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4<meta name="content" content="biography of Queen Elizabeth I (1533-1603) by Edward Spencer Beesly, 1892">
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11<title>Secondary Sources: Queen Elizabeth by Edward Spencer Beesly, 1892:
12Chapter X</title>
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35 <p align="center"><b><font size="7">Queen Elizabeth<br></font></b>
36 <font size="4">by Edward Spencer Beesly, 1892</font></p>
37 <p align="center">
38 <img border="2" src="eliz1-ermine.jpg" width="400" height="478" alt="'The Ermine Portrait' of Elizabeth I, c1585, by Nicholas Hilliard"><p align="center">
39 <i><font size="2">'The Ermine Portrait' of Elizabeth I, c1585, by Nicholas
40 Hilliard;<br>from the <a href="">Portraits of Queen Elizabeth I</a> website</font></i></td>
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53 <div align="left">
54 <b>CHAPTER X</b><br>
55 <b>WAR WITH SPAIN: 1587-1603</b></div>
56 <p align="left">ELIZABETH is not seen at her best in war. She did not easily
57 resign herself to its sacrifices. It frightened her to see the money which
58 she had painfully put together, pound by pound, during so many years, by
59 many a small economy, draining out at the rate of £17,000 a month into the
60 bottomless pit of military expenditure. When Leicester came back she simply
61 stopped all remittances to the Netherlands, making sure that if she did not
62 feed her soldiers some one else would have to do it. She saw that Parma was
63 not pressing forward. And though rumours of the enormous preparations in
64 Spain, which accounted for his inactivity, continued to pour in, she still
65 hoped that her intervention in the Netherlands was bending Philip to
66 concessions. All this time Parma was steadily carrying out his master's
67 plans for the invasion. His little army was to be trebled in the autumn by
68 reinforcements principally from Italy. In the meantime he was collecting a
69 flotilla of flat-bottomed boats. As soon as the Armada should appear they
70 were to make the passage under its protection. </p>
71 <p align="left">It would answer no useful purpose, even if my limits
72 permitted it, to enter into the particulars of Elizabeth's policy towards
73 the United Provinces during the twelve months that preceded the appearance
74 of the Armada. Her proceedings were often tortuous, and by setting them
75 forth in minute detail her detractors have not found it difficult to
76 represent them as treacherous. But, living three centuries later, what have
77 we to consider but the general scope and drift of her policy? Looking at it
78 as a whole we shall find that, whether we approve of it or not, it was
79 simple, consistent, and undisguised. She had no intention of abandoning the
80 Provinces to Philip, still less of betraying them. But she did wish them to
81 return to their allegiance, if she could procure for them proper guarantees
82 for such liberties as they had been satisfied with before Philip's tyranny
83 began. If Philip had been wise he would have made those concessions.
84 Elizabeth is not to be over-much blamed if she clung too long to the belief
85 that he could be persuaded or compelled to do what was so much for his own
86 interest. If she was deceived so was Burghley. Walsingham is entitled to the
87 credit of having from first to last refused to believe that the negotiations
88 were anything but a blind. </p>
89 <p align="left">Though Elizabeth desired peace, she did not cease to deal
90 blows at Philip. In the spring of 1587 (April-June), while she was most
91 earnestly pushing her negotiations with Parma, she despatched Drake on a new
92 expedition to the Spanish coast. He forced his way into the harbours of
93 Cadiz and Corunna, destroyed many ships and immense stores, and came back
94 loaded with plunder. The Armada had not been crippled, for most of the ships
95 that were to compose it were lying in the Tagus. But the concentration had
96 been delayed. Fresh stores had to be collected. Drake calculated, and as it
97 proved rightly, that another season at least would be consumed in repairing
98 the loss, and that England, for that summer and autumn, could rest secure of
99 invasion. </p>
100 <p align="left">The delay was most unwelcome to Philip. The expense of
101 keeping such a fleet and army on foot through the winter would be enormous.
