source: main/trunk/model-cols-dev/peijones/etc/collectionConfig.xml@ 24730

Last change on this file since 24730 was 24730, checked in by papitha, 13 years ago

Annotator functionality added.

  • Property svn:executable set to *
File size: 13.9 KB
1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2<CollectionConfig xmlns:gsf="" xmlns:xsl="">
3 <metadataList>
4 <metadata lang="en" name="creator"/>
5 <metadata lang="en" name="maintainer"/>
6 <metadata lang="en" name="public">true</metadata>
7 </metadataList>
8 <displayItemList>
9 <displayItem assigned="true" lang="en" name="name">Pei-Jones-Flat</displayItem>
10 </displayItemList>
11 <search type="mgpp">
12 <level name="document">
13 <displayItem lang="en" name="name">document</displayItem>
14 </level>
15 <level name="section">
16 <displayItem lang="en" name="name">section</displayItem>
17 </level>
18 <defaultLevel name="section"/>
19 <index name="text">
20 <displayItem lang="en" name="name">text</displayItem>
21 </index>
22 <index name="Title">
23 <displayItem lang="en" name="name">titles</displayItem>
24 </index>
25 <index name="Source">
26 <displayItem lang="en" name="name">filenames</displayItem>
27 </index>
28 <index name="Plugin"/>
29 <defaultIndex name="text"/>
30 <indexOption>
31 <option name="accentfold"/>
32 <option name="casefold"/>
33 <option name="stem"/>
34 </indexOption>
35 <searchType name="plain"/>
36 <searchType name="simpleform"/>
37 <searchType name="advancedform"/>
38 <format><gsf:template match="documentNode"><td valign="top"><gsf:link type="document"><gsf:icon type="document"/></gsf:link></td><td><gsf:switch><gsf:metadata name="Title" select="ancestors" separator=": "/><gsf:when test="exists"><gsf:metadata name="Title" select="ancestors" separator=": "/>:</gsf:when></gsf:switch><gsf:link type="document"><gsf:metadata name="Title"/></gsf:link></td></gsf:template> </format>
39 </search>
40 <infodb type="gdbm"/>
41 <import>
42 <pluginList>
43 <plugin name="ZIPPlugin"/>
44 <plugin name="GreenstoneXMLPlugin"/>
45 <plugin name="TextPlugin"/>
46 <plugin name="HTMLPlugin"/>
47 <plugin name="EmailPlugin"/>
48 <plugin name="PDFPlugin"/>
49 <plugin name="RTFPlugin"/>
50 <plugin name="WordPlugin"/>
51 <plugin name="PostScriptPlugin"/>
52 <plugin name="PowerPointPlugin"/>
53 <plugin name="ExcelPlugin"/>
54 <plugin name="ImagePlugin"/>
55 <plugin name="ISISPlugin"/>
56 <plugin name="NulPlugin"/>
57 <plugin name="OAIPlugin"/>
58 <plugin name="HTMLImagePlugin"/>
59 <plugin name="MetadataXMLPlugin"/>
60 <plugin name="ArchivesInfPlugin"/>
61 <plugin name="DirectoryPlugin"/>
62 </pluginList>
63 </import>
64 <browse>
65 <classifier name="List">
66 <option name="-metadata" value="dc.Title;Title"/>
67 <option name="-partition_type_within_level" value="approximate_size"/>
68 <option name="-bookshelf_type" value="never"/>
69 </classifier>
70 <classifier name="AZCompactList">
71 <option name="-metadata" value="Source"/>
72 <option name="-removesuffix" value="(?i)\\..*"/>
73 <option name="-buttonname" value="Source"/>
74 </classifier>
75 <format><gsf:template match="documentNode"><td valign="top"><gsf:link type="document"><gsf:icon type="document"/></gsf:link></td><td valign="top"><gsf:link type="source"><gsf:choose-metadata><gsf:metadata name="thumbicon"/><gsf:metadata name="srcicon"/></gsf:choose-metadata></gsf:link></td><td valign="top"><gsf:choose-metadata><gsf:metadata name="dc.Title"/><gsf:metadata name="exp.Title"/><gsf:metadata name="Title"/><gsf:default>Untitled</gsf:default></gsf:choose-metadata><gsf:switch><gsf:metadata name="Source"/><gsf:when test="exists"><br/><i>(<gsf:metadata name="Source"/>)</i></gsf:when></gsf:switch></td></gsf:template><gsf:template match="classifierNode"><td valign="top"><gsf:link type="classifier"><gsf:icon type="classifier"/></gsf:link></td><td valign="top"><gsf:metadata name="srclink"/><gsf:choose-metadata><gsf:metadata name="thumbicon"/><gsf:metadata name="srcicon"/></gsf:choose-metadata><gsf:metadata name="/srclink"/></td><td valign="top"><gsf:choose-metadata><gsf:metadata name="dc.Title"/><gsf:metadata name="exp.Title"/><gsf:metadata name="Title"/><gsf:default>Untitled</gsf:default></gsf:choose-metadata><gsf:switch><gsf:metadata name="Source"/><gsf:when test="exists"><br/><i>(<gsf:metadata name="Source"/>)</i></gsf:when></gsf:switch></td></gsf:template><gsf:template match="classifierNode" mode="horizontal"><gsf:link type="horizontal"><gsf:metadata name="Title"/></gsf:link></gsf:template></format>
