Changeset 10775 for trunk/gsdl3/docs

2005-10-27T12:20:02+13:00 (19 years ago)

small changes for installation, and url (now /greenstone3 not /gsdl3)

2 edited


  • trunk/gsdl3/docs/manual/manual.tex

    r9874 r10775  
    5656Native Interface) will be used to communicate with these.
    58 A description of the general design and architecture of \gsiii\  is covered by the document {\em The design of Greenstone3: An agent based dynamic digital library} (, in the gsdl3/docs/manual directory).
     58A description of the general design and architecture of \gsiii\  is covered by the document {\em The design of Greenstone3: An agent based dynamic digital library} (, in the docs/manual directory).
    6060This documentation consists of several parts. Section~\ref{sec:install} is for administrators, and covers \gsiii\  installation, how to access the library, and some administration issues. Section~\ref{sec:user} is for users of the software, and looks at using the sample collections, creating new collections, and how to make small customisations to the interface. The remaining sections are aimed towards  the \gs\  developer. Section~\ref{sec:develop-runtime} describes the run-time system, including the structure of the software, and the message format, while Section~\ref{sec:develop-build} describes the collection building process. Section~\ref{sec:new-features} describes how to add new features to \gs, such as how to add new services, new page types, new plugins for different document formats.  Section~\ref{sec:distributed} describes how to make \gs\  run in a distributed fashion, using SOAP as an example communications protocol. Finally, there are several appendices, including how to install \gs\  from CVS, some notes on Tomcat and SOAP, and a comparison of \gsii\  and \gsiii\  format statements.
    7070\subsection{Get and install \gs\ }
    72 \gsiii\  is available from \gst{}. There are currently two releases: one of Linux, one for Windows. They were built using InstallShieldX, a new multi-platform installer software. This uses Java and is quite slow.
     72\gsiii\  is available for download from Sourceforge:\\
     73 \gst{}. There are Windows, Linux and Mac OS X releases. They consist of a ZIP/TAR file which should be unpacked. Please check and edit (if necessary) the installation properties in, then run 'ant install' in the greenstone3 directory. Please read the file README.txt for more detailed (and up to date) instructions.
     75Greenstone 3 can be started by running 'ant start', and will be available at \gst{http://localhost:8080/greenstone3}\\
     76(or \gst{http://your-computer-name:your-chosen-port/greenstone3}). \\
     77This gets you to a welcome page containing  links to four servlets: the \gst{test} servlet (this allows you to check that Tomcat is running properly); the standard \gst{library} servlet which serves \gst{localsite} site with the \gst{default} interface; the \gst{classic} servlet which serves \gst{localsite} using the \gst{classic} or \gsii-style interface; the \gst{gateway} servlet, which serves \gst{gateway} site with the \gst{default} interface. The \gst{gateway} site uses a SOAP connection to communicate with \gst{localsite}, and demonstrates the library working in a distributed fashion.
    7479\gsiii\  is also available through CVS (Concurrent Versioning System). This provides the latest development version, and is not guaranteed to be stable. Appendix~\ref{app:cvs} describes how to download and install \gsiii\  from CVS.
    76 \subsubsection{Linux}
    78 Download the latest version of the installer, \gst{gsdl3-x.xx-linux}, and run it in a shell (\gst{./gsdl3-x.xx-linux}). The installation process will prompt you for the installation directory, the name of your computer and what port to run Tomcat on (defaults are \gst{localhost} and \gst{8080}). Once \gsiii\  has been installed, you can start the library by running \gst{ant start} from the gsdl3 directory, and opening up a browser pointing to \gst{http://localhost:8080/gsdl3} (substituting your chosen name and port if necessary).
    80 \subsubsection{Windows}
    82 Download the latest Windows installer, \gst{gsdl3-x.xx-win32.exe}, and double click it to start the installation. You will be prompted for the installation directory, installation type, your computer name and the port number to run Tomcat on (defaults are \gst{localhost} and \gst{8080}). Once \gsiii\  is installed, you can access the library by selecting \gst{Greenstone Digital Library 3} in the Start menu (or by running \gst{ant start} in the gsdl3 directory).
