

14:38 Changeset [36056] by kjdon
assoc file paths must now contain the library name
14:02 Changeset [36055] by kjdon
copied a couple things from gli.sh - make sure we are running from the …
13:45 Changeset [36054] by kjdon
the default link type for berry basket should be document - in general …


17:28 Changeset [36053] by cstephen
Document issue with documents that contain invalid HTML
17:12 Changeset [36052] by cstephen
Add EOF newline
17:11 Changeset [36051] by cstephen
Use gsf:div as expander
15:55 Changeset [36050] by cstephen
Prevent self-closing tidyDiv
15:44 Changeset [36049] by cstephen
Revert last
15:43 Changeset [36048] by cstephen
Temp revert disabling the floating toc
15:00 Changeset [36047] by cstephen
Properly indent code, hopefully fix missing end tag
14:23 Changeset [36046] by cstephen
Add missing newline
14:14 Changeset [36045] by cstephen
Add experiemental space filler when TOC isn't displayed
12:21 Changeset [36044] by cstephen
Add basic small-screen layout
12:04 Changeset [36043] by cstephen
Extract floating TOC toggle to its own template
11:10 Changeset [36042] by cstephen
Fix right sidebar layout (TOC) Use core styles Use upgraded default …
10:25 Changeset [36041] by cstephen
Imlpement shared document templates so that the TOC can be used …


21:35 Changeset [36040] by davidb
Initial cut at GS3 collection indexing the source texts to the …
12:59 Changeset [36039] by cstephen
Consistent rightSidebar ID name
12:01 Changeset [36038] by cstephen
Consistent rightSidebar ID name
11:29 Changeset [36037] by cstephen
Consistent indentation - 2 spaces
11:26 Changeset [36036] by cstephen
WMTB Interface: Implemented a navigation bar on the left side of the …


14:09 Changeset [36035] by cstephen
Position berry/favourite icon in front of node contents in query …
14:01 Changeset [36034] by cstephen
Match cookie consent colours to default theme
13:58 Changeset [36033] by cstephen
Fix script escaping
13:58 Changeset [36032] by cstephen
Remove WIP default interface, now that it has been merged
13:56 Changeset [36031] by cstephen
Fix theme resolution
13:53 Changeset [36030] by cstephen
Add cookie consent parameter to servlets.xml
12:00 Changeset [36029] by cstephen
Update translations
11:57 Changeset [36028] by cstephen
Remove old jQuery components
11:54 Changeset [36027] by cstephen
Migrate to using jQuery3 and jQuery-UI-1.13.2; and integrate cookie …
11:52 Changeset [36026] by cstephen
Add jquery3 and cookie consent components
11:42 Changeset [36025] by cstephen
Copy of default interface as a checkpoint, prior to upgrading to …
11:28 Changeset [36024] by cstephen
Minor theme updates, fix theme switcher, modify theme loading


12:47 Changeset [36023] by cstephen
Migrated the GoogleSigninJDBCRealm to use a DataSourceRealm as a …


13:19 Changeset [36022] by davidb
Refined show-more for lyrics, where first verse/block is shown
13:18 Changeset [36021] by davidb
For a combined search
13:18 Changeset [36020] by davidb
Minor tweak to script, so -f can be passed in, if desired


23:08 Changeset [36019] by davidb
Newer indexes (auto) added in
23:06 Changeset [36018] by davidb
Improvements in what and how document metadata is displayed
23:05 Changeset [36017] by davidb
Update of variable name to be clearer about its role
23:04 Changeset [36016] by davidb
Adjustment of what gets text-indexed; additiona metadata fields added
23:02 Changeset [36015] by davidb
Changes after testing
23:02 Changeset [36014] by davidb
Script extended to include an additional stage: one where musicbrainz …
22:57 Changeset [36013] by davidb
Fixed syntax error
22:55 Changeset [36012] by davidb
Update to text


17:02 Changeset [36011] by davidb
Additiona metadata fields added
17:01 Changeset [36010] by davidb
Expansion of metadata displayed; improvements to layout
17:00 Changeset [36009] by davidb
hr color bar change
16:26 Changeset [36008] by davidb
Italy 2016 now found
16:25 Changeset [36007] by davidb
Extra check added in
16:25 Changeset [36006] by davidb
Improved echo statements mapping out more carefully what is happening
14:31 Changeset [36005] by davidb
Additional entry found as result or running SPARQL query
14:30 Changeset [36004] by davidb
Fix after testing
14:28 Changeset [36003] by davidb
Changed to generate all-caps
11:01 Changeset [36002] by cstephen
Disable cookieconsent when XSL param is not set, and fully localise it.
10:14 Changeset [36001] by cstephen
Surface cookie consent parameter as XML param. Use commons StringUtils
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.