Changeset 10826 for trunk/gsdl3/docs

2005-11-02T15:22:08+13:00 (19 years ago)

fixed up paths etc for new layout

2 edited


  • trunk/gsdl3/docs/manual/manual.tex

    r10777 r10826  
    9494\item \gsdlhome/web/WEB-INF/web.xml
    95 \item \gsdlhome/comms/jakarta/tomcat/conf/server.xml
     95\item \gsdlhome/packages/tomcat/conf/server.xml
    9797\item any classes or jar files used by the servlets
    9999\noindent Note: stdout and stderr for the servlets (on Linux and Mac OS X) both go to\\
    100 \gst{\gsdlhome/comms/jakarta/tomcat/logs/catalina.out}
    121121  & Source code lives here \\
    123   & java source code \\
    124 greenstone3/packages
    125   & Imported packages from other systems e.g. MG, MGPP \\
     123  & main greenstone 3 java source code \\
     125  & Imported source packages from other systems e.g. MG, MGPP \\
     127  & Extensions to greenstone 3 core functionality, eg, Vishnu visualizer, Alerting service \\
    127129  & Shared library files\\
    129   & Java jar files\\
     131  & Java jar files not needed in the greenstone 3 runtime\\
     133  & Jar files and shared library files (.so, .jnilib, .dll) needed for JNI components \\
    131135 & any resources that may be needed\\
    132 greenstone3/resources/java
    133  & properties files for java resource bundles - used to handle all the language specific text This directory is on the class path, so any other Java resources can be placed here \\
    135137 & soap service description files \\
    136 greenstone3/resources/dtd
    137  & \gsiii\  has trouble locating DTD files sometimes. They can go here\\
    139139  & executable stuff lives here\\
    141141  & some Perl and/or shell building scripts\\
    142 greenstone3/comms
    143   & Communication packages: Tomcat and SOAP\\
     143  & External packages that may be installed as part of greenstone, e.g. Tomcat, Mysql \\
    145145  & Documentation\\
    150150  & The web.xml file lives here (servlet configuration information for Tomcat)\\
    152   & Servlet classes go in here\\
     152  & Individual class files needed by the servlet go in here, also properties files for java resource bundles - used to handle all the language specific text. This direcotry is on the servlet classpath\\
     154  & jar files needed by the servlets go here \\
    154156  & Contains directories for different sites---a site is a set of collections and services served by a single MessageRouter (MR). The MR may have connections (e.g. soap) to other sites\\
    170172  & The XSLT files for the default interface\\
     174  & jar files needed by applets can go here \\
    233237Figure~\ref{fig:siteconfig} shows two example site configuration files. The first example is for a rudimentary site with no site-wide services,
    234238which does not connect to any external sites. The second example is for a site with one site-wide service cluster - a collection building cluster.  It also connects to the first site using SOAP.
    235 These two sites happen to be running on the same machine, which is why they can use \gst{localhost} in the address. For site \gst{gsdl1} to talk to site \gst{localsite}, a SOAP server must be run for \gst{localsite}. The address of the SOAP server, in this case, is \gst{http://localhost:8080/soap/servlet/rpcrouter}.
     239These two sites happen to be running on the same machine, which is why they can use \gst{localhost} in the address. For site \gst{gsdl1} to talk to site \gst{localsite}, a SOAP server must be run for \gst{localsite}. The address of the SOAP server, in this case, is \gst{http://localhost:8080/greenstone3/services/localsite}.
    265269  <siteList>
    266270    <site name="org.greenstone.localsite"
    267       address="http://localhost:8080/soap/servlet/rpcrouter"
     271      address="http://localhost:8080/greenstone3/services/localsite"
    268272      type="soap"/>
    269273  </siteList>
    11001104  <siteList>
    11011105    <site name='org.greenstone.gsdl1'
    1102             address='http://localhost:8080/soap/servlet/rpcrouter'
     1106            address='http://localhost:8080/greenstone3/services/localsite'
    11031107            type='soap' />
    11041108  </siteList>
    22132217Greenstone is built and installed using Ant (Apache's Java based build tool,
    22142218 You will need a Java Development
    2215 Environment (1.4 or higher), and Ant installed to use Greenstone. You can download Ant from
     2219Environment (1.4 or higher), and Ant installed to use Greenstone. You can download Ant from \\\gst{}.
    22172221In the greenstone3 directory, you can run 'ant' which will give you a help message.
    22282232ant -Dproperties.accepted=yes -logfile build.log install
    2230 Under Linux, Java and C/C++ compilation is carried out. For windows, since Visual Studio is not a standard component, only Java compilation is carried out. Pre-compiled binaries are provided for the C/C++ components (packages and Greenstone 2 style building). If you have Visual Studio installed (version 6), you can run the compile-windows-c++ targets to compile the code locally. (Don't forget to setup the Visual Studio environment first, by running, e.g. C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio/VC98/Bin/VCVARS32.BAT or equivalent.)
