2006-08-01T16:03:50+12:00 (18 years ago)

moved undo and redo from CDM.FormatMAnager to General, changed a coupld of strings

1 edited


  • trunk/gli/classes/dictionary.properties

    r12351 r12369  
    120120CDM.FormatManager.Part:Affected Component
    121121CDM.FormatManager.Part_Tooltip:The aspect of the selected feature to format
    122 CDM.FormatManager.Redo:Redo
    123 CDM.FormatManager.Redo_Tooltip:Restore the last undo
    124122CDM.FormatManager.Remove:Remove Format
    125123CDM.FormatManager.Remove_Tooltip:Remove the selected format command
    126124CDM.FormatManager.Replace:Replace Format
    127125CDM.FormatManager.Replace_Tooltip:Update the selected format command
    128 CDM.FormatManager.Undo:Undo
    129 CDM.FormatManager.Undo_Tooltip:Undo the last edit
    130 CDM.FormatManager.Redo:Redo
    131 CDM.FormatManager.Redo_Tooltip:Redo the last edit
    133127CDM.FormatManager.Variable_Tooltip:Variables available for use with the format command
    195189CDM.LanguageManager.Default_Language:Default Language
    196190CDM.LanguageManager.LanguageMetadata:Language Metadata:
    197 CDM.LanguageManager.LanguageMetadata_Tooltip:The metadata element to use to determine the documents language
     191CDM.LanguageManager.LanguageMetadata_Tooltip:The metadata element to use to determine a document's language
    198192CDM.LanguageManager.Remove_Tooltip:Remove the selected language partition from the list
    199193CDM.LanguageManager.Replace_Tooltip:Replace the selected partition with a new one based on the ticked languages
    419413EnrichPane.ExistingValues:Existing values for {0}
    420414EnrichPane.InheritedMetadataSelected:This piece of metadata is inherited from a folder above it, and cannot be edited. You can visit the actual folder containing the metadata by clicking on the folder icon at the start of the row.
    421 EnrichPane.InheritedMetadata_Tooltip:Click this icon to visit the folder where this inherited piece of metadata was assigned.
     415EnrichPane.InheritedMetadata_Tooltip:Click this icon to visit the folder where this inherited piece of metadata was assigned
    422416EnrichPane.ManageMetadataSets:Manage Metadata Sets...
    423417EnrichPane.ManageMetadataSets_Tooltip:Change the metadata sets used by the collection
    609603General.Pure_Cancel_Tooltip:Abort this action (no changes will be made)
    610604General.Review_Output:Please review output below:
     606General.Redo_Tooltip:Restore the last undo
     608General.Undo_Tooltip:Undo the last edit
    611609General.Usage:Usage: {0} <params>\nAll parameters are optional but the Librarian Interface may fail to work if -gsdl and -library aren't set.\n -gsdl <path>  : Force path to gsdl\n -library <path> : Path to cgi-bin\n -mozilla <path> : Enabled mozilla\n -mirror : Enable web-mirroring controls\n -laf [java|windows|motif|mac] : Look and feel\n -debug : Enable debug messages\n -no_load : Don't load previously open collection\n -load <path> : Load the specified collection
    612610General.View:View Value
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