76 </browse>
77 <display>
78 <format>
79 <gsf:option name="TOC" value="false"/>
80 <xsl:template name="additionalHeaderContent">
81 <!-- jQuery must be included before Annotator -->
82 <script src="sites/localsite/collect/peijones/js/annotator/lib/vendor/jquery.js"><xsl:text> </xsl:text></script>
84 <!-- If you're sure your users will only be using browsers modern
85 enough to have their own JSON.parse and JSON.stringify
86 implementations you can skip this -->
87 <script src="sites/localsite/collect/peijones/js/annotator/lib/vendor/json2.js"><xsl:text> </xsl:text></script>
89 <!-- The main Annotator script -->
90 <script src="sites/localsite/collect/peijones/js/annotator/pkg/annotator.min.js"><xsl:text> </xsl:text></script>
92 <!-- Annotator's styling and images -->
93 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="sites/localsite/collect/peijones/js/annotator/pkg/annotator.min.css"/>
95 <!-- The following plugins are entirely optional -->
97 <!-- The Store plugin. Saves annotations to a remote backend -->
98 <script src="sites/localsite/collect/peijones/js/annotator/pkg/"><xsl:text> </xsl:text></script>
100 <!-- The Auth plugin. Allows users of Annotator to authenticate themselves
101 to the remote backend -->
102 <script src="sites/localsite/collect/peijones/js/annotator/pkg/annotator.auth.min.js"><xsl:text> </xsl:text></script>
104 <!-- The Permissions plugin. See who created which annotation and create
105 annotations as a specified user -->
106 <script src="sites/localsite/collect/peijones/js/annotator/pkg/annotator.permissions.min.js"><xsl:text> </xsl:text></script>
108 <!-- The Tags plugin. Edit and display tag keywords on annotations -->
109 <script src="sites/localsite/collect/peijones/js/annotator/pkg/annotator.tags.min.js"><xsl:text> </xsl:text></script>
111 <!-- The Markdown plugin. Treat annotation text as Markdown -->
112 <script src="sites/localsite/collect/peijones/js/annotator/lib/vendor/showdown.js"><xsl:text> </xsl:text></script>
113 <script src="sites/localsite/collect/peijones/js/annotator/pkg/annotator.markdown.min.js"><xsl:text> </xsl:text></script>
117 <!--<script src="interfaces/{$interface_name}/js/jquery-1.4.2.js" type="text/javascript"><xsl:text> </xsl:text></script>-->
118 <script src="sites/localsite/collect/peijones/js/documentmaker/zoomer.jquery.js" type="text/javascript"><xsl:text> </xsl:text></script> <link href="sites/localsite/collect/peijones/style/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
119 <!--<script type="text/javascript">
120 <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes">
121 function readyImagesForZoom()
122 {
123 document.getElementById("noZoom").style.display = "none";
124 document.getElementById("wrap").style.display = "";
125 var smallImageDiv = document.getElementById("small");
126 var smallImage = smallImageDiv.getElementsByTagName("img")[0];
127 = smallImage.clientWidth + "px";
128 = smallImage.clientHeight + "px";
129 var multiplier = largeImageHeight / smallImage.clientHeight;
130 $("#wrap").anythingZoomer({
131 expansionSize:50,
132 speedMultiplier:multiplier
133 });
134 }
135 function addZoom()
136 {
137 var wrapper = document.getElementById("wrap");
138 var noZoom = document.getElementById("noZoom");
139 = "none";
140 = "block";
141 var option = document.getElementById("zoomOption");
142 option.setAttribute("onclick", "removeZoom();");
143 }
144 function removeZoom()
145 {
146 var wrapper = document.getElementById("wrap");
147 var noZoom = document.getElementById("noZoom");
148 = "none";
149 = "block";
150 var option = document.getElementById("zoomOption");
151 option.setAttribute("onclick", "addZoom();");
152 }
153 </xsl:text>
154 </script> -->
155 <script text="text/javascript">
156 <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes">
157 function init()
158 {
159 jQuery(function ($) {
160 alert(typeof $.fn.annotator);
161 if (typeof $.fn.annotator !== 'function') {
162 alert("Ooops! it looks like you haven't built the Annotator concatenation file. " +
163 "Either download a tagged release from GitHub, or modify the Cakefile to point " +
164 "at your copy of the YUI compressor and run `cake package`.");
165 } else {
166 // This is the important bit: how to create the annotator and add
167 // plugins
168 $('#gs-document-text').annotator()