     2234Under Linux, Java and C/C++ compilation is carried out. For windows, since Visual Studio is not a standard component, only Java compilation is carried out. Pre-compiled binaries are provided for the C/C++ components (source packages and Greenstone 2 style building). If you have Visual Studio installed (version 6), you can run the compile-windows-c++ targets to compile the code locally. (Don't forget to setup the Visual Studio environment first, by running, e.g. C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio/VC98/Bin/VCVARS32.BAT or equivalent.)
    22472251Tomcat is a servlet container, and Greenstone 3 runs as a servlet inside it.
    2249 The file \gst{\gsdlhome/comms/jakarta/tomcat/conf/server.xml} is the Tomcat configuration file. The installation process adds a context for \gsiii\  servlets (\gst{\gsdlhome/web})---this tells Tomcat where to find the web.xml file, and what URL (\gst{/greenstone3}) to give it. Anything inside the context directory is accessible via Tomcat\footnote{can we use .htaccess files to restrict access??}. For example, the index.html file that lives in \gst{\gsdlhome/web} can be accessed through the URL \gst{localhost:8080/greenstone3/index.html}. The demo collection's images can be accessed through \\
     2253The file \gst{\gsdlhome/packages/tomcat/conf/server.xml} is the Tomcat configuration file. The installation process adds a context for \gsiii\  servlets (\gst{\gsdlhome/web})---this tells Tomcat where to find the web.xml file, and what URL (\gst{/greenstone3}) to give it. Anything inside the context directory is accessible via Tomcat\footnote{can we use .htaccess files to restrict access??}. For example, the index.html file that lives in \gst{\gsdlhome/web} can be accessed through the URL \gst{localhost:8080/greenstone3/index.html}. The demo collection's images can be accessed through \\
    22582262\item \gsdlhome/web/WEB-INF/web.xml
    2259 \item \gsdlhome/comms/jakarta/tomcat/conf/server.xml
     2263\item \gsdlhome/packages/tomcat/conf/server.xml
    22612265\item any classes or jar files used by the servlets
    22632267\noindent Note: stdin and stdout for the servlets (on linux) both go to\\
    2264 \gst{\gsdlhome/comms/jakarta/tomcat/logs/catalina.out}
    22662270On startup, the servlet loads in its collections and services. If the site or collection configuration files are changed, these changes will not take effect until the site/collection is reloaded. This can be done through the reconfiguration messages (see Section~\ref{sec:runtime-config}), or by restarting Tomcat.
    2268 We have set up Tomcat to follow symlinks. To disable this feature, remove the \gst{<Resources>} element from the greenstone3 context in \\\gst{\$GSDL3HOME/comms/jakarta/tomcat/conf/server.xml}:
     2272We have set up Tomcat to follow symlinks. To disable this feature, remove the \gst{<Resources>} element from the greenstone3 context in \\\gst{\$GSDL3HOME/packages/tomcat/conf/server.xml}:
    2277 By default, Tomcat allows directory listings. To disable this, change the 'listings' paramter to false in the default servlet definition, in Tomcat's web.xml file (\gst{\$GSDL3HOME/comms/jakarta/tomcat/conf/web.xml}):
     2281By default, Tomcat allows directory listings. To disable this, change the 'listings' paramter to false in the default servlet definition, in Tomcat's web.xml file (\gst{\$GSDL3HOME/packages/tomcat/conf/web.xml}):
    22792283We have set the greenstone context to be reloadable. This means that if a class or resource file in web/WEB-INF/lib or web/WEB-INF/classes changes, the servlet will be reloaded. This is useful for development, but should be turned off for production mode (set the reloadable attribute to false).
    22812285Tomcat uses a Manager to handle HTTP session information. This may be stored between restarts if possible. To use a persistent session handling manager, uncomment the \gst{<Manager>} element in \\
    2282 \gst{\$GSDL3HOME/comms/jakarta/tomcat/conf/server.xml}. For the default manager, session information is stored in the work directory:\\
    2283 \gst{\$GSDL3HOME/comms/jakarta/tomcat/work/Standalone/localhost/greenstone3/SESSIONS.ser}. Delete this file to clear the cached session info. Note that Tomcat needs to be shutdown to delete this file.
     2286\gst{\$GSDL3HOME/packages/tomcat/conf/server.xml}. For the default manager, session information is stored in the work directory:\\
     2287\gst{\$GSDL3HOME/packages/tomcat/work/Standalone/localhost/greenstone3/SESSIONS.ser}. Delete this file to clear the cached session info. Note that Tomcat needs to be shutdown to delete this file.
    22852289\subsection{Proxying Tomcat with apache}
    23222326To run it, type:
    2324 \begin{quote}\gst{java -cp <path to greenstone3>/comms/soap/axis/lib/axis.jar \\
     2328\begin{quote}\gst{java -cp \$GSDL3HOME/web/WEB-INF/lib/axis.jar \\
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