actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.BrowseDisplay.ClassifierButton
Called when someone presses the ClassifierButton: when pressed, perform the browse request associated with the classifier.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.Displays.PopupListener
Called when one of the popup's menuItems was clicked.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.GS3JavaClient
Event handler for actionEvents such as a change in the active digital library, a collection being selected in the dropdown box or the collection -Info button being pressed, or a service being selected in the service dropdown box (browsing or searching).
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.QueryForm
Called when this QueryForm's search button is pressed: the data entered/controls settings specified by the user are passed to the digital library's Query Service in order to perform the search.
activate(String, String) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3services.AdminSOAPServer
Sends a (re-)activate system-type message to activate a Greenstone module.
activity - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.GS3JavaClient
To keep track of whether we are searching or browsing.
addArrayParam(String) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.GS3WebServicesQBRAPI
Helper method.
addGridBagComponent(JPanel, JComponent, GridBagLayout, GridBagConstraints, int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.QueryFormControl
The multi-panel is laid out with a GridBagLayout in order to make the layout more attractive (so that the form controls don't have as odd sizes as before when GraphPaperLayout was used).
addLayoutComponent(String, Component) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.GraphPaperLayout
Adds the specified component with the specified name to the layout.
addLayoutComponent(Component, Object) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.GraphPaperLayout
Adds the specified component to the layout, using the specified constraint object.
addStringParam(String) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.GS3WebServicesQBRAPI
Helper method.
AdminSOAPServer - Class in org.greenstone.gs3services
A beginning to the AdminSOAPServer class which will contain management/admin related web services such as adding new documents, creating, building and importing collections and configuring Greenstone modules.
AdminSOAPServer() - Constructor for class org.greenstone.gs3services.AdminSOAPServer
Constructor that initializes the web services' MessageRouter object Reads from GlobalProperties to get gsdl3_home and set the sitename.


background - Static variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.ColourCombo
Fixed background colour for textareas, editorPanes (html)
basicQuery(String, String, String) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.GS3WebServicesQBRAPI
This method is used to perform the most basic query: it assumes defaults for all other parameters and provides only the query string.
basicQuery(String, String, String) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3services.QBRSOAPServer
This method is used to perform the most basic query: it assumes defaults for all other parameters and provides only the query string.
blue - Static variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.ColourCombo
Fedora dark background colour
bodyText - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.MetaData
Text node content of a <metadata> - the textnode may be empty, in which case this will be set to ""
browse(String, String, String, String[], String[]) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.GS3WebServicesQBRAPI
To send a browse request for specific parts of a classifier node (children, ancestors, descendants).
browse(String, String, String, String[], String[]) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3services.QBRSOAPServer
To send a browse request for specific parts of a classifier node (children, ancestors, descendants).
browseBar - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.BrowseDisplay
browseDescendants(String, String, String, String[]) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.GS3WebServicesQBRAPI
To send a browse request for all the descendants of a classifier node.
browseDescendants(String, String, String, String[]) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3services.QBRSOAPServer
To send a browse request for all the descendants of a classifier node.
BrowseDisplay - Class in org.greenstone.gs3client
The Browse panel inside the Java-client's tab pane that's labelled "Browse".
BrowseDisplay(GS3JavaClient) - Constructor for class org.greenstone.gs3client.BrowseDisplay
Constructor that creates the Browse Panel and its internal GUI items.
BrowseDisplay.ClassifierButton - Class in org.greenstone.gs3client
Inner class (not static, as it needs access to outerclass' this object.
BrowseDisplay.ClassifierButton(BrowseDisplay.ClassifierData) - Constructor for class org.greenstone.gs3client.BrowseDisplay.ClassifierButton
Constructor that creates a button to visually represent the classifier.
BrowseDisplay.ClassifierData - Class in org.greenstone.gs3client
Static inner class that represents the data in a <classifier> element - itself nested inside a list (<classifierList>) of them.
BrowseDisplay.ClassifierData(Element) - Constructor for class org.greenstone.gs3client.BrowseDisplay.ClassifierData
browseLabel - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.BrowseDisplay
browsePanel - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.BrowseDisplay
browsePanel - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.GS3JavaClient
BrowseResponseData - Class in org.greenstone.gs3client.data
Stores the data contained in an XML response message to a request for the classification Browse structure.
BrowseResponseData() - Constructor for class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.BrowseResponseData
Default constructor
browseResponseObject - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.GS3JavaClient
Object that stores the data of a browse response XML message (response for classification hierarchies)
browseStructureOptions - Static variable in class org.greenstone.gs3services.QBRSOAPServer
BROWSING - Static variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.GS3JavaClient
The value of the BROWSING activity
browsingTree - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.BrowseDisplay


call - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.GS3WebServicesQBRAPI
Axis Call object for invoking Greenstone 3's WebServices using its WSDL file
canBeImage() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.DocumentNodeData
changeAncestorColor(Component) - Static method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.ColourCombo
Given a component, sets its ancestors to the dark colour setting.
changeColor(Component[]) - Static method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.ColourCombo
Given an array of components, sets their background colours to a dark or light colour setting as appropriate.
changeColor(Component) - Static method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.ColourCombo
Given a Component, sets its background colours to a dark or light colour setting as appropriate.
changeDL(DigitalLibraryServicesAPIA) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.GS3JavaClient
Method that is called when the user chooses to change the active digital library (between Greenstone3 and Fedora).
changeUIColour() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.BrowseDisplay
Changes the colour of the query form and its controls to the current colours set in class ColourCombo.
changeUIColour() - Method in interface org.greenstone.gs3client.ColourCombo.ColourChangeable
Subclasses define this method in order to change the colour of the interface
changeUIColour(int) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.GS3JavaClient
Changes the background colours of the client's user interface based on what the active digital library is.
changeUIColour() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.QueryForm
Changes the colour of the query form and its controls to the current colours set in class ColourCombo.
changeUIColour() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.SearchResultsDisplay
Changes the colour of the query form and its controls to the current colours set in class ColourCombo.
childnodes - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.ClassifierNodeData
Children (of this NodeData) as given in a nodeStructure, which can be ClassifierNodeData or DocumentNodeData.
childnodes - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.DocumentNodeData
children of this node: part of <nodeStructure> Element
classifier - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.BrowseDisplay.ClassifierButton
Encapsulated classifierData obj
classifierList - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.BrowseDisplay
ClassifierNodeData - Class in org.greenstone.gs3client.data
ClassifierNodeData represents the information that can be stored in a <classifierNode> element.
ClassifierNodeData(Element) - Constructor for class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.ClassifierNodeData
Constructor that given a classifierNode element creates a ClassifierNodeData instance to parse and store its data.
clear() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.BrowseDisplay
Clears the service-specific buttons in the browseBar and the service-specific display-data.
clear() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.BrowseResponseData
Resets the internal data members of this BrowseResponseData object of their values so that this BrowseResponseData can be reused for the next Browse response message.
clear() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.QueryResponseData
Resets the internal data members of this QueryResponseData object of their values so that this QueryResponseData can be reused for the next Query response message.
clear() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.ResponseData
Clears/resets this ResponseData object of all data, so that it can be reused to process future Browse and Query requests.
clear() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.QueryForm
Call this method to empty all the form controls.
clear() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.SearchResultsDisplay
Clears the service-specific buttons in the browseBar and the service-specific display-data.
client - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.BrowseDisplay
Access to the running instance of GS3JavaClient
client - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.Displays.PopupListener
Handle to the running GS3JavaClient object to have access to its methods
client - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.QueryForm
Handle to the running instance of the GS3JavaClient in order to have access to its methods
client - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.SearchResultsDisplay
Access to the running instance of GS3JavaClient
collBox - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.GS3JavaClient
CollectionData - Class in org.greenstone.gs3client.data
CollectionData represents a Greenstone 3 collection and contains the data stored in a <collection></collection> element returned from a MessageRouter's desribe response XML and a Collection describe response XML.
CollectionData(Element) - Constructor for class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.CollectionData
Gets a <collection></collection> element as returned by the MessageRouter's describe response, with only the name field set.
CollectionData.MetaData - Class in org.greenstone.gs3client.data
Static inner class MetaData: can import it into other files as "import gs3client.CollectionData.MetaData;" In this way, can use it as if it were a regular class (a.o.t.
CollectionData.MetaData(Element) - Constructor for class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.CollectionData.MetaData
Given a <metadata></metadata> element, constructs a CollectionData sets its members using info extracted from it
CollectionData.PluginData - Class in org.greenstone.gs3client.data
PluginData inner class of CollectionData, represents the data stored in a <plugin></plugin> element.
CollectionData.PluginData(Element) - Constructor for class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.CollectionData.PluginData
Gets a <plugin></plugin> element and sets its members using info extracted from it.
CollectionData.ServiceData - Class in org.greenstone.gs3client.data
Only the name and type of a <service></service> element is stored, since this is all the service data available inside a collection's response message to a describe request.
CollectionData.ServiceData(Element) - Constructor for class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.CollectionData.ServiceData
Gets a <service></service> element and sets its members using info extracted from it
collectionNameField - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.GS3JavaClient
collInfoButton - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.GS3JavaClient
colName - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.GS3JavaClient
The currently selected collection
ColourCombo - Class in org.greenstone.gs3client
Background and selection color combinations for the Java-Client's interface.
ColourCombo(Color, Color) - Constructor for class org.greenstone.gs3client.ColourCombo
Constructor to create a ColourCombo combination of colours
ColourCombo.ColourChangeable - Interface in org.greenstone.gs3client
Interface ColourChangeable defines one method, changeUIColour(), which classes whose user-interface colours can change may implement.
comparator - Static variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.Displays
Static Comparator object for Pair objects of (name, value) Metadata
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.Displays.MetadataComparator
compTable - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.GraphPaperLayout
content - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.BrowseDisplay.ClassifierData
The content attribute of the <classifier>
converter - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3services.AdminSOAPServer
A converter class to parse XML and create Docs
converter - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3services.QBRSOAPServer
A converter class to parse XML and create Docs
createBooleanField() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.QueryFormControl
Creates check box controls for the <param> elements whose types are GSXML.PARAM_TYPE_BOOLEAN.
createEnumListing(Element) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.QueryFormControl
Creates combo boxes/drop-downs for the <param> elements whose types are GSXML.PARAM_TYPE_ENUM_SINGLE and listboxes for those whose types are GSXML.PARAM_TYPE_ENUM_MULTI.
createFedoraDLConnection() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.GS3JavaClient
Attempts to establish a connection to FedoraGS3.jar and instantiate a FedoraServicesAPIA object and store it in the member variable fedoraDL.
createGreenstoneDLConnection() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.GS3JavaClient
Attempts to establish a connection to GS3 Web services and instantiate a GS3ServicesAPIA object and store it in the member variable greenstoneDL.
createMultiPanel(Element, JPanel) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.QueryFormControl
A multi-panel is created for a *set* of controls that occur more than once.
createNodesForChildren(DocumentNodeData, DefaultMutableTreeNode) - Static method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.Displays
Recursion to add all descendent docnodes into the tree.
createTextField() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.QueryFormControl
Creates text fields for the <param> elements whose types are GSXML.PARAM_TYPE_STRING or GSXML.PARAM_TYPE_INTEGER).
createWidget(Element) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.QueryFormControl
Creates the appropriate form control for the <param> element, based on its type.
csSubsetOptions - Static variable in class org.greenstone.gs3services.QBRSOAPServer
current - Static variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.ColourCombo
The colour combination currently being used in the interface


