Changeset 30078

2015-07-31T17:05:01+12:00 (9 years ago)

Incorporating corrections from John Rose.

1 edited


  • main/trunk/release-kits/shared/core/language-strings/

    r29286 r30078  
    7474## GS2
    7575admin-expl.displayText=The administration pages of the Greenstone interface allow you to manage the users database, which is required if you wish to set up remote greenstone. They also provide an easy way to view log files and to edit the file 'main.cfg'.
    76 admin-expl-2.displayText=Do you wish to the enable the administration pages of Greenstone? (You will be asked for a password on the next page.)
     76admin-expl-2.displayText=Do you wish to enable the administration pages of Greenstone? (You will be asked for a password on the next page.)
    7777admin-expl-3.displayText=NOTE\: If you enable the administration pages, they may be accessible over the internet. Please choose a secure password to protect them. \n NOTE\: Administration pages can be enabled/disabled later by editing etc/main.cfg. Set status to enabled/disabled. An initial admin account with password admin will be created. Change this immediately.
    7878enable.admin.pages.displayText=Enable Admin Pages
    8080## GS3
    81 admin3-expl.displayText=The administration pages of the Greenstone interface allow you to manage the users database and to enable the Greenbug for visual editing of format statements and to enable the in-browser Edit mode to for editing the structure and content of documents.
     81admin3-expl.displayText=The administration pages of the Greenstone interface allow you to manage the users database, enable the Greenbug for visual editing of format statements and enable the in-browser Edit mode for editing the structure and content of documents.
    8282admin3-expl-2.displayText=Do you wish to set up a password for the administration pages of Greenstone now? (You will be asked for a password on the next page.)
    8383admin3-expl-3.displayText=Otherwise an initial admin account with password admin will be created. Change this immediately from the library home page.
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