Changeset 5309 for trunk/gli/classes

2003-08-27T16:50:19+12:00 (21 years ago)

changed some strings

1 edited


  • trunk/gli/classes/

    r5278 r5309  
    115115CDM.ArgumentConfiguration.Required_Argument:The argument '{0}' must be given a value.
    116116CDM.ArgumentConfiguration.Title:Configuring Arguments
    117 CDM.ClassifierManager.Add:Add Specified Classifier
     117CDM.ClassifierManager.Add:Add Classifier
    118118CDM.ClassifierManager.Assigned:Currently Assigned Classifiers
    119119CDM.ClassifierManager.Classifier:Select classifier to add:
    122122CDM.ClassifierManager.Classifier_XML_Parse_Failed:GLI has been unable to determine the arguments for the {0}\nclassifier.  Please ensure that the classifier in question\nprovides the  -xml flag by running the script\nsimilar to the  description of the  script in\nsection   2.1  of   the   Greenstone   Developers   Guide.
    123 CDM.ClassifierManager.Configure:Configure Selected Classifier
     123CDM.ClassifierManager.Configure:Configure Classifier
    124124CDM.ClassifierManager.Controls:Editing Controls
    125 CDM.ClassifierManager.Instructions:Use this view to add, configure or remove classifiers in your collection. To add a classifier, choose it from the combobox and click 'Add Specified Classifier'.\nTo remove a classifier, choose it from the list of assigned classifiers and click 'Remove Selected Classifier'.\nTo configure a classifier, choose it from the list of assigned classifiers, and click 'Configure Selected Classifier'.\n\nWhen you configure a classifier a scrollable list of its arguments will appear. Enable arguments and enter or select values as necessary.
    126 CDM.ClassifierManager.Remove:Remove Selected Classifier
     125CDM.ClassifierManager.Instructions:Use this view to add, configure or remove classifiers in your collection. To add a classifier, choose it from the combobox and click 'Add Classifier'.\nTo remove a classifier, choose it from the list of assigned classifiers and click 'Remove Classifier'.\nTo configure a classifier, choose it from the list of assigned classifiers, and click 'Configure Classifier'.\n\nWhen you configure a classifier a scrollable list of its arguments will appear. Enable arguments and enter or select values as necessary.
     126CDM.ClassifierManager.Remove:Remove Classifier
    127127CDM.ClassifierManager.Title:{39}{46}Classifier Selection & Configuration{47}{34}
    128128CDM.ClassifierManager.Parsing.Message:Design tool is loading classifier information.
    134134CDM.General.Icon_Collection:URL to about page icon:
    135135CDM.General.Icon_Collection_Small:URL to home page icon:
    136 CDM.FormatManager.Add:Add
     136CDM.FormatManager.Add:Add Format
    137137CDM.FormatManager.Assigned_Formats:Currently Assigned Format Commands
    138138CDM.FormatManager.Editor:HTML Format String
    139139CDM.FormatManager.Editing_Controls:Editing Controls
    140141CDM.FormatManager.Feature:Choose Feature
    142143CDM.FormatManager.Instructions:The web pages you see when using Greenstone are not pre-stored but are generated 'on the fly' as they are needed. Format commands are used to change the appearance of these generated pages. Some are switches that control the display of documents or parts of documents; others are more complex and require html code as an argument.\nTo add a format command, choose it from the 'feature' list. If a True/False option panel appears, select the state by clicking on the appropriate button. If a panel containing the 'Affected Feature' and 'Edit Format Strings' controls appears, you need to enter html text. You can include preset variables by selecting them from the list.\nOnce you are statisfied with your changes, press 'Add Format' to add it to the configuration file.\nRemove a format command by selecting it from the 'Assigned Format Commands' and clicking 'Remove Format'.
    143144CDM.FormatManager.Part:Affected Component
    144 CDM.FormatManager.Remove:Remove
    145 CDM.FormatManager.Replace:Replace
    146 CDM.FormatManager.Reset:Restore Default
     145CDM.FormatManager.Remove:Remove Format
     146CDM.FormatManager.Replace:Replace Format
    147147CDM.FormatManager.Title:{39}{46}Format Commands{47}{34}
    166166CDM.GUI.SuperCollection:Cross-Collection Search
    167167CDM.GUI.Translation:Translate Text
    168 CDM.IndexManager.Add:Add Specified Index
    169 CDM.IndexManager.Clear_Default:Clear Default Index
     168CDM.IndexManager.Add:Add Index
     169CDM.IndexManager.Clear_Default:Clear Default
    170170CDM.IndexManager.Default_Index:Default Index:
    171171CDM.IndexManager.Default_Index_Indicator:[Default Index]
    173173CDM.IndexManager.Index_Exists:That index has already been assigned for this collection.
