Changeset 5228 for trunk/gli/classes

2003-08-21T11:02:08+12:00 (21 years ago)

New Phrases

1 edited


  • trunk/gli/classes/

    r5197 r5228  
    134134CDM.General.Icon_Collection:URL to about page icon:
    135135CDM.General.Icon_Collection_Small:URL to home page icon:
    136 CDM.FormatManager.Add:Add Format
    137137CDM.FormatManager.Assigned_Formats:Currently Assigned Format Commands
    138 CDM.FormatManager.Custom:{43}{48}custom{49}{45}
    139 CDM.FormatManager.Editor:Edit Format String
     138CDM.FormatManager.Editor:HTML Format String
     139CDM.FormatManager.Editing_Controls:Editing Controls
    140140CDM.FormatManager.Feature:Choose Feature
    142142CDM.FormatManager.Instructions:The web pages you see when using Greenstone are not pre-stored but are generated 'on the fly' as they are needed. Format commands are used to change the appearance of these generated pages. Some are switches that control the display of documents or parts of documents; others are more complex and require html code as an argument.\nTo add a format command, choose it from the 'feature' list. If a True/False option panel appears, select the state by clicking on the appropriate button. If a panel containing the 'Affected Feature' and 'Edit Format Strings' controls appears, you need to enter html text. You can include preset variables by selecting them from the list.\nOnce you are statisfied with your changes, press 'Add Format' to add it to the configuration file.\nRemove a format command by selecting it from the 'Assigned Format Commands' and clicking 'Remove Format'.
    143 CDM.FormatManager.Off:False
    144 CDM.FormatManager.On:True
    145143CDM.FormatManager.Part:Affected Component
    146 CDM.FormatManager.Preview:Preview Format
    147 CDM.FormatManager.Remove:Remove Format
    148 CDM.FormatManager.Special:Variables
     146CDM.FormatManager.Reset:Restore Default
    149147CDM.FormatManager.Title:{39}{46}Format Commands{47}{34}
    151150CDM.General.Email.Creator:Creator's Email
    152151CDM.General.Email.Maintainer:Maintainer's Email
    239238CDM.SearchTypeManager.Instructions:Defining the search type is an advanced feature only available when enabled (by checking the 'Enable Advanced Searches' box). Once enabled further controls for selecting and changing the order of search types become available. Select a search type from the combobox and 'Add Search Type', if enabled, to add the search type. Select an existing search type from the list, and use 'Move Up' and 'Move Down' to change the order, or 'Remove Search Type' to remove it.\n\nThe search types specify what kind of search interface should be provided: form, for fields searching, and/or plain for regular searching. The ordering is important as the first one will be used for the initial search page by default.\n\nIt is also important to note that enabling search types causes the appearance of the Indexes view to change as well. Fielded searching is a newer feature of Greenstone, and thus requires different index information. When search types is enabled all current indexes are modified to be valid indexes under the new schema, while disabling search types will cause GLI to do its best to convert new indexes back into the old style but it may not always be successful, in which case the indexes will be removed. In either case a copy of the original index command line will be available as a comment in the configuration file.
    240239CDM.SearchTypeManager.Remove:Remove Selected Search Type
    241 CDM.SearchTypeManager.SearchType:Search Types:
     240CDM.SearchTypeManager.SearchType:Search Type
     241CDM.SearchTypeManager.SearchType_Selection:Search Types:
    242242CDM.SearchTypeManager.Title:{39}{46}Search Type Selection & Ordering{47}{34}
    243243CDM.SubcollectionManager.Add:Add New Filter
    740740#***** Missing EXEC *****
    741 MissingEXEC.Message:Warning! You will not be able to view your new collections within the Librarian Interface unless you specify the path to the locally running Greenstone Library Webserver. You can enter this now in the text field below, or later by going to Preferences and choosing the Connection tab.
     741MissingEXEC.Message:Warning! You will not be able to view your new collections within the Librarian Interface unless you specify the path to the locally running Greenstone Library Webserver. You can enter this now in the text field below, or later by going to Preferences and choosing the Connection tab. Remember the a valid url must start with the protocol "http://", and end with the execuable name ("library" for Greenstone local library server, "gsdl" for other web servers).
    742742MissingEXEC.Title:Missing Greenstone Library Address
    743743#***** Missing GSDL *****
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