dark - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.ColourCombo
background colours for panels, labels
deactivate(String, String) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3services.AdminSOAPServer
Sends a deactivate system-type message to activate a Greenstone module.
def - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.QueryFormData.QueryFormParam
default attribute of <param> tag
defaultColors - Static variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.ColourCombo
System default greys
defaultWsdlURL - Static variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.GS3WebServicesQBRAPI
The value that the input dialog's field wsdlURL will default to if there is (no properties file and) no wsdlURL property
descNodeIDsAsList(Vector, DocumentNodeData, boolean) - Static method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.DocumentNodeData
Recursive method that adds all the nodeIDs of the descendents of DocumentNodeData parent into the Vector v.
describe() - Method in interface org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.DigitalLibraryServicesAPIA
describe() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.FedoraServicesAPIA
describe() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.GS3ServicesAPIA
Part of the GS3 Java-Client's DigitalLibraryServicesAPIA interface contract
describe(String, String) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.GS3WebServicesQBRAPI
Describe request message sent to the Message Router.
describe(String, String) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3services.QBRSOAPServer
Sends a describe message to the MessageRouter.
describe(String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3services.QBRSOAPServer
For sending a describe message.
describeCollection(String) - Method in interface org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.DigitalLibraryServicesAPIA
describeCollection(String) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.GS3ServicesAPIA
Part of the GS3 Java-Client's DigitalLibraryServicesAPIA interface contract.
describeCollection(String, String, String) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.GS3WebServicesQBRAPI
For sending Describe messages to Collections.
describeCollection(String, String, String) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3services.QBRSOAPServer
For sending Describe messages to Collections.
describeCollectionService(String, String) - Method in interface org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.DigitalLibraryServicesAPIA
describeCollectionService(String, String) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.GS3ServicesAPIA
Part of the GS3 Java-Client's DigitalLibraryServicesAPIA interface contract.
describeCollectionService(String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.GS3WebServicesQBRAPI
For sending a describe message to a Collection's Service.
describeCollectionService(String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3services.QBRSOAPServer
For sending a describe message to a Collection's Service.
describeService(String) - Method in interface org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.DigitalLibraryServicesAPIA
describeService(String) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.GS3ServicesAPIA
Part of the GS3 Java-Client's DigitalLibraryServicesAPIA interface contract.
describeService(String, String, String) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.GS3WebServicesQBRAPI
For sending a describe message to a Service hosted by the Message Router (no collection).
describeService(String, String, String) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3services.QBRSOAPServer
For sending a describe message to a Service hosted by the Message Router (no collection).
describeServiceCluster(String, String, String) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.GS3WebServicesQBRAPI
For sending Describe messages to ServiceClusters.
describeServiceCluster(String, String, String) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3services.QBRSOAPServer
For sending Describe messages to ServiceClusters.
description - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.CollectionData
Description of the Greenstone collection represented by this CollectionData
DigitalLibraryServicesAPIA - Interface in org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices
Interface that defines the digital library methods that need to be provided by a digital library that's going to be incorporated into the Greenstone Java-Client, so that the client may be able to use/access its functionality.
DigitalLibraryServicesAPIA.CancelException - Exception in org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices
If there's a dialog, then the CancelException can be used to indicate that the user cancelled out of it rather than having seen it through.
DigitalLibraryServicesAPIA.CancelException() - Constructor for exception org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.DigitalLibraryServicesAPIA.CancelException
DigitalLibraryServicesAPIA.CancelException(String) - Constructor for exception org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.DigitalLibraryServicesAPIA.CancelException
DigitalLibraryServicesAPIA.CancelException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.DigitalLibraryServicesAPIA.CancelException
DigitalLibraryServicesAPIA.CancelException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.DigitalLibraryServicesAPIA.CancelException
displayBrowseOptions(Element) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.BrowseDisplay
Will clear previous browse service's classification options and widgets, and redisplay browse options as specified by the describe Response Message XML returned from the browse Service.
displayBrowseResults(BrowseResponseData, String) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.BrowseDisplay
Called to populate the browsing tree with browse data.
displayData - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.BrowseDisplay
A HashMap to store the displayData for the Browse operation.
displayDescription - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.BrowseDisplay.ClassifierData
The description attribute of the <classifier>
displayItem - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.QueryFormData
DisplayItem text content of the parameter or option this QueryFormData represents
displayName - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.BrowseDisplay.ClassifierData
The display name attribute of the <classifier>
displayName - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.CollectionData
Display name for the Greenstone collection represented by this CollectionData
Displays - Class in org.greenstone.gs3client
Class containing static methods, static variables and inner classes that are used by both SearchResultsDisplay and BrowseDisplay.
Displays() - Constructor for class org.greenstone.gs3client.Displays
Displays.MetadataComparator - Class in org.greenstone.gs3client
Static inner class MetadataComparator is a Comparator for the metadata fields stored as a list of Pair objects (name, values).
Displays.MetadataComparator() - Constructor for class org.greenstone.gs3client.Displays.MetadataComparator
Displays.PopupListener - Class in org.greenstone.gs3client
Handles rightclicks on a treeview of documentNodeData objects by showing the popupMenu with associated files that, when selected, can be displayed in the htmlPane.
Displays.PopupListener(JPopupMenu, JTree, GS3JavaClient, JEditorPane) - Constructor for class org.greenstone.gs3client.Displays.PopupListener
Constructor for the PopupListener.
Displays.PopupListener.AssocFilePopupItem - Class in org.greenstone.gs3client
Package access inner class.
Displays.PopupListener.AssocFilePopupItem(DocumentNodeData, String) - Constructor for class org.greenstone.gs3client.Displays.PopupListener.AssocFilePopupItem
Constructor that creates an AssocFilePopupItem (popup menu item) instance for each associated file of a documentNodeData that's been rightclicked on.
dlAPIA - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.GS3JavaClient
Reference to a digital library instance (Greenstone 3 or Fedora) that allows this client to execute services offered by the digital library
dlChooser - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.GS3JavaClient
dlOptions - Static variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.GS3JavaClient
doBrowse(BrowseDisplay.ClassifierData) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.GS3JavaClient
Given a ClassifierData object indicating what browsing category was chosen, this method will retrieve all its descendants in the hierarchy.
doc - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3services.AdminSOAPServer
Container Document to create XML Nodes
doc - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3services.QBRSOAPServer
Container Document to create XML Nodes
docContentEditPane - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.SearchResultsDisplay
docInfoPane - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.SearchResultsDisplay
docInfoWithContent - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.SearchResultsDisplay
docNode - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.Displays.PopupListener.AssocFilePopupItem
The documentNodeData that was rightclicked upon
docStructureInfo - Static variable in class org.greenstone.gs3services.QBRSOAPServer
docStructureOptions - Static variable in class org.greenstone.gs3services.QBRSOAPServer
docStructureTree - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.SearchResultsDisplay
docType - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.DocumentNodeData
DocType can be Hierarchical for instance
DocumentNodeData - Class in org.greenstone.gs3client.data
Represents the data stored in the <documentNode> Elements of Greenstone 3's XML response messages.
DocumentNodeData(Element) - Constructor for class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.DocumentNodeData
Given tags of the form <documentNode nodeID="HASHac0a04dd14571c60d7fbfd.4.2" nodeType="x" docType="y"> <nodeContent>Text</nodeContent> <nodeStructureInfo><info name="i" value="1" /> <info name = "ii" value = "2" /></nodeStructureInfo> <metadataList><metadata name="a">Value </metadata></metadataList> <nodeStructure> <documentNode ....></documentNode> <documentNode ....></documentNode> </nodeStructure> </documentNode> this constructor extracts the nodeId out of it and any other fields that might be set in the docNodeTag <documentNode> element.


equivTermList - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.QueryResponseData.TermData
The terms nested inside an <equivTermList>
error(String) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3services.AdminSOAPServer
Creates a String response message to represent an XML error response message using the error specified in the message parameter.
error(String) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3services.QBRSOAPServer
Creates a String response message to represent an XML error response message using the error specified in the message parameter.
executableServicesOnly - Static variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.GS3JavaClient
we want to display a drop-down box for the services available, but only Services that can be executed (searching and browsing)
extractDisplayItem(Element) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.QueryFormData
Given an element, extracts the text value from the first direct child element that is a <displayItem> element and returns this.


FEDORA - Static variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.GS3JavaClient
fedoraColors - Static variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.ColourCombo
Fedora's colour combinations of blue
fedoraDL - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.GS3JavaClient
Reference to the object that interacts with the FedoraGS3.jar component
FedoraServicesAPIA - Class in org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices
FedoraServicesAPIA implements DigitalLibraryServicesAPIA for enabling the Java-client to access a Fedora repository of Greenstone digital objects.
FedoraServicesAPIA() - Constructor for class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.FedoraServicesAPIA
Default constructor
field - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.QueryResponseData.TermData
first - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.Pair
first item of the Pair
format(String, String, String) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3services.AdminSOAPServer
Sends a format-type message to a Service containing format (Greenstone Format, GSF) XSLT statements to specify how a collection looks.
formFromQueryServiceDescribe(Element) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.QueryForm
Sets up the the query form for display (queryPanel) given the XML of the response-message returned by a "describe" request sent to a Query Service.
freq - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.QueryResponseData.TermData


