

14:52 Changeset [38907] by kjdon
added description1a to the list
14:51 Changeset [38906] by kjdon
use description1a as the first part, not shortDescription. use args to …
14:50 Changeset [38905] by kjdon
we can't have html markup in shortdescription as it gets used for …
14:48 Changeset [38904] by kjdon
we can't have html markup in shortdescription as it gets used for …
14:16 Changeset [38903] by kjdon
removed html markup from shortDescription which is used as a tooltip
14:15 Changeset [38902] by kjdon
removed html markup from shortDescription which is used as a tooltip
14:14 Changeset [38901] by kjdon
added p tags as I have removed them from the displayItem itself
14:12 Changeset [38900] by kjdon
added p tags as I have removed them from the displayItem itself
14:11 Changeset [38899] by kjdon
removed html markup from shortDescription which is used as a tooltip
14:11 Changeset [38898] by kjdon
removed html markup from shortDescription which is used as a tooltip
13:52 Changeset [38897] by kjdon
set partition_type_with_level to none for classifiers, otherwise you …
12:28 Changeset [38896] by kjdon
added a comment about cookie_path
12:26 Changeset [38895] by kjdon
cookie_path needs to start with a /, and servlet_context doesn't have …
11:37 Changeset [38894] by kjdon
when compiling greenstone for the first time, the webswing ext hasn't …
10:39 Changeset [38893] by kjdon
I got tired of being tripped up time and again when running ant …


12:37 Changeset [38892] by kjdon
had erroneous double start comment
12:16 Changeset [38891] by kjdon
lets remove (comment out) the javah code, as we are committed to java …


22:29 Changeset [38890] by anupama
1. Got rid of one deprecated warning: replaced deprecated …


22:04 Changeset [38889] by anupama
1. width and height can now be passed in as parameters to the …
21:04 Changeset [38888] by anupama
GsdlCollageApplet updates. 1. Removed the sitename parameter I had …
00:47 Changeset [38887] by anupama
Some of the variable and GS3-specific parameters have been moved out …
00:13 Changeset [38886] by anupama
Changed the webswing collage applet into a webswing collage …
00:03 Changeset [38885] by anupama
1. Simplified collage applet parameters for GS3. TODO: Just noticed I …


21:07 Changeset [38884] by anupama
I still can't get the customisable applet element in classifier.xsl to …
12:57 Changeset [38883] by kjdon
we always set privileged=true now, and set default sameSiteCookies to …
11:19 Changeset [38882] by kjdon
fine tuning on generating buckets. if one side (alpha or numeric) has …


22:53 Changeset [38881] by anupama
It was hard to solve why GsdlCollageApplet didn't work as well when …
22:37 Changeset [38880] by anupama
Minor change to gsdlcollage applet dimensions, changing from Phind …
14:24 Changeset [38879] by kjdon
now using tomcat 5.8.99. If you want to update your existing …
14:02 Changeset [38878] by kjdon
no longer support java 1.4, so xalan.jar can just be in here …
13:51 Changeset [38877] by kjdon
updated these to match tomcat 5.8.99
13:48 Changeset [38876] by kjdon
updated this to match tomcat 5.8.99
13:27 Changeset [38875] by kjdon
add some cookie config settings. needed to get partitioned …


23:18 Changeset [38874] by anupama
1. Tried to get the GsdlCollageApplet to run as a webswing applet, but …
23:09 Changeset [38873] by anupama
Minor changes, adding override javadoc tags and proper calculation of …
21:03 Changeset [38872] by anupama
Minor changes in display and XML comment for the previous (Phind) …


