source: gs3-extensions/solr/trunk/src/build.xml@ 29711

Last change on this file since 29711 was 29711, checked in by ak19, 9 years ago

Moving from using the solr jetty server to solr using the GS3 tomcat server. Now localhost:8383/solr hosts the solr server RESTful pages. Changes: 1. Minor changes to GS3 build.xml. 2. GLI no longer does the temporary stopping of the GS3 server, launching jetty server for building a solr collection, stopping jetty, restarting GS3 tomcat server. GLI leaves the GS3 server running. 3. The main changes are to ext/solr. The ext/solr/ sets the new SOLR_PORT and SOLR_HOST variables read from the GS3, as the jetty port and host variables are no longer used. ext/solr/build.xml now puts the solr war file into tomcat's webapps, as well as helper libraries necessary (xalan related); a solr.xml context file is created from a template file and placed into tomcat's conf/Catalina/localhost; additional solr jar files are copied into tomcat/lib, as well as the slf4j bridge being copied into GS3/web/WEB-INF/lib; the solr perl code has been changed to use the new RESTful URLs and particularly to work with solr running off the GS3 tomcat server, or stop and start it as required, rather than working with (or stopping and starting) the solr jetty server. A new executable script runs the tomcat server rather than the jetty server; major changes to the Java Solr code to no longer work with the EmbeddedSolrServer (which caused a conflict when the index is accessed by solr jetty server upon rebuild of solr collections), our solr Java code now uses HttpSolrServer to contact the solr servlet running off tomcat. 5. Still a bug: when search results go over a page after rebuilding a solr collection in GLI against a running GS3 server, the 2nd page of search results aren't present and things break. But if the server is not running, solr collections rebuild fine, so the changes do everything that GS3.06 did and more.

File size: 11.1 KB
[29707]1<?xml version="1.0"?>
2<project name="gs3-solr-ext" default="usage" basedir=".">
5 <!-- local ext paths -->
6 <property name="src.home" value="${basedir}/src/java"/>
7 <property name="build.home" value="${basedir}/build"/>
8 <available property="ext.web.exists" file="${basedir}/web" type="dir" />
10 <!-- greenstone3 paths -->
[29711]11 <!--
12 -->
13 <property name="web.home" location="${basedir}/../../web"/> <!-- location property creates an absolute path -->
[29707]14 <property name="localsite.collectdir" value="${web.home}/sites/localsite/collect"/>
15 <property name="web.classesdir" value="${web.home}/WEB-INF/classes"/>
16 <property name="web.libdir" value="${web.home}/WEB-INF/lib"/>
17 <property name="web.extdir" value="${web.home}/ext/solr"/>
[29711]19 <property name="tomcat.dir" location="${basedir}/../../packages/tomcat"/> <!-- location property creates an absolute path -->
20 <property name="tomcat.lib.dir" value="${tomcat.dir}/lib"/>
21 <property name="tomcat.context.dir" value="${tomcat.dir}/conf/Catalina/localhost"/>
[29707]23 <path id="compile.classpath">
24 <!-- gs3 jar files we need -->
25 <pathelement location="${web.libdir}/gsdl3.jar"/>
26 <pathelement location="${web.libdir}/gutil.jar"/>
27 <pathelement location="${web.libdir}/LuceneWrapper4.jar"/>
28 <pathelement location="${web.libdir}/gson-1.7.1.jar"/>
29 <!-- local jar files -->
30 <fileset dir="lib/java">
31 <include name="*.jar"/>
32 </fileset>
[29711]33 <pathelement location="lib/servlet-api-3.0.jar"/>
[29707]34 </path>
[29707]37 <!-- FILE LISTINGS.-->
38 <!-- Created as property elements rather than as filelist elements, since
39 they can then be reused for the add-service and delete-service targets. -->
40 <property name="jars"
[29139]41 value="solr-core-4.7.2.jar
42 solr-solrj-4.7.2.jar
43 lucene-core-4.7.2.jar
44 lucene-analyzers-common-4.7.2.jar
45 lucene-analyzers-kuromoji-4.7.2.jar
46 lucene-analyzers-phonetic-4.7.2.jar
47 lucene-grouping-4.7.2.jar
48 lucene-highlighter-4.7.2.jar
49 lucene-queries-4.7.2.jar
50 lucene-queryparser-4.7.2.jar
51 lucene-memory-4.7.2.jar
52 lucene-misc-4.7.2.jar
53 lucene-spatial-4.7.2.jar
54 lucene-suggest-4.7.2.jar
55 httpclient-4.3.1.jar
56 httpcore-4.3.jar
57 httpmime-4.3.1.jar
58 commons-fileupload-1.2.1.jar
59 commons-io-2.1.jar
60 commons-lang-2.6.jar
61 velocity-1.6.1.jar
62 log4j-over-slf4j-1.6.6.jar
63 slf4j-api-1.6.6.jar
64 slf4j-jdk14-1.6.6.jar
65 spatial4j-0.4.1.jar
66 zookeeper-3.4.5.jar
[29152]67 guava-14.0.1.jar
68 noggit-0.5.jar"/>
[29139]69<!-- jcl-over-slf4j-1.6.6.jar
70 jul-to-slf4j-1.6.6.jar
71 log4j-1.2.16.jar
72 wstx-asl-3.2.7.jar
75 lucene-spellchecker-3.3.0.jar replaced with lucene-suggest-4.7.2.jar, since both contain packages org/.../spell and org/.../suggest
77 commons-fileupload-1.2.1.jar - in solr war file
78 velocity-1.6.1.jar
79 log4j-over-slf4j-1.6.1.jar - have to download slf4j jar file for version 1.6.6
80 slf4j-jdk14-1.6.1.jar - have to download slf4j jar file for version 1.6.6
81 -->
83 <property name="java-service-files"
84 value="
88 <property name="java-util-files"
89 value="
[29542]93 <property name="property-files"
[29707]94 value=""/>
97 <!-- TARGETS -->
98 <target name="usage" description="Print a help message">
99 <echo message=" Execute 'ant -projecthelp' for a list of targets."/>
100 <echo message=" Execute 'ant -help' for Ant help."/>
101 <echo>To install the Solr extension for Greenstone3, run 'ant add-service'.
