source: other-projects/trunk/gs3-release-maker/apache-ant-1.6.5/docs/problems.html@ 14628

Last change on this file since 14628 was 14627, checked in by oranfry, 17 years ago

initial import of the gs3-release-maker

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172 <h1 class="title">Having Problems?</h1>
173 <h3 class="section">
174 <a name="Having Problems?"></a>
175 Having Problems?
176 </h3>
177 <p>
178 This page details some steps you can take to try and resolve
179 any problems you may be having with Ant. If you find you can't
180 resolve the problem, then this page will help you collect some of
181 the relevant information to provide in a bug report. This information
182 will help the Ant developers understand and resolve the problem.
183 Of course, not all the steps here will make sense for every problem
184 you may encounter - these are just some suggestions to point
185 you in the right direction.
186 </p>
187 <h4 class="subsection">
188 <a name="Ensure that you are actually running the version of Ant that you think you do"></a>
189 Ensure that you are actually running the version of Ant that you think you do
190 </h4>
191 <p>Many tools include a version of Ant and some Operating
192 Systems even install it by default now, so you may have a
193 version of Ant installed that you haven't been aware of.</p>
194 <p>One of the first things to do is to run
195 <br /><br />
196 <font face="verdana" size="-1">ant -version</font>
197 <br /><br />
198 and
199 <br /><br />
200 <font face="verdana" size="-1">ant -diagnostics</font>
201 <br /><br />
202 to be sure. Also, we highly recommend that you run Ant with
203 an empty CLASSPATH. If any other version of Ant can be
204 loaded from the CLASSPATH, many types of errors may happen
205 because of incompatible classes being loaded.</p>
206 <p>See <a href="faq.html">the FAQ</a> for <a href="faq.html#NoClassDefFoundError">some</a> <a href="faq.html#InstantiationException">examples</a>, but many
207 other problems are a result of an old version of Ant on your
208 system as well.</p>
209 <h4 class="subsection">
210 <a name="Read the Manual"></a>
211 Read the Manual
212 </h4>
213 <p>
214 The first step to take when you have a problem with Ant is to read
215 the <a href="manual/index.html">manual</a> entry for the task or
216 concept that is giving you trouble. In particular, check the
217 meaning of a task's attributes and nested elements. Perhaps an
218 attribute is available that would provide the behavior you require.
219 If you have problems with the manual itself, you can submit a
220 documentation bug report (see below) to help us improve the Ant
221 documentation.
222 </p>
223 <h4 class="subsection">
224 <a name="Examine Debug Output"></a>
225 Examine Debug Output
226 </h4>
227 <p>
228 If you're still having a problem, the next step is to try and
229 gather additional information about what Ant is doing.
230 Try running Ant with the <code>verbose</code> flag:
231 <br /><br />
232 <font face="verdana" size="-1">ant -verbose</font>
233 <br /><br />
234 or
235 <br /><br />
236 <font face="verdana" size="-1">ant -v</font>
237 <br /><br />
239 This will produce output that starts like the following:</p>
240 <table class="ForrestTable" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4">
241 <tr>
242 <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"
243 valign="top" align="left">
245Ant version 1.4.1 compiled on October 11 2001<br />
246Buildfile: build.xml<br />
247Detected Java version: 1.3 in: D:\usr\local\java\jdk13\jre<br />
248Detected OS: Windows NT<br />
249parsing buildfile D:\ant\build.xml
250with URI = file:D:/ant/build.xml<br />
251Project base dir set to: D:\ant<br />
252  [property] Loading Environment env.<br />
253  [property] Loading D:\ant\<br />
254Build sequence for target 'debug' is [debug]<br />
255Complete build sequence is [debug, gensrc, compile, jar, test]<br />
256. . .<br />
258 </td>
259 </tr>
260 </table>
261 <p>
262 You should be able to see from the trace more about what Ant
263 is doing and why it's taking a particular course of action.
264 If you need even more information, you can use the
265 <code>-debug</code> flag rather than
266 <code>-verbose</code>.
267 This will generally produce so much
268 output that you may want to save the output to a file and
269 analyze it in an editor. You can save the output using the
270 <code>-logfile &lt;filename&gt;</code> flag, or
271 using redirection.