102 Spain was maintaining not only the Armada but the army of Parma; for the
103 resources of the Netherlands, which had been the true El Dorado of the
104 Spanish monarchy, were completely dried up. So impatient was Philip
105 --usually the slowest of men--that he proposed to despatch the Armada even
106 in September, and actually wrote to Parma that he might expect it at any
107 moment. But, as Drake had calculated, September was gone before everything
108 was ready. The naval experts protested against the rashness of facing the
109 autumnal gales, with no friendly harbour on either side of the Channel in
110 which to take refuge. Philip then made the absurd suggestion that the army
111 from the Netherlands should cross by itself in its flat-bottomed boats. But
112 Parma told him that it was absolutely out of the question. Four English
113 ships could sink the whole flotilla. In the meantime his soldiers, waiting
114 on the Dunkirk Downs and exposed to the severities of the weather, were
115 dying off like flies. Philip and Elizabeth resembled one another in this,
116 that neither of them had any personal experience of war either by land or
117 sea. For a Queen this was natural. For a King it was unnatural, and for an
118 ambitious King unprecedented. They did not understand the proper adaptation
119 of means to ends. Yet it was necessary to obtain their sanction before
120 anything could be done. Hence there was much mismanagement on both sides.
121 Still England was in no real danger during the summer and autumn of 1587,
122 because Philip's preparations were not completed; and before the end of the
123 year the English fleet was lying in the Channel. But the Queen grudged the
124 expense of keeping the crews up to their full complement. The supply of
125 provisions and ammunition was also very inadequate. The expensiveness of war
126 is generally a sufficient reason for not going to war; but to attempt to do
127 war cheaply is always unwise. &quot;Sparing and war,&quot; as Effingham observed,
128 &quot;have no affinity together.&quot; </p>
129 <p align="left">Drake strongly urged that, instead of trying to guard the
130 Channel, the English fleet should make for the coast of Spain, and boldly
131 assail the Armada as soon as it put to sea. This was the advice of a man who
132 had all the shining qualities of Nelson, and seems to have been in no
133 respect his inferior. It was no counsel of desperation. He was confident of
134 success. Lord Howard of Effingham, the Admiral, was of the same opinion. The
135 negotiations were odious to him. For Burghley, who clings to them, he has no
136 more reverence than Hamlet had for Polonius. &quot;Since England was England,&quot; he
137 writes to Walsingham, &quot;there was never such a stratagem and mask to deceive
138 her as this treaty of peace. I pray God that we do not curse for this a long
139 grey beard with a white head witless, that will make all the world think us
140 heartless. You know whom I mean.&quot; </p>
141 <p align="left">With the hopes and fears of these sea-heroes, it is
142 instructive to compare the forecast of the great soldier who was to conduct
143 the invasion. Always obedient and devoted to his sovereign, Parma played his
144 part in the deceptive negotiations with consummate skill. But his own
145 opinion was that it would be wise to negotiate in good faith and accept the
146 English terms. Though prepared to undertake the invasion, he took a very
147 serious view of the risks to be encountered. He tells Philip that the
148 English preparations are formidable both by land and sea. Even if the
149 passage should be safely accomplished, disembarkation would be difficult.
150 His army, reduced by the hardships of the winter from 30,000 men, which he
151 had estimated as the proper number, to less than 17,000, was dangerously
152 small for the work expected of it. He would have to fight battle after
153 battle, and the further he advanced the weaker would his army become both
154 from losses and from the necessity of protecting his communications. </p>
155 <p align="left">Parma had carefully informed himself of the preparations in
156 England. From the beginning of Elizabeth's reign, attention had been paid to
157 the organisation, training, and equipment of the militia, and especially
158 since the relations with Spain had become more hostile. On paper it seems to
159 have amounted to 117,000 men. Mobilisation was a local business. Sir John
160 Norris drew up the plan of defence. Beacon fires did the work of the
161 telegraph. Every man knew whither he was to repair when their blaze should
162 be seen. The districts to be abandoned, the positions to be defended, the
163 bridges to be broken, were all marked out. Three armies, calculated to
164 amount in the aggregate to 73,000 men, were ordered to assemble in July.
165 Whether so many were actually mustered is doubtful. But Parma would
166 certainly have found himself confronted by forces vastly superior in numbers
167 to his own, and would have had, as he said, to fight battle after battle.
168 The bow had not been entirely abandoned, but the greater part of the
169 archers--two-thirds in some counties--had lately been armed with calivers.
170 What was wanting in discipline would have been to some extent made up by the
171 spontaneous cohesion of a force organised under its natural leaders, the
172 nobles and gentry of each locality, not a few of whom had seen service
173 abroad. But, after all, the greatest element of strength was the free spirit
174 of the people. England was, and had long been, a nation of freemen. There
175 were a few peers, and a great many knights and gentlemen. But there was no
176 noble caste, as on the Continent, separated by an impassable barrier of
177 birth and privilege from the mass of the people. All felt themselves
178 fellow-countrymen bound together by common sentiments, common interests, and
179 mutual respect. </p>
180 <p align="left">This spirit of freedom--one might almost say of
181 equality--made itself felt still more in the navy, and goes far to account
182 for the cheerful energy and dash with which every service was performed.