    84 \subsubsection{Accessing the library in a browser}\label{sec:browser-access}
    86 Once you have started up the library (see the previous sections for OS dependent instructions), you can access it in a browser at \gst{http://localhost:8080/gsdl3} (or \gst{http://your-computer-name:your-chosen-port/gsdl3}). This gets you to a welcome page containing  links to four servlets: the \gst{test} servlet (this allows you to check that Tomcat is running properly); the standard \gst{library} servlet which serves \gst{localsite} site with the \gst{default} interface; the \gst{classic} servlet which serves \gst{localsite} using the \gst{classic} or \gsii-style interface; the \gst{gateway} servlet, which serves \gst{gateway} site with the \gst{default} interface. The \gst{gateway} site uses a SOAP connection to communicate with \gst{localsite}, and demonstrates the library working in a distributed fashion.
    8881\subsection{How the library works}
    9487\subsubsection{Restarting the library}
    96 The library program (actually Tomcat) can be restarted in Windows by closing the window, and restarting it from the Start menu. In Linux, you need to go to the gsdl3 directory, and run \gst{ant restart}.
     89The library program (actually Tomcat and MYSQL) can be restarted by running \gst{ant restart} in the greenstone3 directory.
    9991Tomcat must be restarted any time you make changes in the following for those changes to take effect:\\
    10597\item any classes or jar files used by the servlets
    107 \noindent Note: stdout and stderr for the servlets both go to\\
     99\noindent Note: stdout and stderr for the servlets (on Linux and Mac OS X) both go to\\
    113105Table~\ref{tab:dirs} shows the file hierarchy for \gsiii\ .
    114106The first part  shows the common stuff which can be shared between
    115 \gs\  users---the source, libraries etc. The second part shows the file hierarchy for the gsdl3/web directory, which comprises the gsdl3 context for Tomcat, and is accessible via Tomcat. The main directories are for sites and interfaces: there can be several sites and interfaces per installation, and they are described in the following section.
     107\gs\  users---the source, libraries etc. The second part shows the file hierarchy for the greenstone3/web directory, which comprises the greenstone3 context for Tomcat, and is accessible via Tomcat. The main directories are for sites and interfaces: there can be several sites and interfaces per installation, and they are described in the following section.
    124116\bf directory & \bf description \\
    126 gsdl3
    127119  & The main installation directory---gsdl3home can be changed to something more standard\\
    128 gsdl3/src
    129121  & Source code lives here \\
    130 gsdl3/src/java/
    131123  & java source code \\
    132 gsdl3/packages
    133125  & Imported packages from other systems e.g. MG, MGPP \\
    134 gsdl3/lib
    135127  & Shared library files\\
    136 gsdl3/lib/java
    137129  & Java jar files\\
    138 gsdl3/resources
    139131 & any resources that may be needed\\
    140 gsdl3/resources/java
    141133 & properties files for java resource bundles - used to handle all the language specific text This directory is on the class path, so any other Java resources can be placed here \\
    142 gsdl3/resources/soap
    143135 & soap service description files \\
    144 gsdl3/resources/dtd
    145137 & \gsiii\  has trouble locating DTD files sometimes. They can go here\\
    146 gsdl3/bin
    147139  & executable stuff lives here\\
    148 gsdl3/bin/script
    149141  & some Perl and/or shell building scripts\\
    150 gsdl3/comms
    151143  & Communication packages: Tomcat and SOAP\\
    152 gsdl3/docs
    153145  & Documentation\\
    155 gsdl3/web
    156148  & This is where the web site is defined. Any static HTML files can go here. This directory is the Tomcat root directory.\\
    157 gsdl3/web/WEB-INF
    158150  & The web.xml file lives here (servlet configuration information for Tomcat)\\
    159 gsdl3/web/WEB-INF/classes
    160152  & Servlet classes go in here\\
    161 gsdl3/web/sites
    162154  & Contains directories for different sites---a site is a set of collections and services served by a single MessageRouter (MR). The MR may have connections (e.g. soap) to other sites\\
    163 gsdl3/web/sites/localsite
    164156  & An example site - the site configuration file lives here\\
    165 gsdl3/web/sites/localsite/collect
    166158  & The collections directory \\
    167 gsdl3/web/sites/localsite/images
    168160  & Site specific images \\
    169 gsdl3/web/sites/localsite/transforms
    170162  & Site specific transforms \\
    171 gsdl3/web/interfaces
    172164  & Contains directories for different interfaces - an interface is defined by its images and XSLT files \\
    173 gsdl3/web/interfaces/default
    174166  & The default interface\\
    175 gsdl3/web/interfaces/default/images
    176168  & The images for the default interface\\
    177 gsdl3/web/interfaces/default/transforms
    178170  & The XSLT files for the default interface\\
    213205\bf name & \bf sample value & \bf description \\
    215 gsdl3\_home & /research/kjdon/gsdl3 & the base directory of the gsdl3 installation \\
     207gsdl3\_home & /research/kjdon/greenstone3 & the base directory of the greenstone3 installation \\
    216208site\_name & localsite & the name of the site to use \\
    217209interface\_name & default & the name of the interface to use\\
    237229collections directory.