    174174CDM.IndexManager.Indexes:Assigned Indexes
    175 CDM.IndexManager.Instructions:Here you choose what searchable indexes the collection will have.\nTo add a new index, select what material is to be indexed, choose the level of the index, and click 'Add Specified Index'.\nTo remove an index, select it from the assigned indexes list and click 'Remove Selected Index'.\nTo set the default index, select it from the assigned indexes list and click 'Set Selected As Default'.\nTo clear the default, click 'Clear Default Index'.
     175CDM.IndexManager.Instructions:Here you choose what searchable indexes the collection will have.\nTo add a new index, select what material is to be indexed, choose the level of the index, and click 'Add Index'.\nTo remove an index, select it from the assigned indexes list and click 'Remove Index'.\nTo set the default index, select it from the assigned indexes list and click 'Set Default'.
    176176CDM.IndexManager.Level:At the level:
    177177CDM.IndexManager.Level_Exists:That level has already been assigned for this collection.
    178 CDM.IndexManager.MGPP.Add_Index:Add New Index
    179 CDM.IndexManager.MGPP.Add_Level:Add New Level
     178CDM.IndexManager.MGPP.Add_All_Metadata:Add All
     179CDM.IndexManager.MGPP.Add_Index:Add Index
     180CDM.IndexManager.MGPP.Add_Level:Add Level
    180181CDM.IndexManager.MGPP.Current_Indexes:Currently Assigned Indexes
    181182CDM.IndexManager.MGPP.Current_Levels:Currently Assigned Levels
    187188CDM.IndexManager.MGPP.Level_Name:Level Name:
    188189CDM.IndexManager.MGPP.Levels:Manage Levels
    189 CDM.IndexManager.MGPP.Remove_Index:Remove Selected Index
    190 CDM.IndexManager.MGPP.Remove_Level:Remove Selected Level
     190CDM.IndexManager.MGPP.Remove_Index:Remove Index
     191CDM.IndexManager.MGPP.Remove_Level:Remove Level
     192CDM.IndexManager.MGPP.Replace_Index:Replace Index
    191193CDM.IndexManager.MGPP.Title:{39}{46}Index And Level Selection{47}{34}
    192194CDM.IndexManager.Name:Index Name:
    194 CDM.IndexManager.Remove:Remove Selected Index
     196CDM.IndexManager.Remove:Remove Index
    196 CDM.IndexManager.Set_Default:Set Selected As Default
     198CDM.IndexManager.Set_Default:Set Default
    197199CDM.IndexManager.Source:Build index on:
    198200CDM.IndexManager.Text_Only:'text' only.
    220222CDM.Move.Move_Up:Move Up
    221223CDM.Move.Title:Error - Cannot Move
    222 CDM.PlugInManager.Add:Add Specified Plugin
     224CDM.PlugInManager.Add:Add Plugin
    223225CDM.PlugInManager.Assigned:Currently Assigned Plugins
    224226CDM.PlugInManager.Configure:Configure Selected Plugin
    225227CDM.PlugInManager.Controls:Editing Controls
    226 CDM.PlugInManager.Instructions:Use this view to add, configure or remove plugins from your collection. To add one choose it from the combobox and click 'Add Specified Plugin'.\nTo configure or remove one, select it from the list of assigned plugins then:\ni)   Change its position in the plugin order by clicking on the arrow buttons. (Note: The position of RecPlug and ArcPlug are fixed).\nii)  Configure it by clicking 'Configure Selected Plugin',\niii) Remove it by clicking 'Remove Selected Plugin'.\n\nPlugins are configured using a pop-up design area with a scrollable list of arguments. Enable arguments and enter or select values as necessary.