183 &quot;The English officers lived on terms of sympathy with their men unknown to
184 the Spaniards, who raised between the commander and the commanded absurd
185 barriers of rank and blood which forbade to his pride any labour but that of
186 fighting. Drake touched the true mainspring of English success when he once
187 (in his voyage round the world) indignantly rebuked some coxcomb
188 gentlemen-adventurers with, 'I should like to see the gentleman that will
189 refuse to set his hand to a rope. I must have the gentlemen to hale and draw
190 with the mariners.&quot; Drake, Hawkins, Frobisher were all born of humble
191 parents. They rose by their own valour and capacity. They had gentlemen of
192 birth serving under them. To Howard and Cumberland and Seymour they were
193 brothers-in-arms. The master of every little trading vessel was fired by
194 their example, and hoped to climb as high. </p>
195 <p align="left">It is the pleasure of some writers to speak of Elizabeth's
196 naval preparations as disgracefully insufficient, and to treat the
197 triumphant result as a sort of miracle. To their apprehension, indeed, her
198 whole reign is one long interference by Providence with the ordinary
199 relations of cause and effect. The number of royal ships as compared with
200 those of private owners in the fleet which met the great Armada-34 to
201 161--is represented as discreditably small. By Englishmen of that day, it
202 was considered to be. creditably large. Sir Edward Coke (who was thirtyeight
203 at the time of the Armada), writing under Charles I., when the royal navy
204 was much larger, says: &quot;In the reign of Queen Elizabeth (I being then
205 acquainted with this business) there were thirty-three [royal ships] besides
206 pinnaces, which so guarded and regarded the navigation of the merchants, as
207 they had safe vent for their commodities, and trade and traffic flourished.&quot;<a onclick="return pageTxt_href_onClick(this,true);" href="beeslychapterten.html#2">
208 </a></p>
209 <p align="left">It seems to be overlooked that the royal navy, such as it
210 was, was almost the creation of Elizabeth. Her father was the first English
211 king who made any attempt to keep a standing navy of his own. He established
212 the Admiralty and the first royal dockyard. Under Edward and Mary the navy,
213 like everything else, went to ruin. Elizabeth's ship-building, humble as it
214 seems to us, excited the admiration of her subjects, and was regarded as one
215 of the chief advances of her reign. The ships, when not in commission, were
216 kept in the Medway. The Queen personally paid the greatest attention to
217 them. They were always kept in excellent condition, and could be fitted out
218 for sea at very short notice. Economy was enforced in this, as in other
219 departments, but not at the expense of efficiency. The wages of officers and
220 men were very much augmented; but in the short periods for which crews were
221 enlisted, and in the victualling, there seems to have been unwise parsimony
222 in 1588. The grumbling of alarmists about unpreparedness, apathy,
223 stinginess, and red-tape was precisely what it is in our own day. We know
224 that some allowance is to be made for it. </p>
225 <p align="left">The movements of the Armada were perfectly well known in
226 England, and all the dispositions to meet it at sea were completed in a
227 leisurely manner. Conferences were still going on at Ostend between English
228 and Spanish commissioners. On the part of Elizabeth there was sincerity, but
229 not blind credulity nor any disposition to make unworthy concessions.
