

22:02 Changeset [110] by rjmcnab
Moved from src/library.
21:52 Changeset [109] by rjmcnab
Moved to src/colservr.
21:41 Changeset [108] by rjmcnab
Moved from lib directory.
21:34 Changeset [107] by rjmcnab
Moved to src/recpt.
21:30 Changeset [106] by rjmcnab
Moved to src/recpt directory.
20:50 Changeset [105] by rjmcnab
Moved from src/library directory to lib directory.
20:46 Changeset [104] by rjmcnab
Moved cgiargs to the lib directory.
18:19 Changeset [103] by rjmcnab
Initial revision.
16:57 Changeset [102] by rjmcnab
Initial revision
15:53 Changeset [101] by rjmcnab
Renamed cgiutils to wincgiutils. I want to use the filename cgiutils …
15:33 Changeset [100] by rjmcnab
Added standard header to source files.
13:33 Changeset [99] by rjmcnab
Enabled mg and the library software to read in more than one index at …


14:22 Changeset [98] by rjmcnab
Switched doc.pl over to use unicode. Changed the importing software to …


15:07 Changeset [97] by rjmcnab
Added the Unicode support for European languages back in.
14:53 Changeset [96] by rjmcnab
Removed all collection dependant programming from the index selection. …


16:34 Changeset [95] by rjmcnab
Initial revision.
16:32 Changeset [94] by rjmcnab
Wrote general map file based in and out converters. Fixed bugs related …


22:18 Changeset [93] by rjmcnab
Wrote an output and input converter for GBK. Added an option to …
16:24 Changeset [92] by rjmcnab
Enabled the user to specify the output conversion class. Changed how …


16:50 Changeset [91] by rjmcnab
Changed the directory structure (collect.cfg and site.cfg now reside …


16:58 Changeset [90] by rjmcnab
Added support for the FastCGI protocol.


22:21 Changeset [89] by rjmcnab
Modified the cgi interface so that most of it resides in library files …
15:16 Changeset [88] by rjmcnab
Special characters are now escaped in GML files.
15:15 Changeset [87] by rjmcnab
Fixed a bug in the sorting and then removed the sorting as its too …
15:13 Changeset [86] by rjmcnab
Added a function to determine whether the current machine is big or …
15:12 Changeset [85] by rjmcnab
Fixed a few small bugs.


19:21 Changeset [84] by rjmcnab
Altered char2str (and hence word2str) to produce hex output for …
13:58 Changeset [83] by rjmcnab
Added support for GBK.
13:42 Changeset [82] by sjboddie
minor changes to allow individual sections of documents to belong to …
13:40 Changeset [81] by sjboddie
fixed minor bug in create_index_mapping()
13:37 Changeset [80] by rjmcnab
Initial revision.


22:12 Changeset [79] by rjmcnab
Altered mg to process utf-8 encoded Unicode. The main changes are in …
22:12 Changeset [78] by rjmcnab
Altered mg to process utf-8 encoded Unicode. The main changes are in …


11:46 Changeset [77] by sjboddie
multi-language collection support


15:02 Changeset [76] by rjmcnab
Initial revision.
13:55 Changeset [75] by rjmcnab
Added support for the new version of doc.pl (which uses the UTF-8 …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.