     228CDM.PlugInManager.Instructions:Use this view to add, configure or remove plugins from your collection. To add one choose it from the combobox and click 'Add Plugin'.\nTo configure or remove one, select it from the list of assigned plugins then:\ni)   Change its position in the plugin order by clicking on the arrow buttons. (Note: The position of RecPlug and ArcPlug are fixed).\nii)  Configure it by clicking 'Configure Plugin',\niii) Remove it by clicking 'Remove Plugin'.\n\nPlugins are configured using a pop-up design area with a scrollable list of arguments. Enable arguments and enter or select values as necessary.
    227229CDM.PlugInManager.PlugIn:Select plugin to add:
    228230CDM.PlugInManager.PlugIn_Exists:That plugin has already been assigned for this collection.
    230232CDM.PlugInManager.PlugIn_XML_Parse_Failed:GLI has been unable to determine the arguments for the {0}\nplugin. Please ensure that the plugin in question provides\nthe  -xml flag by running the script described\nin  section  2.1  of  the   Greenstone  Developers  Guide.
    231 CDM.PlugInManager.Remove:Remove Selected Plugin
     233CDM.PlugInManager.Remove:Remove Plugin
    232234CDM.PlugInManager.Title:{39}{46}Plugin Selection & Configuration{47}{34}
    233235CDM.PlugInManager.Parsing.Message:Design tool is loading plugin information.
    234236CDM.PlugInManager.Parsing.Title:Loading PlugIns
    235 CDM.SearchTypeManager.Add:Add New Search Type
     237CDM.SearchTypeManager.Add:Add Search Type
    236238CDM.SearchTypeManager.Assigned:Currently Assigned Search Types
    237239CDM.SearchTypeManager.Enable:Enable Advanced Searches
    238240CDM.SearchTypeManager.Instructions:Defining the search type is an advanced feature only available when enabled (by checking the 'Enable Advanced Searches' box). Once enabled further controls for selecting and changing the order of search types become available. Select a search type from the combobox and 'Add Search Type', if enabled, to add the search type. Select an existing search type from the list, and use 'Move Up' and 'Move Down' to change the order, or 'Remove Search Type' to remove it.\n\nThe search types specify what kind of search interface should be provided: form, for fields searching, and/or plain for regular searching. The ordering is important as the first one will be used for the initial search page by default.\n\nIt is also important to note that enabling search types causes the appearance of the Indexes view to change as well. Fielded searching is a newer feature of Greenstone, and thus requires different index information. When search types is enabled all current indexes are modified to be valid indexes under the new schema, while disabling search types will cause GLI to do its best to convert new indexes back into the old style but it may not always be successful, in which case the indexes will be removed. In either case a copy of the original index command line will be available as a comment in the configuration file.
    239 CDM.SearchTypeManager.Remove:Remove Selected Search Type
     241CDM.SearchTypeManager.Remove:Remove Search Type
    240242CDM.SearchTypeManager.SearchType:Search Type
    241243CDM.SearchTypeManager.SearchType_Selection:Search Types:
    242244CDM.SearchTypeManager.Title:{39}{46}Search Type Selection & Ordering{47}{34}
    243 CDM.SubcollectionManager.Add:Add New Filter
     245CDM.SubcollectionManager.Add:Add Filter
    244246CDM.SubcollectionManager.Assigned:Defined Subcollection Filters
    251253CDM.SubcollectionManager.Match:Regular expression to match with:
    252254CDM.SubcollectionManager.Name:Name the subcollection filter:
    253 CDM.SubcollectionManager.Remove:Remove Selected Filter
     255CDM.SubcollectionManager.Remove:Remove Filter
     256CDM.SubcollectionManager.Replace:Replace Filter
    254257CDM.SubcollectionManager.Source:Document attribute to match against:
    255258CDM.SubcollectionManager.Subcollection_Controls:Define Filters
    256259CDM.SubcollectionManager.Subindex_Controls:Assign Partitions
    257260CDM.SubcollectionManager.Title:{39}{46}Partition Indexes{47}{34}
    258 CDM.SubcollectionManager.Update:Update Selected Filter
    259261CDM.SubcollectionIndexManager.Add_Subindex:Add Partition
    260262CDM.SubcollectionIndexManager.Clear_Default_Subindex:Clear Default
    265267CDM.SubcollectionIndexManager.Subcollection:Defined Subcollection Filters
    266268CDM.SubcollectionIndexManager.Subindexes:Assigned Subcollection Partitions
    267 CDM.SuperCollectionManager.Instructions:A supercollection is one where a single search is performed over several collections, as if all the collections were one. Specify the collections to include in the supercollection by clicking on the appropriate collection's name in the list below. The current collection will automatically be included. \nWARNING: If the individual collections do not have the same indexes (including subcollection partitions and language partitions) as each other, cross-collection searching will not work properly. The user will only be able to search using indexes common to all collections.
