Changeset 37806 for gs2-extensions

2023-07-09T19:01:11+12:00 (11 months ago)

Regenerated the 32 bit linux imagemagick and created the tarball for it on the 32 bit VM. Tested it works on the 32 bit linux VM on local windows machine in lab: PDFv2Plugin's pagedimg_png setting now works: I tested with and without enable-cache, as the problem really was that the old bundled imagemagick didn't have the ability to convert to PNG, nor did it have the libraries for it. This latest imagemagick compiled up for 32 bit linux should support gif, jpg as before as well as PNG and TIFF. Tiff untested, but I checked the output of the command: identify -list format and all these web formats have rw set, as specified in the included Readme file. I have cut down the linux folder inside the generated imagemagick to just bin, etc, lib, script as in the instructions for darwin, as these were all the folders I could find in the 64 bit imagemagick tarball (also when installed into a GS3 binary).

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