22:31 Changeset [38871] by anupama
I've got the CURL and DownloadURLs methods now finding the right image …
08:07 Changeset [38870] by kjdon
renamed shortDescription to description1a, as the current marked up …
08:05 Changeset [38869] by kjdon
renamed shortDescription to description1a, as the current marked up …
07:57 Changeset [38868] by kjdon
changed shortDescription
07:50 Changeset [38867] by kjdon
shortDescription was also used in about page, where its useful to have …
07:48 Changeset [38866] by kjdon
shortDescription was also used in about page, where its useful to have …
06:53 Changeset [38865] by kjdon
added <p> tags since I removed them from shortDEscription
06:33 Changeset [38864] by kjdon
removed html markup from shortDescription as its used in a tooltip
06:33 Changeset [38863] by kjdon
removed html markup from shortDescription as its used in a tooltip
06:31 Changeset [38862] by kjdon
removed html markup from shortDescription as its used in a tooltip
06:30 Changeset [38861] by kjdon
removed html markup from shortDescription as its used in a tooltip
06:24 Changeset [38860] by kjdon
removed html markup from shortDescription as its used in a tooltip
06:23 Changeset [38859] by kjdon
removed html markup from shortDescription as its used in a tooltip
06:22 Changeset [38858] by kjdon
removed html markup from shortDescription as its used in a tooltip
06:21 Changeset [38857] by kjdon
removed html markup from shortDescription


20:02 Changeset [38856] by anupama
Testing if usersDB exists should use the full path. There was an error …
00:50 Changeset [38855] by anupama
1. CURL.java wasn't reading anything on the page, because it didn't …


22:31 Changeset [38854] by anupama
Having been able to look at the GS2.88 Collage applet at least trying …


21:45 Changeset [38853] by anupama
Copied the GsdlCollageApplet package from GS2 into GS3's …
16:03 Changeset [38852] by davidb
XSLT for converting exported content to one that aligns with OpenAI …
16:02 Changeset [38851] by davidb
General upgrade to support exporting files suitable for inclusion in …
16:00 Changeset [38850] by davidb
How this Java code was determining end-of-input was found to be …


21:40 Changeset [38849] by anupama
This is a tidier way of passing in the additional parameters to the …
20:37 Changeset [38848] by anupama
1. Running webswing-phind as an application instead of as an applet, …


10:58 Changeset [38847] by kjdon
committing tidy up code changes from SDL. There was somehting wring …
10:50 Changeset [38846] by kjdon
some changes for SDL tidy up, also changed the way we add in non …
10:31 Changeset [38845] by kjdon
check for null parent before getting child nodes
10:18 Changeset [38844] by kjdon
we have already added displayItems and metadata, so don't need to call …


14:21 Changeset [38843] by kjdon
removed the global format template I had added as it was only used in …
14:18 Changeset [38842] by kjdon
reindented the file. Then unfortunately I forgot to commit before I …
12:47 Changeset [38841] by kjdon
when I added a global format statement containing <gsf:link> in it to …
12:07 Changeset [38840] by kjdon
added OAIPMH serviceRack
12:05 Changeset [38839] by kjdon
moved oaiservlet specification out of web.xml and into servlets.xml
11:30 Changeset [38838] by kjdon
changed to lucene, deleted unused format stuff
10:14 Changeset [38837] by kjdon
removing html markup from shortDescription which is used as a tooltip
09:46 Changeset [38836] by kjdon
removing html markup from shortDescription which is used as a tooltip
09:46 Changeset [38835] by kjdon
removing html markup from shortDescription which is used as a tooltip
09:43 Changeset [38834] by kjdon
removing html markup from shortDescription which is used as a tooltip
09:42 Changeset [38833] by kjdon
removing html markup from shortDescription which is used as a tooltip
09:41 Changeset [38832] by kjdon
removing html markup from shortDescription which is used as a tooltip. …
09:40 Changeset [38831] by kjdon
removing html markup from shortDescription which is used as a tooltip


12:26 Changeset [38830] by kjdon
if we are displaying favourites inside the current collection, then we …
12:24 Changeset [38829] by kjdon
add groups into the breadcrumbs
12:24 Changeset [38828] by kjdon
when looking for group, check the group param but also p.group - eg …
11:21 Changeset [38827] by kjdon
for mapPlacesNearHere, choose between the code for Coordinates and …
11:18 Changeset [38826] by kjdon
merged the changes from expand-gsf.xsl.for-gs312 into current version, …
11:15 Changeset [38825] by kjdon
mods to gsf:getCollectionText to allow propertyFile attribute if it …


19:47 Ticket #963 (Shorter URL path to usersDB) closed by anupama
19:47 Ticket #964 (Turn Phind applet into webswing) created by anupama
Webswing supports JApplets (swing) but not Applets (awt). So the steps …
19:14 Ticket #963 (Shorter URL path to usersDB) created by anupama
Task description: get the Networked Derby Driver to use the shorter …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.