Changeset 16018 for gsdl/trunk

2008-06-16T13:48:11+12:00 (16 years ago)

added in some missing plugin strings

1 edited


  • gsdl/trunk/perllib/

    r16017 r16018  
    655655# Plugin option descriptions
     657AbstractPlugin.desc:A simple base plugin for plugins that don't inherit from BasePlugin.
    684685BasePlugin.associate_ext:Causes files with the same root filename as the document being processed by the plugin AND a filename extension from the comma separated list provided by this argument to be associated with the document being processed rather than handled as a separate list.
    686 BasePlugin.associate_tail_re:XXX
     687BasePlugin.associate_tail_re:A regular expression to match filenames against to find associated files. Used as a more powerful alternative to associate_ext.
    688689BasePlugin.block_exp:Files matching this regular expression will be blocked from being passed to any later plugins in the list. This has no real effect other than to prevent lots of warning messages about input files you don't care about. Each plugin might have a default block_exp. e.g. by default HTMLPlug blocks any files with .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .png or .css file extensions.
    714715BookPlugin.desc:Creates multi-level document from document containing <<TOC>> level tags. Metadata for each section is taken from any other tags on the same line as the <<TOC>>. e.g. <<Title>>xxxx<</Title>> sets Title metadata. Everything else between TOC tags is treated as simple html (i.e. no processing of html links or any other HTMLPlug type stuff is done). Expects input files to have a .hb file extension by default (this can be changed by adding a -process_exp option a file with the same name as the hb file but a .jpg extension is taken as the cover image (jpg files are blocked by this plugin). BookPlug is a simplification (and extension) of the HBPlug used by the Humanity Library collections. BookPlug is faster as it expects the input files to be cleaner (The input to the HDL collections contains lots of excess html tags around <<TOC>> tags, uses <<I>> tags to specify images, and simply takes all text between <<TOC>> tags and start of text to be Title metadata). If you're marking up documents to be displayed in the same way as the HDL collections, use this plugin instead of HBPlug.
     717CONTENTdmPlugin.desc:Plugin that processes RDF files in exported CONTENTdm collections.
    716719ConvertBinaryFile.apply_fribidi:Run the "fribidi" Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm program over the converted file (for right-to-left text).
    724727ConvertBinaryFile.convert_to.text:Plain text format.
    726 ConvertBinaryFile.convert_to.pagedimg_jpg:JPEG format.
    728 ConvertBinaryFile.convert_to.pagedimg_gif:GIF format.
    730 ConvertBinaryFile.convert_to.pagedimg_png:PNG format.
     729ConvertBinaryFile.convert_to.pagedimg:A series of images.
     731ConvertBinaryFile.convert_to.pagedimg_jpg:A series of images in JPEG format.
     733ConvertBinaryFile.convert_to.pagedimg_gif:A series of images in GIF format.
     735ConvertBinaryFile.convert_to.pagedimg_png:A series of images in PNG format.
    732737ConvertBinaryFile.desc:This plugin is inherited by such plugins as WordPlugin, PPTPlugin, PSPlugin, RTFPlugin and PDFPlugin. It facilitates the conversion of these document types to either HTML, TEXT or a series of images. It works by dynamically loading an appropriate secondary plugin (HTMLPlugin, StructuredHTMLPlugin, PagedImagePlugin or TextPlugin) based on the plugin argument 'convert_to'.
    784789ExcelPlugin.desc:A plugin for importing Microsoft Excel files (versions 95 and 97).
     791FavouritesPlugin.desc:Plugin to process Internet Explorer Favourites files.
    786793FOXPlugin.desc:Plugin to process a Foxbase dbt file. This plugin provides the basic functionality to read in the dbt and dbf files and process each record. This general plugin should be overridden for a particular database to process the appropriate fields in the file.
    800807HBPlugin.desc:Plugin which processes an HTML book directory. This plugin is used by the Humanity Library collections and does not handle input encodings other than ascii or extended ascii. This code is kind of ugly and could no doubt be made to run faster, by leaving it in this state I hope to encourage people to make their collections use BookPlugin instead ;-)\n\nUse BookPlugin if creating a new collection and marking up files like the Humanity Library collections. BookPlugin accepts all input encodings but expects the marked up files to be cleaner than those used by the Humanity Library collections
     809HBPlugin.encoding.iso_8859_1:Latin1 (western languages)
    802811HTMLPlugin.assoc_files:Perl regular expression of file extensions to associate with html documents.
    834843HTMLPlugin.old_style_HDL:To mark whether the file in this collection used the old HDL document's tags style.
     845ImageConverter.cache_generated_images:Cache thumbnails and screenview images so they don't need to be repeatedly generated.
    836847ImageConverter.converttotype:Convert main image to format 's'.
    921932MetadataPass.desc:On-the-side base class to BasPlug that supports metadata plugins utilise metadata_read pass of
     934MetadataXMLPlugin.desc:Plugin that processes metadata.xml files.
    923936METSPlugin.desc:Process Greenstone-style METS documents
    976989PrintInfo.bad_general_option:The %s plugin uses an incorrect option. Check your collect.cfg configuration file.
     991PrintInfo.desc:Most base plugin, handles printing info (using and parsing of the arguments.
    978993ProCitePlugin.desc:A plugin for (exported) ProCite databases
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