getAllChildElementsCalled(Element, String) - Static method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.ParseUtil
getAssocFileBaseURL() - Method in interface org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.DigitalLibraryServicesAPIA
getAssocFileBaseURL(DocumentNodeData) - Method in interface org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.DigitalLibraryServicesAPIA
getAssocFileBaseURL(DocumentNodeData) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.FedoraServicesAPIA
getAssocFileBaseURL() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.GS3ServicesAPIA
Part of the GS3 Java-Client's DigitalLibraryServicesAPIA interface contract.
getAssocFileBaseURL(DocumentNodeData) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.GS3ServicesAPIA
Part of the GS3 Java-Client's DigitalLibraryServicesAPIA interface contract.
getAssocFilePath() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.DocumentNodeData
getAssociatedFileNames() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.DocumentNodeData
getBaseURL() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.GS3JavaClient
getBodyTextValue(Element) - Static method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.ParseUtil
getChildren() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.ClassifierNodeData
Gets the children of this node, but does not guarantee that *their* children are set.
getChildren() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.DocumentNodeData
getChildren() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.NodeData
getContent() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.DocumentNodeData
getCurrentCombo() - Static method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.ColourCombo
getDescendents() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.DocumentNodeData
getDescNodeIDsAsList(boolean) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.DocumentNodeData
When called on a rootNode, returns an array of all the descendents' nodeIDs.
getDescription() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.CollectionData
getDisplayName() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.CollectionData
getDisplayName() - Method in interface org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.DigitalLibraryServicesAPIA
getDisplayName() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.FedoraServicesAPIA
getDisplayName() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.GS3ServicesAPIA
getDocNodeForID(String) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.QueryResponseData
Given an nodeID, returns the DocumentNodeData object with that nodeID if any.
getDocType() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.DocumentNodeData
getDocumentNodeIDs() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.QueryResponseData
getDocumentNodeList() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.QueryResponseData
getElementsByTagNameNS(Element, String, String) - Static method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.GS3WebServicesQBRAPI
Static method that gets all the descendant elements of a portion of XMl within the same namespace as indicated by parameters namespacePrefix and localName.
getElementsByTagNameNS(Element, String, String, Vector) - Static method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.GS3WebServicesQBRAPI
At method's end, Vector v will contain those descendent elements of parentElement where the element's name is prefixed by namespacePrefix and suffixed by localName.
getElementsByTagNameSuffix(Element, String, Vector) - Static method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.GS3WebServicesQBRAPI
Recursive method.
getElementValuesForAttr(Element, String, String) - Static method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.ParseUtil
Given an Element <parentEl>, finds all direct child elements called <elName> that have an attribute named attrName: <elName attrName=value>bodytext</elName> This is particularly useful for extracting info for those cases where elName=<displayItem> and where the attrName is "name".
getEquivTermList() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.QueryResponseData.TermData
getFilePath(DocumentNodeData) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.GS3JavaClient
getFirst(Vector) - Static method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.Pair
Given a Vector of Pairs, returns an array of all the first values of each Pair.
getFirstChildElementCalled(Element, String) - Static method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.ParseUtil
Method that returns the first child element of parent whose tagname is childElementName.
getFirstDescElementCalled(Element, String) - Static method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.ParseUtil
Method that returns the first descendant element of parent whose tagname is descElementName.
getGridSize() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.GraphPaperLayout
getIcon() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.CollectionData
getIDToNodeMapping() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.BrowseResponseData
getIDToNodeMapping() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.ResponseData
getImgName() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.DocumentNodeData
getImgURL() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.DocumentNodeData
getImgUrlEnclosedInHtml(String) - Static method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.Displays
JEditorPane cannot deal with <img src="" />.
getLanguage() - Method in interface org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.DigitalLibraryServicesAPIA
Gets the language that's set as the preferred language.
getLanguage() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.GS3ServicesAPIA
Part of the GS3 Java-Client's DigitalLibraryServicesAPIA interface contract.
getLanguage() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.GS3JavaClient
getLargestCellSize(Container, boolean) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.GraphPaperLayout
Algorithm for calculating the largest minimum or preferred cell size.
getLayoutAlignmentX(Container) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.GraphPaperLayout
Returns the alignment along the x axis.
getLayoutAlignmentY(Container) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.GraphPaperLayout
Returns the alignment along the y axis.
getLayoutSize(Container, boolean) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.GraphPaperLayout
Algorithm for calculating layout size (minimum or preferred).
getListElementsAsArray(Element, String, String) - Static method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.ParseUtil
Given an xml element ('parent'), it looks through its direct children to find the <listElementName> tag and extracts each child called <childElementName> element from it.
getMetadataList() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.CollectionData
getMetadataList() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.NodeData
getMetaValueForName(String) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.QueryResponseData
getName() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.CollectionData
getNamespace() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.GS3WebServicesQBRAPI
getNodeForID(String) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.ResponseData
Given an nodeID, returns the NodeData object with that nodeID, if any.
getNodeType() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.DocumentNodeData
getNumDocsMatched() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.QueryResponseData
getNumDocsReturned() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.QueryResponseData
getPasswordAuthentication() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.GS3JavaClient.PasswordAuthenticator
getPluginList() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.CollectionData
getPort() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.GS3WebServicesQBRAPI
getPreferredSize() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.BrowseDisplay
Overrode this method to resize the splitpanes within, upon resize.
getPreferredSize() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.SearchResultsDisplay
Overrode this method to resize the splitpanes within, upon resize.
getQueryField() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.QueryResponseData
getResponseAsDOM(String, String) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.GS3JavaClient
Given an XML response string, returns the root document (element) representing its DOM form.
getRoot() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.DocumentNodeData
getRootClassifier() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.BrowseResponseData
getSecond(Vector) - Static method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.Pair
Given a Vector of Pairs, returns an array of all the second values of each Pair.
getService() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.GS3WebServicesQBRAPI
getServiceList(boolean) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.CollectionData
getSmallIcon() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.CollectionData
getSubElements() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.QueryFormData.QueryFormParam
Read-only accessor for this QueryFormParam object's subElements
getTermList() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.QueryResponseData
getTitle() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.NodeData
getUrl() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.CollectionData
getWsdl() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.GS3WebServicesQBRAPI
GraphPaperLayout - Class in org.greenstone.gs3client
The GraphPaperLayout class is a layout manager that lays out a container's components in a rectangular grid, similar to GridLayout.
GraphPaperLayout() - Constructor for class org.greenstone.gs3client.GraphPaperLayout
Creates a graph paper layout with a default of a 1 x 1 graph, with no vertical or horizontal padding.
GraphPaperLayout(Dimension) - Constructor for class org.greenstone.gs3client.GraphPaperLayout
Creates a graph paper layout with the given grid size, with no vertical or horizontal padding.
GraphPaperLayout(Dimension, int, int) - Constructor for class org.greenstone.gs3client.GraphPaperLayout
Creates a graph paper layout with the given grid size and padding.
green - Static variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.ColourCombo
Greenstone dark background colour
GREENSTONE - Static variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.GS3JavaClient
greenstoneColors - Static variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.ColourCombo
Greenstone greens
greenstoneDL - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.GS3JavaClient
Reference to the object that interacts with Greenstone3's web services
grey - Static variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.ColourCombo
Default background colour
gridSize - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.GraphPaperLayout
GS3JavaClient - Class in org.greenstone.gs3client
The main Javaclient class.
GS3JavaClient() - Constructor for class org.greenstone.gs3client.GS3JavaClient
Default constructor that creates and initialises this main window and its internal GUI components
GS3JavaClient.PasswordAuthenticator - Class in org.greenstone.gs3client
Inner class that handles authentication for any sites (urls, etc.) that require it.
GS3JavaClient.PasswordAuthenticator() - Constructor for class org.greenstone.gs3client.GS3JavaClient.PasswordAuthenticator
GS3ServicesAPIA - Class in org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices
GS3ServicesAPIA does two things: - it implements DigitalLibraryServicesAPIA for enabling the Java-client to access Greenstone's repository of collections and documents.
GS3ServicesAPIA() - Constructor for class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.GS3ServicesAPIA
Displays a dialog to get user input for the location of the Greenstone 3 web services' WSDL file
GS3ServicesAPIA(String) - Constructor for class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.GS3ServicesAPIA
GS3ServicesAPIA constructor, which, given the url to the wsdl file, finds either service and port or the service's endpoint of the GS3 Web Services and instantiates the associated Service and Call objects.
GS3WebServicesQBRAPI - Class in org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices
GS3WebServicesQBRAPI deals with invoking the Greenstone 3 web services functionality through use of Apache Axis' Service and Call objects.
GS3WebServicesQBRAPI(String) - Constructor for class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.GS3WebServicesQBRAPI
GS3ServicesAPIA constructor, that given the url to the wsdl file, finds either service and port or the service's endpoint of the GS3 Web Services and instantiates the associated Service and Call objects.