    239 The HTTP address is used for retrieving resources from a site outside the XML protocol. Because a site is HTTP accessible through Tomcat, any files (e.g. images) belonging to that site or to its collections can be specified in the HTML of a page by a URL. This avoids having to retrieve these files from a remote site via the XML protocol\footnote{Currently, sites live inside the Tomcat gsdl3 root context, and therefore all their content is accessible over HTTP via the Tomcat address. We need to see if parts can be restricted. Also, if we use a different protocol, then resources from remote sites may need to come through the XML. Also, if we are running locally without using Tomcat, we may want to get them via file:// rather than http://.}.
     231The HTTP address is used for retrieving resources from a site outside the XML protocol. Because a site is HTTP accessible through Tomcat, any files (e.g. images) belonging to that site or to its collections can be specified in the HTML of a page by a URL. This avoids having to retrieve these files from a remote site via the XML protocol\footnote{Currently, sites live inside the Tomcat greenstone3 root context, and therefore all their content is accessible over HTTP via the Tomcat address. We need to see if parts can be restricted. Also, if we use a different protocol, then resources from remote sites may need to come through the XML. Also, if we are running locally without using Tomcat, we may want to get them via file:// rather than http://.}.
    241233Figure~\ref{fig:siteconfig} shows two example site configuration files. The first example is for a rudimentary site with no site-wide services,
    249241  <localSiteName value="org.greenstone.localsite"/>
    250   <httpAddress value="http://localhost:8080/gsdl3/sites/localsite"/>
     242  <httpAddress value="http://localhost:8080/greenstone3/sites/localsite"/>
    251243  <serviceClusterList/>
    252244  <serviceRackList/>
    259251  <localSiteName value="org.greenstone.gsdl1"/>
    260   <httpAddress value="http://localhost:8080/gsdl3/sites/gsdl1"/>
     252  <httpAddress value="http://localhost:8080/greenstone3/sites/gsdl1"/>
    261253  <serviceClusterList> 
    262254    <serviceCluster name="build">
    460452\subsubsection{Using the Librarian Interface}
    462 The Greenstone Librarian Interface (GLI) can be used to create \gsii\ style collections for \gsiii. It can be started under Windows by selecting Greenstone Librarian Interface from the Greenstone 3 Digital Library menu in the Program Files section of the Start menu. On Linux, run \gst{./} from the \gst{gsdl3/gli} directory.
     454The Greenstone Librarian Interface (GLI) can be used to create \gsii\ style collections for \gsiii. It can be started under Windows by selecting Greenstone Librarian Interface from the Greenstone 3 Digital Library menu in the Program Files section of the Start menu. On Linux, run \gst{./} from the \gst{greenstone3/gli} directory.
    464456Currently, the GLI works almost exactly the same as for \gsii\footnote{Eventually the GLI will be modified to use native \gsiii\ config files and collection building}. Collection configuration is done in a \gsii\ manner. The main difference is that \gsiii\ has different sites and interfaces and servlets, whereas \gsii\ has a single collect directory, and a single runtime cgi program.
    468460Collection building using the GLI will use the \gsii\ Perl scripts and plugins. At the conclusion of the \gsii\ build process, a conversion script will be run to create the \gsiii\  configuration files. This means that format statements are no longer 'live'---changing these will require changes to the \gsiii\ config files. You can either rebuild the collection through the GLI (may take a while), or run the conversion script directly (see following section).