272 </p>
273 <p>
274 Once you have all this debug information, how can you use it
275 to solve your problem? That will depend on the task in question
276 and the nature of your problem. Each task logs different aspects
277 of its operation, but it should give you an idea of what is going
278 on. For example, the <code>&lt;javac&gt;</code> task logs the
279 reasons why it
280 chooses to compile particular class files and not others, along
281 with which compiler it is using and the arguments it will pass
282 to that compiler. The following partial trace shows why
283 <code>&lt;javac&gt;</code> is adding one class file but
284 skipping another.
285 This is followed by which compiler it will be using, the
286 arguments that will get passed to the compiler,
287 and a list of all the class files to be compiled.
288 </p>
289 <table class="ForrestTable" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4">
290 <tr>
291 <td colspan="1" rowspan="1"
292 valign="top" align="left">
294[javac] omitted as D:\classes\Test.class is up to date.<br />
295[javac] added as D:\classes\Unset.class is outdated.<br />
296[javac] Compiling 1 source file to D:\classes<br />
297[javac] Using classic compiler<br />
298[javac] Compilation args: -d D:\classes -classpath D:\classes;<br />
299D:\jdk118\; -sourcepath D:\src\java -g:none<br />
300[javac] File to be compiled:<br />
301D:\src\java\<br />
303 </td>
304 </tr>
305 </table>
306 <p>
307 In many cases, Ant tasks are wrappers around OS commands or
308 other Java classes. In debug mode, many of these tasks will
309 print out the equivalent command line, as the
310 <code>&lt;javac&gt;</code> task
311 output does. If you are having a problem, it is often useful to
312 run the command directly from the command line, in the same way
313 Ant is running it, and see if the problem occurs from there
314 as well. The problem may be in the command that is being run,
315 or it may be in the way the Ant task is running the command.
316 You can also see the effect of changing attribute values on the
317 generated command line. This can help you to understand whether
318 you are using the correct attributes and values.
319 </p>
320 <h4 class="subsection">
321 <a name="Has It Been Fixed?"></a>
322 Has It Been Fixed?
323 </h4>
324 <p>
325 After examining the debug output, if you still believe that the
326 problem you are having is caused by Ant, chances are that someone
327 else may have already encountered this problem, and perhaps it has
328 been fixed. The next step, therefore, may be to try a nightly build
329 of Ant to see if the problem has been fixed. <!--Nightly builds for Ant
330 are available from the
331 <a href="">
332 Ant web site</a>.--> While Ant nightly builds are typically quite
333 stable and are used by
334 <a href="">Gump</a>
335 to build many other Jakarta projects, these builds should
336 nonetheless be treated as experimental. Note that nightly builds
337 do not build many of the optional tasks the come with Ant.
338 A snapshot of these optional tasks is occasionally uploaded to
339 the nightly download
340 <a href="">
341 area</a>. However, even this snapshot does not contain every
342 optional task.
343 </p>
344 <h4 class="subsection">
345 <a name="Has It Been Reported?"></a>
346 Has It Been Reported?
347 </h4>
348 <p>
349 If the current nightly build doesn't resolve your problem, it is
350 possible that someone else has reported the issue. It is time to
351 look at the <a href="">
352 Apache Bug Database</a>. This system is easy to use, and it will
353 let you search the <a href=";bug_status=NEW&amp;bug_status=ASSIGNED&amp;bug_status=REOPENED&amp;email1=&amp;emailtype1=substring&amp;emailassigned_to1=1&amp;email2=&amp;emailtype2=substring&amp;emailreporter2=1&amp;bugidtype=include&amp;bug_id=&amp;changedin=&amp;votes=&amp;chfieldfrom=&amp;chfieldto=Now&amp;chfieldvalue=&amp;product=Ant&amp;short_desc=&amp;short_desc_type=substring&amp;long_desc=&amp;long_desc_type=substring&amp;bug_file_loc=&amp;bug_file_loc_type=substring&amp;keywords=&amp;keywords_type=anywords&amp;field0-0-0=noop&amp;type0-0-0=noop&amp;value0-0-0=&amp;order=bugs.bug_id">
354 currently open</a> and resolved bugs to see if your problem has
355 already been reported. If your problem has been reported, you can
356 see whether any of the developers have commented, suggesting
357 workarounds, or the reason for the bug, etc. Or you may have
358 information to add (see about creating and modifying bug reports
359 below), in which case, go right ahead and add the information.
