Changeset 6493 for trunk/gli/help

2004-01-14T15:17:14+13:00 (20 years ago)

Removed a couple of words from the Mode description, just to be picky.

1 edited


  • trunk/gli/help/help.xml

    r6487 r6493  
    15881588the dictionary.
    1590 The "Mode" panel is used to control the level and complexity of detail within the interface. At its lowest setting, "Library Assistant", the design view is disabled, arguments requiring regular expressions are hidden and the collection building produces a minimal log of events. In contrast the highest setting, "Expert", provides access to all of the features of design, including plugin positioning and regular expression arguments, and also allows the full output from the collection building to be recorded in the logs. To change or review modes, click the radio button next to the mode you are interested in. You can quickly review what mode you are in by looking at the Librarian Interface's title bar.
     1590The "Mode" panel is used to control the level of detail within the interface. At its lowest setting, "Library Assistant", the design view is disabled, arguments requiring regular expressions are hidden and the collection building produces a minimal log of events. In contrast the highest setting, "Expert", provides access to all of the features of design, including plugin positioning and regular expression arguments, and also allows the full output from the collection building to be recorded in the logs. To change or review modes, click the radio button next to the mode you are interested in. You can quickly review what mode you are in by looking at the Librarian Interface's title bar.
    15921592The Librarian Interface can support different workflows by determining which of
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