    268 CDM.SuperCollectionManager.Title:{39}{46}Super-Collection Selection{47}{34}
     269CDM.SuperCollectionManager.Instructions:Cross-collection searching is where a single search is performed over several collections, as if all the collections were one. Specify the collections to include in a search by clicking on the appropriate collection's name in the list below. The current collection will automatically be included. \nWARNING: If the individual collections do not have the same indexes (including subcollection partitions and language partitions) as each other, cross-collection searching will not work properly. The user will only be able to search using indexes common to all collections.
     270CDM.SuperCollectionManager.Title:{39}{46}Cross-Collection Search Configuration{47}{34}
    269271CDM.TranslationManager.Add:Add Translation
    453455#******* File Associations dialog **********
    454 FileAssociationDialog.Add:Add
     456FileAssociationDialog.Add:Add Association
    455457FileAssociationDialog.Batch_File:Batch files
    461463FileAssociationDialog.Extension:For files ending:
    462464FileAssociationDialog.Instructions:Use this dialog to set what external programs are used to view a certain file-type, and what command is sent to launch this program.\nTo select a current file association, choose an extension from the 'For file's ending' drop down list.\nTo add a new file-type, type its extension in 'For file's ending'.\nTo add or modify a launch command, type the new command in 'Launch command' or click 'Browse' to search the file system for an appropriate program. Use the special string '%1' to indicate where the name of the file to be opened should be inserted, e.g. "C:\\Windows\\System\\MSPaint.exe %1". '%1' will be appended to the end of a command if not otherwise specified.
     465FileAssociationDialog.Remove:Remove Association
     466FileAssociationDialog.Replace:Replace Association
    463467FileAssociationDialog.Title:Edit File Associations
    529533# Currently Enabled and Disabled display the same text but in different
    530534* colours. If necessary this can be changed.
    531 GUI.Browser:Browse
    804808MSMPrompt.Select_Element_Element:Select Element:
    806 MSMPrompt.Select_Element_Instructions:The metadata element {0} cannot be automatically imported into the collection. Select a metadata set and either:\n(1) press 'Add' to add the metadata to that set, or\n(2) choose an element and press 'Merge' to import {0} metadata to this element.
     810MSMPrompt.Select_Element_Instructions:The metadata element {0} cannot be automatically imported into the collection. Select a metadata set and either:\n(1) press 'Add' to add the metadata to that set (only if there is not already {0} metadata in the set), or\n(2) choose an element and press 'Merge' to import {0} metadata to this element.
    808812MSMPrompt.Select_Element_Original:Original element name:
    828832NewCollectionPrompt.Email_Error:You have either failed to enter an email, or the email as typed is not a valid. Please correct.
    829833NewCollectionPrompt.Error:Error in new collection.
    830 NewCollectionPrompt.Extracted_Metadata:Automatically extracted metadata
    831 NewCollectionPrompt.Hide_Extracted_Metadata:Hide Extracted Metadata
    832834NewCollectionPrompt.Instructions:To create a new collection fill out the fields below.
    833835NewCollectionPrompt.Metadata_Elements:Elements within selected set:
    840842NewCollectionPrompt.Title:Create a new Collection.
    841843NewCollectionPrompt.Title_Error:The title field must be filled out. Please correct.
    842 NewCollectionPrompt.View_Extracted_Metadata:View Extracted Metadata
    843844#***** New Folder Prompt *****
    844845NewFolderPrompt.Default_Folder_Name:new folder
    893894Preferences.Connection.Use_Proxy:Use proxy connection?
    895 Preferences.General.Hide_File_Size:Hide file size
    896896Preferences.General.Interface_Language:Interface Language:
    897897Preferences.General.Restart_Required:GLI should now be restarted in order to complete loading a new interface language.
    898898Preferences.General.Restart_Required_Title:Restart Required
    899899Preferences.General.Show_File_Size:Show file size
     900Preferences.General.View_Extracted_Metadata:View Extracted Metadata
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.