    470 Detailed instructions about using the GLI can be found in Sections 3.1 and 3.2 of the Greenstone 2 User's Guide (\gst{GS2-User-en.pdf}. This can be found in  your \gsii\ installation, or in the gsdl3/docs/manual directory if you have installed \gsiii\ from a distribution.
     462Detailed instructions about using the GLI can be found in Sections 3.1 and 3.2 of the Greenstone 2 User's Guide (\gst{GS2-User-en.pdf}. This can be found in  your \gsii\ installation, or in the greenstone3/docs/manual directory if you have installed \gsiii\ from a distribution.
    569561      <sort>Title</sort>
    570562      <displayItem name='name' lang='en'>Organizations</displayItem>
    571       <file URL="/research/kjdon/home/gsdl3/web/sites/localsite/collect/
     563      <file URL="/research/kjdon/home/greenstone3/web/sites/localsite/collect/
    572564         gs3test/etc/org.xml"/>
    573565    </classifier>
    576568      <sort>Title</sort>
    577569      <displayItem name='name' lang='en'>HowTo</displayItem>
    578       <file URL="/research/kjdon/home/gsdl3/web/sites/localsite/collect/
     570      <file URL="/research/kjdon/home/greenstone3/web/sites/localsite/collect/
    579571         gs3test/etc/keyword.xml"/>
    580572      <format>
    972964Each collection has a set of services which are the access points for the information in the collection. Each service has a set of text strings which are used to display it. These include name, description, the text on the submit button, and names and descriptions of all the parameters to the service.
    974 These text strings are found in .properties files, in gsdl3/resources/java. The names of the files are based on class names. Subclasses can defined their own properties, or can use their parent class ones. For example, AbstractSearch defines strings for the TextQuery service, in GS2MGSearch just uses these default ones, so doesn't need its own property file.
     966These text strings are found in .properties files, in greenstone3/resources/java. The names of the files are based on class names. Subclasses can defined their own properties, or can use their parent class ones. For example, AbstractSearch defines strings for the TextQuery service, in GS2MGSearch just uses these default ones, so doesn't need its own property file.
    976968A particular collection can override the properties for any service. For example, if a collection uses the GS2MGSearch service rack (look in the buildConfig.xml file for a list of service racks used), and the collection builder wants to change the text associated with this service, they can put a file in the resources directory of the collection.
    11791171      <metadata name="numDocs">11</metadata> 
    11801172      <metadata name="buildType">mgpp</metadata>
    1181       <metadata name="httpPath">http://kanuka:8090/gsdl3/sites/
     1173      <metadata name="httpPath">http://kanuka:8090/greenstone3/sites/
    11821174                                localsite/collect/mgppdemo</metadata>
    11831175    </metadataList>
    14361428<response from="build/ImportCollection">
    14371429  <status code="2" pid="2">Collection construction: import collection.
    1438 command = -collectdir /research/kjdon/home/gsdl3/web/sites/
     1430command = -collectdir /research/kjdon/home/greenstone3/web/sites/
    14391431    localsite/collect test1
    14441436<response from="build/ImportCollection">
    14451437  <status code="11" pid="2">RecPlug: getting directory
    1446 /research/kjdon/home/gsdl3/web/sites/localsite/collect/test1/import
    14471439WARNING - no plugin could process /.keepme
    14521444* 1 document was considered for processing
    14531445* 0 were processed and included in the collection
    1454 * 1 was rejected. See /research/kjdon/home/gsdl3/web/sites/
     1446* 1 was rejected. See /research/kjdon/home/greenstone3/web/sites/
    14551447    localsite/collect/test1/etc/fail.log for a list of rejected documents
    21462138Instead of displaying an icon and the Title, it displays the Title of the section and the title of the document. Both of these are linked to the document: the section title to the content of that section, the document title to the table of contents for the document. Because these require non-standard arguments to the library, these parts of the template are written in XSLT not \gs\  format language. As is shown here it is perfectly feasible to write a format statement that includes XSLT mixed in with \gs\  format elements.