360 If you don't have any additional information, you may just want
361 to vote for this bug, and perhaps
362 add yourself to the <code>CC</code> list to follow the progress
363 of this bug.
364 </p>
365 <h4 class="subsection">
366 <a name="Filing a Bug Report"></a>
367 Filing a Bug Report
368 </h4>
369 <p>
370 By this time, you may have decided that there is an unreported
371 bug in Ant. You have a few choices at this point. You can send
372 an email to the <code>user</code> mailing list
373 to see if
374 others have encountered your issue and find out how they may
375 have worked around it. If after some discussion, you feel it
376 is time to create
377 a bug report, this is a simple operation in the bug database.
378 Please try to provide as much information as possible in order
379 to assist the developers in resolving the bug. Please try to enter
380 correct values for the various inputs when creating the bug, such
381 as which version of Ant you are running, and on which platform,
382 etc. Once the bug is created, you can also add attachments to
383 the bug report.
384 </p>
385 <p>
386 What information should you include in your bug report? The
387 easiest bugs to fix are those that are most easily reproducible,
388 so it is really helpful if you can produce a small test case that
389 exhibits the problem. In this case, you would attach the build file
390 and any other files necessary to reproduce the problem, probably
391 packed together in an archive. If you can't produce a test case,
392 you should try to include a snippet from your build file and the
393 relevant sections from the verbose or debug output from Ant. Try
394 to include the header information where Ant states the version,
395 the OS and VM information, etc. As debug output is likely to be
396 very large, it's best to remove any output that is not
397 relevant. Once the bug is entered into the bug database, you
398 will be kept informed by email about progress on the bug. If
399 you receive email asking for further information, please try to
400 respond, as it will aid in the resolution of your bug.
401 </p>
402 <h4 class="subsection">
403 <a name="Asking for an Enhancement"></a>
404 Asking for an Enhancement
405 </h4>
406 <p>
407 Sometimes, you may find that Ant just doesn't do what you need it
408 to. It isn't a bug, as such, since Ant is working the way it is
409 supposed to work. Perhaps it is some additional functionality for
410 a task that hasn't been thought of yet, or maybe a completely new
411 task. For these situations, you will
412 want to raise an <i>enhancement request</i>. Enhancement requests
413 are managed using the same Apache Bug Database described above.
414 These are just a different type of bug report. If you look in the
415 bug database, you will see that one of the severity settings for
416 a bug is "Enhancement". Just fill the bug report in,
417 set the severity of the bug to "Enhancement", and
418 state in the description how you would like to have Ant enhanced.
419 Again, you should first check whether there are any existing
420 enhancment requests that cover your needs. If so, just add your
421 vote to these.
422 </p>
423 <h4 class="subsection">
424 <a name="Fixing the Bug"></a>
425 Fixing the Bug
426 </h4>
427 <p>
428 If you aren't satisfied with just filing a bug report, you can
429 try to find the cause of the problem and provide a fix yourself.
430 The best way to do that is by working with the latest code from CVS.
431 Alternatively, you can work with the source code available from the
432 <a href="">
433 source distributions</a>. If you
434 are going to tackle the problem at this level, you may want to
435 discuss some details first on the <code>dev</code>
436 mailing list. Once you have a fix for the problem, you may submit
437 the fix as a <i>patch</i> to either the
438 <code>dev</code> mailing
439 list, or enter the bug database as described above and attach the
440 patch to the bug report. Using the bug database has the advantage
441 of being able to track the progress of your patch.
442 </p>
443 <p>
444 If you have a patch to submit and are sending it to the
445 <code>dev</code> mailing list,
446 prefix "[PATCH]"
447 to your message subject. Please include any relevant bug numbers.
448 Patch files should be created with the <code>-u</code>
449 option of the
450 <code>diff</code> or <code>cvs diff</code> command. For
451 example:<br /><br />
452 <font face="verdana" size="-1">
453 diff -u &gt; javac.diffs<br /><br />
454 </font>
455 or, if you have source from CVS:<br /><br />
456 <font face="verdana" size="-1">
457 cvs diff -u &gt; javac.diffs<br /><br />
458 </font>
460 Note: You should give your patch files meaningful names.
461 This makes it easier for developers who need to apply a number
462 of different patch files.
463 </p>
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