ENTRY_STARTSWITH && url.startsWith(urlPattern)) {
662 return true;
663 }
664 else if(matchRule == LIST_ENTRY_ENDSWITH && url.endsWith(urlPattern)) {
665 return true;
666 }
667 else if(matchRule == LIST_ENTRY_MATCHES && url.equals(urlPattern)) {
668 return true;
669 }
670 // else check the rest of the filter list against this url
671 // before returning false to be certain it's not been listed in the filter list
672 }
674 return false;
675 }
677 /**
678 * Returns true if the url or pattern is found in the blacklist file.
679 * Note that if eventually the same url pattern is found in the greylist or whitelist too,
680 * it won't get blacklisted after all. But that's not implemented here.
681 */
682 public boolean isBlacklisted(String url) {
683 boolean isBlackListed = isListedInFilterList(blackList, url);
685 // if any portion of the URL contains the word "livejasmin", or even "jasmin" actually,
686 // then it's an adult site, so blacklist the entire domain if it wasn't already blacklisted
687 String domainWithoutProtocol = getDomainForURL(url, false); // remove protocol
688 if(!isBlackListed && url.contains("jasmin")) {
689 warn("### Blacklisting additional domain (likely an adult site): " + domainWithoutProtocol);
690 blackList.put(domainWithoutProtocol, LIST_ENTRY_CONTAINS);
691 }
692 return isBlackListed;
693 }
695 /**
696 * Returns true if the url or pattern is explicitly mentioned in the greylist file.
697 * Will eventually take precedence over if the same URL pattern was mentioned in the blacklist.
698 * Will eventually be pre-empted into the whitelist if mentioned in the whitelist.
699 */
700 public boolean isGreylisted(String url) {
701 // auto-translated product sites
702 return isListedInFilterList(greyList, url);
703 }
705 /**
706 * Returns true if the url or pattern is explicitly mentioned in the whitelist file
707 * Its mention in a whitelist moreover overrides any mention in the blacklist and greylist.
708 */
709 public boolean isWhitelisted(String url) {
710 return isListedInFilterList(whiteList, url);
711 }
713 /**
714 * Checks URL parameter against each line ("filter") of conf/url-black|grey|whitelist-filter.txt to decide
715 * whether it is in the mentioned black|grey|white list.
716 * Filters don't represent actual regex, just ^ and $ as start and end terminators.
717 * By not having this method deal with actual regex for filters, this has the advantage that
718 * we don't have to remember to escape or double escape each filter to turn it into a regex.
719 */
720 public void initURLFilterList(Map<String, Integer> list, String filterListFilename) {
722 // if filterListFilename does not exist in the conf folder, just return
723 if(MY_CLASSLOADER.getResource(filterListFilename) == null) {
724 warn("Filter list filename: " + filterListFilename + " does not exist");
725 return;
726 }
728 try (
729 BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(MY_CLASSLOADER.getResourceAsStream(filterListFilename), "UTF-8"));
730 ) {
731 String filter = null;
732 while((filter = reader.readLine()) != null) {
733 // skip comments and empty lines
734 filter = filter.trim();
735 if(filter.equals("") || filter.startsWith("#")) {
736 continue;
737 }
739 if(filter.startsWith("^") && filter.endsWith("$")) {
740 filter = filter.substring(1, filter.length()-1);
741 list.put(filter, LIST_ENTRY_MATCHES);
742 }
743 else if(filter.startsWith("^")) {
744 filter = filter.substring(1);
745 list.put(filter, LIST_ENTRY_STARTSWITH);
746 //debug("Match filter startswith: " + filter);
747 }
748 else if(filter.endsWith("$")) {
749 filter = filter.substring(0, filter.length()-1);
750 list.put(filter, LIST_ENTRY_ENDSWITH);
751 //debug("@@@ Match filter endswith: " + filter);
752 }
753 else {
754 list.put(filter, LIST_ENTRY_CONTAINS);
755 }
756 //debug("Got filter: " + filter);
757 }
759 } catch (IOException ioe) {
760 error("@@@@@@@@@ Error reading into map from file " + filterListFilename, ioe);
761 }
763 }
765 /** Maintain a count of all WET files processed. */
766 public void setWETFileCount(int count) { this.wetFileCount = count; }
768 /** Maintain a count of all WET records processed. */
769 //public int getRecordCount() { return this.totalRecordCount; }
770 //public void addToRecordCount(int count) { this.totalRecordCount += count; }
771 public void setRecordCount(int count) { this.totalRecordCount = count; }
773 public void processAllWETFilesOfCrawl(File ccrawlWETFileDir) {
775 // Will list all the warc.wet files in the input directory or else their gzipped versions
776 File[] WETFiles = ccrawlWETFileDir.listFiles(new WETFilenameFilter());
778 int wetRecordCount = 0;
779 int wetFileCount = 0;
781 for(int i = 0; i < WETFiles.length; i++) {
782 File WETFile = WETFiles[i];
783 debug("Processing WETfile: " + WETFile);
785 // Any .gz files listed means they haven't been unzipped yet. So unzip.