169 .annotator('addPlugin', 'Permissions')
170 .annotator('addPlugin', 'Markdown')
171 .annotator('addPlugin', 'Auth')
172 .annotator('addPlugin', 'Tags');
174 $('#gs-document-text').data('annotator').plugins['Permissions'].setUser("Bloggs");
175 }
176 });
177 }
178 window.onload = init;
179 </xsl:text>
180 </script>
181 </xsl:template>
182 <!--
183 <xsl:template match="documentNode" mode="document">
184 <gsf:variable-struct name="photoNotes">
185 <gsf:metadata multiple="true" name="gsimg.photoNote" separator=", "/>
186 </gsf:variable-struct>
187 <h3>
188 <gsf:choose-metadata>
189 <gsf:metadata name="dc.Title"/>
190 <gsf:metadata name="ex.Title"/>
191 </gsf:choose-metadata>
192 </h3>
193 <xsl:variable name="imageWidth">
194 <gsf:metadata name="ImageWidth"/>
195 </xsl:variable>
196 <xsl:variable name="imageHeight">
197 <gsf:metadata name="ImageHeight"/>
198 </xsl:variable>
199 <xsl:variable name="screenImageWidth">
200 <gsf:metadata name="ScreenWidth"/>
201 </xsl:variable>
202 <xsl:variable name="screenImageHeight">
203 <gsf:metadata name="ScreenHeight"/>
204 </xsl:variable>
205 <script type="text/javascript">
206 <xsl:text>largeImageHeight =</xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="$imageHeight"/><xsl:text>;</xsl:text>
207 <xsl:text>largeImageWidth =</xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="$imageWidth"/><xsl:text>;</xsl:text>
208 </script>
209 <div id="noZoom" style="display:block;">
210 <gsf:metadata name="screenicon"/>
211 </div>
212 <div id="wrap" style="display:none">
213 <div id="small" style="width: {$screenImageWidth}; height: {$screenImageHeight};"><gsf:metadata name="screenicon"/></div>
214 <div id="mover">
215 <div id="overlay"><xsl:text/></div>
216 <div id="large">
217 <img style="width: {$imageWidth}; height: {$imageHeight};">
218 <xsl:attribute name="src">
219 <xsl:value-of disable-output-escaping="yes" select="/page/pageResponse/collection/metadataList/metadata[@name='httpPath']"/>/index/assoc/<gsf:metadata name="assocfilepath"/>/<gsf:metadata name="srclinkFile"/>
220 </xsl:attribute>
221 </img>
222 </div>
223 </div>
224 </div>
226 </xsl:template>-->
227 </format>
228 </display>
229 <replaceListRef id="gs2-standard"/>
230 <replaceListRef id="gs2-image"/>
231 <serviceRackList>
232 <!-- comment out the following serviceRack if you want to disable OAI for this collection -->
233 <serviceRack name="OAIPMH">
234 <ListMetadataFormats>
235 <!--What metadata sets to support is collection specific. To support other metadata schema, simply add a metadataFormat element here.
236 The support of unqualified Dublin Core metadata set is mandatory in the oai specification.
237 -->
238 <metadataFormat metadataPrefix="oai_dc">
239 <metadataPrefix>oai_dc</metadataPrefix>
240 <schema></schema>
241 <metadataNamespace></metadataNamespace>
242 <!--<metadataElements>dc.Title,dc.Creator,dc.Subject,dc.Description,dc.Publisher,dc.Contributor,dc.Date,dc.Type,dc.Format,dc.Identifier,dc.Source,dc.Language,dc.Relation,dc.Coverage,dc.Rights</metadataElements>
243 -->
244 <mappingList>
245 <!--
246 The mapping is in the form: <publicly supported metadata name>,<mapped metadata name>, short as <A>,<B>
247 The first metadata name is medatory; if there is no mapped name followed, then the first name must be used by the records and
248 searchable in the database, otherwise it is the mapped name stored in the database. The number of mapping elements matches the
249 number of external metadata of the records. If only one name is present, the returned metadata will use this name plus the retrieved value;
250 if both <A>,<B> are present, the returned metadata will use <A>'s name plus <B>'s value retrieved from database.
252 **Bear in mind: if this mapping list is not present, the standard dc. metadata names (15 in total) will be used to retrieve metadata in the database.
254 **The only case when this mapping is not present is that: 1. this metadata format is oai_dc; 2. the metadata is also stored in the database by Dublin Core's names.
255 -->
256 <mapping>dc.Title,Title</mapping>
257 <!-- This mapping example means that the dc.Title is requested and the value of the metadata Title, which is used in this repository, is returned as response. -->
258 </mappingList>
259 </metadataFormat>
260 </ListMetadataFormats>
261 </serviceRack>
262 </serviceRackList>
Note: See TracBrowser for help on using the repository browser.