Changeset 8525 for trunk/greenorg

2004-11-12T13:28:25+13:00 (20 years ago)

modified the classifier images text to point to Michaels new image generation service

1 edited


  • trunk/greenorg/macros/

    r8523 r8525  
    14311431_tfaqbuild11body_ {
    1432 To create and add the new buttons for a new classifier, there are several macro files that need to be edited. This is an example for the Countries metadata. <i>Countries</i> is the metadata name (or buttonname), <i>count</i> is the short form used in image names, <i>countries</i> is the text that appears on the nav bar buttons and the green title.
    1433 <p>
    1434 These lines should all be put next to the other ones ones of the same type. Use Title as an example to search for the approriate place to insert.
     1433There are several images and macro file modifications needed for a new type of classifier. The following instructions use Countries as an example. <i>Countries</i> is the metadata name (or buttonname), <i>count</i> is the short form used in image names, and <i>countries</i> is the text that appears on the images.
     1434<p>The images that are needed are the navigation bar images, and the title image with the green bar in the background. There are 3 navigation bar images: <i>tcountgr.gif</i> is the green one and <i>tcounton.gif</i> and  <i>tcountof.gif</i> are the two yellow ones for the rollover effect.
     1435<i>h_count.gif</i> is the title image.
     1437<p>These images can be generated by going <a href="">here</a>. Select the appropriate language and enter the image text (e.g. countries) in the box. English versions of the images should be saved to $GSDLHOME/images, while other language versions should be placed in the appropriate subdirectory of $GSDLHOME/images, for example $GSDLHOME/images/fr for french images. The images should be renamed as above, for example <i>1102920344gr.gif</i> would be renamed to <i>tcountgr.gif</i>.
     1439<p>To get Greenstone to use the new images, some macro files need to be edited.
     1440The following lines should all be put next to the other ones ones of the same type. Use Title as an example to search for the approriate place to insert.
    14721478<br>\_heighthcount\_ \{57\}
    1475 <p>
    1476 The images that are needed are the nav bar images, and the title image with the green bar in the background. There are 3 nav bar images: <i>tcountgr.gif</i> is the green one and <i>tcounton.gif</i> and  <i>tcountof.gif</i> are the two yellow ones for the rollover effect.
    1477 <i>h_count.gif</i> is the title image.
    1479 <p>These images can be generated by copying the two ## blocks from above into a temp file and running on it eg.
    1481 <br> -language_symbol en
    1483 <p>To add the images in other languages, you need to edit the appropriate language macro file, and add the same items as for And run the translate script to generate the images.
    1484 <p>English versions of the images should be placed in the $GSDLHOME/images directory, while other language versions should be placed in the appropriate subdirectory of $GSDLHOME/images, for example $GSDLHOME/images/fr for french images.
     1480<p>To use the images for other languages, you need to edit the appropriate language macro file, and add the same items as for, with the exception that image paths will have the subdirectory in them. For example, \_httpimg\_/fr/h\_count.gif.
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