102 To remove the files and folders installed by add-service, run 'ant del-service'.
103 </echo>
104 </target>
106 <target name="compile" description="Compile up the solr java classes, jar them up, and install gs3-solr.jar into Greenstone's web/WEB-INF/lib dir">
107 <mkdir dir="${build.home}"/>
108 <javac srcdir="${src.home}" destdir="${build.home}" debug="true">
109 <classpath>
110 <path refid="compile.classpath"/>
111 </classpath>
112 </javac>
113 <jar destfile="${build.home}/gs3-solr.jar">
114 <fileset dir="${build.home}">
115 <include name="org/greenstone/gsdl3/**"/>
116 </fileset>
117 <manifest>
118 <attribute name="Built-By" value="${}" />
119 </manifest>
120 </jar>
121 <copy file="${build.home}/gs3-solr.jar" todir="${web.libdir}"/>
122 </target>
124 <target name="copy-files" description="Helper-target: copy files across for add-service target">
[29542]126 <echo/>
[29707]127 <echo>Adding to gsdl3 properties area: properties/${property-files}</echo>
128 <copy todir="${web.classesdir}">
129 <filelist id="prop-files" dir="properties" files="${property-files}"/>
130 </copy>
131 <echo/>
132 <echo>Adding to gsdl3 web jar lib directory: ${basedir}/lib/java's ${jars}</echo>
133 <copy todir="${web.libdir}">
134 <filelist id="jar-files" dir="lib/java" files="${jars}"/>
135 </copy>
137 <echo/>
138 <echo>Creating web extension directory: ${web.extdir}</echo>
139 <mkdir dir="${web.extdir}"/>
141 <echo/>
142 <echo>Adding to gsdl3 web solr ext directory: solr.xml and</echo>
143 <copy file="" tofile="${web.extdir}/"/>
144 <pathconvert targetos="unix" property="src.gsdl3.home.unix">
145 <path path="../../web"/>
146 </pathconvert>
147 <filter token="gsdl3home" value="${src.gsdl3.home.unix}"/>
148 <copy file="" tofile="${web.extdir}/solr.xml" filtering="true" overwrite="true"/>
150 <echo/>
151 <echo>Adding example solr-jdbm-demo collection to ${localsite.collectdir}</echo>
152 <copy todir="${localsite.collectdir}/solr-jdbm-demo"
153 preservelastmodified="true"
154 failonerror="true" >
155 <fileset dir="${basedir}/collect/solr-jdbm-demo" includes="**"/>
156 </copy>
157 <echo>Unzipping pre-built index</echo>
158 <unzip dest="${localsite.collectdir}/solr-jdbm-demo" src="${localsite.collectdir}/solr-jdbm-demo/" />
[29711]159 </target>
[29711]161 <!-- Setting up solr to work with tomcat server instead of jetty server -->
162 <target name="solr-for-tomcat" description="Helper-target: setting up solr to work tomcat">
164 <echo>Copying solr jars needed for running solr with tomcat: ${basedir}/lib/ext</echo>
165 <copy todir="${tomcat.lib.dir}">
166 <fileset dir="lib/ext">
167 <include name="*.jar"/>
168 </fileset>
169 </copy>
171 <!-- slf4j and commons logging bridge needed to avoid exception about incompatibility in tomcat log files-->
172 <echo>Copying ${basedir}/lib/ext/jcl-over-slf4j-1.6.6.jar again to ${web.libdir}</echo>
173 <copy todir="${web.libdir}">
174 <filelist id="logging-bridge" dir="lib/ext" files="jcl-over-slf4j-1.6.6.jar"/>
175 </copy>
[29711]177 <echo>Moving xalan related jar files from ${web.libdir} to ${tomcat.lib.dir}, to share with solr</echo>
178 <move todir="${tomcat.lib.dir}">
179 <filelist dir="${web.libdir}">
180 <file name="xalan.jar"/>
181 <file name="xercesImpl.jar"/>
182 <file name="xml-apis.jar"/>
183 <file name="xsltc.jar"/>
184 <file name="serializer.jar"/>
185 </filelist>
186 </move>
188 <echo>Copying ${basedir}/webapps/solr.war to ${tomcat.dir}/webapps</echo>
189 <copy todir="${tomcat.dir}/webapps" file="webapps/solr.war" />
190 <echo>Generating solr context file in ${tomcat.context.dir}</echo>
192 <!-- we want unix paths (forward slashes) in the tomcat context file -->
193 <pathconvert targetos="unix" property="gsdl3.web.home">
194 <path path="${web.home}"/><!-- creates an absolute path-->