hasChildren - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.NodeData
Since we are setting the descendents lazily (only setting the children each time), we have a little flag to indicate whether this node has any children.
hasNoText() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.DocumentNodeData
help() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.GS3WebServicesQBRAPI
help() - Static method in class org.greenstone.gs3services.AdminSOAPServer
help() - Static method in class org.greenstone.gs3services.QBRSOAPServer
helpErrormessage - Static variable in class org.greenstone.gs3services.AdminSOAPServer
Error message loading helpFile.
helpErrormessage - Static variable in class org.greenstone.gs3services.QBRSOAPServer
Error message loading helpFile.
helpFile - Static variable in class org.greenstone.gs3services.AdminSOAPServer
The help properties file describing the web service operations
helpFile - Static variable in class org.greenstone.gs3services.QBRSOAPServer
The help properties file describing the web service operations
helpWithMethod(String) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.GS3WebServicesQBRAPI
helpWithMethod(String) - Static method in class org.greenstone.gs3services.AdminSOAPServer
helpWithMethod(String) - Static method in class org.greenstone.gs3services.QBRSOAPServer
hgap - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.GraphPaperLayout
htmlArea - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.Displays.PopupListener
The htmlPane wherein associated files are to be displayed
htmlPane - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.BrowseDisplay


icon - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.CollectionData
ignore - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.QueryFormData.QueryFormParam
ignore attribute of <param> tag specifies whether this param will be ignored at ignore=pos
info() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.CollectionData
invalidateLayout(Container) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.GraphPaperLayout
Invalidates the layout, indicating that if the layout manager has cached information it should be discarded.
invokeWith(Object[]) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.GS3WebServicesQBRAPI
Helper method.
isLeaf() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.DocumentNodeData
isLightColor(Component) - Static method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.ColourCombo


keyPressed(KeyEvent) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.QueryForm
Defined by KeyListener interface.
keyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.QueryForm
Called when the searchButton was in focus and a key was pressed.
keyTyped(KeyEvent) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.QueryForm
Defined by KeyListener interface.


lang - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.GS3JavaClient
Preferred language of display items in responses.
language - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.CollectionData.MetaData
language - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.GS3ServicesAPIA
Storing language settings for requests and responses
layoutContainer(Container) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.GraphPaperLayout
Lays out the container in the specified container.
light - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.ColourCombo
background colours for comboboxes, lists, textfields, textareas
lightBlue - Static variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.ColourCombo
Fedora light background colour
lightGreen - Static variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.ColourCombo
Greenstone light background colour
LOG - Static variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.BrowseDisplay
The Logger for this class
LOG - Static variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.GS3ServicesAPIA
The Logger for this class
LOG - Static variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.GS3WebServicesQBRAPI
The Logger for this class
LOG - Static variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.GS3JavaClient
The Logger for this class
LOG - Static variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.SearchResultsDisplay
The Logger for this class


main(String[]) - Static method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.GS3WebServicesQBRAPI
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.GS3JavaClient
The main method of the GS3 java-client application.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.greenstone.gs3services.AdminSOAPServer
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.greenstone.gs3services.QBRSOAPServer
maximumLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.GraphPaperLayout
Returns the maximum size of this component.
maybeShowPopup(MouseEvent) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.Displays.PopupListener
If the mouseEvent was a trigger (rightclick), displays the popup context menu.
MetaData - Class in org.greenstone.gs3client.data
Stores the name, value and value of body textnode of a simple <metadata> element.
MetaData(Element) - Constructor for class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.MetaData
Constructor that creates a MetaData object from a <metadata></metadata> element by setting its members fields using info extracted from the element.
metadataList - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.CollectionData
Collection level metadata
metadataList - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.QueryResponseData
Metadata of the query's response - not a documentNode's metadata!
metadataRetrieve(String, String, String[], String[], String) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3services.QBRSOAPServer
Performs a metadata retrieve for documents and (browse) classification hierarchies.
metanames - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.BrowseDisplay
metanames - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.SearchResultsDisplay
metavalues - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.BrowseDisplay
metavalues - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.SearchResultsDisplay
minimumLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.GraphPaperLayout
Calculates the minimum size dimensions for the specified panel given the components in the specified parent container.
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.Displays.PopupListener
Possibly a popupEvent
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.Displays.PopupListener
Possibly a popupEvent
mr - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3services.AdminSOAPServer
Message Router object to pass requests messages to and which will process them.
mr - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3services.QBRSOAPServer
Message Router object to pass requests messages to and which will process them.
mrSubsetOptions - Static variable in class org.greenstone.gs3services.QBRSOAPServer


name - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.BrowseDisplay.ClassifierData
The name attribute of the <classifier>
name - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.CollectionData
The basic field of a collection: the name of the collection.
name - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.CollectionData.PluginData
name of the plugin represented by this PluginData object
name - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.CollectionData.ServiceData
name of the Greenstone service represented by this ServiceData object
name - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.MetaData
Name attribute of a <metadata>
name - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.QueryFormData
Name of the parameter or option this QueryFormData represents
name - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.QueryResponseData.TermData
namespace - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.GS3WebServicesQBRAPI
namespace of Greenstone 3's WebServices, as given in the WSDL file
nodeContent - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.DocumentNodeData
The text content of the document
NodeData - Class in org.greenstone.gs3client.data
Abstract superclass NodeData can represent either a the information in a <classifierNode> (stored in a ClassifierNodeData object) or in a <documentNode> (stored in a DocumentNodeData object).
NodeData(Element) - Constructor for class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.NodeData
Constructor that extracts the nodeID value from the given nodeTag: <classifierNode nodeID = "x" /> or <documentNode nodeID = "x" />
nodeID - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.NodeData
The unique nodeID identifying this documentNode or classificationNode
nodeIDsToNodes - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.ResponseData
map of (nodeIDs, references to associated NodeData) pairs, stored in the order they are contained in the response XML messages (the order in which data objects are parsed and created for them)
nodeMetadata - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.NodeData
Map of the metadata (name, value) pairs of this document- or classifier-node
nodeStructureInfo_map - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.DocumentNodeData
A Hashmap to store <nodeStructureInfo> of a DocumentNodeData (if it has any)
nodeTag - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.NodeData
stores this NodeData's tag element: can be either <documentNode> or <classifierNode>
nodeType - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.DocumentNodeData
NodeType of this DocumentNodeData: root, internal or leaf
nonProxyHostNamesField - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.GS3JavaClient
numDocsMatch - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.QueryResponseData.TermData
numDocsMatched - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.QueryResponseData
numDocsReturned - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.QueryResponseData


occurs - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.QueryFormData.QueryFormParam
occurs attribute of <param> tag specifies how often the widget occurs
OCCURS_ATT - Static variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.QueryFormData
Constant for the "occurs" attribute name
optionnames - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.CollectionData.PluginData
A plugin's option subelements.
org.greenstone.gs3client - package org.greenstone.gs3client
org.greenstone.gs3client.data - package org.greenstone.gs3client.data
org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices - package org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices
org.greenstone.gs3services - package org.greenstone.gs3services