230 Conferences quite as protracted have often been held between belligerents
231 while hostilities were being actively carried on. The large majority of
232 Englishmen were resolved to fight to the death against any invader. But, as
233 against Spain, there was not that eager pugnacity which a war with France
234 always called forth, except, perhaps, among the sea-rovers; and even they
235 would have contented themselves, if it had been possible, with the
236 unrecognized privateering which had so long given them the profits of war
237 with the immunities of peace. The rest of the nation respected their Queen
238 for her persevering endeavour to find a way of reconciliation with an
239 ancient ally, and to limit, in the meantime, the area of hostilities. They
240 were confident, and with good reason, that she would surrender no important
241 interest, and that aggressive designs would be met, as they had always been
242 met, more than half-way. </p>
243 <p align="left">The story of the great victory is too well known to need
244 repetition here. But some comments are necessary. It is usual, for one
245 reason or other, to exaggerate the disparity of the opposing fleets, and to
246 represent England as only saved from impending ruin by the extraordinary
247 daring of her seamen, and a series of fortunate accidents. The final
248 destruction of the Armada, after the pursuit was over, was certainly the
249 work of wind and sea. But if we fairly weigh the available strength on each
250 side, we shall see that the English commanders might from the first feel, as
251 they did feel, a reasonable assurance of defeating the invaders. </p>
252 <p align="left">Let us first compare the strength of the fleets: <i>--I will
253 insert this graphic as soon as possible--Marilee</i></p>
254 <p align="left">The Armada carried besides 21,855 soldiers. The first thing
255 that strikes us is the immense preponderance in tonnage on the part of the
256 Spaniards, and in sailors on the part of the English. This really goes far
257 to explain the result. Nothing is more certain than that the Spanish ships,
258 notwithstanding their superior size, were for fighting and sailing purposes
259 very inferior to the English. It had always been believed that, to withstand
260 the heavy seas of the Atlantic, a ship should be constructed like a lofty
261 fortress. The English builders were introducing lower and longer hulls and a
262 greater spread of canvas. Their crews, as has always been the case in oar
263 navy, were equally handy as sailors and gunners. The Spanish ships were
264 under-manned. The soldiers were not accustomed to work the guns, and were of
265 no use unless it came to boarding, which Howard ordered his captains to
266 avoid. The English guns, if fewer than the Spanish, were heavier and worked
267 by more practised men. Their balls not only cut up the rigging of the
268 Spaniards but tore their hulls (which were supposed to be cannon-proof),
269 while the English ships were hardly touched. The slaughter among the
270 wretched soldiers crowded between decks was terrible. Blood was seen pouring
271 out of the leescuppers. &quot;The English ships,&quot; says a Spanish officer, &quot;were
272 under such good management that they did with them what they pleased.&quot; The
273 work was done almost entirely by the Queen's ships.&quot; If you had seen,&quot; says
274 Sir William Winter, &quot;the simple service done by the merchants and coast
275 ships, you would have said we had been little helped by them, otherwise than
276 that they did make a show.&quot; </p>
277 <p align="left">The principal and final battle was fought off Gravelines.
278 </font>
279 </font>
280 <font face="Times New Roman">
281 The Armada therefore did arrive at its destination, but only to show that
282 the general plan of the invasion was an impracticable one. The superiority
283 in tonnage and number of guns on the morning of that day, though not what it
284 had been when the fighting began a week before, was still immense, if
285 superiority in those particulars had been of any use. But with this battle
286 the plan of Philip was finally shattered. So far from being in a condition
287 to cover Parma's passage, the Spanish admiral was glad to escape as best he
288 could from the English pursuit. </p>
289 <p align="left">During the eight days' fight, be it observed, the Armada had
290 experienced no unfavourable weather or other stroke of ill-fortune. The wind
291 had been mostly in the west, and not tempestuous. After the last battle,
292 when the crippled Spanish ships were drifting upon the Dutch shoals, it
293 opportunely shifted, and enabled them to escape into the North Sea. </p>
294 <p align="left">It would not be easy to find any great naval engagement in
295 which the victors suffered so little. In the last battle, when they came to
296 close quarters, they had about sixty killed. During the first seven days
297 their loss seems to have been almost nil. One vessel only-not belonging to
298 the Queen--became entangled among the enemy, and succumbed. Except the
299 master of this vessel not one of the captains was killed from first to last.
300 Many men of rank were serving in the fleet. It
301 </font>
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304 is not mentioned that one of them was so much as wounded. </p>
305 <p align="left">Looking at all these facts, we can surely come to only one
306 conclusion. Philip's plan was hopeless from the first. Barring accidents,
307 the English were bound to win. On no other occasion in our history was our
308 country so well prepared to meet her enemies. Never was her safety from
309 invasion so amply guaranteed. The defeat of the Great Armada was the
310 deserved and crowning triumph of thirty years of good government at home and
311 wise policy abroad; of careful provision for defence and sober abstinence
312 from adventure and aggression. </p>
313 <p align="left">Of the land preparations it is impossible to speak with
314 equal confidence, as they were never put to the test. If the Spaniards had
315 landed, Leicester's militia would no doubt have experienced a bloody defeat.
316 London might have been taken and plundered. But Parma himself never expected
317 to become master of the country without the aid of a great Catholic rising.
