Changeset 5609 for trunk/gli/classes

2003-10-11T12:48:48+13:00 (21 years ago)

Added a couple of missing strings, so they can be translated.

1 edited


  • trunk/gli/classes/

    r5598 r5609  
    201201CDM.IndexManager.Level_Tooltip:The document level to build the index on
    202202CDM.IndexManager.MGPP.Add_All_Metadata:Add All
     203CDM.IndexManager.MGPP.Add_All_Metadata_Tooltip:Build a separate index for each available source, using the source as the index name
    203204CDM.IndexManager.MGPP.Add_Level:Add Level
    204205CDM.IndexManager.MGPP.Add_Level_Tooltip:Build an index on the specified level
    208209CDM.IndexManager.MGPP.Index_Tooltip:Metadata element to build index on
    209210CDM.IndexManager.MGPP.Indexes:Manage Indexes
     211CDM.IndexManager.MGPP.Instructions:Here you choose what searchable indexes the collection will have.\nTo add a new index, enter a unique name for the index, select material/metadata is to be indexed, and click 'Add Index'.\nIf you wish to add all of the available sources so as to have indexes built on them, then click 'Add All' (the name for each index will default to be the name of the source). Note that this is subtly different from adding the 'AllFields' source, as the ordering of the indexes is important.\nIf you wish to edit a particular index, select it from the currently assigned indexes list, edit as necessary, and then click 'Replace Index', to replace the old version.\nTo remove an index, select it from the currently assigned indexes list and click 'Remove Index'.
    210212CDM.IndexManager.MGPP.Level:Level Source:
    211213CDM.IndexManager.MGPP.Level_Name:Level Name:
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