    2148 The document display uses CSS to format the output---these are kept in the collection and specified in the collections XSLT files. The documents also specify DTD files. Due to the way we read in the XML files, Tomcat sometimes has trouble locating the DTDs. One option is to make all the links absolute links to files in the collection folder, the other option is to put them in \gs\ 's DTD folder gsdl3/resources/dtd.
     2140The document display uses CSS to format the output---these are kept in the collection and specified in the collections XSLT files. The documents also specify DTD files. Due to the way we read in the XML files, Tomcat sometimes has trouble locating the DTDs. One option is to make all the links absolute links to files in the collection folder, the other option is to put them in \gs\ 's DTD folder greenstone3/resources/dtd.
    21502142\subsection{The Classic Interface}
    21812173\subsection{Serving a site using soap}
    2183 A webs service for localsite comes predeployed, but if you want to setup a service for another site, run \gst{ant soap-deploy-site}. This will prompt you for the sitename (its directory name), and a siteuri - a unique identifier for the web service.
    2185 The ant target deploys the service for the site specified. A resource file (\gst{<sitename>.wsdd}) is created which is used to specify the service. It can be found in \gst{gsdl3/resources/soap}, and is generated from \gst{site.wsdd.template}.
    2187 To get siteA to talk to siteB, you need to deploy a SOAP server on siteB, then add a \gst{<site>} element to the \gst{<siteList>} of siteA's \gst{siteConfig.xml} file (in \gst{gsdl3/web/sites/siteA/siteConfig.xml}).
    2189 In the \gst{<siteList>} element, add the following (substituting the chosen site uri for siteAuri):
     2175A webs service for localsite comes predeployed, but if you want to setup a service for another site, run \gst{ant soap-deploy-site}. This will prompt you for the sitename (its directory name), and a siteuri - a unique identifier for the web service. Tomcat needs to be running for this to work.
     2177The ant target deploys the service for the site specified. A resource file (\gst{<sitename>.wsdd}) is created which is used to specify the service. It can be found in \gst{greenstone3/resources/soap}, and is generated from \gst{site.wsdd.template}.
     2179To get siteA to talk to siteB, you need to deploy a SOAP server on siteB, then add a \gst{<site>} element to the \gst{<siteList>} of siteA's \gst{siteConfig.xml} file (in \gst{greenstone3/web/sites/siteA/siteConfig.xml}).
     2181In the \gst{<siteList>} element, add the following (substituting the chosen site uri for siteBuri):
    2192 <site name="siteAuri"
    2193   address="http://localhost:8080/axis/services/siteAuri"
     2184<site name="siteBuri"
     2185  address="http://localhost:8080/greenstone3/services/siteBuri"
    21942186  type="soap"/>
    21972189(Note that localhost and 8080 should be changed to the values you entered when installing \gsiii).
     2191The servlet for siteA needs to be reconfigured \\
     2192(e.g. \gst{http://localhost:8080/greenstone3/library?a=s\&sa=c}).
    22252219do various things like compile the source code, startup the server etc.
    2227 For a first time install, run 'ant install'.
    2229 The file contains various parameters that can be set by the user. Please check these settings before running 'ant install'. The install process will ask you if you accept the properties before starting.
     2221The README.txt file has up-to-date instructions for installing from CVS. Briefly, for a first time install, run 'ant prepare install'.
     2223The file contains various parameters that can be set by the user. Please check these settings before running the installation process. The install process will ask you if you accept the properties before starting.
    22302224For a  non-interactive version of the install, run
    22312225ant -Dproperties.accepted=yes install
    22532247Tomcat is a servlet container, and Greenstone 3 runs as a servlet inside it.
    2255 The file \gst{\gsdlhome/comms/jakarta/tomcat/conf/server.xml} is the Tomcat configuration file. The installation process adds a context for \gsiii\  servlets (\gst{\gsdlhome/web})---this tells Tomcat where to find the web.xml file, and what URL (\gst{/gsdl3}) to give it. Anything inside the context directory is accessible via Tomcat\footnote{can we use .htaccess files to restrict access??}. For example, the index.html file that lives in \gst{\gsdlhome/web} can be accessed through the URL \gst{localhost:8080/gsdl3/index.html}. The demo collection's images can be accessed through \\
    2256 \gst{localhost:8080/gsdl3/sites/localsite/collect/demo/images/}.