318 This, we may affirm with confidence, would not have taken place on even the
319 smallest scale. Overwhelming forces would soon have gathered round the
320 Spaniards. They would probably have retired to the coast, and there
321 fortified some place from which it would have been difficult to dislodge
322 them as long as they retained the command of the sea. </p>
323 <p align="left">Such seems to have been the utmost success which, in the
324 most favourable event, could have attended the invasion. A great disaster,
325 no doubt, for England, and one for which Elizabeth would have been judged by
326 history with more severity than justice; for Englishmen have always chosen
327 to risk it, down to our own time.(1) No government which insisted on making
328 adequate provision for the military defence of the country would have been
329 tolerated then, or, to all appearance, would be tolerated now. We have
330 always trusted to our navy. It were to be wished that our naval superiority
331 were as assured now as when we defeated the Armada. </p>
332 <p align="left">The arrangements for feeding the soldiers and sailors were
333 very defective. A praiseworthy system of control had been introduced to
334 check waste and peculation in time of peace. Of course it did not easily
335 adapt itself to the exigencies of war. Military operations are sure to
336 suffer where a certain, or rather uncertain, amount of waste and peculation
337 is not risked. We have not forgotten the &quot;horrible and heart-rending&quot;
338 sufferings of our army in the Crimea, which, like those of Elizabeth's
339 fleet, had to be relieved by private effort. In the sixteenth century the
340 lot of the soldier and sailor everywhere was want and disease, varied at
341 intervals by plunder and excess. Philip's soldiers and sailors were worse
342 off than Elizabeth's, though he grudged no money for purposes of war. </p>
343 <p align="left">Those who profess to be scandalised by the appointment of
344 Leicester to the command of the army should point out what fitter choice
345 could have been made. He was the only great nobleman with any military
346 experience; and to suppose that any one but a great nobleman could have been
347 appointed to such a command is to show a profound ignorance of the ideas of
348 the time. He had Sir John Norris, a really able soldier, as his marshal of
349 the camp. After all, no one has alleged that he did not do his duty with
350 energy and intelligence. The story that the Queen thought of making him her
351 &quot;Lieutenant in the government of England and Ireland,&quot; but was dissuaded
352 from it by Burghley and Hatton, rests on no authority but that of Camden,
353 who is fond of repeating spiteful gossip about Leicester. No sensible person
354 will believe that she meant to create a sort of Grand Vizier. She may have
355 thought of making him what we should call &quot;Commander-in-Chief.&quot; There would
356 be much to say for such a concentration of authority while the kingdom was
357 threatened with invasion. The title of &quot;Lieutenant&quot; was a purely military
358 one, and began to be applied under the Tudors to the commanders of the
359 militia in each county. Leicester's title for the time was &quot;Lieutenant and
360 Captain-General of the Queen's armies and companies.&quot; But we find him
361 complaining to Walsingham that the patent of Hunsdon, the commander of the
362 Midland army, gave him independent powers. &quot;I shall have wrong if he
363 absolutely command where my patent doth give me power. You may easily
364 conceive what absurd dealings are likely to fall out if you allow two
365 absolute commanders&quot; (28 July). Camden's story is probably a confused echo
366 of this dispute. </p>
367 <p align="left">Writers who are loth to admit that the trust, the gratitude,
368 the enthusiastic loyalty which Elizabeth inspired were the first and most
369 important cause of the great victory, have sought to belittle the grandest
370 moment of her life by pointing out that the famous speech at Tilbury was
371 made after the battle of Gravelines. But the dispersal of the Armada by the
372 storm of August 5th was not yet known in England. Drake, writing on the 8th
373 and 10th, thinks that it is gone to Denmark to refit, and begs the Queen not
374 to diminish any of her forces. The occasion of the speech on the 10th seems
375 to have been the arrival of a post on that day, while the Queen was at
376 dinner in Leicester's tent, with a false alarm that Parma had embarked all
377 his forces, and might be expected in England immediately.</p>
378 <p align="left">But the Lieutenant-General had reached the end of his
379 career. Three weeks after the Tilbury review he died of &quot;a continued fever,&quot;
380 at the age of fifty-six. He kept Elizabeth's regard to the last, because she
381 believed--and during the latter part of his life, not wrongly--in his
382 fidelity and devotion. There is no sign that she at any time valued his
383 judgment or suffered him to sway her policy, except so far as he was the
384 mouthpiece of abler advisers; nor did she ever allow his enmities, violent
385 as they were, to prejudice her against any of her other servants. His
386 fortune was no doubt much above his deserts, and he has paid the usual
387 penalty. There are few personages in history about whom so much malicious
388 nonsense has been written. </p>
389 <p align="left">We cannot help looking on England as placed in a quite new
390 position by the defeat of the Armada--a position of security and
391 independence. In truth, what was changed was not so much the relative
392 strength of England and Spain as the opinion of it held by Englishmen and
393 Spaniards, and indeed by all Europe. The loss to Philip in mere ships, men,
394 and treasure was no doubt considerable. But his inability to conquer England
395 was demonstrated rather than caused by the destruction of the Armada. Philip
396 himself talked loftily about &quot;placing another fleet upon the seas.&quot; But his
397 subjects began to see that defence, not conquest, was now their
398 business--and had been for some time if they had only known it: </p>
399 <blockquote>
400 <p align="left"><i>Cervi, luporum preda rapacium,<br>
401 Sectamur ultro quos opimus<br>
402 Fallere et effugere eat triumphus</i>. </p>
403 </blockquote>
404 <p align="left">Elizabeth's attitude to Philip underwent a marked change.