paint(Graphics) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.BrowseDisplay
For some reason, the overriden getPreferredSize() is not called upon resize of this panel, so I am calling it manually whenever there's a call to paint this Panel.
Pair - Class in org.greenstone.gs3client.data
Pair is a simple utility class to represent two associated String values.
Pair(String, String) - Constructor for class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.Pair
Constructor that creates a Pair from two String values.
paramsPanel - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.QueryForm
Panel to contain all the form controls specific to the chosen Query Service.
paramTags - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.QueryForm
Query parameters specified by the query services
ParseUtil - Class in org.greenstone.gs3client.data
Some useful, general response XML message parsing functions for the JavaClient's data classes.
ParseUtil() - Constructor for class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.ParseUtil
performSearch(HashMap) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.GS3JavaClient
Called by the instance of the QueryForm class when the user has pressed the queryPanel's search button to execute a query.
pluginList - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.CollectionData
Greenstone plugins used to build this collection with
popup - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.BrowseDisplay
Context menu that pops up when users right click in the browse tree area
popup - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.SearchResultsDisplay
Context menu that pops up when users right click in the browse tree area
popupMenu - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.Displays.PopupListener
A popup component
portName - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.GS3WebServicesQBRAPI
port Name of Greenstone 3's WebServices, as given in the WSDL file
preferredLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.GraphPaperLayout
Calculates the preferred size dimensions for the specified panel given the components in the specified parent container.
processInternal(Element) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3services.AdminSOAPServer
Called by most other methods in order to send the constructed message to the Greenstone's MessageRouter, intercept the response and return it.
processInternal(Element) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3services.QBRSOAPServer
Called by most other methods in order to send the constructed message to the Greenstone's MessageRouter, intercept the response and return it.
properties - Static variable in class org.greenstone.gs3services.AdminSOAPServer
Properties map with mappings from methodname to help description string
properties - Static variable in class org.greenstone.gs3services.QBRSOAPServer
Properties map with mappings from methodname to help description string.
propertiesFile - Static variable in interface org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.DigitalLibraryServicesAPIA
The properties file containing the initial digital library connection settings which get displayed in the connection dialog fields
proxyhostField - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.GS3JavaClient
proxyportField - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.GS3JavaClient


QBRSOAPServer - Class in org.greenstone.gs3services
Class that provides the basic Query, Browse and Retrieve (QBR) web service operations for Greenstone 3.
QBRSOAPServer() - Constructor for class org.greenstone.gs3services.QBRSOAPServer
Constructor that initializes the web services' MessageRouter object Reads from GlobalProperties to get gsdl3_home and set the sitename.
query(String, String, Map) - Method in interface org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.DigitalLibraryServicesAPIA
query(String, String, Map) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.FedoraServicesAPIA
query(String, String, Map) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.GS3ServicesAPIA
Part of the GS3 Java-Client's DigitalLibraryServicesAPIA interface contract.
query(String, String, String, Map) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.GS3WebServicesQBRAPI
For executing a (process-type message) query-type service.
query(String, String, String, Map) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3services.QBRSOAPServer
For executing a (process-type message) query-type service.
queryField - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.QueryResponseData
QueryForm - Class in org.greenstone.gs3client
Panel that represents a Query Form based on GS3 describe response XML messages sent by a Query Service.
QueryForm(GS3JavaClient) - Constructor for class org.greenstone.gs3client.QueryForm
Constructor that instantiates this Form's internal GUI items.
QueryFormControl - Class in org.greenstone.gs3client
Represents a control in a query form.
QueryFormControl(Element) - Constructor for class org.greenstone.gs3client.QueryFormControl
Constructor that creates a QueryFormControl for a <param> element
QueryFormControl(Element, JPanel) - Constructor for class org.greenstone.gs3client.QueryFormControl
Constructor that creates a QueryFormControl for a <param> element inside a panel.
QueryFormData - Class in org.greenstone.gs3client.data
Class QueryFormData represents the <param> and <option> elements that can appear in a <paramList> tag in the xml response returned by a describe request sent to *Query* Service (e.g.
QueryFormData(Element) - Constructor for class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.QueryFormData
Contructor to create a QueryFormData object from <param> or <option> elements of a Query response XML message.
QueryFormData.QueryFormParam - Class in org.greenstone.gs3client.data
Static inner class QueryFormParam is a subclass of QueryFormData and uniquely represents the data that can be contained in any <param> tag of the xml response that's returned when a describe request is sent to a Query Service.
QueryFormData.QueryFormParam(Element) - Constructor for class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.QueryFormData.QueryFormParam
Constructor that creates a QueryFormParam object from the data contained in a <param>element of a Query response XML message.
queryPanel - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.GS3JavaClient
QueryResponseData - Class in org.greenstone.gs3client.data
Represents the data fields that may be present in a response to a Query-process request.
QueryResponseData() - Constructor for class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.QueryResponseData
Default constructor
QueryResponseData.TermData - Class in org.greenstone.gs3client.data
Static inner class Term represents a <term> XML element (these are nested in a <termList>) - see manual p.
QueryResponseData.TermData(Element) - Constructor for class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.QueryResponseData.TermData
Constructs a Term object to represent the <term> element passed in here as an argument.
queryResponseObj - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.GS3JavaClient
Object that stores the data of a query response XML message


