Changeset 6218 for trunk/gli/buglist

2003-12-10T17:09:43+13:00 (20 years ago)

Several bugs fixed

1 edited


  • trunk/gli/buglist/status.txt

    r6122 r6218  
    1118 Pending
    1119 Determine whether table headers have height
     1119Determine whether table headers have height<br>For some ungodly reason table headers are sometimes assigned a preferred height of 2 pixels under the Aqua LAF. Now a test has been added for inappropriately small column headers, and they are set to more reasonable height (15-20 pixels)
    1470 Pending
    1471 OK
     1471If the profile happens to be sourced from a collection within the gsdl/collect folder, then its full path is supressed and only the short filename is used.
    1551 It appears from the error message generated that the classpath has been read as one giant string rather then folders separated by the : character. Not knowing Mandrake I can only assume that a different character should be used to have the script parsed correctly. Investigate the shell used, and contact Mike Jensen.
     1551It appears from the error message generated that the classpath has been read as one giant string rather then folders separated by the : character. Not knowing Mandrake I can only assume that a different character should be used to have the script parsed correctly. Investigate the shell used, and contact Mike Jensen<br>Well, it turns out to be much simplier than that. Apparently not all java implementations support the -cp shortcut for classpath. Hence java ignores '-cp' then tries to run the 'classes/:GLI/jar:lib/apache/jar:lib/calpa/jar:lib/jp/jar:lib/polloxml/jar:lib/qfslib/jar:lib/skinlf/jar:lib/nanoxml/jar' class - which of course fails (and not just because no classpath is specified and the '.' classpath isn't default under Mandrake). Ensure the full string '-classpath' is used in startup script.
    1838 Pending
    1839 Only enabled OK when file queue is processing something.
     1839Only enabled OK when file queue is processing something<br>The button is now only enabled when an action is occuring (I had a moment of worry when the code I wrote to do this caused GLI to throw bazillions of exceptions on start-up, until I realized the button enabling code was throwing an exception -before- the file actioning thread had reached the point where it is meant to wait for the rest of the gui to be created, thus exceptions galour!)
    2006 Pending
    2007 Ensure metadata is removed when file is deleted (seems pretty good) and that metadata isn't restored as per the old undo model
     2006Fixed 10-12-2003
     2007Ensure metadata is removed when file is deleted (seems pretty good) and that metadata isn't restored as per the old undo model<br>Found one error where a single occurance of a piece of metadata occasionally ended up with a count of 2, thus count != occurance and the metadata was marked as uncommon. The test has been changed so metadata is common is count >= occurance<br>Found more serious bug where I was removing elements from the DOM in a forward counting for loop - and since DOM NodeLists are live this lead to random behaviour. Now nodes are removed -after- the for loop (the for loop had to be forward counting for natural ordering reasons).
    22872287Done, but as a side effect of fixing modal dialog hang and progress bar.
     2290If you drag copy files which have associated metadata, but you have no metadata sets in your collection, you recieve a warning. If you click OK you are immediately faced with another warning. Then another. One for each file. Could we please have it so you only have to say OK once per drag action.
     2295Add another flag created for each file copy action, which records if the user has already seen and dismissed the WarningDialog.
     2298Once you have build a collection you are presented with a WarningDialog. Couldn't this be a less worrying MessageDialog instead?
     2303Subclass WarningDialog and replace 'warning' strings with 'message'. This may also require a change to the terminology in the prefences dialog to ensure people know where to look to find the hide/unhide for this dialog
     2306On the general design pane can we show a preview thumbnail of the icons, rather than a cryptic path with doesn't mean much to anyone?
     2311Dig out the thumbnailing code present in Hermes (GLI 0.1), and use thumbnail images rather than path. Will require a little shuffle around of components
     2314The ImportSet dialog needs simplifying in much the same way that the open collection dialog was.
     2319Create a SimpleImportSetDialog - however I have to be sneaky and mostly reuse strings already present in dictionary
     2322In format statements you're not allowed to put in 'ex.' for extracted metadata. We should use 'ex.' consistantly throughout GLI. If in Greenstone you encounter 'ex.' strip it
     2327Changing GLI so as to always show the namespace, including ex, shouldn't be to hard. A more difficult task will be changing Greenstone to make it aware of the ex namespace
     2330GLI Preferences panel - Modes: Geek vs Library tech support vs Librarian vs Librarian Assistant depending on whether you understand (a) running PERL scripts, and (b) regular expressions. Suppress stuff on Create and Design panels according.
     2335I don't know if I appreciate being referred to as a Geek! Anyhow the last two categories as easy to implement (make use of workflow code already in place) but the separation between the first three could be trickier. Redesign views involved to have different appearances depending on the mode setting. Also suggested was simplified messages in the log. This can easily be implemented once the non-language dependant markup has been added to perl scripts.
     2338Allow for any -metadata argument to plugins, classifiers etc to be a comma separated list. This will address the problem of metadata spread over several namespaces (ie ex.Title, dc.Title and dls.Title) and also allow a user to indicate preferred ordering.
     2343GLI can be easily extended, although the control itself - a mixture of a combobox, list and two buttons - might need some refinement. Extending Greenstone to provide this added functionality is of course a different story
     2346Several plugins still choke on filenames that include space
     2350Nothing To Do
     2351Fix plugins - it seems in several instances the only reason they're dying is an explicit assert preventing spaces - yet there seems to be no good reason for it
     2354Make images links in HTMLPlug work even when they're in a folder whose name contains an extended latin character (it already escapes space, but not accented letters)
     2359While this is mostly Greenstones problem, as ImagePlug is responsible for extracting 'images', GLI might be helping to propagate this problem by writing a malformed value into the metadata.xml<br>GLI no longer writes extracted metadata to metadata.xml in such a way that Greenstone will incorrectly reassign the values over and over.
     2362If you change the thumbnail size in ImagePlug (say to 50), the change is not reflected in any ex.thumbnailsize metadata previously extracted
     2367A combination of two problems: (1) Extracted metadata, in order for it to be available when you open a previously built collection, is stored in the metadata.xml files. However the second, and subsequent, times the Greenstone scripts are run this metadata is reassigned. Thus even if the thumbnail size changes, both values - the original and the new one - for the size will be available as extracted metadata, and (2) No attempt is currently made to remove obsolete extracted metadata as I had (incorrectly) assumed it would be pretty static.<br>The first problem has been addressed. While extracted metadata is still stored in the metadata.xml, it is now saved in an element named 'XMetadata', which is not recognized by Greenstone which only looks for 'Metadata' elements<br>Second problem fixed. Again I'd used a forward counting for loop - what was I thinking? Also shifted the whole thing out of the actually Archive parsing code, and made a method which removes all the extracted metadata at once (far more efficient ie 10 times faster)
     2370Export to CD-ROM. Progress bar needed
     2375An indeterminate progress bar is in place - but a more accurate progress bar is being postponed until the details of the non-language specific perl output markup is complete
     2378There is a memory leak caused by PreferencesPane reregistering components with the dictionary over and over
     2383Unregistering code needed - previously not necessary as all other 'temporary' components didn't need to be live in the case of a dictionary change. Preferences however - but design - is always active when the dictionary changes.
     2386Cancelling the autofilter dialog also removes any current filter for that column
     2391Ensure that the cancel action doesn't call the clear filter methods (as it used to before the remove filter button was added)<br>Done
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