405 Till then she had been unwilling to abandon the hope of a peaceful
406 settlement. She had dealt him not a few stinging blows, but always with a
407 certain restraint and forbearance, because they were meant for the purpose
408 of bringing him to reason. Thirty years of patience on his part had led her
409 to believe that he would never carry retaliation beyond assassination plots.
410 At last, in his slow way, he had gathered up all his strength and essayed to
411 crush her. Thenceforward she was a convert to Drake's doctrine that attack
412 was the surest way of defence. She had still good reasons for devolving this
413 work as much as possible on the private enterprise of her subjects. The
414 burden fell on those who asked nothing better than to be allowed to bear it.
415 Thus arose that system, or rather practice, of leaving national work to be
416 executed by private enterprise, which has had so much to do with the
417 building up of the British Empire. Private gain has been the mainspring of
418 action. National defence and aggrandisement have been almost incidental
419 results. With Elizabeth herself national and private aims could not be
420 dissevered. The nation and she had but one purse. She was cheaply defending
421 England, and she shared in the plunder. </p>
422 <p align="left">The favourite cruising-ground of the English adventurers was
423 off the Azores, where the Spanish treasure fleets always halted for fresh
424 water and provisions, on their way to Europe. Some of these expeditions were
425 on a large scale. But they were not so successful or profitable, in
426 proportion to their size, as the smaller ventures of Drake and Hawkins
427 earlier in the reign. The Spaniards were everywhere on the alert. The
428 harbours of the New World, which formerly lay in careless security, were put
429 into a state of defence. Treasure fleets made their voyages with more
430 caution. &quot;Not a grain of gold, silver, or pearl, but what must be got
431 through the fire.&quot; The day of great prizes was gone by. </p>
432 <p align="left">Two of these expeditions are distinguished by their
433 importance. The first was a joint-stock venture of Drake and Norris--the
434 foremost sailor and the foremost soldier among Englishmen of that day--in
435 the year after the great Armada (April 1589). They and some private backers
436 found most of the capital. The Queen contributed six royal ships and
437 £20,000. This fleet carried no less than 11,000 soldiers, for the aim was to
438 wrest Portugal from the Spaniard and set up Don Antonio, a representative of
439 the dethroned dynasty. </p>
440 <p align="left">Stopping on their way at Corunna, they took the lower town,
441 destroyed large stores, and defeated in the field a much superior force
442 marching to the relief of the place. Norris mined and breached the walls of
443 the upper town; but the storming parties having been repulsed with great
444 loss, the army re-embarked and pursued its voyage. Landing at Peniché,
445 Norris marched fifty miles by Vimiero and Torres Vedras, names famous
446 afterwards in the military annals of England, and on the seventh day arrived
447 before Lisbon. But he had no battering train; for Drake, who had brought the
448 fleet round to the mouth of the Tagus, judged it dangerous to enter the
449 river. Nor did the Portuguese rise, as had been hoped. The army therefore,
450 marching through the suburbs of Lisbon, rejoined the fleet at Cascaes, and
451 proceeded to Vigo. That town was burnt, and the surrounding country
452 plundered. This was the last exploit of the expedition. Great loss and
453 dishonour had been inflicted on Spain; but no less than half of the soldiers
454 and sailors had perished by disease; and the booty, though said to have been
455 large, was a disappointment to the survivors. </p>
456 <p align="left">The other great expedition was in 1596. The capture of
457 Calais in April of that year by the Spaniards, had renewed the alarm of
458 invasion, and it was determined to meet the danger at a distance from home.