786 String WETFilename = WETFile.toString();
787 if(WETFilename.endsWith(".gz")) {
788 File GZippedWETFile = WETFile;
789 String WETGZippedFilename = WETFilename;
790 WETFilename = WETFilename.substring(0, WETFilename.lastIndexOf(".gz"));
792 WETFile = new File(WETFilename);
793 Utility.unzipFile(GZippedWETFile, WETFile);
794 }
795 // hereafter all WETFiles should refer to the unzipped version
796 // Check the unzipped WETFile exists
798 if(!WETFile.exists() || !WETFile.isFile()) {
799 error("Error: " + WETFile + " does not exist (failure to unzip?)");
800 return;
801 }
803 // Finally, we can process this WETFile's records into the keep and discard pile
804 wetFileCount++;
805 debug("Off to process " + WETFile);
806 String crawlID = ccrawlWETFileDir.getName(); // something like CC-MAIN-YYYY-##-wet-files
807 crawlID = crawlID.substring("CC-MAIN-".length(), crawlID.indexOf("-wet-files")); // YYYY-##
808 WETProcessor wetFileProcessor = new WETProcessor(WETFile, crawlID, this);
809 wetFileProcessor.processWETFile();
810 wetRecordCount += wetFileProcessor.getRecordCount();
811 }
813 // for information purposes
814 this.setWETFileCount(wetFileCount);
815 this.setRecordCount(wetRecordCount);
816 }
819 // --------------- STATIC METHODS AND INNER CLASSED USED BY MAIN -------------- //
820 public static void info(String msg) {
821 System.err.println(msg);
823 }
824 public static void debug(String msg) {
825 System.err.println(msg);
826 logger.debug(msg);
827 }
828 public static void warn(String msg) {
829 System.err.println(msg);
830 logger.warn(msg);
831 }
832 public static void error(String msg) {
833 System.err.println(msg);
834 logger.error(msg);
835 }
836 public static void error(String msg, Exception e) {
837 logger.error(msg, e);
838 System.err.println("\n"+msg);
839 e.printStackTrace();
840 }
842 public static void printUsage() {
843 info("Run this program as:");
844 info("\tCCWetProcessor <path to 'ccrawl-data' folder> <output folder path>");
845 }
847 /** Filename filter to only list warc.wet files or else warc.wet.gz files
848 * for which unzipped warc.wet equivalents don't yet exist.
849 */
850 private static class WETFilenameFilter implements FilenameFilter {
852 public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
853 if(name.endsWith(".warc.wet")) {
854 debug("Will include " + name + " for processing.");
855 return true;
856 }
858 if(name.endsWith(".warc.wet.gz")) {
859 String nameWithoutGZext = name.substring(0, name.lastIndexOf(".gz"));
860 File unzippedVersion = new File(dir, nameWithoutGZext);
861 if(unzippedVersion.exists()) {
862 debug("--- Unzipped version " + unzippedVersion + " exists.");
863 debug("Skipping " + name);
864 return false; // don't count gzipped version if unzipped version exists.
865 }
866 else {
867 debug("Only zipped version " + name + " exists.");
868 return true; // No unzipped version, so have to work with gzipped version
869 }
870 }
872 // we're not even interested in any other file extensions
873 debug("Not a WET file. Skipping " + name);
874 return false;
875 }
876 }
879 private static class CCrawlWETFolderFilenameFilter implements FilenameFilter {
881 public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
882 File f = new File (dir, name);
883 if(f.isDirectory()) {
884 if(name.matches("CC-MAIN-\\d{4}-\\d{2}-wet-files")) {
885 return true;
886 }
887 }
888 else {
889 info("File " + f + " is not a directory");
890 }
891 return false;
892 }
893 }
895 public static void main(String[] args) {
896 if(args.length != 2) {
897 printUsage();
898 return;
899 }
901 File commoncrawlDir = new File(args[0]);
902 if(!commoncrawlDir.exists() || !commoncrawlDir.isDirectory()) {
903 error("Error: " + args[0] + " does not exist or is not a directory");
904 return;
905 }
907 File outFolder = new File(args[1]);
908 if(!outFolder.exists() || !outFolder.isDirectory()) {
909 error("Error: " + args[1] + " does not exist or is not a directory.");
910 return;
911 }
913 try {
914 CCWETProcessor ccWETFilesProcessor = new CCWETProcessor(commoncrawlDir, outFolder);
916 File[] ccrawlFolders = commoncrawlDir.listFiles(new CCrawlWETFolderFilenameFilter());
918 for(int i = 0; i < ccrawlFolders.length; i++) {
919 File ccrawlFolder = ccrawlFolders[i];
920 info("About to process commoncrawl WET files folder: " + ccrawlFolder);
921 ccWETFilesProcessor.processAllWETFilesOfCrawl(ccrawlFolder);
922 }
924 // create the global files of all domains, seedURLs and regex-urlfilters across all wet files of all commoncrawls
925 // The former is the only unique one. seedURLs and regex-urlfilters are
926 // repeated on a per site/domain basis too, stored in the sites folder
927 File seedURLsFile = new File(outFolder, "seedURLs.txt");
928 File urlFilterFile = new File(outFolder, "regex-urlfilter.txt");
929 File domainURLsFile = new File(outFolder, "all-domain-urls.txt");
930 File topSitesMatchedFile = new File(outFolder, "unprocessed-topsite-matches.txt");
931 File possibleProductSitesFile = new File(outFolder, "possible-product-sites.txt");
933 ccWETFilesProcessor.createSeedURLsFiles(seedURLsFile, urlFilterFile, domainURLsFile, topSitesMatchedFile, possibleProductSitesFile);
935 info("\n*** Inspect urls in greylist at " + ccWETFilesProcessor.greyListedFile + "\n");
937 info("\n*** Check " + topSitesMatchedFile + " for sites not prepared for crawling because they matched top sites for which no regex of allowed url patterns were specified in sites-too-big-to-exhaustively-crawl.txt.\n");
940 } catch(Exception e) {
941 // can get an exception when instantiating CCWETProcessor instance
942 error(e.getMessage(), e);
943 }
945 return;
947 }
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