Changeset 6051 for trunk/gli/classes

2003-11-30T21:43:23+13:00 (21 years ago)

Here is the result of sixteen hours work over the weekend. I'm too tired to comment them all separately, but here are some of the highlights:
Rewrote how the 'base on collection' method actually retrieves and updates the collection configuration - ensuring the CDM.CollectionConfiguration class is used instead of the retarded Collection.CollectionConfiguration (which coincidently has had a name change to BasicCollectionConfiguration). Went through code search for places where the two versions had been confused. Rewrote large swathes of GDMDocument so as to differentiate between normal and extracted metadata - an attempt to prevent the snowballing extracted metadata problem. Fixed problem where GLI was correctly recieving the last few lines of an external process. The collection shortname is no longer visible, nor is the confusing double name for metadata elements. Also coloured folders in the trees are kaput. The users email is now saved as part of the GLI configuration and is used as appropriate to fill out collection fields. There are new options on the right click menus over trees to allow the expansion and collapsing of folders. 'Show Files' now shows all types (or at least 6 types) of image properly (arg, the plagues of copy and paste). 'Based On' collections are public, plugin list automatically moves to next entry if plugin removed (I guess we should do the same in every other screen?) and metadata arguments in plugins/classifiers are no longer editable. There are about a dozen other small things, but I can't remember them. Hope I remembered to set all of the files to UNIX line-endings.

1 edited


  • trunk/gli/classes/

    r6050 r6051  
    349349#***** Collection *****
    350 Collection.Collection:{32}Collection: {0}{34}
    351351Collection.Delete_Tooltip:Delete selected files and folders
    352352Collection.Filter_Tooltip:Restrict the files shown in the file tree
    556556General.Apply_Tooltip:Apply the current settings but do not exit the dialog
    557 General.Browse:Browse
    558558General.Browse_Tooltip:Choose a filepath on your computer
    699699#***** Menu Options *****
     700Menu.Collapse:Close Folder
    701702Menu.Edit_Copy:Copy (ctrl-c)
     709Menu.Expand:Open Folder
    709711Menu.File_Associations:File Associations...
    899901NewCollectionPrompt.Collection_Description:Description of content:
    900902#NewCollectionPrompt.Collection_Email:Author's Email:
    901 #NewCollectionPrompt.Collection_Name:Short Name:
     903NewCollectionPrompt.Collection_Name:Short Name:
    902904#NewCollectionPrompt.Collection_Name_Tooltip:Short collection name, used internally (must be 8 characters or less)
    903905NewCollectionPrompt.Description_Error:The description field must be filled out. Please correct.
    909911NewCollectionPrompt.Metadata_Instructions2:(Note: You can add new ones later).
    910912NewCollectionPrompt.Metadata_Title_Existing:Select metadata sets.
    911 NewCollectionPrompt.Name_Error:You have either failed to enter a name for the collection, or the name you have choosen is already in use. Please correct.
     913#NewCollectionPrompt.Name_Error:You have either failed to enter a name for the collection, or the name you have choosen is already in use. Please correct.
    912914NewCollectionPrompt.NewCollection:-- New Collection --
    913915NewCollectionPrompt.Select_MDS:Available metadata sets:
    914916NewCollectionPrompt.Set_Contains:This metadata set contains the elements
    915917NewCollectionPrompt.Title:Create a new Collection.
     918NewCollectionPrompt.Title_Clash:The title you have choosen for your collection is already in use. Please correct.
    916919NewCollectionPrompt.Title_Error:The title field must be filled out. Please correct.
    917920#***** New Folder Prompt *****
    963966Preferences.General_Tooltip:Set some general preferences
     967Preferences.General.Email:Users Email:
     968Preferences.General.Email_Tooltip:The email address automatically used for any collection created with the GLI
    964969Preferences.General.Interface_Language:Interface Language:
    965970Preferences.General.Interface_Language_Tooltip:Select the language you wish the interface and its controls to be displayed in.
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