459 A great fleet, with 6000 soldiers on board, commanded by Essex and Howard of
460 Effingham sailed straight to Cadiz, the principal port and arsenal of Spain.
461 The harbour was forced by the fleet, the town and castle stormed by the
462 army, several men-of-war taken or destroyed, a large merchant-fleet burnt,
463 together with an immense quantity of stores and merchandise; the total value
464 being estimated at twenty millions of ducats. This was by far the heaviest
465 blow inflicted by England upon Spain during the reign, and was so regarded
466 in Europe; for though the great Armada had been signally defeated by the
467 English fleet, its subsequent destruction was due to the winds and waves.
468 Essex was vehemently desirous to hold Cadiz; but Effingham and the Council
469 of War appointed by the Queen would not hear of it. The expedition
470 accordingly returned home, having effectually relieved England from the fear
471 of invasion. The burning of Penzance by four Spanish galleys (1595) was not
472 much to set against these great successes. </p>
473 <p align="left">One reason for the comparative impunity with which the
474 English assailed the unwieldy empire of Philip was the insane pursuit of the
475 French crown, to which he devoted all his resources after the murder of
476 Henry III. In 1598, with one foot in the grave, and no longer able to
477 conceal from himself that, with the exception of the conquest of Portugal,
478 all the ambitious schemes of his life had failed, he was fain to conclude
479 the peace of Vervins with Henry IV. Henry was ready to insist that England
480 and the United Provinces should be comprehended in the treaty. Philip
481 offered terms which Elizabeth would have welcomed ten years earlier. He
482 proposed that the whole of the Low Countries should be constituted a
483 separate sovereignty under his son-in-law the Archduke Albert. The Dutch,
484 who were prospering in war as well as in trade, scouted the offer. English
485 feeling was divided. There was a war-party headed by Essex and Raleigh,
486 personally bitter enemies, but both athirst for glory, conquest, and empire,
487 believing in no right but that of the strongest, greedy for wealth, and
488 disdaining the slower, more laborious, and more legitimate modes of
489 acquiring it. They were tired of campaigning it in France and the Low
490 Countries, where hard knocks and beggarly plunder were all that a soldier
491 had to look to. They proposed to carry a great English army across the
492 Atlantic, to occupy permanently the isthmus of Panama, and from that central
493 position to wrestle with the Spaniard for the trade and plunder of the New
494 World. The peace party held that these ambitious schemes would bring no
495 profit except possibly to a few individuals; that the treasury would be
496 exhausted and the country irritated by taxation and the pressing of
497 soldiers; that to re-establish the old commercial intercourse with Spain
498 would be more reputable and attended with more solid advantage to the nation
499 at large; and finally, that the English arms would be much better employed
500 in a thorough conquest of Ireland. These were the views of Burghley; and
501 they were strongly supported by Buckhurst, the best of the younger statesmen
502 who now surrounded Elizabeth. </p>
503 <p align="left">Elizabeth always encouraged her ministers to speak their
504 minds; but, as Buckhurst said on this occasion, &quot;when they have done their
505 extreme duty she wills what she wills.&quot; She determined to maintain the
506 treaty of 1585 with the Dutch. but she took the opportunity of getting it
507 amended in such a way as to throw upon them a larger share of the expenses
508 of the war, and to provide more definitely for the ultimate repayment of her
509 advances. </p>
510 <p align="left">We have seen that three years before the Armada Elizabeth
511 had lost the French alliance, which had till then been the key-stone of her
512 policy. Since then, though aware that Henry III. wished her well, and that
513 he would thwart the Spanish faction as much as he dared, she had not been
514 able to count on him. He might at any moment be pushed by Guise into an
515 attack on England, either with or without the concurrence of Spain. The
516 accession, therefore, of Henry IV. afforded her great relief. In him she had
517 a sure ally. It is true that, like her other allies the Dutch, he was more
518 in a condition to require help than to afford it. But the more work she
519 provided for Philip in Holland or France, the safer England would be. The
520 armies of the Holy League might be formidable to Henry; but as long as he
521 could hold them at bay they were not dangerous to England. She had never
522 quite got over her scruple about helping the Dutch against their lawful
523 sovereign. But Henry IV. was the legitimate King of France, and she could
524 heartily aid him to put down his rebels. From 2000 to 5000 English troops
525 were therefore constantly serving in France down to the peace of Vervins.