     2249The file \gst{\gsdlhome/comms/jakarta/tomcat/conf/server.xml} is the Tomcat configuration file. The installation process adds a context for \gsiii\  servlets (\gst{\gsdlhome/web})---this tells Tomcat where to find the web.xml file, and what URL (\gst{/greenstone3}) to give it. Anything inside the context directory is accessible via Tomcat\footnote{can we use .htaccess files to restrict access??}. For example, the index.html file that lives in \gst{\gsdlhome/web} can be accessed through the URL \gst{localhost:8080/greenstone3/index.html}. The demo collection's images can be accessed through \\
    22722266On startup, the servlet loads in its collections and services. If the site or collection configuration files are changed, these changes will not take effect until the site/collection is reloaded. This can be done through the reconfiguration messages (see Section~\ref{sec:runtime-config}), or by restarting Tomcat.
    2274 We have set up Tomcat to follow symlinks. To disable this feature, remove the \gst{<Resources>} element from the gsdl3 context in \\\gst{\$GSDL3HOME/comms/jakarta/tomcat/conf/server.xml}:
     2268We have set up Tomcat to follow symlinks. To disable this feature, remove the \gst{<Resources>} element from the greenstone3 context in \\\gst{\$GSDL3HOME/comms/jakarta/tomcat/conf/server.xml}:
    2277 <Context path="/gsdl3" docBase="\$GSDL3HOME/web" debug="1" \\
     2271<Context path="/greenstone3" docBase="\$GSDL3HOME/web" debug="1" \\
    22792273   <Resources allowLinking='true'/>\\
    22832277By default, Tomcat allows directory listings. To disable this, change the 'listings' paramter to false in the default servlet definition, in Tomcat's web.xml file (\gst{\$GSDL3HOME/comms/jakarta/tomcat/conf/web.xml}):
     2279We have set the greenstone context to be reloadable. This means that if a class or resource file in web/WEB-INF/lib or web/WEB-INF/classes changes, the servlet will be reloaded. This is useful for development, but should be turned off for production mode (set the reloadable attribute to false).
    22852281Tomcat uses a Manager to handle HTTP session information. This may be stored between restarts if possible. To use a persistent session handling manager, uncomment the \gst{<Manager>} element in \\
    22862282\gst{\$GSDL3HOME/comms/jakarta/tomcat/conf/server.xml}. For the default manager, session information is stored in the work directory:\\
    2287 \gst{\$GSDL3HOME/comms/jakarta/tomcat/work/Standalone/localhost/gsdl3/SESSIONS.ser}. Delete this file to clear the cached session info. Note that Tomcat needs to be shutdown to delete this file.
     2283\gst{\$GSDL3HOME/comms/jakarta/tomcat/work/Standalone/localhost/greenstone3/SESSIONS.ser}. Delete this file to clear the cached session info. Note that Tomcat needs to be shutdown to delete this file.
    22892285\subsection{Proxying Tomcat with apache}
    2297 ProxyPass /greenstone3\\
    2298 ProxyPassReverse /greenstone3\\
     2293ProxyPass /greenstone3\\
     2294ProxyPassReverse /greenstone3\\
    23022298In our example, the \gsiii\  servlet can be accessed at \\
    23032299\gst{}, instead of at \\
    2304 \gst{}, which is not publically accessible.
     2300\gst{}, which is not publically accessible.
    23062302\subsection{Running Tomcat behind a proxy}
    23192315Information about deployed services is maintained between Tomcat sessions---you only need to deploy something once. To undeploy a site, use \gst{ant undeploy-soap-site}.
    2321 The axis servlet can be accessed at \gst{localhost:8080/axis}.
     2317The axis services can be accessed at \gst{localhost:8080/greenstone3/index.jsp}.
    23232319\subsection{Debugging SOAP}\label{app:soap-debug}
    23262322To run it, type:
    2328 \begin{quote}\gst{java -cp <path to gsdl3>/comms/soap/axis/lib/axis.jar \\
     2324\begin{quote}\gst{java -cp <path to greenstone3>/comms/soap/axis/lib/axis.jar \\
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.