2014-11-28T17:38:39+13:00 (10 years ago)

Third related commit (first was committed under sjs49). Rebuilding Multimedia model-collection for perl 5.18/5.17 and later, since the perl update randomises the order of children of unsorted classifiers and for those children with identical filenames. Changes made to collect.cfg and new metadata.xml somewhere in import/tablature folder to set metadata). The collect.cfg now specifies that the AZCompactList classifier no longer sorts on ex.Title but on ex.Identifier, to ensure that duplicate Titles are still ordered consistently because their Identifier is unique. The removesuffix flag has been updated to allow for a space between the final char of a title and any following punctuation, a removeprefix flag has been added to ignore A or The (followed by any spaces) at the start of titles, so that otherwise identical titles get grouped under the same bookshelf, forcing the final bookshelf titles that are produced to be consistent.

1 edited

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