195 </pathconvert>
196 <pathconvert targetos="unix" property="tomcat.home">
197 <path path="${tomcat.dir}"/><!-- creates an absolute path-->
198 </pathconvert>
199 <filter token="gsdl3home" value="${gsdl3.web.home}"/>
200 <filter token="tomcathome" value="${tomcat.home}"/>
201 <copy file="" tofile="${tomcat.context.dir}/solr.xml" filtering="true" overwrite="true"/>
[29711]203 </target>
[29707]205 <!-- copy the content of the web folder (avoiding the top-level .svn directory) -->
206 <target name="copy-solr-web" if="ext.web.exists">
207 <echo/>
208 <echo>Copy to gsdl3 web: the content of the ${basedir}/web folder (excluding .svn)</echo>
209 <copy todir="${web.extdir}">
210 <dirset dir="${basedir}/web">
211 <exclude name=".svn"/>
212 </dirset>
213 </copy>
214 </target>
[29711]217 <target name="add-service" depends="copy-solr-web,copy-files,solr-for-tomcat,compile" description="Run this target to setup the Solr extension for Greenstone3" />
[29711]219 <target name="del-service" depends="del-files,del-solr-for-tomcat"
220 description="Run this target to unset the Solr extension for Greenstone3" />
223 <target name="del-files" description="Helper-target to delete files for del-service target">
[29707]224 <!-- failonerror is set to false in case some files don't exist
225 and can't be deleted therefore -->
[29707]227 <echo/>
[29711]228 <echo>Removing from gsdl3 properties area: properties/${property-files}</echo>
[29707]229 <delete failonerror="false">
230 <filelist dir="${web.classesdir}" files="${property-files}"/>
231 </delete>
233 <echo/>
234 <echo>Removing from gsdl3 web jar lib directory: ${basedir}/lib/java's ${jars} gs3-solr.jar</echo>
235 <delete failonerror="false">
236 <filelist dir="${web.libdir}" files="${jars} gs3-solr.jar"/>
237 </delete>
239 <echo/>
240 <echo>Removing web solr extension directory: ${web.extdir}</echo>
241 <delete failonerror="false" includeEmptyDirs="true" dir="${web.extdir}"/>
243 <echo/>
244 <echo>Removing solr-jdbm-demo collection from: ${localsite.collectdir}</echo>
[29711]245 <delete failonerror="false" includeEmptyDirs="true" dir="${localsite.collectcdir}/solr-jdbm-demo"/>
[29707]247 </target>
[29711]249 <target name="del-solr-for-tomcat" description="Helper-target to remove files for getting solr to work with tomcat">
251 <echo/>
252 <echo>Removing solr modifications to tomcat: context file, solr.war and deployed version, jar files</echo>
254 <!-- Actually need to ensure tomcat is not running at this point
255 But if solr.war is deleted first, it can't be re-deployed when deleting the solr folder subsequently
256 -->
257 <delete failonerror="false" file="${tomcat.dir}/webapps/solr.war"/>
258 <delete failonerror="false" includeEmptyDirs="true" dir="${tomcat.dir}/webapps/solr"/>
260 <delete failonerror="false" file="${tomcat.context.dir}/solr.xml"/>
262 <!-- delete all the jar files in tomcat/lib that were copied from ext/solr/lib/ext
263 which are all the jar files that are present in both tomcat/lib and ext/solr/lib/ext
264 -->
265 <delete failonerror="false">
266 <fileset dir="${tomcat.lib.dir}" includes="**/*.jar">
267 <present present="both" targetdir="lib/ext"/>
268 </fileset>
269 </delete>
271 <!-- remove logging bridge jar file that was added into greenstone 3 web lib area -->
272 <delete failonerror="false" file="${web.libdir}/jcl-over-slf4j-1.6.6.jar"/>
274 <!-- moving shared xalan related jar files back from tomcat lib to GS3 web lib -->
275 <move todir="${web.libdir}">
276 <filelist dir="${tomcat.lib.dir}">
277 <file name="xalan.jar"/>
278 <file name="xercesImpl.jar"/>
279 <file name="xml-apis.jar"/>
280 <file name="xsltc.jar"/>
281 <file name="serializer.jar"/>
282 </filelist>
283 </move>
285 <!-->
286 </target>
Note: See TracBrowser for help on using the repository browser.