rank - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.DocumentNodeData
Rank of this DocumentNodeData if the <documentNode> Element was returned in a search result
reconfigure(String) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3services.AdminSOAPServer
Sends a configure system-type message to configure the Message Router.
reconfigureMessageRouter() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3services.AdminSOAPServer
Sends a configure system-type message to configure all of the Message Router.
ref - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.QueryFormControl
the widget that's a visual representation of this QueryFormParam
removeLayoutComponent(Component) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.GraphPaperLayout
Removes the specified component from the layout.
ResponseData - Class in org.greenstone.gs3client.data
Represents the data in a response XML message that is returned as either a Browse or Query (Search) request.
ResponseData() - Constructor for class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.ResponseData
Default constructor, creates the nodeIDsToNodes map
restructureWithNewRoot(DocumentNodeData) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.SearchResultsDisplay
Restructures the docStructureTree with a new rootNode when a different search result has been clicked.
retrieveAllBrowseMetadata(String, String, String, String[]) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.GS3WebServicesQBRAPI
Retrieve all classification Metadata for browsing (sent to the ClassifierBrowseMetadataRetrieve service).
retrieveAllBrowseMetadata(String, String, String, String[]) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3services.QBRSOAPServer
Retrieve all classification Metadata for browsing (sent to the ClassifierBrowseMetadataRetrieve service).
retrieveAllDocumentMetadata(String, String, String[]) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.GS3WebServicesQBRAPI
(c) DocumentMetadataRetrieve request sent to a collection's DocumentMetadataRetrieve service to retrieve all of a document's metadata.
retrieveAllDocumentMetadata(String, String, String[]) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3services.QBRSOAPServer
DocumentMetadataRetrieve request sent to a collection's DocumentMetadataRetrieve service to retrieve all of a document's metadata.
retrieveAllMetadataFor(DocumentNodeData) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.GS3JavaClient
Performs a docMetadataRetrieve message request for the docNode iff the metadata for that docNode is not already set.
retrieveBrowseMetadata(String, String, String[]) - Method in interface org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.DigitalLibraryServicesAPIA
retrieveBrowseMetadata(String, String, String[]) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.FedoraServicesAPIA
retrieveBrowseMetadata(String, String, String[]) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.GS3ServicesAPIA
Part of the GS3 Java-Client's DigitalLibraryServicesAPIA interface contract.
retrieveBrowseMetadata(String, String, String, String[], String[]) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.GS3WebServicesQBRAPI
ClassifierBrowseMetadataRetrieve service to retrieve some specific metadata values of a document.
retrieveBrowseMetadata(String, String, String, String[], String[]) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3services.QBRSOAPServer
ClassifierBrowseMetadataRetrieve service to retrieve some specific metadata values of a document.
retrieveBrowseStructure(String, String, String) - Method in interface org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.DigitalLibraryServicesAPIA
retrieveBrowseStructure(String, String, String) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.FedoraServicesAPIA
retrieveBrowseStructure(String, String, String) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.GS3ServicesAPIA
Part of the GS3 Java-Client's DigitalLibraryServicesAPIA interface contract.
retrieveContentFor(DocumentNodeData) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.GS3JavaClient
Performs a docMetadataRetrieve message request for the docNode iff the nodeContent for that docNode is not already set.
retrieveDocumentChildren(String, String[]) - Method in interface org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.DigitalLibraryServicesAPIA
retrieveDocumentChildren(String, String) - Method in interface org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.DigitalLibraryServicesAPIA
retrieveDocumentChildren(String, String[]) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.FedoraServicesAPIA
retrieveDocumentChildren(String, String) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.FedoraServicesAPIA
retrieveDocumentChildren(String, String[]) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.GS3ServicesAPIA
Part of the GS3 Java-Client's DigitalLibraryServicesAPIA interface contract.
retrieveDocumentChildren(String, String) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.GS3ServicesAPIA
Part of the GS3 Java-Client's DigitalLibraryServicesAPIA interface contract.
retrieveDocumentContent(String, String[]) - Method in interface org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.DigitalLibraryServicesAPIA
retrieveDocumentContent(String, String) - Method in interface org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.DigitalLibraryServicesAPIA
retrieveDocumentContent(String, String[]) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.FedoraServicesAPIA
retrieveDocumentContent(String, String) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.FedoraServicesAPIA
retrieveDocumentContent(String, String[]) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.GS3ServicesAPIA
Part of the GS3 Java-Client's DigitalLibraryServicesAPIA interface contract.
retrieveDocumentContent(String, String) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.GS3ServicesAPIA
Part of the GS3 Java-Client's DigitalLibraryServicesAPIA interface contract.
retrieveDocumentContent(String, String, String[]) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.GS3WebServicesQBRAPI
(a) DocumentContentRetrieve request sent to a collection's DocumentContentRetrieve service (p.48)
retrieveDocumentContent(String, String, String[]) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3services.QBRSOAPServer
DocumentContentRetrieve request sent to a collection's DocumentContentRetrieve service (see manual, p.48)
retrieveDocumentMetadata(String, String[]) - Method in interface org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.DigitalLibraryServicesAPIA
retrieveDocumentMetadata(String, String) - Method in interface org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.DigitalLibraryServicesAPIA
retrieveDocumentMetadata(String, String[]) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.FedoraServicesAPIA
retrieveDocumentMetadata(String, String) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.FedoraServicesAPIA
retrieveDocumentMetadata(String, String[]) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.GS3ServicesAPIA
Part of the GS3 Java-Client's DigitalLibraryServicesAPIA interface contract.
retrieveDocumentMetadata(String, String) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.GS3ServicesAPIA
Part of the GS3 Java-Client's DigitalLibraryServicesAPIA interface contract.
retrieveDocumentMetadata(String, String, String[], String[]) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.GS3WebServicesQBRAPI
DocumentMetadataRetrieve service to retrieve some specific metadata values of a document.
retrieveDocumentMetadata(String, String, String[], String[]) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3services.QBRSOAPServer
DocumentMetadataRetrieve service to retrieve some specific metadata values of a document.
retrieveDocumentStructure(String, String[]) - Method in interface org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.DigitalLibraryServicesAPIA
retrieveDocumentStructure(String, String) - Method in interface org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.DigitalLibraryServicesAPIA
retrieveDocumentStructure(String, String[]) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.FedoraServicesAPIA
retrieveDocumentStructure(String, String) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.FedoraServicesAPIA
retrieveDocumentStructure(String, String[]) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.GS3ServicesAPIA
Part of the GS3 Java-Client's DigitalLibraryServicesAPIA interface contract.
retrieveDocumentStructure(String, String) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.GS3ServicesAPIA
Part of the GS3 Java-Client's DigitalLibraryServicesAPIA interface contract.
retrieveDocumentStructure(String, String, String[], String[], String[]) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.GS3WebServicesQBRAPI
DocumentStructureRetrieve request sent to a collection's DocumentStructureRetrieve service (manual pp.48, 49) to retrieve the specified part of the document's structure.
retrieveDocumentStructure(String, String, String[], String[], String[]) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3services.QBRSOAPServer
DocumentStructureRetrieve request sent to a collection's DocumentStructureRetrieve service (manual pp.48, 49) to retrieve the specified part of the document's structure.
retrieveEntireDocumentStructure(String, String, String[]) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.GS3WebServicesQBRAPI
(b) DocumentStructureRetrieve request sent to a collection's DocumentStructureRetrieve service (manual pp.48, 49) to retrieve the entire document structure.
retrieveEntireDocumentStructure(String, String, String[]) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3services.QBRSOAPServer
DocumentStructureRetrieve request sent to a collection's DocumentStructureRetrieve service (manual pp.48, 49) to retrieve the entire document structure.
retrieveTitledStructureFor(DocumentNodeData) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.GS3JavaClient
Performs a structureRetrieve and title metadata retrieve message- request for the docNode, but only iff the structure and title for that docNode is not already set.
retrieveTitledStructureFor(ClassifierNodeData) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.GS3JavaClient
Given a ClassifierNodeData object for browsing, this method will set the classNode's children (previously retrieved) and retrieve all the children's metadata including the title.
retrieveTitleMetadata(String, String[]) - Method in interface org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.DigitalLibraryServicesAPIA
retrieveTitleMetadata(String, String) - Method in interface org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.DigitalLibraryServicesAPIA
retrieveTitleMetadata(String, String[]) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.FedoraServicesAPIA
retrieveTitleMetadata(String, String) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.FedoraServicesAPIA
retrieveTitleMetadata(String, String[]) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.GS3ServicesAPIA
Part of the GS3 Java-Client's DigitalLibraryServicesAPIA interface contract.
retrieveTitleMetadata(String, String) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.GS3ServicesAPIA
Part of the GS3 Java-Client's DigitalLibraryServicesAPIA interface contract.
rootClassifierNode - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.BrowseResponseData
Reference to the root browse classifier, which may contain further descendent classifierNodes or documentNodes.
rootDoc - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.DocumentNodeData
Reference to this doc's root


