2006-07-11T15:38:36+12:00 (18 years ago)

changed for new metadata set handling. removed CDM.MetadataSetManager ones, added MetadataSetDialog ones, removed unused NewCollectionPrompt ones

1 edited


  • trunk/gli/classes/dictionary.properties

    r12130 r12148  
    204204CDM.MacrosManager.Revert_Tooltip:Revert to the last saved version
    205205CDM.MacrosManager.Editor_Tooltip:Edit macros here
    206 CDM.MetadataSetManager.Add:Add Metadata Set...
    207 CDM.MetadataSetManager.Add_Tooltip:Add a new metadata set to the collection.
    208 CDM.MetadataSetManager.Edit:Edit Metadata Set...
    209 CDM.MetadataSetManager.Edit_Message:Metadata sets can be edited using GEMS (Greenstone Editor for Metadata Sets).\nStart GEMS on Windows by running \nStart-->Greenstone Digital Library Software-->Greenstone Editor for Metadata Sets.\nOn Linux or Mac, run gems.sh from the gli folder of your Greenstone installation.
    210 CDM.MetadataSetManager.Edit_Message_Title:Editing Metadata Sets
    211 CDM.MetadataSetManager.Edit_Tooltip:Edit the selected metadata set.
    212 CDM.MetadataSetManager.Elements:Elements in selected Metadata Set
    213 CDM.MetadataSetManager.Remove:Remove Metadata Set
    214 CDM.MetadataSetManager.Remove_Tooltip:Remove the selected metadata set from the collection.
    215 CDM.MetadataSetManager.Sets:Available Metadata Sets
    216 CDM.MetadataSetManager.Chooser.Add:Add
    217206CDM.Move.At_Bottom:Cannot move the {0} {1} lower as it is already at the bottom of the list.
    218207CDM.Move.At_Top:Cannot move the {0} {1} higher as it is already at the top of the list.
    419408EnrichPane.ExistingValues:Existing values for {0}
    420409EnrichPane.InheritedMetadataSelected:This piece of metadata is inherited from a folder above it, and cannot be edited. You can visit the actual folder containing the metadata by clicking on the folder icon at the start of the row.
     410EnrichPane.ManageMetadataSets:Manage Metadata Sets
     411EnrichPane.ManageMetadataSets_Tooltip:Change the metadata sets used by the collection
    421412EnrichPane.No_File:No File Selected
    422413EnrichPane.No_Metadata:No Metadata Available
    723714MetadataSet.Files:Metadata Set Files
     717#***** MetadataSetDialog**********
     718MetadataSetDialog.Title:Manage Metadata Sets
     719MetadataSetDialog.Add_Title:Add Metadata Set
     720MetadataSetDialog.Current_Sets:Assigned Metadata Sets
     721MetadataSetDialog.Available_Sets:Available Metadata Sets
     723MetadataSetDialog.Add_Tooltip:Add a new metadata set to the collection
     725MetadataSetDialog.Add_Set_Tooltip:Add the selected metadata set to the collection
     727MetadataSetDialog.Browse_Tooltip:Add a new metadata set to the collection
     729MetadataSetDialog.Edit_Tooltip:Edit the selected metadata set
     731MetadataSetDialog.Remove_Tooltip:Remove the selected metadata set from the collection
     732MetadataSetDialog.Elements:Elements in selected Metadata Set
     733MetadataSetDialog.Edit_Message:Metadata sets can be edited using GEMS (Greenstone Editor for Metadata Sets).\nStart GEMS on Windows by running \nStart-->Greenstone Digital Library Software-->Greenstone Editor for Metadata Sets.\nOn Linux or Mac, run gems.sh from the gli folder of your Greenstone installation.
     734MetadataSetDialog.Edit_Message_Title:Editing Metadata Sets
    801813NewCollectionPrompt.Base_Collection_Tooltip:Select an existing collection to base the new collection on
    802814NewCollectionPrompt.Collection_Description:Description of content:
    803 #NewCollectionPrompt.Collection_Email:Author's Email:
    804815NewCollectionPrompt.Collection_Name:Collection folder:
    805 #NewCollectionPrompt.Collection_Name_Tooltip:Short collection name, used internally (must be 8 characters or less)
    806816NewCollectionPrompt.Collection_Scope_Personal:This is a personal collection
    807817NewCollectionPrompt.Collection_Scope_Shared:This is not a personal collection
    808818NewCollectionPrompt.Error:Error in new collection.
    809819NewCollectionPrompt.Instructions:To create a new collection fill out the fields below.
    810 NewCollectionPrompt.Metadata_Elements:Elements within selected set:
    811 NewCollectionPrompt.Metadata_Instructions1:Check the boxes beside the metadata sets to include in your collection.
    812 NewCollectionPrompt.Metadata_Instructions2:(Note: You can add new ones later).
    813 NewCollectionPrompt.Metadata_Title_Existing:Select metadata sets.
    814 #NewCollectionPrompt.Name_Error:You have either failed to enter a name for the collection, or the name you have choosen is already in use. Please correct.
    815820NewCollectionPrompt.NewCollection:-- New Collection --
    816 NewCollectionPrompt.Select_MDS:Available metadata sets:
    817821NewCollectionPrompt.Title:Create a new Collection.
    818822NewCollectionPrompt.Title_Clash:The title you have chosen for your collection is already in use. Continue?
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