Changeset 13281 for trunk

2006-11-16T11:56:51+13:00 (18 years ago)

some changes - not sure what they are

1 edited


  • trunk/gsdl3/docs/manual/manual.tex

    r10880 r13281  
    208208\bf name & \bf sample value & \bf description \\
    210 site\_name & localsite & the name of the site to use \\
     210library\_name & library & the web name of the servlet \\
    211211interface\_name & default & the name of the interface to use\\
    212 library\_name & library & the web name of the servlet \\
     212site\_name & localsite & the name of the site to use (use either site\_name or the three remote\_site parameters)\\
     213remote\_site\_name & org.greenstone.site1 & the name of a remote site (can be anything??) \\
     214remote\_site\_type & soap & the type of server running on the site \\
     215remote\_site\_address & & The address of the server \\
    213216default\_lang & en & the default language for the interface\\
    214217receptionist\_class & NZDLReceptionist & (optional) specifies an alternative Receptionist to use\\
    975978Note that you cannot include a file with the same name as the including file. For example query.xsl cannot include query.xsl (it is tempting to want to do this if you just want to change one template for a particular file, and then include the default. but you cant).
     980You can add the argument o=xml to any URL and you wil be returned the XML before transformation by a stylesheet. This shows you the XML page source. It can be useful when you are trying to write some new XSLT statements.
    977982\subsubsection{Defining a new interface}
    19091914and a list of services.
     1916To get an external html page embedded into a greenstone collection, i.e. a two frame page, with the top frame containing the collection header and navigation bar, and the second frame containg the external page, use subaction html.
     1917A url would look like
    19121920\subsubsection{Query action}\label{sec:queryaction}
    21742182The ant target deploys the service for the site specified. A resource file (\gst{<sitename>.wsdd}) is created which is used to specify the service. It can be found in \gst{greenstone3/resources/soap}, and is generated from \gst{site.wsdd.template}.
    2176 To get siteA to talk to siteB, you need to deploy a SOAP server on siteB, then add a \gst{<site>} element to the \gst{<siteList>} of siteA's \gst{siteConfig.xml} file (in \gst{greenstone3/web/sites/siteA/siteConfig.xml}).
     2184The address of the new SOAP service will be tomcatserver-address/greenstone3/services/sitename, for example,
     2186\subsection{Connecting to a site web service}
     2188There are two ways to use a remote site. First, if you have a local site running, then the site can also connect to other remote sites. In the siteConfig.xml file, you need to add a site element into the siteList element.
     2190For example, to get siteA to talk to siteB, you need to deploy a SOAP server on siteB, then add a \gst{<site>} element to the \gst{<siteList>} of siteA's \gst{siteConfig.xml} file (in \gst{greenstone3/web/sites/siteA/siteConfig.xml}).
    21782192In the \gst{<siteList>} element, add the following (substituting the chosen site uri for siteBuri):
    2186 (Note that localhost and 8080 should be changed to the values you entered when installing \gsiii).
    2188 The servlet for siteA needs to be reconfigured \\
    2189 (e.g. \gst{http://localhost:8080/greenstone3/library?a=s\&sa=c}).
     2200(Note that localhost and 8080 should be changed to the values you entered when installing \gsiii. Localhost will only work for servers on the smae machine.).
     2202If you have changed the siteConfig.xml file for a site that is running, it will need to be reconfigured. Either restart Tomcat, or reconfigure through a URL:
     2203e.g. \gst{http://localhost:8080/greenstone3/library?a=s\&sa=c}.
     2204Several sites can be connected to in this manner.
     2206The second option is if you have a receptionist set up on a machine where you have no site, and you only want to connect to a single remote site. Instead of using site\_name in the servlet initialisation parameters (in greenstone3/web/WEB-INF/web.xml), you can specify remote\_site\_name, remote\_site\_type and remote\_site\_address. A communicator object will be set up instead of a MessageRouter and the receptionist will talk to the communicator.
    22782296Tomcat uses a Manager to handle HTTP session information. This may be stored between restarts if possible. To use a persistent session handling manager, uncomment the \gst{<Manager>} element in \\
    22792297\gst{\$GSDL3HOME/packages/tomcat/conf/server.xml}. For the default manager, session information is stored in the work directory:\\
    2280 \gst{\$GSDL3HOME/packages/tomcat/work/Standalone/localhost/greenstone3/SESSIONS.ser}. Delete this file to clear the cached session info. Note that Tomcat needs to be shutdown to delete this file.
     2298\gst{\$GSDL3HOME/packages/tomcat/work/Catalina/localhost/greenstone3/SESSIONS.ser}. Delete this file to clear the cached session info. Note that Tomcat needs to be shutdown to delete this file.
    22822300\subsection{Proxying Tomcat with apache}
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