searchButton - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.GS3JavaClient
searchButton - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.QueryForm
Search button that will cause the search to be executed when pressed
searchButtonPressed() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.QueryForm
Called when the searchButton was clicked or when it was in focus and the enter key was pressed.
SEARCHING - Static variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.GS3JavaClient
The value of the SEARCHING activity
searchPanel - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.GS3JavaClient
searchResultsDisplay - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.GS3JavaClient
SearchResultsDisplay - Class in org.greenstone.gs3client
The Search panel inside the Java-client's tab pane that's labelled "Search Results".
SearchResultsDisplay(GS3JavaClient) - Constructor for class org.greenstone.gs3client.SearchResultsDisplay
Constructor that creates the Search Panel and its internal GUI items.
searchResultsTree - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.SearchResultsDisplay
searchSummary - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.GS3JavaClient
second - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.Pair
second item of the Pair
SELECT - Static variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.GS3JavaClient
service - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.GS3WebServicesQBRAPI
Axis Service object for connecting to invoking Greenstone 3's WebServices using its WSDL file
serviceBox - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.GS3JavaClient
serviceList - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.CollectionData
List of services supported by this collection
serviceName - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.GS3WebServicesQBRAPI
service Name of Greenstone 3's WebServices, as given in the WSDL file
serviceName - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.GS3JavaClient
The currently selected service
serviceSubsetOptions - Static variable in class org.greenstone.gs3services.QBRSOAPServer
setChildren(Map) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.ClassifierNodeData
Given a map of nodeIdsToNodes, this method instantiates any children this ClassifierNodeData object might have.
setChildren(Vector, Map) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.NodeData
Called when setting descendents lazily: only the children of this node are set.
setColour(int) - Static method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.ColourCombo
Sets the active colour combination based on the value of DL.
setConstraints(Component, Rectangle) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.GraphPaperLayout
setContentForDocs(Element) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.ResponseData
After a DocumentContentRetrieve request for one or more documents has returned a response, this method - when given the response XML - will set the nodeContents of each document in the response (as long as those documents already have an associated DocumentNodeData object instantiated, which should/would always be the case).
setCurrentCombo(ColourCombo) - Static method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.ColourCombo
setDescendents(DocumentNodeData, Element, Map) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.DocumentNodeData
Recursive method.
setDescendentsOfRootNode(Element, Map) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.DocumentNodeData
Given a <nodeStructure></nodeStructure> element returned from a request for the *ENTIRE* nodeStructure, this method will find the <documentNode> that is the Root (nodeType=ROOT) and from there on proceed to set all descendent <documentNode>s.
setEquivTermList(Element) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.QueryResponseData.TermData
Uses the <equivTermList>...</equivTermList> tag, which may cotnain more TermData.
setFields(Element) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.CollectionData
Gets a <collection></collection> element - as returned by a describe response from a Collection - and sets the member vars using the data in there.
setGridSize(Dimension) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.GraphPaperLayout
Set the size of the graph paper in logical units (n x m)
setGridSize(int, int) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.GraphPaperLayout
Set the size of the graph paper in logical units (n x m)
setLanguage(String) - Method in interface org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.DigitalLibraryServicesAPIA
Sets the preferred language (code) for metadata and other content to be returned on request messages.
setLanguage(String) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.GS3ServicesAPIA
Part of the GS3 Java-Client's DigitalLibraryServicesAPIA interface contract.
setLanguage(String) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.GS3JavaClient
Set the preferred language of the display items
setMetadataForClassifiers(Element) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.BrowseResponseData
Given the response message element to a metadata request on <classifierNode>s;, this method sets those classifierNodes' metadata.
setMetadataForDocuments(Element) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.ResponseData
This method sets the metadata for one or even all <documentNode> data objects contained in the Map nodeIDsToNodes, using the <message> element parameter (which is returned upon a documentMetadataRetrieve request.
setMetadataForNodes(Element, String) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.ResponseData
This method can be called after a DocumentMetadataRetrieve request has returned a response.
setMetadataList(Element) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.NodeData
Sets member metadataList if there is a <metadataList> subelement in docNodeTag: first get the <metadataList> then its <metadata> children
setNodeContent(Element) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.DocumentNodeData
Sets member variable nodeContent with the text (if any) inside any <nodeContent></nodeContent> child element of <documentNode>, else the value of nodeContent is set to empty string ("").
setNodeStructInfo(Element) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.DocumentNodeData
Sets structureInfo member variable <nodeStructureInfo> element is present as child of <documentNode>, else value of structureInfo remains unchanged.
setProxySettings - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.GS3JavaClient
setResponseData(Element) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.BrowseResponseData
Given an XML responseMessage to a request for the classification Browse structure, this method sets its nodeIDsToNodes member variable by instantiating classifierNodeData and/or documentNodeData objects as given in the responseMessageTag.
setResponseData(Element) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.QueryResponseData
Given the response to a query message (XML with root <message> or <response> tag), a QueryResponseData object is created to store all the document Identifiers and document data returned as well as information about the terms that were searched on.
setResponseData(Element) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.ResponseData
Subclasses must implement this method to parse the <message><response></response></message> that is returned upon executing a browse or query request.
setResults(DocumentNodeData[]) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.SearchResultsDisplay
Restructures the searchResultsTree when another search has been made, so that the search results contain a new list of documentNodeData objects.
setSelectedValue(HashMap) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.QueryFormControl
If called after the form containing these param controls has been displayed and the user has entered/selected values (i.e.
setStructureForDocs(Element) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.QueryResponseData
This method can be called after a DocumentStructureRetrieve request (for the entire structure of all/many of its documents) has returned a response.
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.ClassifierNodeData
This method is mainly useful for setting the top-level/root classifierNode's name.
show() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.BrowseDisplay.ClassifierData
show() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.BrowseResponseData
Overloaded method to produce a String output of the data contained in this BrowseResponseMessage.
show() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.ClassifierNodeData
show() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.CollectionData.MetaData
show() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.CollectionData.PluginData
show() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.CollectionData.ServiceData
show() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.CollectionData
show() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.DocumentNodeData
show() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.MetaData
show() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.NodeData
show() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.QueryFormData.QueryFormParam
show() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.QueryFormData
show() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.QueryResponseData.TermData
showMeta() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.NodeData
showMeta(NodeData, JList, JList) - Static method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.Displays
Sorts the metadata of the docNode into the required order and displays metadata names in the JList metanames and the associated metadata values in the JList metavalues.
showWsdlInputDialog() - Static method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.GS3ServicesAPIA
Static method that displays a dialog requesting the user to input the location of Greenstone 3 web services' WSDL file.
site_name - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3services.AdminSOAPServer
site_name the MessageRouter works with, here set to "localsite"
site_name - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3services.QBRSOAPServer
site_name the MessageRouter works with, here set to "localsite"
smallIcon - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.CollectionData
splitViewPane - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.BrowseDisplay
status(String, String, String) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3services.AdminSOAPServer
Sends a status-type message to poll the status of a process that was initiated but which may not yet have terminated.
stem - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.QueryResponseData.TermData
structureMetaView - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.BrowseDisplay
subElements - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.QueryFormData.QueryFormParam
A <param> element in a Query response XML message can contain children that are <param> or <option>.
system(String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3services.AdminSOAPServer
For sending system-type messages.


tabbedPane - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.GS3JavaClient
termList - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.QueryResponseData
toString() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.BrowseDisplay.ClassifierData
The displayName can be used as a label in any widget.
toString() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.CollectionData.PluginData
Useful when adding PluginData objects to a JList or JCombobox.
toString() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.CollectionData.ServiceData
Useful when adding ServiceData objects to a JList or JCombobox
toString() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.CollectionData
Useful when adding CollectionData objects to a JList or JCombobox.
toString() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.MetaData
toString() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.NodeData
toString() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.QueryFormData
toString() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.QueryResponseData.TermData
toString() - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.QueryResponseData
transparent - Static variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.ColourCombo
Greenstone transparent background colour.
tree - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.Displays.PopupListener
The treeView component on which the rightclicks occurred
treeviewSplitPane - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.SearchResultsDisplay
treeWillCollapse(TreeExpansionEvent) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.BrowseDisplay
Part of the TreeWillExpandListener interface.
treeWillExpand(TreeExpansionEvent) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.BrowseDisplay
This method of the TreeWillExpandListener interface is called when the user clicked on an expandable node in the browsingTree.
type - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.CollectionData.ServiceData
type attribute of <service></service> element.
type - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.QueryFormData.QueryFormParam
type attribute of <param> tag


url - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.CollectionData
Stores the location of images and stuff.


value - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.data.MetaData
Value attribute of a <metadata> - this may or may not be there
valueChanged(TreeSelectionEvent) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.BrowseDisplay
Whenever an item is clicked in the browsingTree, this method is called.
valueChanged(TreeSelectionEvent) - Method in class org.greenstone.gs3client.SearchResultsDisplay
Part of the TreeSelectionListener interface.
vgap - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.GraphPaperLayout


width - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.QueryFormControl
wsdlURLName - Variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.dlservices.GS3WebServicesQBRAPI
Url of the Greenstone 3 WebServices' WSDL


yellow - Static variable in class org.greenstone.gs3client.ColourCombo
Selection colour for Fedora and Greenstone