526 </p>
527 <p align="left">Philip, in defiance of the Salic law, claimed the crown of
528 France for his daughter in right of her mother, who was a sister of Henry
529 III. To Brittany he alleged that she had a special claim, as being descended
530 from Anne of Brittany, which the Bourbons were not. Brittany, therefore, he
531 invaded at once by sea. Elizabeth, alarmed by the proximity of this Spanish
532 force, desired that her troops in France should be employed in expelling it,
533 and that they should be vigorously supported by Henry IV. Henry, on the
534 other hand, was always drawing away the English to serve his more pressing
535 needs in other parts of France. This brought upon him many harsh rebukes and
536 threats from the English Queen. But she had, for the first time, met her
537 match. He judged, and rightly, that she would not desert him. So, with
538 oft-repeated apologies, light promises, and well-turned compliments, he just
539 went on doing what suited him best, getting all the fighting he could out of
540 the English, and airily eluding Elizabeth's repeated demands for some coast
541 town, which could be held, like Brill and Flushing, as a security for her
542 heavy subsidies. </p>
543 <p align="left">When Henry was reconciled to the Catholic Church, Elizabeth
544 went through the form of expressing surprise and regret at a step which she
545 must have long expected, and must have felt to be wise (1593). Her alliance
546 with Henry was not shaken. It was drawn even closer by a new treaty, each
547 sovereign engaging not to make peace without the consent of the other. This
548 engagement did not prevent Henry from concluding the separate peace of
549 Vervins five years later, when he judged that his interest required it
550 (1598). Elizabeth's dissatisfaction was, this time, genuine enough. But
551 Henry was no longer her protégé, a homeless, landless, penniless king,
552 depending on English subsidies, roaming over the realm he called his own
553 with a few thousands, or sometimes hundreds, of undisciplined cavaliers, who
554 gathered and dispersed at their own pleasure. He was master of a re-united
555 France, and could no longer be either patronised or threatened. Elizabeth
556 might expostulate, and declare that &quot;if there was such a sin as that against
557 the Holy Ghost it must needs be ingratitude:&quot; gratitude was a sentiment to
558 which she was as much a stranger as Henry. The only difference between them
559 was the national one: the Englishwoman preached; the Frenchman mocked. What
560 made her so sore was that he had, so to speak, stolen her policy from her.
561 His predecessor had always suspected her--and with good reason--of intending
562 &quot;to draw her neck out of the collar&quot; if once she could induce him to
563 undertake a joint war. The joint war had at length been undertaken by Henry
564 IV., and it was he who had managed to slip out of it first, while Elizabeth,
565 who longed for peace, was obliged to stand by the Dutch. </p>
566 <p align="left">The two sovereigns, however, knew their own interests too
567 well to quarrel. Henry gave Elizabeth to understand that his designs against
568 Spain had undergone no change; he was only halting for breath; he would help
569 the Dutch underhand--just what she used to say to Henry III. She had now to
570 deal with a French King as sagacious as herself, and a great deal more
571 prompt and vigorous in action; not the man to be made a cat's-paw by any
572 one. She had to accept him as a partner, if not on her own terms, then on
573 his. Both sovereigns were thoroughly veracious--in Carlyle's sense of the
574 word. That is to say, their policy was determined not by passion, or vanity,
575 or sentiment of any kind, but by enlightened self-interest, and was
576 therefore calculable by those who knew how to calculate. </p>
577 </font>
578 <hr>
579 <font face="Times New Roman">
580 <p align="left"><b>Notes: </b>1.
581 </font>
582 <font style="font-family: Times New Roman">The Earl of Sussex, after
583 inspecting the preparations for defence in Hampshire towards the end of
584 1587, writes to the Council that he had found nothing ready. The &quot;better
585 sort&quot; said, &quot;We are much charged many ways, and when the enemy comes we will
586 provide for him; but he will not come yet.&quot; </p>
587 </font>
588 <p align="left"><font style="font-family: Times New Roman" size="2">From <i>
589 Queen Elizabeth</i> by Edward Spencer Beesly.&nbsp; Published in London by
590 Macmillan and Co., 1892.</font></p>
591 </font>
592 <font face="Times New Roman" size="2">
593 </blockquote>
596 <p align="center">
597 <a href="beeslychaptereleven.html">to Chapter
598 XI: Domestic Affairs: 1588-1601</a></p>
599 <p align="center">
600 <a href="monarchs/eliz1.html">to the Queen
601 Elizabeth I website</a>&nbsp; /&nbsp;
602 <a href="relative/maryqos.html">to the Mary,
603 queen of Scots website</a></p>
604 <p align="center"><a href="secondary.html">
605 to Secondary Sources</a></p>
606 </font>
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