Changeset 38732

2024-02-12T13:02:22+13:00 (4 months ago)

Change developed for The Willow project, to support the up-front tick-box fielded seraching. On the query page, this interface provides a search box, and under it a set of check-box document types (article, interview, etc). The result of entering a term in the search box with some of the check-boxes ticked is to issue an advanced query syntax, where the required document types are concatenated in as metadata terms. Things did not initially work with Solr, as Solr imposes its own notation of what are required terms in a query. This work, with explicit bracketing is so an explicit Sum-of-Products form of query is generated. After a discussion with Kathy, an alternative way of achieving the desired outcome was worked out which did not need any code changes. Using Kath's approach is how The Willow interface is currently coded, so this code change ultimately was not needed. However, it does seem like a good idea in general, as Solr's ranking of important terms is quite opaque, and easy to overlook when thinking of queries at the Greenstone level of work. So, choosing to keep this mod around in the source code for now

2 added

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