2002-01-22T17:12:45+13:00 (22 years ago)

Added preferences link for changing display settings (language and such)
of default home page

1 edited


  • trunk/gsdl/macros/french2.dm

    r1795 r2912  
    11# partially completed French translation of english2.dm
     6# 'home' page
     7package home
     12# text macros
     16_textimagecollector_ [l=fr] {
     17<<french>> Helps you create new collections, modify or add to existing ones, or delete
     21_textimageadmin_ [l=fr] {
     22<<french>> Allows you to add new users, summarizes the collections in the system,
     23gives technical information on the Greenstone installation
     26_textimagegogreenstone_ [l=fr] {
     27<<french>> Tells you about the Greenstone software and the New Zealand Digital Library
     28Project where it originated
     31_textimagegodocs_ [l=fr] {<<french>> Greenstone manuals}
     33_textaboutgreenstone_ [l=fr] {
     37<p>Greenstone is a suite of software for building and distributing
     38digital library collections. It provides a new way of organizing
     39information and publishing it on the Internet or on CD-ROM. Greenstone
     40is developed and produced by the New Zealand Digital Library
     41Project at the University of Waikato, and distributed in
     42cooperation with UNESCO and the Humanity Libraries
     43Project. It is open-source software, available from <a
     44href="http://greenstone.org">http://greenstone.org</a> under the terms
     45of the GNU General Public License.
     47<p>The aim of the software is to empower users, particularly in
     48universities, libraries, and other public service institutions, to
     49build their own digital libraries.  Digital libraries are radically
     50reforming how information is disseminated and acquired in UNESCO's
     51partner communities and institutions in the fields of education,
     52science and culture around the world, and particularly in developing
     53countries.  We hope that this software will encourage the effective
     54deployment of digital libraries to share information and place it in
     55the public domain.
     57<p>This software is developed and distributed as an international
     58cooperative effort established in August 2000 between three parties.
     61<a href="http://nzdl.org"><b>New Zealand Digital Library Project at the University of Waikato</b></a>
     63Greenstone software grew out of this project, and this initiative
     64has been endorsed by the Communication Sub-Commission of the New
     65Zealand National Commission for UNESCO as part of New Zealand's
     66contribution to UNESCO's programme.
     68<a href="http://www.unesco.org"><b>United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization</b></a>
     70The dissemination of educational and scientific knowledge throughout
     71the world is central to UNESCO's goals as enunciated in its
     72Constitution, and information and communication technology is seen as
     73an important tool in this context.
     75<a href="http://humaninfo.org"><b>The Humanity Libraries Project, based in Antwerp, Belgium</b></a>
     77This project works with UN agencies and other NGOs, and has established
     78a worldwide reputation for digitizing documentation of interest to
     79human development and making it widely available, free of charge to
     80developing nations and on a cost-recovery basis to others.
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